What Really Happened During the Gas Explosions in the Merrimack Valley?

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On September 13, 2018, a pipeline crew in the  Merrimack Valley in Massachusetts was hard at   work replacing an aging cast iron natural gas  line with a new polyethylene pipe. Located   just north of Boston, the original cast iron  system was installed in the early 1900s and due   for replacement. To maintain service during the  project, the crew installed a small bypass line   to deliver natural gas into the downstream  pipe while it was cut and connected to the   new plastic main line. By 4:00 pm, the new  polyethylene main had been connected and the   old cast iron pipe capped off. The last step of  the job was to abandon the cast iron line. The   valves on each end of the bypass were closed, the  bypass line was cut, and the old cast iron pipe   was completely isolated from the system. But it  was immediately clear that something was wrong. Within minutes of closing those valves, the  pressure readings on the new natural gas line   spiked. One of the fittings on the new line blew  off into a worker's hand. And as they were trying   to plug the leak, the crew heard emergency  sirens in the distance. They looked up and   saw plumes of smoke rising above the horizon.  By the end of the day, over a hundred structures   would be damaged by fire and explosions,  several homes would be completely destroyed,   22 people (including three firefighters) would  be injured, and one person would be dead in one   of the worst natural gas disasters in American  history. The NTSB did a detailed investigation   of the event that lasted about a year. So  let’s talk about what actually happened,   and the ways this disaster changed pipeline  engineering so that hopefully something like   it never happens again. I’m Grady, and this  is Practical Engineering. In today’s episode,   we’re talking about the 2018 Merrimack  Valley natural gas explosions. Like many parts of the world, natural gas  is an important source of energy in homes   and businesses in the United States. It’s a  fossil fuel composed mostly of methane gas   extracted from geologic formations using drilled  wells. The US has an enormous system of natural   gas pipelines that essentially interconnect  the entire lower 48 states. Very generally,   gathering lines connect lots of individual  wells to processing plants, transmission lines   connect those plants to cities, and then the pipes  spread back out again for distribution. Compressor   stations and regulators control the pressure of  the gas as needed throughout the system. Most   cities in the US have distribution systems that  can deliver natural gas directly to individual   customers for heating, cooking, hot water,  laundry, and more. It’s an energy system that   is in many ways very similar to the power grid,  but in many ways quite different, as we’ll see. Just like a grid uses different voltages to  balance the efficiency of transport with the   complexity of the equipment, a natural gas network  uses different pressures. In transmission lines,   compressor stations boost the pressure  to maximize flow within the pipes. That’s   appropriate for individual pipelines where  it’s worth the costs for higher pressure   ratings and more frequent inspections,  but it’s a bad idea for the walls of   homes and businesses to contain pipes  full of high-pressure explosive gas.   So, where safety is critical, the  pressure is lowered using regulators. Just a quick note on units before we get too  far. There are quite a few ways we talk about   system pressures in natural gas lines.  Low pressure systems often use inches or   millimeters of water column as a measure of  pressure. For example, a typical residential   natural gas pressure is around 12 inches (or 300  millimeters) of water, basically the pressure at   which you would have to blow into a vertical  tube to get water to raise that distance:   About like that, roughly half a psi or 30  millibar. You also sometimes see pressure   units with a “g” at the end, like  “psig.” That “g” stands for gauge,   and it just means that the measurement excludes  atmospheric pressure. Most pressure readings you   encounter in life are “gauge” values that ignore  the pressure from earth’s atmosphere, but natural   gas engineers prefer to be specific, since it can  make a big difference in low pressure systems. The natural gas main line in the Merrimack Valley  being replaced had a nominal pressure of 75 psi   or about 5 bar, although that pressure could  vary depending on flows in the system. Just   for comparison, that’s 173 feet or more than 50  meters of water column. But, the distribution   system, the network of underground pipes  feeding individual homes and businesses,   needed a consistent half a psi or 30 millibar, no  matter how many people were using the system. The   device that made this possible was a regulator.  There are lots of different types of regulators   used in natural gas systems, but the ones in  the Merrimack valley use pilot-operated devices,   which are pretty ingenious. It’s basically  a thermostat, but for pressure instead of   temperature. The pilot is a small pressure  regulating valve that supports the opening or   closing of the larger primary valve. If the pilot  senses an increase or decrease in pressure from   the set point, it changes the pressure in the main  valve diaphragm, causing it to open or close. This   all works without any source of outside power  just using the pressure of the main gas line. Columbia Gas’s Winthrop station was just a short  distance south of where the tie-in work was being   done on the day of the event. Inside, a pair  of regulators in series was used to control   the pressure in the distribution system. One of  these regulators, known as the worker, was the   primary regulator that maintained gas pressure. A  second device, called the monitor, added a layer   of redundancy to the system. The monitor regulator  was normally open with a setpoint a little higher   than the worker so it could kick in if the  worker ever failed, and, at least in theory,   make sure that the low-pressure system never  got above its maximum operating level of about   14 inches of water column or 35 millibar. But, in  this worker/monitor configuration, the pilots on   the two regulators can’t use the downstream  pressure right at the main valve. For one,   the reading at the worker would be affected by any  changes in the downstream monitor. And for two,   measuring pressure right at the valve can be  inaccurate because of flow turbulence generated by   the valve itself. It would be kind of like putting  your thermostat right in front of a register; it   wouldn’t be getting an accurate reading. So, the  pilots were connected to sensing lines that could   monitor the pressure in the distribution system a  little ways downstream of the regulator station. The worker and monitor regulators were both  functioning as designed on September 13, and yet,   they allowed high pressure gas to flood the  system, leading to a catastrophe. How could that   happen? The NTSB’s report is pretty clear. Tying  a natural gas line while it’s still in service,   called a hot tie-in, is a pretty tricky job that  requires strict procedures. Here are the basic   steps: First a bypass line was installed across  the upstream and downstream parts of the main   line. Then balloons were inserted into the main  to block gas from flowing into the section to be   cut. Once the gas was purged from the central  section, it was cut out and removed while the   bypass line kept gas flowing from upstream to  downstream. The line to be abandoned got a cap,   and the new plastic tie in was attached to the  downstream main. Once the tie-in was complete,   the crew switched the upstream gas service from  the old cast iron line over to the new plastic   line and deflated the last balloon so that gas  could flow. The upstream cast iron line was   still pressurized, since it was still connected  to the in-service line through the bypass. But,   as soon as the crew closed the valves on  the bypass, the old cast iron line was   fully isolated, and the pressure inside  the line started to drop, as planned. What that crew didn’t know is that when that  plastic main line was installed 2 years back,   a critical error had been made. The main discharge  line at the regulator station had been attached to   the new polyethylene pipe, but the sensing  lines had been left on the old cast iron   main. It hadn’t been an issue for the previous 2  years, since both lines were being used together,   but this tie-in job was the first of the  entire project that would abandon part of   the original piping. Within minutes  of isolating the old cast iron pipe,   its pressure began to drop. To a regulator,  there’s no difference between a pressure drop   from high demands on the gas system and  a pressure drop from an abandoned line,   and they respond the same way in both cases: open  the valves. In a normal situation, the increased   gas flow would result in higher pressure in the  sensing lines, creating a feedback loop. But this   was not a normal situation. It’s the equivalent  of putting your thermostat in the freezer. Even   as pressure in the distribution system rose,  the pressure in the sensing lines continued to   drop with the abandoned line. The regulators, not  knowing any better, kept opening wider and wider,   eventually flooding the distribution system with  gas at pressures well above its maximum rating. By the time things went sideways, the  crew at the tie-in had taken most of   their equipment out of the excavation. But  as one worker was removing the last valve,   it blew off into his hand as  gas erupted from the hole.   The crew heard firefighters racing throughout the  neighborhood and saw the smoke from fires across   the horizon. The overpressure event had started a  chain of explosions, mostly from home appliances   that weren’t designed for such enormous pressures.  The emergency response to the fires and explosions   strained the resources of local officials.  Within minutes, the fire departments of Lawrence,   Andover, and North Andover had deployed well  over 200 firefighters to the scenes of multiple   explosions and fires, and help from neighboring districts in Massachusetts,   New Hampshire, and Maine would quickly follow.  The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency   activated the statewide fire mobilization  plan, which brought in over a dozen task   forces in the state, 180 fire departments, and  140 law enforcement agencies. The electricity   was shut off to the area to limit sources  of ignition to help prevent further fires,   and of course, natural gas service was  shut off to just under 11,000 customers. By the end of the day, one person  was dead, 22 were injured, and over   50,000 people were evacuated from the  area. And while they were allowed back   into their homes after three days, many  were uninhabitable. Even those lucky   enough to escape immediate fire damage  were faced with a lack of gas service   as miles of pipelines and appliances had to be  replaced. That process ended up taking months,   leaving residents without stoves, hot water, and  heaters in the chilly late fall in New England. NTSB had several recommendations stem from their  investigation. At the time of the disaster,   gas companies were exempt from state rules that  required the stamp of a licensed professional   engineer on project designs. Less than three  months after NTSB recommended the exemption   be lifted, a bill was passed requiring a PE  stamp on all designs for natural gas systems,   providing the public with better assurance  that competent and qualified engineers would   be taking responsibility for these inherently  dangerous projects. And actually, NTSB issued   the same recommendation and sent letters to the  governors of 31 states with PE license exemptions,   but most of those states still don’t require a  PE stamp on natural gas projects today. There   were recommendations about emergency  response as well, since this event   put the area’s firefighters through a stress  test beyond what they had ever experienced. NTSB also addressed the lack of robustness of low  pressure gas systems where the only protection   against overpressurization is sensing lines on  regulators. It’s easy to see in this disaster   how a single action of isolating a gas line  could get past the redundancy of having two   regulators in series and quickly lead to an  overpressure event. This situation of having   multiple system components fail in the same way  at the same time is called a common mode failure,   and you obviously never want that to happen  on critical and dangerous infrastructure like   natural gas lines. Interestingly  and somewhat counterintuitively,   one solution to this problem is to convert  the low-pressure distribution system to one   that uses high pressure. Because, in this kind of  system, every customer has their own regulator,   essentially eliminating the chance of a common  mode failure and widespread overpressure event. Most importantly, the NTSB did not mince  words on who they found at fault for the   disaster. They were clear that the training  and qualification of the construction crew,   or the condition of the equipment at the Winthrop  Avenue regulator station were NOT factors in the   event. Rather, they found that the probable  cause was Columbia Gas of Massachusetts’ weak   engineering management that did not adequately  plan, review, sequence, and oversee the project. To put it simply, they just forgot to include  moving the sensing lines when they were designing   the pipeline replacement project, and the  error wasn’t caught during quality control or   constructability reviews. NiSource, the parent  company of Columbia Gas (of Massachusetts),   estimated claims related to the disaster  exceeded $1 billion, an incredible cost for   weak engineering management. Ultimately, Columbia  Gas pleaded guilty to violating federal pipeline   safety laws and sold their distribution operations  in the state to another utility. They also did a   complete overhaul of their engineering  program and quality control methods. All those customers hooked up to natural  gas lines didn’t have a say in how their   gas company was managed; they didn’t have a  choice but to trust that those lines were safe;   and they probably didn’t even understand the  possibility that those lines could overpressurize   and create a dangerous and deadly condition in  the place where they should have felt most safe:   their own homes. The event underscored the crucial  responsibility of engineers and (more importantly)   the catastrophic results when engineering systems  lack rigorous standards for public safety. Just like natural gas projects require  strict oversight to protect the public,   the same is true for aviation. One example is  the Tenerife airport disaster. Why would a fully   loaded 747 venture onto the runway of a small  airport in the Canary Islands without permission,   leading to the deadliest crash in aviation  history? My fellow content creator, Neo,   recently released a documentary about the disaster  with incredible 3D animations to tell the story.   Maybe you’ve noticed what I have over the past few  years, which is that all my favorite TV networks   are just running reality shows, and the best  video content that I actually enjoy watching   is being made my independent creators. I won’t  say it about myself, but I will say it about   Brian from Real Engineering, Sam from Wendover  and Half as Interesting, RealLifeLore, and Johnny   Harris. They’re all making videos that are more  fascinating and thought-provoking than any of   the old tv shows I miss. Neos video (along with a  ton more excellent content) is only available on   Nebula, the streaming platform built by and for  independent educations creators, including me. Nebula is the answer to the question of what could  happen if the best channels on YouTube didn’t   have to cater to an algorithm. What if viewers  supported creators directly instead of supporting   their advertisers? And it just keeps getting  better and better: totally ad-free videos from   excellent educational channels, original series  and specials that can’t be found anywhere else,   and even classes from your favorite creators  like Devin from Legal Eagle and Thomas Frank.   And right now, you can pay just $30 for an  entire year’s access if you use my link in the   description below. That’s less than $3 a month.  My videos go live on Nebula the day before they   come out on YouTube. If watching videos like  this one is what you do for fun or to relax,   you should have the best viewing experience on  the internet, especially when it’s practically   free like it is right now at the link below. Thank  you for watching, and let me know what you think!
Channel: Practical Engineering
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Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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