Phasing in Revit - Tutorial with Example Files

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hi guys thanks for checking out the 8020 bin channel here today and very quickly I put together an exercise for people to understand how phasing works in Revit and I thought what better way of doing this then worked through a very simplified example which can be applied regardless of the scale of complexity that you come across in your own projects so what we have is we have an existing node as you can see here this is essentially an a very basic block of the way the majority of industrial manufacturing buildings are constructed they have an administration area an R&D QC QA area a production space and a warehouse and what's very typical of this type of building is you you you create the initial building in the first instance and then there is a requirement from the client to a production very rapidly so they want to expand the footprint of the building and typically they have a certain amount of capital and for certain periods of time be it and per quarter or per per annum and they will want to break the building up into phases for the expansion so we're going to replicate this in this example so you can kind of understand this in terms of a real world application so the client in this instance wants to extend their warehousing they want to maintain the existing warehouse and they want to basically bolt on another warehouse at the exact same size and shape and they want to add an additional door into the existing wall here and they also want to add to and kind of vision panels in through the wall so that you can see from 1to leader in the second phase then they want to extend to the south of the building as my cursor is showing them and just awfully admin they want to introduce a small canteen to account for the increase of staffing numbers with the the ramping up production and they also obviously want to increase the footprint of the production space so we're going to work through this example and what we're really going to try to do is aim for a final output as we see it so this is what we're going to work towards in this video so we have the existing as I've shown previously and then we have the phase 1 demolition and enabling works and what this'll show was basically the opes being broken and the existing wall prior to that element of phase one then we're going to move into our phase one production John and so this will can be ready for tender or IFC or a review and you know yourself and then following on from that we're going to move from phase one through to phase two where we're going to generate our enabling works drawn our demolition drawing and then obviously the final layout in phase two so unlike card applications the one thing we want to make sure we do is that we never actually copy out of you so in card historically what you do is you'd have your existing now and you would sorry you'd have your existing layout and you would copy it across and you'd make your alterations and you cheat of both instances you'd have your existing and you'd have your proposed phase this is absolutely the one thing you do not want to do when you're organized and phasing phases in Revit first of all you are removing the new building shape footprint as you see us did the revised face from its geolocation so it's no longer correctly located so you cannot take spot coordinates our elevations or any other information accurately offers secondly what you're doing is you actually create a duplicate of all schedules this wall now appears in the project twice this door now appears in the project twice the rooms now appear in the project twice the idea of Revit is that you have one model environment and it's parametric you make a change all of your schedules update all of that information is present if you're suddenly creating duplicates information then your pricing isn't going to be correct your volumes aren't going to be correct your tonnage isn't going to be correct there's any given number of complications that occur offices so you have to walk away from the AutoCAD way of presenting phases and you need to think of Revit as a means of appending timestamps to model geometry so the first thing we're going to do to realize our final output is we are going to look at what phases we need to introduce so as you can see on our drawings here we have five drawings we want to create each one of these in our five drawings we have the existing phase phase one and phase two and as you can see on the drawing list here we have existing phase one phase one demolition works phase two and phase two demolition works so what we actually need to create our three phases all together we need our existing phase one and phase two so the first thing we do is we go into our manage tab we go to our phases and we will see typically when you create a new project you have existing and new construction as shown so the first thing we're gonna do is going to real able this phase one and in the description we want to say warehouse and then we're going to insert after our phase two and this is going to be M so I can teen and addiction increase so there we have us very simply we have our three phases now created and set up in the project and we have to look at our phase filters and what I'm showing here are the typical phase filters thus are in every Revit project that you start unless you create a new template and you remove a few of them what you really need to know in terms of the presentation of informational phases is there's only really three or four of these phase filters that you actually require and anything outside of that is kind of overkill so there's the show complete that's great in 3d views when you have the final presentation of all the phases and you don't want to see the 3d geometry half shaded out with the existing phase and then the new phase popping as it should be presented there's show demo and new they're showing you there show previous demo previous and new and then show previous and phase so for the presentation of the drawings what you really need is if you were in phase one you want to show previous and new that'll show the existing elements that have not been demolished and the phase one if you show previous and demolition and you're in phase one you will see in the existing geometry and a demolition geometry only you will not see any of the proposed geometry so really these two are the most powerful in terms of presentation and your show complete and everything else is superfluous there there are times you may need them both they're not really required from the the actual phasing presentation for the most part and then finally we have our graphic overrides and a graphic overlays are basically the presentation of our lines in the projection so as we face the line and then our cut lines as we cut a section or because through the the walls in the floorplan so in this instance straight off the bottle over here I want to change the presentation of our demolished graphic overrides to red and in our course I want to change it to red also and in our patterns so when recruiting we want to see a hatch pattern to better distinguish the demolition demolished items from the existing we're also going to set that to red and I'm just going to set that to a diagonal point five perfect stair we have but there's our face filters set up on our graphic overwrite setup so what this means now is essentially we can begin to start our proposed modeling the way that the work flow is going to happen is you have your existing you want to create your phase one first and while creating your phase one your demolition dash will be generated in the background which then you just need to create a view to represent so you don't actually have to worry too much about creating the demolished items if you're creating the phase one correctly to demolish items will be created alongside us and then using to focus on the presentation of them in the aftermath so the first thing we're going to do is we want to extend our warehouse here so I'm going to select the door the three walls surrounding us I'm gonna press CEO for copy and then I'm just going to copy from this inside wall to the outside wall there a straightaway I have missed a step the big problem is I'm an existing view here and as you go downstairs and as you go down this and down the list here you will see that it shows existing here also so we're going to undo that because that is an error what we really want to do is we want to duplicate this view with detail and we're going to call this view phase one and delete that existing review there you can ignore it up and when we have our phase one view set up here what we need to do is make sure that under the phasing dialogue in our properties tab if the properties tab is not open you can right-click an object and press properties but under our phase filter we're going to show all temporarily and then we're going under phase we're going to press phase one so level zero phase one phase one now we can select the items that we want us in order to create our new warehouse and if I press seal I'm gonna copy them from there to there now it's saying I have overlapping walls that's no problem I'm just going to use the trim and extent I'm just going to trim our proposed walls back to the existing wall point now I'm actually just gonna hide the elevations in view for a moment as Derek distracting okay so here we have the footprint of our extension in plan here and we want to introduce a door so I'm gonna press D or for the door and then another place to door now as you can see that's not the door that I wanted to create I want to actually match this door type here so I am going to press much properties and I'm going to select the existing door and I'm going to click the new door and then going to use the align tool to align the center of the most and then I'm going to select the door and I'm going to press spacebar as many times as I need to to flip the orientation you can also use the flip orientation arrows here now as you can see because I'm showing all on the face filter you can see the proposed objects you can see the existing objects but on the proposed door you can actually see the demolition lines of the wall that was existing where we placed this door so you can begin to understand the presentation of this and how the phase filters are going to actually control what we see in the in the view itself so I'm gonna add two windows very quickly I'm just going to use generic windows here so I'm going to pick broad ones and I'm gonna set a head item that's fine 20100 and I'm going to place them within the wall here now and I could load vision panel specific families but I'm just gonna use two windows from the moment okay and just to set these out cracky I'm gonna press di you for dimension and I'm going to go from Center to Center on the doors and I'm just gonna pick the center point of the vision panels as well and press EQ that will make it equidistant between the Centers of the doors so I'm going to delete that and I'm going to unconstrained and if you wanted to you could leave them constrained and that means if you were to change the location of this door it will actually change the set over the windows between the doors I like to own constrain because people come in behind me in the project if it moves to another technician or or another designer they may not know what I've set out the constraints for and if they make one alteration they may not be aware of the effects that that alteration is having elsewhere so I like to actually remove the constraints so we're going to delete this and work on through an constraint so what we want to do now because we have this set as level 0 phase 1 we want to change our phase filter and we want to only show the previous and new so you'll see as you look at this window here when we change this to previous and new represented demolished block work from the existing wall disappear and all your seen as the existing geometry and proposed geometry so now we need to detail this out to be represented as we have in this one here so the first thing we're going to do very quickly is we're going to go di for dimension we're going to pick our wall faces and in our individual reference I'm going to pick an entire wall and I am going to pick openings widths and you'll see very quickly this is a very very quick way of setting out structural Lopes and windows doors on a wall so next book STG and that's for tagging an item and we're going to tag our proposed walls and such and then we're gonna press di again pontius di and we're going to pick our entire wall with the same criteria as our previous one boss what we're actually not showing is to build up with this existing wall out here now so what I want to do is I want to change that I don't want to press intersecting walls as well I will go again sorry apologies intersecting walls and we'll go again and similarly going to continue all the way around I proposed now we don't have a tag associated to this wall here so because this is the primary wall we're going to use trouser I'm just gonna set that tag under edit type I'm going to go down and under type mark and I'm gonna press a and you will see that the tags because they're developed with the type mark parameter they will represent with the letter A and then I'm going to go around pressing TG for tag and I'm just going to tag the doors and our vision panels accordingly I made a mistake to hide the existing door and I only want to see the proposed so once we have the proposed or tags in place we're going to change them to boss as a better way you present presenting them I'm going to turn off the leaders and I just got in leading up to the location of the vendor similarly with the vision panels we're going to change that to boxed and I'm going to turn off the leaders and I'm just shift them with the arrow keys that are better presented you'll also notice that we don't actually have any rooms in this new phase and rooms can be a little bit tricky and phasing because they do not carry up to two phases so as the project progresses from existing to phase 1 to phase 2 you will not have the existing rooms remain present in the phase one and Phase two what you actually need to do is bring in the same rooms into that phase as well so that you can schedule objects let's say in warehouse 2 - warehouse 2 only in phase 2 and similarly warehouse 1 will have different objects assigned between the existing phase and the proposed phase so having a warehouse one that's consistent through the phases just doesn't work in terms of scheduling and that's why it doesn't carry true so what I like to do is to select the rooms from the previous phase in the rooms that have remained unchanged and I press ctrl C and I go to our phase zero and under the pastes dialog in the modify tab I go paste aligned to selected view and you'll see the rooms came in and then all I need to do is press 40 and I can tag the rooms according now you'll notice that we don't actually have a room assigned to our proposed phase 1 works yet so I'm gonna press or M to place the room place room 5 now and we're going to call this where else to No so that looks very representative of what we were aiming for proposed phase one initially as you can see they're pretty much replicas of one another would exception maybe a few of the tag designations so we've achieved our phase one presentation of works but what we haven't actually done is created a view that shows the demolition works so we're gonna do that now so we're going to go back to the projects and under level one existing level zero existing we're going to duplicate the view with detail then we are going to go under error phasing in the properties tab we're going to change that down to phase one and as you can see we can see all of phase one again I'm going to hide in view the elevations because they're destructive and under phase filter this is how we present the demolition works they do not need an independent time frame they are part of phase one they are the phase one and labeling works these have to happen for phase want to be realized and therefore they fit within the phase one and model geometry so under phase filter we're going to assign previous and demo so our phase one drawing shows previous and new and that shows the existing and proposed phase and I our demolition drawing is going to show previous and demo which is our existing phase and the demolition works assigned to phase one so as you select this you will see we have the presentation of our three openings in our wall so we're gonna press multi very quickly for room tech and we're going to tag our phase one and I'm just going to hide the room that isn't actually presentable in the demolition phase and as you can see we're actually not getting the coach visibility from our and styles that we assigned in the graphical overrides in our phasing so we're going to go in and see if we can actually resolve that so if you go to your manage tab go to phases we kind of go to graphic overrides and you can see under the demolished I never actually assigned the pattern properly so I'm going to go in here I'm gonna press the red diagonal PowerPoint five but I never turn down visible it has to be visible when you press okay apply and you will see now you have a very clear designation of the areas that have to be removed so I wanted to mention out these opes so I'm gonna press di I'm going to make it short entire walls are selected and I'm going to make sure thus are intersecting and are opening with our selectors and we're gonna press here now this is something that happens with phasing and it doesn't happen on the proposed works but it does happen on the existing works or the termination works it will not actually track to the opes that were created because it's not recognizing the object it's not recognizing the wall as broken as such it's just it's just gonna catch the existing door and the existing intersecting walls so that quick way of dimensioning doesn't actually apply when you're showing your demolition drawings so what you have to do in this instance is press di you need to turn off your auto dimension options and you want to press individual references and you actually need to manually go ahead and select your opening width as such and then if if you have an existing wall type tag assigned to the existing walls you can actually tag the parts of the walls that you're removing so the contractor better understands and the construction of the elements he has to remove and enable them to price and understand time frames better of the demo works so there we have our goal initially was to set out and create our existing drawing her phase on demolition works and our phase one and final layout and we have done that now so all we need to do in this instance is actually sheet of our new views so the one thing I forgot to do up here is change the existing copy to our demolition and I'm going to call this phase one demolition okay so I'm going to shunt this over and then I'm going to bring in our phase one demolition view and as you can see it'll align on the sheet to the existing plan and then I'm gonna bring in our phase one proposed and as you can see it aligns again and there we have the presentation of our existing phase 1 and phase 2 works now we need to go on from here and create our proposed canteen and increase to production space and so unlike the warehouse where we literally added on another warehouse in this instance the production space has to increase so we need to remove a section of wall rather than just inputting an opening and by a door or a window so this can be a little trickier for some people to work their head around so I'm going to show you the easiest way to approach this and keep a nice and simple so we're going to go back to our previous model and we're going to go into our phase 1 drawing and here we are going to duplicate for you with detail and we're going to change our phase under the properties once we rename this to phase 2 we're going to change the presentation of our phase filters don't remain the same it's gonna remain previously new but we're going to change the phase to phase 2 as you can see our real names have disappeared our rooms have disappeared because the rooms don't transcend up to the phases but everything else is remained so what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete the set out of all these items and I'm going to select all instances of my wall tags and remove and then I'm going to remove the window and door tags as well ok because this is now deemed all existing from the phase 2 perspective so what we have here is one continuous wall and forced to input our new room space here we need to remove this wall between the two and the two partitions internally we also need to actually just input our canteen here but what we want is the increase of an equal area at the footprint for the production space so rather simply what we're going to do is we're going to take our two existing walls and we're going to copy the mouse by the known value we're gonna get a warning down here that says that highlighted walls overlap that's okay because we're going to use our trim in extend command and we're going to trim the wall back can't consent since I won't delete that instance as well because that came along with a copied wall so here we need to close out this space here so I'm just gonna copy this wall across I'm going to take the corner there and I'm going to align that corner to the inside face of the partition wall I'm gonna press shift so pulls Square and I'm going to kick and then I am literally just going to trim in extent this corner so here we have the general shape of our proposed walls we still have the issue that we have to demolish one part of this existing wall so I'm going to use the split element and under split elements I'm going to select the existing centerline of the wall forgive how rough that looks and here and as you can see that's actually now split into three distinct walls from the existing now the problem is this changes the existing one of the tree distinct walls as well but the presentation once they're joined remains the same so here then we can use our hammer to demolish tool and we can select that and that will remove that wall the way the hammer tool works is it puts the item that you click back into the previous phase so I don't always use the hammer I have a tendency if it's a multi-phase project like this to not use the hammer and what I do is I select the object and I assigned a phase demolished to this allows me to push the phase demolished at any given stage of a project back to any previous phase so if this went on to phase three and we were extending this wall out here and removing this wall I could actually push that back all the way to demolish in phase one if I wished so I prefer the utility of actually selecting the object and changing the phase demolished here then just using the hammer but it really is a matter of personal preference so here you have the line of the existing slab so we'll be creating a new slab here and below to account for that as well so we've opened up the space here and what we're going to do is we're going to input a new and basic wall to match the existing one here so I'm going to press W a for wall I'm going to look at the levels here it's just gone up to level one 4000 I'm gonna take the top offset for - 200 there just to account for a roof build up above and I'm gonna take the centerline with us and draw that down there now I want to include a double door for access between the administration space and the canteen space down here so I'm gonna press D or and yet again I'm on a single door here so in this instance I'm actually gonna change to the node door type which is the 18:10 but by 2110 and i'm going to set it like that and I'm happy with the 400 now set out from the opening there so what else do we need to do to create to close at this place so we actually need to create the floor slab here and we will draft us within here so we're going to go to architecture floor and this is the same type of floor construction that we have for this existing floor I'm running on two users are gonna pick lines and I'm gonna pick the internal lines of the walls here now if you want you can lock these so if the walls change the floor footprint will change as well but I'm not going to do with in this instance I'm going to select the line for the existing floor and I'm gonna select this as well and then I'm going to select little over and I'm going to use the trim inner extent T or command and I'm going to just trim out all the lines you will get warning so say elements can't be joined that's fine just on join elements or Supergrass and now you can see we have our our little dog like shape on the this lab there so we're going to finish this lab would you like the wall so far no and there we can see we have a slab present here and here now we can modify and join our slabs so that they don't present together as one but then we don't necessarily see that we've a proposed slab so and in this instance I'm going to show that we actually have a join between a propose an existing slab so I'm going to undo that for control Z I'm going to use the line work tool to change the presentation of this line here and I'm just going to set it to hidden like we're gonna kick it there and I'm going to click again because if you imagine the slab has a depth and you're seeing both the top and bottom so I'm gonna kick it again and then I'm gonna change node for the presentation just to be the width that I need for that space there and as you can see now we have the presentation of the join in the two slabs together I've got to put a little text out there a 2.5 Arial and I'm just going to say slab join location so you'll notice now that we still do not have any rooms and in this phase two so I'm going to go back to my phase one and I'm going to select all the rooms and phase one so I'm going to press ctrl C to copy to the clipboard and then I'm going to go to my face - and in Phase two I am going to align to current view and you'll see we have all the existing views but what's critically different is the size of the production space has changed it's actually counted for the new boundary of the walls because all the walls have a boundary condition for room bounding sienten and then what we find need to do is add one more additional room here for the canteen so right now we're going to go and toggle D the face two rooms so I'm gonna press or t4 room tag and I'm just going to place them all approximately centrally there and keep them in anointment for presentation you can see the production space has increased dramatically and I'm going to just move that down to represent more central location for the actual slab so under room I'm going to change this to canteen and thus fundamentally as the presentation of the phase two works I'm going to go around and just continue to tag the proposed wall types as I did in the previous phase have all this existing wall doesn't have and this existing wall type that we're duplication doesn't have a type mark assigned to it so we're going to select the wall we're going to go into our type properties and we're going to change our type mark to beat then we're just going to do our set out as we did previously so we're going to go from wall faces individual reference we're going to change that to entire walls we're going to go into our options we're going to select our openings and we're gonna select widths of the openings and we're going to select intersecting walls and press ok and we're just going to mention how they are proposed was not such and here we're just come to do this wall as well so that we get the proposed door for good measure you something that's before me going on there but we'll just ignore that for a moment so now that we have our phase 2 presentation what we're actually missing from the list to complete our final output is the phase 2 demolition Ruxin so we're going to go back to our existing model and we're going to duplicate our phase 1 sorry apologies our phase 1 wrong sorry ignore the Spree vyas comfortable going to vacation our phase 2 drawing so I'm going to take two Piquet for you and I'm just going to press duplications I'll need to duplicate with detailing this time and then in this instance it's assigned to Phase two and we're going to assign the phase filter to show previous and demolition and as you can see you can see the set out of the new door opened the section of wall that we've removed so I'm going to tag the wall with both instances so that the contractor understands what he's removing then I'm going to dimension di I'm going to go from face to face we're working from the outside so I'm going to picked up point there and finally I'm going to go into my phase one works and I'm gonna select all the rooms no I'm not gonna do that sorry apologies and curfews I'll just press 40 and as you can see we have our phase two rooms present and accounted for in this instance for non-contact this room or this room because they're the proposed ones that are extended and as I said the rooms don't transcend the phasing scheme so and all that remains to be done here as we go into our existing layout we take our phase two demolition drawing so I need to rename our drawing here and we're gonna say demolition and I'm gonna place this on the sheet and I will align to the previous iteration you our face to work strong and place it as such and that is pretty much phasing in a nutshell and so if you have any questions on this hour just feel free to like and leave a comment below and I'm going to follow up this video with another video which is kind of a series of things to know about phasing and how it doesn't act the way it should in certain instances and couple of tips and tricks on how to kind of navigate some of the trickier elements of us but in essence phasing is all within the one model environment unlike hat and you append a timestamp of real world construction timestamp to the geometry and the demolished items as you progress through the projects that is the the ideology behind how phasing works so thanks for tuning in and stay tuned for the next one and I'll link the next video in the description below if you want to look at the tips and tricks video so that you can just get in a little bit more of a with the functionality over thanks a million guys and I see again bye bye
Channel: 8020 BIM
Views: 43,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phasing, Revit, BIM, Tutorial, How To, Revit Tutorials, Learn Revit Phasing, Demolition Drawings Revit, Revit 2016, Revit 2017, Revit 2018, Revit 2019, Revit 2020, Phase Revit Project, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Beginners, Intermediate, Building Information Modelling, Phases, New Construction, Phase 1, Phase 2, Existing Phase, Phases in Revit, How to Phase REvit Models
Id: 5ed1RPqkJLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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