PATHFINDER: WOTR - The BEST STORYTELLER Relics/GEAR - How to get & ALL Special Mythic Cloaks!

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hello there everyone and welcome today's guide is all about the best storyteller relics that is all of the items that you can give to the storyteller so he can restore into very powerful artifacts and some of these are actually so powerful that they do make for some of the best if not outright the best items in the game for certain item slots like boots helmets rings and also quick slots that's how powerful these items can be a lot of them can also be miscible which is why i decided to make this guide with everything you need to know in one place but before we get started i think it's important to explain how the process actually works so first you'll find a piece of the artifact but not in a form that you can actually use after you find these items you have to show them to the storyteller through dialogue and then you'll get the corresponding quests like restoring an antique ring restoring an ancient cloak restoring broken gauntlets and so on and then he will tell you exactly what you need in order to truly restore the artifact into a usable version for example for the antique ring we need four vials of magic essence and two bars of code iron after all that is done you'll finally get your very powerful item sometimes you can actually find the first item before you have the required materials to actually turn it into a full powered artifact so without further ado let's get started with our very powerful storyteller relics list as usual in order of availability that is how soon you can first find each of the items that you then turn into relics later alright so first we have the ever so you saw covenant of the inheritor this is not only the first storyteller relic you can find but also honestly one of the best items in the entire game it actually works as a quick slot item and whenever you turn it on all of your party members pats included will get not only a plus 2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome spare resistance which is great on its own but also and most importantly all of their weapons including natural attacks such as from pet bites claws and so on will become good aligned and count as if they were made of code iron which means we can easily penetrate the demon's physical resistance against damage because most if not all of the demons in the game have physical resistance that is only bypassed by having weapons of codeiron and good with this you can simply ignore that it's as easy as it sounds using this item is very easy it will appear in your quick slot or also your ability tab here so holy symbol of ayo medai all you have to do is click on it and that's it it's turned on and will now affect all of your party members there is a downside to it however i'm not sure why they coded the item in this way but whenever you go to a loading screen so when changing errors and so on this item will be turned off it's a bit annoying but you know it's just the way it's implemented in the game so far i do hope they change it on the other hand we do have infinite uses of this so all you have to do is turn it on again anyways this item is a must you should always have it on all of times the benefits you get are simply amazing and to find this extremely useful relic you first need to get the piece of holy symbol item in this house here in the southwestern part of the market square map in canaabras during chapter 1. the same house that is burning notice that even the description itself here we've said this looks like the work of a brimorock a pyromaniac demon and it is right so be prepared because inside you're going to face a pretty powerful brimorock that can easily destroy your party if you're not properly prepared and there is a very easy way to trivialize this battle all it requires is for you to buy a scroll of resist fire communal from the cleric merchant in the tavern area it is somewhat expensive but very worth it because with this spell you can avoid most of the brimorox damage also be careful when properly positioning your characters here because what's going on here there as you might have already noticed the door here will act as a choke point and there's also two abracandilu demons before we can reach the brimorock so try to send your bigger characters like pets and mounted characters before the other ones so they can actually reach the enemies first instead of being blocked by the door notice that the battle pretty much already starts as you send your first character here and the brimorack will be at the back pretty close to a trap but as i said before the main danger of the brimurak is its fire bro ability and also the breath weapon both of which do fire damage but for this fire a communal you won't be taking any hits from that notice how the poor primo rock only dealt around one damage to all of our characters with his fireball spell the dredge ally actually took a lot more damage than us after that all you have to do is basically whack the enemies to death because the primorok is a one-trick pony he can't really do much outside of fire damage [Applause] [Music] i feel like your chosen one be careful with the trap because it is a lighting boat trap so be sure to disarm it after you deal with the enemies simply loot this tiny box here and here we are the piece of a holy symbol which is the item we need but you can only give it to the storyteller the earliest at chapter 2. you want it as early as possible and here's how to do it during chapter 2 as soon as you start chapter 2 that is the storyteller will be at your crusader camp right here in the middle of it close to nano and this crusader wizard be sure to talk with the storyteller right at this point so choose please examine the items i'm carrying give the storyteller the broken boko and the necessary materials and there we go we'll get the covenant of the inheritor relic the reason i'm telling you this is because if you don't do it at the start of chapter 2 right after you leave your camp for the first time basically the storyteller will also leave and he only returns at chapter 3 after you deal with the red dragon quest so that's an entire chapter and a very important chapter too because of all of the demons you'll fight during the siege of dresden that you'll miss out on this relic if you don't do it right at the start of chapter 2. you really don't want to miss this the second item we can find and also one of the best rings in the game is the ring of summoning as the name implies its main ability does actually let you some on either axial mites or so eaters randomly but this doesn't really matter unless you're a summoner the most important ability is that as a permanent passive all allies including the wearer within a 30 feet area gain a plus 2 bonus to weapon damage rose and plus due to their saving throws against all attacks or effects created by chaotic creatures so you know all of the demons you fight in the game you now have a permanent plus 2 bonus to damage and also sheer saving throws against their spells and abilities it's simply amazing because it is actually a non-typed bonus so we'll stack with everything else and to get the ring of summoning you first have to find the melted shard of a ring item that you can easily get in the hound heart campsite area during chapter two the same area that you have to go for stila's personal quest the league of the inspiring card so right here in this area of the map near the tent loot the box to the right here we are the melted shard of a ring for your last chapter 2 storyteller relic we also have the stern hand gauntlets now this pair of gauntlets can have its uses but at the same time it can be pretty dangerous as well first you equip it on your character of choice and then your pet or companion will actually get the bonus to strength it is an untyped bonus as you can see here other plus 6 which can certainly add up as pets do trying to get quite amazing strength scores by default when properly buffed the main issue is the downside of the gear so you get the plus 6 bonus your strength but at the start of battle your companion will also always have to make a will save intro of dc17 or start attacking your own party members this can be very dangerous you absolutely don't want a 70 or 80 plus strength dog attacking your own characters even if 17 is pretty low and it's very easy to actually overcome that even with low rolls by buffing your pet there is always a chance you'll roll a one and ones are automatic failures no matter how high your saving troll bonus is so honestly i would much rather not make use of the plus six and tight bonus to strength and then not have to risk my own extremely overpowered dog attacking my own allies on the eventuality that he rolls a one trickster characters on the other hand through the aid of the knowledge world 2 mythic trick can actually overcome this because whenever any of your party members rolls rosa 1 it will instead become a 20 which is an automatic success instead of failure now and to get the broken gauntlets you first need to find the item called shard of knights races that you can get in the dresden prison during the siege at the end of chapter 2. the same place where you can find arushalay and the item is right here in the same cell with this insane prisoner just click on the little lever next to the door and here we are the shard of knights racers that you can also restore the earliest at chapter 3 after rescuing the storyteller from the red dragon now let's talk about our chapter 3 storyteller relics and there's actually two very important ones the first and you might have already heard about it is the ronix sacrifice boots which are by far the best boots in pathfinder wrath of the righteous these boots give your character a massive plus 8 bonus to dexterity as enhancement you can't actually find anything that increases your dexterity by such a high amount and the benefits don't even stop there it also gives you a plus 10 bonus to mobility and athletics which is pretty good and lastly it doubles the bonuses you gain from haste to armor class attack rolls and reflex saving throws which is great because this bonus from haste counts as untyped in the kids of attack bonus or dodge for armor class and both stack lastly whenever the enemy gets a critical hit against you they also become stunned for wonderful rounds and notice this effect does not have a save at all so we work even on unfair against stuffed enemies overall these boosts are simply insane and you should always invest in getting them if you can getting them can be a bit tricky however and they are certainly miserable i actually already have a guide explaining in depth how to get these boots links to the side here so i'll try to keep it shorter here all you have to do is in chapter 3 go to the winter sun area and when you're there simply interact with all of the lower standing stones by solving skill checks usually loreal knowledge checks they're actually spread to the entire map of winter sun and you do have to interact with them all after doing this the heart of stone and will become interactable and inside you'll find the item you need to enchant into this very powerful pair of boots by showing them to the storyteller now because they do cost magical height you can only really get them at chapter 4 minimum as that is when most of the beast heights start spawning in the demon city and you can always meet the storyteller in his tower during chapter 4. second we have the very unique bound of possibility cloak which actually has different effects depending on your mythic path and they can be either amazing or disappointing so i might as well cover them all the trickster cloak is honestly very disappointing it actually requires you to fail a saving throw to have an effect which is something you never want to do you'd much rather just pass your saving throws whenever you fail a saving throw you'll gain a plus 10 bonus on all skill checks and save intros for one round which is you know fine but at the cost of failing a savings troll not really the worst part is it it even debuffs you after that making you sad and giving a minus one penalty to attack armor class and damage rose until the end of combat which is crazy honestly just skip this cloak the trickster path is very powerful but the trickster cloak is playing awful we also have the swarm cloak i'm not that experienced with a swarm path but i do know they can create clones and starting from patch 1.2 which is in beta at the moment they'll be able to do it as soon as you enter into the swarm path so at mythic rank 8 at the start of chapter 5. whenever one of your clone dies you spawn a challenge rating 18 locust swarm which attacks the enemies for you i haven't really tested this yet so i'm not sure how powerful it can be but considering you can have 5 clones that are going to deferring strength based on how powerful your character can be i imagine you might also not find this useful it's going to depend on how powerful the summon can be now the lich cloak is actually one of the best in the whole game it will empower your lore beyond the grave to grant an additional plus 4 bonus to strength dexterity and charisma scores because this affects all of your undead party members including your main each character after they truly become a leech at mythic rank 9 and go to the lich transformation the bonuses are simply huge because they are untyped bonuses so you stack with the normal bonus from bond of possibility and all other sorts of ability bonuses the gold dragon cloak gives your dragon character 2 additional castings of level 9 spells which can be good but you know if you aren't a full spell caster with access to level 9 spells it won't really matter for you it also empowers your breath should do an additional 20 divine damage and increase the difficulty class by 2. honestly i have tested the gold dragon before and the breath ability is very disappointing first it causes a standard action and there's no way to quicken it so all you can do in a round is cast your dragon breath the damage also is nothing special because it does have a saving throw and unlike the actual spells of the game you can't maximize or empower the damage so it's pretty disappointing but of course if you are a full spellcaster two extra level 9 slots can be pretty good the devil mythic path cloak gives you three additional uses of your health's use ability but honestly i didn't find the seal abilities that useful besides the seal of fire eating for the demon character get a buff so that our demon rage and demon aspect abilities now grant their bonuses as if you were 3 mythic ranks higher the issue i have this cloak is that at least as far as the current version of the game it won't actually empower your demon rage abilities beyond the max which is mythic rank 10 and you can really only enchant this cloaks usually at chapter 5 which is already late game by the time you get this cloak your demon will already be either mythic rank 9 or 10 so it doesn't really have much uses the azata cloak is also somewhat disappointing so 50 of the damage you take will be redirected to ivu which can seem good but you know you can just mount ivu by the time you get this cloak which means eiffel will already take all of the melee and range that attacks your character would have taken otherwise in addition ivo will also get unpenetrable damage reduction equal to your mythic rank 10 unpenetrable damage reduction can be good but once again by the time you get this cloak it's nothing special the angel cloak can be pretty good your sort of have an ability will do an addition of 4 dice of damage or also heal an additional 4 dice instead of just bliss 2. this can be useful because it's basically an extra 2 caster level increase which means more damage with your untyped angel spells which are the best ones that is storm of justice and boat of justice the issue i have with this is the help when i did my angel mythic path it wasn't really working properly i wasn't getting the cancer level increase and even then at most is going to mean something like 2d 10 or 2d 12 damage durable and storm of justice lastly we have the aeon cloak which is actually in my opinion another one of the strongest mythic looks in the game besides leech so the first effect isn't really anything special each round the enemies will have to pass i will save intro or be slowed which is fine i guess but the best part comes now all of your allies will be under a constant haste effect haste is one of the best spells in the game as far as buffs and this means permanent haste without needing to invest in greater enduring spells also they gain a plus 4 inside bonus to attack roles saving tropes and skill checks and this inside bonus is huge usually the highest bonus to incite your get is plus 2 to the inspiring command ability and this glow gives us double that while also being a permanent effect and to find the bound of possibility cloak you first need to get the required item from a reduced laboratory during chapter 3. so you start right here all you have to do is basically walk right ahead and then enter this first circular area here with all of the red swarms which aren't really troublesome enemies so just defeat them all and you can get it right here in this shelf here we are the ancient scrap of script cover letter for some reason the red swarms are still squeaking anyways while you can get this first item at chapter 3 i do believe you can only actually get the true cloak at chapter 5. lastly for our chapter 4 storyteller relic we have the shy lily's helmet this helmet is so powerful that i do believe it is the best helmet overall for strength based characters the effect is pretty simple but very useful you gain a plus 4 profane bonus to strength and also a plus 2 profane bonus to armor class profane bonuses are actually extremely rare outside of nocticula's gift you might consider this somewhat useless for your main character depending on your character's class for example my gandarami who has nocticulus gift already gains a plus 4 from profane ascension to his strength so the helmet isn't really doing anything for him besides the increase to armor class on the other hand because this will work for all of your other characters pets included you can always save this for them to highly increase their strength and armor class this helmet is also very miscible you can only find it during chapter 4. i also already have a guide link to the side here on how to get it but you keep it simple whenever you reach the area of savannah legs mentioned the same area you have to go for wendwag and lun's personal quests during chapter 4 use the spell called dimension door to teleport your characters to the rooftop of the mansion you can also use a rod of dimension door once you reach the rooftop you'll find the chest with the crumpled demon helmet inside which is the relic that you need to show to the storyteller so that he can become the child in his helmet alright everyone so this was it for my storyteller relics guide i hope i've managed to properly show you how extremely powerful and useful these relics can be and they are certainly game changers especially ones like the covenant of the inheritor that you can get very early just a chapter 2. as usual if you found this guide use so then please remember to like subscribe and even become a member to access some pretty neat and exclusive perks and help support the channel if you can if you think i missed something about these relics please be sure to comment down below thank you for watching and see you next time friends
Channel: cRPG Bro
Views: 44,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cRPG, rpg, boss, unfair, pathfinder, crpg bro, wotr, wotr guide, pathfinder guide, core, hard, best guide, how to, tutorial, relic, artefact, artifact, best gear, best ring, best item, best equipment, best helm, best helmet, covenant of the inheritor, shy lily, missable, missable item, bound of possibility, best cloak, ring of summoning, stern hand, best glove, best gauntlet, strongest gear, storyteller relic, storyteller item, storyteller artefact, storyteller gear, storyteller
Id: 7hReYL8qEd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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