Pets for Kids

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do you own a pet or do you know someone who does own a pet pets are animals that we take care of they are our friends and bring a lot of joy and love into our lives in this video we are going to learn some fascinating facts about pets like dogs cats fish and more it's gonna be so fun now we won't be able to talk about every kind of pet there are so many different types of animals right but we will have a great time learning facts about a handful of pets starting with dogs alright so what are dogs dogs are domesticated mammals that live all over the world and that word domesticated means that are taken care of by people in fact and this is pretty cool most historians believe that dogs were the first animals to be domesticated the first animals to be domesticated and catch this in the United States alone almost 43 million households own at least one dog while dogs are so popular dogs sure are popular maybe it's because there's so much fun or maybe it's because they're so cute look at this dog why's the dogs so cute it's so sad what are you thinking about little doggie what are you thinking about okay we get it dogs are popular and there are so many reasons why there's super cool animals but we got to go through more dog facts because we want you to be an expert on dogs now if you are a dog expert you have to know this there are over 150 types of dogs that's right sure that fact was someone today asked them if they know that there are over 150 types of dogs these types of dogs can look very different from one another some dogs are huge like the great day Great Danes can get up to 30 inches tall and can weigh almost 200 pounds but don't let their size scare you these dogs are super friendly they have been nicknamed gentle giants other dogs are really small like the Chihuahua okay chihuahuas are usually between 6 to 9 inches tall these are super small dogs very very very small dogs especially compared to Great Danes right but even though they're small they can have big personalities and make their presence known some dogs have specific markings like the Dalmatian Dalmatians are famous for their white coat and black spots and you'll find this interesting dalmatian puppies are white when they are born but when they are about 4 weeks old their black spots appear but that's pretty cool ok let's move on and look at some more interesting facts about dogs uh-oh we've got a grumpy pug okay I know we didn't talk about pugs alright but there are over 150 types of dogs we can't talk about all of you there isn't enough time okay there are over 150 types of dogs pug okay I don't care how grumpy you look okay all right the Pug is a small dog with a really cute wrinkly face they are sweet gentle dogs that are great around kids for good measure here are three pugs standing together here is the picture of the pug from earlier in the video that seems to be thinking very deeply about something and here is a picture of what a pug would look like if it had wings and could fly okay now on to more dog facts because we are not going to talk about any other types of dogs no matter how grumpy queue or persistent they might be okay all right okay we are ready for our next fad did you know dogs see colors differently than we do it's true so fascinating dogs see colors differently than we do believe it or not people used to think that dogs were completely colorblind scientists later discovered that dogs can see colors they just see them as yellows Browns and blues here let's show you this is going to be super cool so say there's this garden okay and this is the way we see it we see the Reds and the greens and all of the full colors well this is what a dog sees pretty different isn't it some of the colors are missing the Reds right the greens it's mostly yellow sprouts and blues this is the way a dog sees color alright so we see more colors than dogs do but dogs have us beat with their sense of smell dogs have a much better sense of smell than we do they have way more smell receptors in their noses than we do and the part of their brain that figures out smells is larger than ours that means as this dog is sniffing this flower this dog is picking up smells and scents that we would never even know we're there now with this next fact we need your help what are baby dogs called Deena aha puppies great job they're called puppies dogs are considered puppies until they are 1 year old now this is interesting did you know puppies are born blind deaf and without teeth that means right when they're born they can't see they can't hear and they don't have any teeth but they don't stay that way for long and they grow fast [Music] okay we have one final fact for you and this fact is a little bit weird dogs only sweat from their paws what a random weird fact they only sweat from their paws we sweat in many areas of our bodies but dogs only sweat from their paws because sweat is not the main way that dogs cool down the main way a dog cools down is by panting have you ever seen a dog pants before uh-huh that is the way a dog cools down that was great now let's talk about a pet you can see in our videos cats that's right cats the kind of cats we are learning about in this video are domesticated cats the cats that are in your home or in your neighborhood or often on the screen of a home school pop video we aren't talking about big cats like tigers leopards and lions to name a few as cool as those cats are this video is all about the small domesticated cats we see day to day domesticated cats are small mammals that are usually furry that's right they're usually furry we say usually because there is a type of cat that has no fur that's right sphynx cats have no fur their skin is warm to the touch and they are often on the lookout for warm sources because heat can easily escape their bodies just a side note don't confuse the Sphinx a mythological creature that was celebrated in ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece with the Sphinx cat the type of cat that doesn't have fur notice the creature from mythology has the letter i' in the middle of it while the Sphinx cat has the letter Y in the middle of it plus Sphinx cats are real the mythological Sphinx are pretend so cats are small mammals with fur except for Sphinx cats of course the next thing we are going to learn about cats is that they sleep about 14 hours a day that's right 14 hours a day [Music] Oh sleepy kitty cats love to sleep it is helpful to them because it allows them to save up energy for when they need it playing and hunting for small creatures can take a lot out of you here is a baby cat what are baby cats called do you know yeah kids yeah this is a baby kitten yeah kids sleep even more than the average cat can sleep about 20 hours a day that means kittens are only awake for hours a day that's it but they pack a lot of fun and excitement in those four hours the next thing we are going to learn about cats is that they have powerful night vision it is pretty amazing cats can see even when there is very little light they can see much better in the dark then we as humans can while they can't see if it is pitch dark they don't need much light at all to see what is going on and as part of why cats can be such great hunters at night if you have a cat at home and you hear that cat moving around at night who knows what adventures your cat is having in the darkness while you sleep [Music] cats not only have great night vision they also can hear and smell better than we can that's right all of these senses help cats when they hunt or help cats discover fun things around them the next thing we are going to learn about cats is they lick their coats to keep themselves clean it's not interesting they lick their coats to keep themselves clean being clean is really important to cats they can spend hours cleaning themselves we don't know exactly why cleanliness is so important to cats but it is they want to be as clean as possible their tongues are rough if you have ever been licked by a cat it can almost feel like sandpaper their tongues are perfect for me and keep cats looking their best sometimes cats like to lick people they want us to be pleased too the final thing we want to learn about cats in this video is when they live in the wild they are either feral or a stray feral cats are cats that live outside and haven't been a part of someone's home feral cats are not used to people usually feral cats are cats that have always lived outside they are used to hunting and searching for food stray cats are cats that used to live in a home and either got away in our lost or were abandoned stray cats have been a part of a home and may be more comfortable going up to you than a feral cat make sure not to scare the cat and feel free to let a parent or guardian know where you found the cat and what the cat looks like there may be a home that is missing a cat and maybe you could be a part of reuniting attack with its family well those are the facts about cats these small mammals are usually furry unless they are space cat they sleep about 14 hours a day except for kittens kitties can sleep as many as 20 hours they have powerful night vision that's pretty cool they lick their coats to keep themselves clean and they clean you that way too and when they live in the wild they are either feral or a stray wonderful next we are going to learn about pets you take care of that love the water we will be learning about fish fish are a type of animal that lives in the water look at all these fish in the water that's where they live fish live in the water now that's not the only thing that makes a fish a fish while most animals in the water are fish not all of them are how do you know if an animal in the water is a fish or not a fish well there are two major things that all fish have in common the first thing is that all fish are vertebrates do you know what a vertebrate is hmm that's a good question yeah vertebrates are animals that have a spine like birds reptiles amphibians mammals and of course fish fish are vertebrates meaning all fish have a spine what are some in vertebrates or animals without a spine that live in the water how about the octopus an octopus does not have a spine since an octopus does not have a spine an octopus is an invertebrate that means an octopus is not a fish sorry buddy you are not a fish all fish have a spine all fish are vertebrates but you are an invertebrate you are super cool but you're just not a fish so vertebrates and invertebrates vertebrates are animals with a spine like fish invertebrates are animals without a spine like this octopus Wow the octopus looks really happy that he doesn't have a spine of course if an animal doesn't have a spine that means it can't be a fish because all fish have a spine look at this creature what is this yeah a jellyfish just like the octopus jellyfish are in vertebrates - that means even though they are animals that live in the water jellyfish are not fish now wait a second you mean even though jellyfish have fish in the name they are not really fish that's right jellyfish are not fish because they do not have a spine all fish have a spine so whoever named jellyfish was trying to trick us but we are not gonna fall for it now the second thing fish have in common is that all fish use gills to breathe that's right these are the gills of a tuna they look really interesting don't they they are pretty cool here is how they work gills remove the oxygen from water that enters the fish's mouth and releases the water back out Hills work kind of like our lungs do except instead of breathing air like we do to get oxygen fish get their oxygen from the water gills are very important to fish you see without gills fish are not able to live in the water that's true it is the only way fish are able to get the oxygen they need Oh Clarence you really are a fish you have a spine which means you are a vertebrate and you have gills which is how you breathe in the water you have to have both in order to be a fish well now that we know what makes a fish a fish let's look at more facts about these incredible water animals like this there are about 30,000 different types of fish and scientists are discovering more and more every single year maybe one of you will grow up and discover new types of fish that we never knew existed wouldn't that be cool fish come in all sizes and shapes and have very different characteristics depending on the species think of this a shark is a fish wow did you know that a shark is a fish and a goldfish is a fish - fish are a wide-ranging and a mold family but remember they all have a spine and they all have gills the shark could be friends me no no yeah they know they wouldn't be friends that goldfish would be a sack hey this is cool just like amphibians and reptiles fish are cold-blooded huh what does cold blooded mean do you know what does cold blooded mean yeah cold-blooded means their bodies do not control their own temperature the temperature of a fish for example is similar to its environment because a fish is cold-blooded we're different we are warm-blooded so we don't know what that is really like but we do know that fish amphibians and reptiles are all cold-blooded their bodies do not control their own temperature now this is kind of a sad fact did you know fish can feel pain and get stressed like we do yeah it's easy to think that fish are always carefree they just swim around all day but fish can feel pain and get stressed just like us humans Oh No Carl don't get stressed out deep breathing Carl deep breathing that's right deep breathing hey hey Carl you're not deep breathing are you fish are fun to watch and take care of even Carl even Carl many people have fish as pets they get to watch these incredible animals explore their own little water world each day next we are going to learn about furry cuddly pets called rabbits or bunny rabbits you know you could call them both we're gonna get into that rabbits are small mammals that are famous for their long ears hey there little rabbit and you might have already noticed this but in addition to their long ears rabbits have little tails that look like buns do you see the little tail uh-huh right here their tails look like buns many people believe that is why rabbits are called bunnies because their little tails look like buns it makes sense which leads us to this question what do you call these animals you see some people call all rabbits bunnies other people just use the regular name for them and call all of them rabbits and still other people call all rabbits bunny rabbits kind of confusing then other people think of all the young rabbits as bunnies oh my goodness so confusing but at the end of the day the name bunny is just a nickname it's just a nickname which is why people use it in different ways so what do you call them let us know in the comments section below are you team rabbit are you team bunny rabbit are you team bunny are you team bunny only when they're small let us know alright so we learned that rabbits are mammals that have long ears and have small tails that look like buns next we have a shocking fact for you we hope you're sitting down did you know the main foods that rabbits eat are hay and grass uh-huh hay and grass are the most important parts of a diet for most rabbits many people think that rabbits mainly eat carrots they do when most of us think of rabbit food we do think of carrots right while rabbits enjoy carrots it isn't the main thing they eat rabbits have very sensitive stomachs it is so important for rabbits to fill up on hay and grass so carrots are great for rabbits as a special treat but not as the primary food rabbits enjoy many other vegetables and can even eat fruit too enjoying your lunch bunny rabbits yeah too busy chewing to talk huh yeah pretty good grass right yeah yummy mmm tasty their diet that means the food they eat allows rabbits to live in many different environments in fact did you know rabbits are found all over the world and every continent except Antarctica pretty cool huh now wherever they live in the world rabbits have to be careful that is because rabbits are prey animals prey animals are animals that get hunted by other animals in other words around the world rabbits are a source of food to many different animals that is a big reason why their large ears are so helpful their big ears help them listen to all of the sounds around them so they could know if they are in danger they are always trying to stay aware of what's going on so they don't become another animals meal and it's not just their large ears keeping them safe they often sleep with their eyes open just in case there's a creature sneaking up on a bunny rabbit or trying to get it can you imagine sleeping with your eyes open that would be so weird people would sleep without people even knowing it in fact who knows if this bunny is sleeping or is awake maybe it's sleeping maybe not what do you think this bunny is definitely awake or is it hmm okay now it is rabbit trivia time what do you call a group of rabbits actually this sounds like a joke this isn't a joke this is a very serious question what do you call a group of rabbits well a group of rabbits is called a colony look at that colony of rabbits by the way you have to share that with someone tell someone today that a group of rabbits is called a colony that would be so cool to share that fact with someone a group of rabbits is called a colony now in a colony of rabbits you may find a baby rabbit baby rabbits are called kittens just like baby cats are called kittens we use the same word this is definitely a mega cute kitten okay baby rabbits are called kittens okay here is our final fact it's another thing rabbits have in common with cats did you know that rabbits purr when they are happy purring for rabbits is different than purring for cats when rabbits purr they actually use their teeth they rub their teeth together to show that they're happy so it's very different but it means but he's pretty happy it's a happy bunny rabbit the last pets we are going to learn about our turtles so cute and slow turtles are cute animals that are famous for their protective hard shells and their slow movements hey do you already know what type of animal a turtle is what type of animal is a turtle uh-huh turtles are a type of animal called reptiles turtles are reptiles Wow so what does that mean well here are a couple of things about reptiles they breathe air they are cold-blooded and they are vertebrates meaning they have a backbone breathing air is easy to understand right can you take a breath right now uh-huh right now yeah you breathe air - just like turtles and all of the other reptiles even sea turtles breathe air that's right so fascinating this sea turtle is grabbing a quick breath of air before going back in the water earlier we also mention that turtles and all of the other reptiles are cold-blooded what does it mean to be cold-blooded well being cold-blooded means turtles don't keep the temperature of their bodies the same their environment changes the temperature of their bodies unlike turtles and other reptiles we are warm-blooded that means our bodies warm themselves and keep our temperature about the same all of the time even when we're out in the cold if you check the temperature of a turtle it can be all over the place depending on where the turtle is because a turtle just like all other reptiles is cold-blooded we also mention that just like other reptiles turtles are vertebrates they have a backbone next time you see a turtle smile at the turtle and say hey I know you you are a vertebrae you have a backbone which is cool okay all right turtle can you can you hear me turtle turtle if you would like to learn more about reptiles we have a full video on it you can check it out after this video all right time for more turtle facts we want to be experts on turtles turtle masters let's talk about this what do turtles eat that's a good question well that depends on the type of turtle and what kind of food is around it turtles spend their day looking for food they can eat things like insects fish worms or different kinds of plants because they eat both meat and plants turtles are omnivores can you say omnivores uh-huh turtles are omnivores that means they eat both plants and meat it's interesting their eating habits can actually change as they get older - oh guy when turtles are young to eat more Meads and older turtles tend to eat more plants now that's not always the case younger turtles can eat plants too and older turtles can eat meat but their diet changes as they get older here's a picture of a turtle with a buddy well at least you would think these turtles are friends that their buddies well guess what they really are they're really not friends okay get ready for a sad fact turtles don't usually interact with each other they're not very social animals and they don't interact with other Turtles if they're in a group they don't even acknowledge one another they're just doing their thing in this picture they're eating together they're enjoy your meal and it would be like cool if they were turtle friends if they were friends but turtles don't become friends with other Turtles turtles don't have turtle friends they just do their own thing but the good news is the turtle can be friends with you some people have turtles as pets do you know anyone with a pet turtle okay all right we are ready for our next turtle fact did you know turtles love the water and spend most of their time there this is actually the major difference between turtles and tortoises turtles spend most of their time in the water and tortoises spend most of their time on land now sometimes people get these animals confused because they look very similar and they're from the same family but they are different because of where they spend most of their time turtles spend most of their time in the water tortoises spend most of their time on land look at this amazing sea turtle all turtles spend most of their time in the water but none as much as sea turtles sea turtles are all about the water but you know even sea turtles spend a little bit of time on land in fact female sea turtles lay eggs on the shore and the baby sea turtles make their way to the water once they hatch and it's interesting baby turtles are called hatchlings that's right hatch legs that's such a cute name and they look so cute hatchlings are so adorable but notice you know their mothers not helping them that's because turtles remember are not social animals okay they don't really interact with one another that much and so they're kind of left on their own that may be why turtles don't celebrate Mother's Day their mother's steak heart would just say dear mother I hatched and did everything on my own love baby turtle of course no turtle video would be complete without sharing more about that famous shell the outer part of the shells made of something called keratin the same thing your fingernails are made of your fingernails are made of the same thing as turtle shells and as you can see the shell is great for protection turtles can hide their heads and their feet in their shells we hope you had a fun time learning about pets special thanks to our patrons who make videos like this possible if you would like to learn more about becoming a patron and get home school pop tattoos visit homeschool pop com or click the link below as always you are awesome we hope to catch you next video
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 97,159
Rating: 4.5750275 out of 5
Keywords: Pets for kids, animals for kids, pet videos for kids, pets
Id: TmXGL4BorBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 56sec (2096 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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