1st Grade Math Compilation

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wow we are going to learn so many cool things on this homeschool pop video all right what's the first thing we should learn how about edition i love edition i love it very much i love addition i add up all my stuff i know the voice of an angel all right so really why do i love edition why do i love edition and why should you love edition well i love edition because addition is so simple and so much fun we're going to show you we're gonna prove to you that edition is so simple and so much fun you're gonna have a great time doing it okay so you might be wondering what is edition what do we do when we do addition well addition is putting numbers together it's like a great game of putting numbers together okay addition is putting numbers together now we're going to show you exactly how this works by talking about this sport do you know what sport this is yeah this is golf this lady hit the golf ball and she's hoping that the golf ball goes into the hole we're pulling for you sally don't know if you actually got the ball in the hole but we're pulling for you sally you could do it sally you can do it you see she's so excited she doesn't know she doesn't know but we don't know either so anyway all we can do is guess we don't really know sally all that well but let's pretend that sally loves golf and let's pretend that sally likes to collect golf balls so sally is playing with one golf ball let's say that's the only golf ball she has with her right now she's got one golf ball but she finds another golf ball by a tree so she had one golf ball and then she found another one we need to put these numbers together don't we to find out how many golf balls she has now putting numbers together that's that's addition that's addition so now we put these two numbers together she had one golf ball she found another one so let's add both of those balls how many do we have yeah two sally now has two golf balls good job sally oh edition i knew i loved you oh edition all you are is just putting numbers together so simple so fun a game anyone can play well you know sally you know sally she went back to that golf course the very next day because remember she loves golf right and of course sally brought her two golf balls because remember she had one golf ball and she found another one so now she has two but you know what she had a great day at the course and she actually found two more balls i know isn't that crazy sally is really great at finding golf balls she found two more balls now we have to find out how many golf balls she has wait a second oh we're we're putting we're putting numbers together it's edition it's time we're gonna get to do addition again remember addition is putting numbers together she had two balls and now she's found two more balls and we get to find out how many she has now that's addition putting numbers together so she had two balls and she's found two new ones so we need to find out what two plus two is what a great addition problem what's two plus two if you don't know you can actually just count the golf balls what's two plus two yeah four two plus two equals four remember addition is putting numbers together two plus two equals four that's addition putting numbers together oh bless her heart sally's at it again she's back at the golf course to collect more golf balls so sally brings all of her golf balls now she has four of them she brought all four to the golf course well she looked high and low and wouldn't you know it she found three golf balls during her time at the golf course i know she's so good at collecting golf balls now we need to figure out how many golf balls she has and yes we're putting numbers together so it's going to be an addition problem she had four golf balls and now she has three more golf balls so what is four plus three remember with addition we're just putting numbers together so if you need help you can actually count the number of golf balls on the screen what's four plus three yeah four plus three equals seven she has seven golf balls now great job adding well now you know the basics of edition and now you know why i love addition so much in the comments below tell us how much you love addition because it's fun right it's simple it's fun where's sally where's sally ah there she is there she is there's our little star thanks for helping us count how many golf balls she got and remember addition is just putting numbers together we are so happy to have you with us i mean you are so awesome you really are oh you like my poster mr whiskers poster you know it's pretty cool pretty cool you know it's a pretty cool poster pretty cool cat too i wonder what he would like to learn about next if he would learn from one of our videos what would he like to learn next how about [Music] let's learn about equal parts we're going to learn how to recognize if something shows equal parts or something shows unequal parts hold on my my boss is giving me his pizza order again i'm telling you he loves pizza way too much i mean i like pizza it's fine but he's always giving me his pizza order i'm always picking it up for him and this is just this is you know i i just here i just gotta keep writing down you know he's got all these instructions he likes his pizza a certain way oh wow oh he's he wants he wants me to have some of the pizza with him oh man and and ted and gilbert oh all four of us having the same pizza all the sharing of pizza so what would that look like what would it look like if we had this pizza put in four equal parts how would we know that these parts of the pizza were equal a pizza with four equal parts might look like this [Music] pretty cool huh we know the parts are equal because each of the parts are the same size we're gonna play a game called are these equal parts okay it's not really a game but we can make it into a game right okay it's not like checkers it's not like chess you know it's not like basketball like soccer okay it's not like a game game game okay but it's still gonna be fun and we're gonna be able to see work with me here okay we're gonna be able to see if these pictures show equal parts or if these pictures show unequal parts so here is our first picture now we're gonna be looking to see if this picture shows equal parts and this picture shows how many parts two good job now are these equal parts [Music] yes this picture shows two equal parts and we know they're equal because they're the same size now look at this one this picture shows how many parts yeah three parts now are these equal parts [Music] no they're not equal parts they're not equal parts because they're not all the same size this picture does not show equal parts great job [Music] now let's give this picture a try how many parts to this picture show [Music] three good job and are these parts equal parts no they're not equal parts can you imagine if you got that bottom part if this if this square was like a cake and you got that bottom part that wouldn't be fair why these are not equal parts [Music] let's give this triangle picture a try how many parts does this picture show great job three and are these equal parts [Music] yes they're equal parts because they are all the same size equal parts means each part is the same size great job [Music] what about this picture how many parts does this picture have be careful when you count it's a little bit tricky [Music] this picture has four parts now are these equal parts no they're not equal parts how do we know because they're not the same size [Music] i don't know about you but i feel pretty good about this equal part stuff it just means that the parts are the same size when they're the same size that means they're equal oh this little baby's putting together a little craft you know oh it's so great i just love that this that's so good wait a second that that paper's from that book isn't it okay this is see this is this is not an approved arts and crafts activity right now um okay we're gonna have to take care of this but first let's learn about subtraction oh do you know where i am yeah you know i'm waiting patiently in this waiting room oh man it has been a while have you ever been in a waiting room before [Music] cool yeah they can be fun but you do have to be patient and it's a good time to think you know you can think about all kinds of things like okay i have eight cowboy hats i know it's crazy it's weird eight cowboy hats and they're all the exact same the exact same hat i've got eight of them eight brown cowboy hats i mean what's a guy gonna do with eight brown cowboy hats that look the exact same what could i possibly do with eight brown cowboy hats that are all the same i mean i should probably give some of them away [Music] you know i could give away one of my hats to bob and cookie might want one yeah she might like a brown cowboy hat you know i could give one to nancy you know just in case she ever got invited to western party and chomsky he'd take a hat [Music] so as i'm sitting here thinking about my eight hats i need to figure out how many hats i'll have left if i give some of them away to figure that out we need to use subtraction you see subtraction is when you take numbers away yeah very simple subtraction is when you take numbers away so i begin with eight hats and i decide to give one away we're going to need to subtract one from eight the way we would write this is eight minus one now remember when we subtract we're just taking numbers away so eight minus one we're going to just take one away there we go how many hats do i have left what is eight minus one if it helps you can just count how many hats i have left what is eight minus one yeah seven eight minus one is seven now i have seven hats remember subtraction is when you take numbers away and as you might have noticed we use the minus sign when we write a subtraction problem you could see it right there in the middle it's just like a dash that's the minus sign so now i have seven hats but two of my friends stopped by and i decide you know what i know i just have seven hats now but i want to give two of them away now i'm gonna be subtracting two hats from my collection we would write this by saying seven minus two now let's take away two hats we'll find out how many we have left what a wonderful subtraction problem what is seven minus two if you need help you can just count how many hats are left what is seven minus two seven minus two equals five yeah five hats and you can even count them one two three four five there are five hats left seven minus two equals five [Music] do you see how fun and simple subtraction is subtraction is when you take numbers away so now i have five hats in my collection only five hats left but then i meet up with my cousins huey dewey and stewie who want to have hats too and i'd love to give them hats so i'm gonna give three more hats away so i have five hats and we're gonna subtract three hats we would write that five minus three i love subtraction so much all right there we go the three hats are gone so five minus three how many hats are left it's pretty simple isn't it [Music] yeah five minus three equals two good job subtraction is just taking numbers away and five minus three leaves you with two now i have just two hats we love subtraction i mean subtraction is when you take numbers away and why am i in the middle of the road with the shopping cart so i had my two hats and that's fun because then the hat has a friend and they're like buddies and they're like a pair of friends and then chomsky came by and i said oh i'm gonna have to do subtraction again i'm gonna have to subtract again old chomsky you know that charm say bye i said i'm gonna have to subtract again i'm gonna have to subtract one more time so i have two hats minus one two minus one so we subtract that one we take that one away and how many hats are left what is two minus one yep two minus one equals one there's only one hat left which is fine i mean you know i can only wear one hat at a time and it was the same exact hat i think about it subtraction's been good to me it's good subtraction is taking numbers away sometimes i do wonder what would have happened if i didn't give that hat away if if hattie still had his friend they could have gone to the beach together they could have gone to birthday parties together but actually the hat had a better purpose to make a friend happy so in this waiting room all i gotta say is thanks subtraction you are pretty awesome oh this is such a heavy cart oh my goodness oh it's hard work you know a lot of times learning can be hard work too but we hope that these videos are really helpful make learning fun so that learning isn't hard like pushing this cart oh my goodness all right ah what's the next thing we should learn about let's learn about even and odd numbers a number belongs to one of two groups either it's an even number or it's an odd number so what's going on why is this even a thing we're gonna talk about it [Music] even an odd is actually pretty easy but it's just a matter of knowing what to look for so we're gonna be like detectives together okay you're gonna have to have an eagle eye to help us out on our quest we're gonna use dinosaurs dinosaurs are awesome here's a red dinosaur that's i don't know why it's windy there's wind going on and i don't know what's what's let's change the scenery let's let's make it more modern day there you go look at that just walking through the neighborhood strolling he's ready to help us discover the secret right to knowing even and odd so what is this key that we're looking for what are we looking for that will tell us if a number is even or if the number is odd an even number can be grouped by two an odd number cannot be evenly grouped by two so it's all about the number two and that might sound confusing let me show you and you'll see here is the easiest number to do we're looking for the number two okay can it be put in a group of two well yes because it's the number two we've got two dinosaurs that makes two even now this is odd this dinosaur is all alone he's not in a group of two this makes the number one an odd number because he's all alone that's odd it's an odd number let's look back at the number two see what's neat about this is it's an even group of two that means our dinosaur has a friend he can talk to his friend he can hang out it's not it's not weird it's not odd it's an even number here we have three dinosaurs now can we put the number three in even groups of two well no because that third dinosaur is all alone the top two dinosaurs have somebody three is odd there's one that's missing a partner here we have four dinosaurs now we're looking for groups of the number two now we have two groups of two here that means it's an even number each dinosaur has a friend wow five dinosaurs but look one on the bottom doesn't have a pal doesn't have a friend that's odd it's not evenly grouped into two five is an odd number hey buddy okay don't don't run okay we'll get back to the even numbers i know you don't like the odds you don't like being the odd dinosaur out it's okay i promise this next number is going to be even because it goes for even odd even odd just hang on oh man dinosaurs you know so temperamental you know i mean what's that all about i mean a dog dog wouldn't have done that you know dogs are better i think now than dinosaurs you know i'm just kidding dinosaurs are so cool moving on here we have six dinosaurs now each dinosaur has a friend that means six is even you can split it up in groups of two oh here we have seven dinosaurs but there's one dinosaur that's all alone six of them have friends but one is all alone doesn't have a pair seven is odd [Music] the number eight does everyone have a friend yes there's no one without a friend number eight is an even number it splits up into two very nicely eight is even [Music] let's go even higher the number nine now you can see really quick it's easy to spot is nine even or odd yes it's odd there's one who doesn't have a friend nine is odd oh my goodness 10 10 is it even or is it odd you tell me you know how to do it now you know the trick [Music] yes 10 is even everybody has a friend [Music] now we're about to teach you two sneaky tricks that you can use with even and odd numbers okay so seriously it's it's well it's not it's not really sneaky but anyway so this first trick is that all of the numbers alternate from odd to even and back and we're gonna show you what that means and what that looks like here we have the first ten numbers numbers one through ten and the trick was all of the numbers alternate from odd to even and back do you remember if number one is odd or even yes number one is odd because remember number one's all by himself doesn't have a friend doesn't have a partner it's not an even number number one is odd now we remember number two right number two is even yes because it can be grouped into because it is two now if they alternate that means which one is number three [Music] it's odd [Music] this is where it gets fun if three is odd then that means four is even good job and if 4 is even that means 5 must be odd yeah and if 5 is odd that means six must be you guessed it even and if six is even that means seven must be odd yes seven is odd if seven is odd that means eight is come on what's the pattern eight is even and if eight is even that means nine must be odd and nine is odd come on is this not just the most fun trick ever if nine is odd that means ten is even they all alternate so the first trick is that they alternate the numbers alternate odd even odd even odd even odd even odd even now we're going to look at the second trick the second trick is that with numbers bigger than 10 if it's odd or even you can see on the end with numbers bigger than 10 if it's odd or even you can see on the end to demonstrate let's play a game we here at homeschool pop call odd or even we're going to look at a number that's bigger than 10. we're going to look on the end to see if it's even or if it's odd our first one is the number 21 is it odd or is it even it's odd how why well we look on the end the end is a one a one is odd it's all by itself a one is odd so twenty one is odd because one is the ending [Music] did you know that means 71 is odd and 101 is odd and 131 is odd and the number 1001 is odd why they all end in what let's try this one the number 32 is it odd or is it even 32 is even well how do we know because of the ending look at the ending it's the number two two is an even number because it's a group of two it can be put in groups of two because it is two the same rule applies this is the second trick with numbers bigger than ten if it's odd or even you can see on the end every single number that you can think of ends in two is an even number let's try one that's a little more tricky let's try the number 100 is 100 odd or is it even [Music] 100 is even it's even and we know that because of the ending it ends in a zero now remember second trick with numbers bigger than 10 if it's odd or even you can see on the end an ending is a zero and every number that ends in zero is even let's look at the chart again as you can see 10 on the bottom ends in zero and it's even every single number that ends in a zero is even just like every number that ends in a one is odd every number that ends in a 2 is even every number that ends in a 3 is odd because 3 is odd every number that ends in a 4 is even and it goes on and on numbers that end in 5 are odd numbers that end in six are even numbers that end in seven are odd [Music] numbers that end in eight are even numbers that end at nine are odd and then numbers like ten end in zero are always even so there you go odd and even as long as you learn these you'll know any number because the endings always tell you if it's odd or even so once you know these you'll know all of them [Music] you're doing great you're increasing your skills just like this racer you know racing on the water you're increasing your skills you're doing a wonderful job and next we are going to learn about three dimensional shapes this is going to be awesome love the 3d shapes a lot of people know the 2d shapes you might not know the 3d shapes you're in the right place before we get started let me just dance here real quick this is really cool music i really like this you know i like the dance you know some people they're not dancers you know i dance i dabble and dancing you know all right that's enough can somebody turn that music off and seriously i can't i can't teach like this i can't teach with this music going on you know i feel like i'm in a candy shop let's just turn the music off please thanks so here they are our old friends the 2d shapes you're familiar with these you know you're familiar with the circle the oval the triangle the pentagon the trapezoid the hexagon the square the rectangle the parallelogram and the octagon and these aren't all our our shapes our 2d shapes you know but these are all family friends of ours we don't want to just forget about these and before we look at 3d shapes it's really important for us to look at these shapes again because these are old friends so we're gonna look at each one of these one by one just to make sure you know who they are before we learn all these new shapes this first shape doesn't even need an introduction it's the circle the circle that round figure it's awesome we love this shape it's one of the first ones we ever learn the circle this next shape is one of the stretchy shapes the oval it's like a circle got stretched out it's elongated it's a tremendous shape the oval here's another familiar shape the triangle three sides we love the triangle the triangle is great the three-sided friend three sides a triangle wait i keep saying we love the shapes i mean we like the shapes but do you love the shapes do i love the shaves i mean i don't know i i need to take it easy here all right let's keep going ah the square all four sides all equal you know the square is good the square's in good shape you know sometimes you just need a square sometimes you just need a square here's the rectangle the rectangle is longer than the square because not all four sides are equal the rectangle i don't know i don't know we're in the middle of something here but i have to share this okay so what do you call a hamster with a top hat abra hamster lincoln i digress the trapezoid a cool shape with two of the sides being parallel to each other in the parallelogram another four-sided shape both pairs of sides are parallel to each other and finally the pentagon with five sides the hexagon with six sides and the octagon with eight sides what awesome shapes so let's go ahead and do a quick 2d shape quiz i need your help i want to see if you really learn these if you really know these before we get into the 3d shape so help me out here we're going to have an awesome time [Music] wait what is that my birthday oh well what type of shape is on the top [Music] yeah a circle what type of shape is in the middle [Music] a square awesome okay now what shape is on the bottom of course a triangle awesome job now we've got more is a little trickier which shape is in the middle [Music] yeah a trapezoid which shape is on the right the pentagon good job and which shape is on the left yeah the square now try these which shape is on the bottom yeah the oval which shape is on the top [Music] yeah the parallelogram which shape is in the middle all right the rectangle great job [Music] all right the last one which shape is on the left [Music] yeah the hexagon which shape is on the right [Music] great the octagon and which shape is in the middle [Music] phenomenal the pentagon [Music] all right we're ready to learn the three d shapes we're going to learn how to identify the three dimensional shapes if you struggle through the quiz you might want to watch the first part of the video again otherwise let's get started so as we're starting out it's important to remember what makes a 3d shape a 3d shape there's an old rhyme that says 3d shapes are fat not flat and you can see that with the sphere which is a 3d shape we're about to learn and the circle the circle is flat but the sphere is 3d it's three dimensional all the shapes are like that so let's learn all these 3d shapes so the first 3d shape we're going to learn is the sphere the one that we just mentioned the sphere is the 3d version of the circle it's perfectly round [Music] there are spheres all around us one of the spheres we see all the time are balls like this soccer ball a soccer ball is a sphere it's perfectly round it's a 3d circle it's a sphere you know this sphere yes it's the earth it's where we live our planet is a sphere how cool is that our own planet is a sphere perfectly round it's a sphere in this picture we have two spheres can you spot them yeah the two spheres are the two bowling balls perfect round spheres spheres are all around us here we have a group of three spheres and you can count them right now one two three spheres all together the shape of a ball a sphere perfectly round well there you have it the sphere what a cool 3d shape to start with it's round there are examples all around us and it's just so cool and you know what the 3d shapes are gonna get even better our second 3d shape is the cone the cone is a really cool shape with a circle as the base or the bottom and it all comes up to one point called a vertex here's an example of a cone i think we all love the ice cream cone if it doesn't have any ice cream inside and you flipped it upside down you'd be able to see the circle base and it all comes up to one point called the vertex here are two cones a red cone and a blue cone and you can see both cones have that circle base and all comes up to a vertex what wonderful cones have you seen these before they're traffic cones here are many cones i didn't count all of them but there's a lot and they're wonderful wonderful cones [Music] so that's our second 3d shape the cone a wonderful cone with a great circle base it all comes up to one point called the vertex how awesome is that our third 3d shape is the pyramid i love the pyramid the pyramids great it comes up to one point just like the cone except the base is a square and the sides instead of being smooth they are triangles okay like these are awesome these are so cool the pyramids of egypt you see that they have the triangle sides and the bottoms of these pyramids are square they're awesome examples of the pyramid this is a pretty cool pyramid it's a decoration that you plug into the wall but it's a great example of what a pyramid looks like the bottom or the base is square and there's the triangles on the sides how cool is this [Music] here's another pyramid and it's made of glass there are so many decorations and things around maybe even your house that are shaped like a pyramid because pyramids look so cool people love putting them everywhere there you go i mean you know the pyramid it's a good shape you know you see a lot of them around they've got the square bottom or base and the the triangles on the sides and all goes up to a vertex it's a classic shape it's pretty awesome our fourth 3d shape is the cylinder now a cylinder is easy to spot because it's got a circle on the top and a circle on the bottom and it's smooth all around here we have a can of soup and it's a cylinder it has a circle on the top a circle on the bottom and it's smooth all around all cans and most jars are cylinders here we have three cylinders they're candles and can i tell you a secret most candles are cylinders two right oh my goodness this is just too crazy and too awesome here are two more cylinders are you kidding me are you kidding me even batteries are cylinders cylinders are seriously everywhere a circle on the top a circle on the bottom and smooth all around i mean really the cylinder is everywhere i mean you know the circle on the top circle on the bottom smooth all around i cylinder like what in the world do you have to be everywhere okay the next 3d shape is the cube the cube is the 3d version of the square it has six sides or faces that are all squares here we have two dice dice are in the shape of a cube so these two dice are two cubes they have six sides or faces that are all squares here we have many cubes these are cubes that are made out of wood each of them have six sides or faces that are all squares here are seven cubes of ice have you ever had a warm drink and you need to put ice in it it's awesome because it has this great shape the shape of a cube six sides or faces all squares i mean there you go the cube right the 3d version of a square and it's got squares all along the sides right there six sides or faces all squares and i don't know i think it's pretty cool shape our final 3d shape is the rectangular prism the rectangular prism is the 3d version of the rectangle it has six sides or faces that are all rectangles okay an awesome example of the rectangular prism are bricks and here we have four bricks which are four rectangular prisms the 3d version of the rectangle you may have seen this in your classroom or in your home it's a kleenex box and the kleenex box is a great example of the rectangular prism it's got six sides or faces that are all rectangles okay so the secret is most boxes are rectangular prisms so here's another rectangular prism and it's a box and it's a shorter box but it still has rectangles all around and it's a rectangular prism what else can we say it's a cool shape the rectangular prism is the 3d version of the rectangle it has six sides or faces that are all rectangles and it's just a neat shape to have around i think i mean you know yes so let's review [Music] pyramid [Music] [Applause] cylinders [Music] sphere [Music] cylinder [Music] cones [Music] pyramid [Music] rectangular prism [Music] spheres let's do some more on the top here we have cubes we can tell that because it's the 3d square it has six sides or faces each of them are squares it's pretty cool do you remember what shape these bricks are yeah a rectangular prism they are rectangular prisms they're the 3d versions of the rectangle [Music] at the top we have a cone a cone it's got a circle base on the bottom and all comes up to one point called a vertex do you remember the shape here on the bottom these are three cylinders they have a circle on the top and a circle on the bottom and it's smooth all around [Music] you're doing such an awesome job seriously so cool so what's this top shape do you remember yeah it's a pyramid a pyramid a pyramid has a square base it comes up to one vertex or one point and has triangles as the sides [Music] all right do you remember this last shape here on the bottom yes it's the sphere the sphere which is the 3d circle and we started with it and we're ending with it and it's so awesome [Music] hey petey i know i know i heard about your plane you know it's a cool plane you know and and it's it's neat i don't know if it flies or you you look pretty confident that it's going to fly which is cool yeah i see you hello hello yeah thanks for waving thanks for saying hello you know we're actually in the middle of learning we're in the middle of learning a lot of new cool things right now so i actually do have to go hi you're still waving okay um we're gonna go uh because now we need to learn about roman numerals which is a different way to write numbers and it was used a long time ago in ancient rome and it's been used since then and you can think of it almost as a secret code way of writing the numbers it's pretty simple to learn and we're going to go through that the first roman numeral we're gonna learn is the roman numeral i and i is one i equals one so if you see an i with a roman numeral it's one the letter v is the roman numeral that means five and the letter x is the roman numeral that means ten so when you think one it's an i you think five it's a v and if you think ten it's an x so that's it just those three i it almost looks like a one that's how you can remember that i is a one i is the roman numeral for one a v is in the number five when you spell it out the number five you see that right there it has a v in it so when you think of v you know oh you know what there's a v in the spelled out number five so v has to be five now ten is x and we can't think of anything that could remind us of that so there is no memorization thing just when you see the x it's 10 and that's just what we're gonna have to do okay one last time here i just want to make sure you get it there's only three i is the roman numeral for one v is the roman numeral for five and x is the roman numeral for ten and you gotta understand that so that we could start playing kind of a game of putting them together and making numbers other than just 1 5 and 10. so let's get started so let's practice putting these roman numerals together what number do you think this is you see two i's and i is one so the answer is two two eyes is the number two [Music] what about this one what number do you think this is there are three eyes yeah it's the number three let's try this one [Music] what number do you think this is we see two x's and x equals ten so ten plus ten equals twenty great job this is the number 20. [Music] whoa this one is so cool okay an x and a v what number do you think this is the x is a 10 the v is what number 5 awesome so what is 10 plus 5 fifteen whoa thanks so much for helping out [Music] now that we've looked at how to put some of these together i wanna tell you about two special numerals that are a little bit different and so you're gonna have to just remember these on their own the first is the number four and the number four is represented with an i and a v and the i is before the v because four is one less than five which is v so remember with four it's i v with nine it's similar except with the x nine is i x x is 10 and i is just before it so nine is i x okay that was really cool thanks for hanging out and learning those with me but we're not done we want to go through all the numbers up to 30 just using the numerals and i want to see how much you've really learned so if you'll do me a favor as the numerals go up i want you to say the numbers along with me and we can practice together sound good alright let's get started one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 and 30. well there you have it a new way to write numbers wow you completed the video that is so impressive well you might notice there's a circle right here on this video page that you can click to subscribe to our channel or you can click this rectangle to go to another one of our videos but keep learning learning is so cool
Channel: Homeschool Pop
Views: 1,902,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1st grade math, 1st grade math lesson, 1st grade math videos, 1st grade math curriculum, 1st grade, 1st grade math word problems, 1st grade math subtraction, 1st grade math games, 1st grade math problems
Id: xX5caFM5xMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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