peter parker being a relatable teen

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was actually having a really good day today you know start didn't miss my train this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there and algebra test nailed it I can't go to Germany why I'm being serious I can't just drop out of scrappy little danger hey guys you ever see that really oh my strikes back Jesus Tony how old I don't know I didn't carbon-dated meets on the young side who build my new Lego Death Star what how many pieces uh I need a new backpack what I need a new backpack that's four five I know I know it's really hard trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through it's flowering now huh huh you know it's never too early to start thinking about college I got some pull at MIT and caulk is no longer connected that's awesome so you got detention you screwed up you know what you did was wrong the question is how are you gonna make things right we all know what's wrong time those turkeys try to convince you something that you know hey where you going hey I'd like on this thing I made Pacis car ahold specs okay you're on speakerphone he's still Flash's car Oh [Music] you know you okay never really with my parking lots this is a huge step which I was dark kid where'd you come from so you've done there's in trouble what's your point okay okay ever see this really old movie aliens it's not it's not it's not I can suppose to move exactly like photos is it still the greatest movie in history it never was don't encouraged I really like MJ man okay she's awesome she's super funny in a kind of dark way and sometimes I catch her looking at me and I feel like I just did I'm waiting she's coming up just dark I'm sorry you're saying there's some multiverse because I thought that was just theoretical I mean that completely changes how we understand the initial singularity we're talking about an internal inflation system then how does that even work with all the quantum just insane sorry it's really cool night night you look nice you guys are so cute Thanks I was thinking that maybe we should all I don't know like go on a double date or something oh we broke up know what why
Channel: spellbooked
Views: 2,747,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8MLsOmiqFBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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