Peter Kay - Early Years - 1997 Interview

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hello there in 1997 I traveled to Bolton to interview a fresh-faced comic who despite it only being his second gig had just won Northwest comedian of the Year seven years later that same man has become one of Britain's most celebrated writers performers and comedians his name Peter K so why don't you join me now and enjoy the very first time I met the man who would become Brian Potter Peter hello there nice to meet you another good have a grip grip I have been to a young Catholic yeah did you peace be with you and Shalom and all that we were at churches so I didn't grip they were considered like you got happy Syd old people go Beth peace with you oh we got a little bit bit laps to say--but love kind of laps and so I we used to go every Sunday into him on realize it said keep the Sabbath day holy so we stopped going we just watch praise be now and I was singsong I'm glad you can make it sorry I have to come right though watch yourself but Michael you tie it with that bike we're climbing on those roofs to get him you spend your boxes in well so um I just want to talk about you and what you're doing where you from and how you've got to be a comic why you want to be to do laughs in a brothel I look at a cinema in Bolton yeah you still do that oh yeah that's where the real money is yeah showbiz you know one minute year you're up there making thousands of people laugh next minute you're picking up toe falls so you know it's real life you know reality 2:59 and our you know without that nice up in minimum wage now on it because I've been busy Polly they've gone decimal down there hey yeah hmm oh good that is like a pamper so well this is where you live in is in Blues this is where I live it's not like a proper anything this I think what I want to do is I want to make as much as much money from this career as I can and then so I can buy me look more always services and get out of this [ __ ] - Oliver place first so do you neighbors know that you do stand-up they do they start acknowledging me women in leggings that never give it to him Adair before I were on tell her no I got shut him up now this day no sorry on telly can we borrow it got beer mics so you won the was it the Northwest Community Year did yelling and what was that I did was f did it change your life no God I mean that I'd ever expected to win because I never done stand-up before I'd always been like you know people Peter finds you know enjoyment making the children laughing class and all right you know but we're never really into doing it on television they're doing stand-up you know and then our best man at a wedding yeah and I got made a speech and my friends who said you know you should have an oddish you know and I thought well I can't well the course I was doing was a niche Indian media performance knitted a stand-up comedy and of course and OH let's see what I mean it [ __ ] is you God shoulda got Ken low it should right anyway so I did this sim this what do you want you want old comedian Jax did this give me a [ __ ] rings I'm sorry I did this best man speech and I said you want to get up and do it did this search and the immediate performance course and they said that well what they do on the course is you do a stand-up comedy Maji was an option yeah and the moderators coming in back yeah and you go do a stand-up performance ten minutes so I did this and it did really well and it sort of said you can try and make a bit of money out of this I've never dreamt to doing it never done any up my credit and so I wrangled agram mmm and I just said any chance of any work he said oh well you know not really one race you stea and on either just talk about Bolton and I'm laying friends and that and he said well what prior experience if you just oh dear at this point we retreat indoors for fear of women in leggings and the Agra man the Peter speaks of well he runs the Bulls Club a great could be Manchester or lots of big names got their first break unfortunately after 15 fun-filled years it's about to close down bit of a shame really that week filming in the North West was a busy one coincidentally I also met Kenny senior raven den Perry Beverly Brian's girlfriend and Max's brother a whole cast just waiting for the right show people come in and go Jesus you've got a lot of films I said you want to borrow one then they go no seen them all smoking bandit to not think so so we moved inside now this is him and this is where will you get why the moved inside Ian but we were too scared to be outside it was good yeah well I wasn't scared well obviously knew you Abuna can't say because they'll be on tallien but come on pull and is in well so what was it saying well we was talking about your media course or whatever not why you got into doing stand-up well well George I never expected to do stand-up and I entered [ __ ] man said to me why don't you enter the Northwest comedian of the year because you want a lot Mike's party beware seven months so I thought well that's not longer emergent that many comics about you well that's what he said to me so I mean I wear a fur hanky with I said what kind of names Agra man so anyway I entered the North West coming of the year I did the first heat oh yeah I caught on number 22 boss orbiter whatever it is John and we got off and they were very they're a bit intimidating really because I never done it before there are like oh every time you're in relation a my first time really I don't think you should be oh oh I doing that and the cigarette and I said well then I'll have a go so I didn't and I on a warm look next thing you know Jed's a millionaire No and then anyway the final and then I did the final and and one so the final was really mid second ever stage performance and it's been about since Fela and then it's been up and up and up and yeah I've got me on skip knee and so it's next thing so um TV show then and then only been a nationwide tour now I just nationwide okay forgiven the really small chance of bringing back hanging nationwide so your media course and all that business about doing it's going to set you up for a top career in and TV then MTV know in TV night or radio NT it wouldn't be a bad move why wouldn't we add it we had cable what we got rid of it because they drilled all the window frames and they all rotted that's 9 X 4 you complete that a and window frames no it's strange into I mean I won though and then it's slight I got off as I did a film for Granada with the Alexei Sayle and Paul Shane and that was the new voices that was on about three weeks ago I got quite a big part in that landed another film for BBC Keith Allen that Sun in two weeks bouncer on and did a pilot for BBC that's don't wander at the moment so it's done lots been pretty regular you know it's bizarre but it's important that I keep working at the cinema thing I mean I've never left that hill or professional professional professional full-time stand up get out this bar no quit the cinema and I'm like no I don't want to quit the cinema because for me it's it's real life you know I mean I only do Saturday and Sundays and it's just you know it just brings you back down to reality plus it's funny you know but what stage we do you think I'll come a stage where you've got a way because if it's going so well that you're gonna have to concentrate fully on that and well I don't know cuz I just got an application for multiplex the building I don't know I mean I don't really want to leave it's important to me I mean I've had 14 jobs in 70 is right and I've always worked and stand up there's only out in the last eight months and I've done a lot of places now and it's good I will lock in me because it I went from doing nothing into again in my experience is stand up it's like move forward eight spaces right and there it's like I'm looking off to be able to get paired and still learn no I mean rather than go on we get like nothing on ten pound and gather experience by I still get fed at the same time so the last eight months I've changed a lot what you want to do is get so successful you can buy your own cinema and then you don't even flicking one look around we show guys I work in one I know I guess so oh yeah three slit place each slice you a flipper last year people you don't want to know I tell you things that they did with Gene Hackman stunned II know you know new kids come in and they see what weekend this and they walked up to kiosk and they said what's that about that senior citizens I said it's like a Mexican version of Cocoon they're getting know what I mean what what chance have you got what's the Cupra Vita like good for people stay center so people commit cinema and open front doors and leaned in and got you out with any idea what you showing tonight uh me I'm gonna clue no no no no no what toilets Aaron Andy but we all got Dolby's frozen and I just turns it up full blast this to me acne sorry well its total waste it no no always dit no so you do it you're also through to the 5-month a.m. the BBC new comedy yeah is that out of the know yeah I thought should I have a go at this and people who are on have a govern all just a Saturday because it no it's don't you miss all that stuff yeah you mean we all turned out one Sunday in the rain just fit see him run don't fall in and do anything I'll tell you what I've got yeah they're this is a very to the me nearly everybody sorry listen oh wow look at this is it Jim we'll fix it sort medallion it's never been opened as well well I will admit those for you may see without it's fantastic tell you where to get up them crashed on and off set up oh well oh no I don't believe that never I've never owned in it's just bloody broke oh my god oh I can only apologize on that bombshell we must take a break what happens to Peters Jim will fix it soap-on-a-rope well you'll just have to tune in and find out don't worry it'll be fine welcome back to Peter cave the early years before the break a tragic incident with a general fixit's Oakland rope had occurred I've never hauled in it's just bloody broke oh my god but John does another shop in it you can know one you see hey yo you laughing oh there yeah bop bah bah I got a new baby piggy I think you got a disease you're old many big antiques never going to fit up my outfit on my own either well yeah yeah look at that a sporadic revolutionary new milkshake if at lunch nobody goes I was about 11 mr. stand-up comedy's because here was it oh yeah you know miss me I know I used to do that every week then I guess in football and I've them kids on them beanbags and you have a comedies comedy chick County chair and something come outside everything into that in it big arms and that will cups and I grab anything out of there so the final yeah is in Edinburgh in August to move into Edinburgh those oh well I have I won't once what school went to Isla Roman I only stopped off in John Menzies for a Twix would have never been into it right as a place you know that's his house weeks let's treat Moreno a National Trust and me Dad I said I'll get you I'll get you cool oh yeah yeah only got with this he come back I wanna go I'm gonna go it's even keel coin did some in and they banned them from going at school on the econ will come back this bloody more to imagine it's called bright luminous there's mean national super for this motorway meant and it's gone like Fort William us summarize Scottish pinball Martin when I'm out for through me and trees not the trees three luminous call yeah that's all each I've been Edinboro never been so I'm up in August night for this so our associate Rashad did think Wednesday the shocks gonna wear off a bit there wasn't pleased things keep happening oh no I haven't heard that so you think your phone in a nutshell for and I thought people ring have a go at that so keep trying you know you sure you want to wear you start answering other stuff other competitions you might get you know he might went on with their something oh yeah look like at take a break music yeah now of course he should have won the BBC new comedy award of course he should he was cruel erupt but what he did win that year was this so you think you're funny award ironically I went on to become one of the judges I was gonna say about you did about your name wasn't yeah without you okay I think that's a bad influence on you because Peter Kay and then this course is Phil K just accept channel for the Collinwood bulimia yeah and then it's Gordon K from a lower low failure Paul K he does like Dennis pennis T and then there's Danny Kaye a gone kid not really but what he did work at ball not to get and I work at ball knocked again they got sacked they are telling des bounds he could come in in white jeans I know and then I he worked there a lot lost funny it's funny when you're a kid you thought Oh lower lower rubbish and then when you're watching no it's very funny you know well some of them are fake weren't we Kenneth kind of buddy started any mind but Donna care yeah cuz came off really well when he first came already he played like the Palladium and he did a really strange thing like he sat on the edge of the stage drinking tea and talking to the audience and people like my god what is he doing but it kind of brought that boundary between the audience in him and it's something that I've always really thought is incredible just trying that in light 1957-58 dunno you know just a strange thing just said car everything down and stop follow me is you can just sit there with a cup of tea - so where you from and just that of a chap to him and he might know his star that's what we were mrs. Merton got no idea if I'm reminiscent know all a guy say Donna care of course he did a corseted inchworm she's one of the favorite major in the Marigold ever my favorite song ever a sangala Docklands hot bowl kid in a now no they don't know whatever shuts out of that thing it were out I was Christian understand but it went off for about an hour 12 end all about Bali and then I got a bit bored with it it starts off good so when you a kid you do you think he's got the same name as video quote I've got a Danny care of them up there if you want me to dig it out for you to be the cheery Singh still with the to run it now I think well you can do but your Toby take you half an hour to get through one or it is this under K know you only know alpha battle L alphabetically order you'd record it no I'm line yeah but no one it is it's a brain cover I've get me that letters I feel like G night when in Superman movie that Lex Luthor leaves the other stuff should go to London on this program and I don't now oh yeah there you go got Stef meter little things I love that that's a man dog and music then it's apparently anyway a bit well racy that some girls yeah sorry there you go there you know Danny kiss coming up with awesome awful ones a another one a lot of bloody German parliament album sued I mean the Artemis is nice dr. Weiss it's only Christie really looking like he's on a beach there look at him no I was stuck up well he's coming no down a care easy someone yeah rise or fall of idiom in I didn't look did he buddy used to be around them yeah I did yeah mmm-hmm no terrorist listen hang on now I won't expecting this I didn't dig it out yeah that's us it are they I see it wasn't I wasn't a stupid question after all layer uncle pockets is on there I think now with something to recorded it will record an axe they're here at the carnage video for pockets sewing yum-yum you want to spent their thought no you can do let's take this off no worthy but I'm gonna have a bath in a minute oh it's much it again what's our material desert is this really crap question but that's what Lorna know me well um oh oh yeah whichever kept really seen you can't spend I was doing that this afternoon just getting it right um a strange guy just go off and talk you know see whatever comes out don't really plan anything I brushed announce that I've dick to font everything tip army gigs and then go back and then that's all because you get quality see I've ever gone places in place you gotta make sure I don't do Sam 18 I got through it and write something different you see but luckily no I've gone about three hours within the - but what ways it's like it's about Bolton is about your chair that is it about school what you know girls so all of that ever yeah after after it's about all that apart from sex I'm nothing I'm not prude and nothing against that it's just that black people have satellites that is saying that I'm very mainstream and I don't think I am I just think that I like what's what's funny what's old and I just like I'm very much into comedy I was studied it and watched a lot of it and I just I don't think this made steam others alternative I think if something's funny it's funny I mean it's got to a point now where I mean I just get opened and I don't fault I don't want to fall into any particular category or webinar mainstream enough I mean I just know that even but long as people keep laugh and a lot of people keep booking me I'll keep doing it and I look at it I mean I don't just get up and improvise I do structure what I'm gonna do I do take time up to make sure but I don't tend to really dwell on like drugs or sex because I think it's harder to be funny and get laughs I mean there's elements of it in but as far as I can as long as I can keep going I'll try to get away from doing them so of those old people of the older style comics or whatever it is you who do you like those and Ronnie Barker in porridge is there's not a lot of things make me laugh surprisingly enough there's I'm one of enough to give you the master circuit there's a lot of inside I'm not a lot of the inside can again like Danny Kendall there's not a lot of things make me laugh and Toria wood makes me laugh but not her when she's writing Julie Walters does it alright and then yeah I'm about it but do I come on Bennett these are not easy lots or slap another thing you think something yes he's alright any I mean he's east cuz that's quite similar until we wouldn't know yeah I saw yeah idea there but um he's are huh them your Mike Lee's in Europe I don't matter all that kind of thing I think that's incredible then provides stuff and we know where the study a character and the band that are bits and I think that's well you want to get down there mate although you in a private job dance is that it now I'm sorry I don't know what you're gonna ask me so we're not the grassley given that it's Alan Alan krauser mr. means you know about comedy is that we're out of film question so there you are seven years and two series of Phoenix nights later Peter is putting the final touches to a spin-off series maxandpaddy but he's also found time to make two hugely successful scandal videos to star in a multi award-winning ad campaign to buy his mom a new bungalow to father his first child and to put tourism all in Bolton by 10% as for is Jim will fix itself in a rope I don't know what happened to that British stock together they did it did miss fit with the Train fantastic you're watching the Sunday night stand-up zone on paramount - with an hour of Comedy Store specials kicking off with Dylan Moran next
Channel: SpeedoJoe
Views: 142,886
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Id: l2K4QZkRzwY
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Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
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