Peter Diamandis: A future of Abundance - Docu - 2013

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[Music] [Music] the media have been reporting on the crisis extensively and there's much gloom about the future but there's one man who thinks everything will be all right in fact he's sure that in the near future we will be able to meet the basic needs of all the people in the world food energy clean water basic health care and education he's convinced that a world of abundance is not far off but what does the world he has in mind look like why does Peter Diamandis think that all these stories of doom about shortages are nonsense and how fast are the developments that have fueled Peter Diamandis conviction progressing this is what you can expect to see I personally believe that we're living in a day and age where there is no problem we cannot fix since late 1980s pasta solar cells have gone from about thirty dollars a watt to sort of 65 cents a lot now it's just to prevent one of the most astounding cost down examples of any high-tech area vessel is right there and turn it on food yes this is backlight about a future of abundance imagine a world with sufficient food water energy and other basic needs for everyone on earth it seems utopian unfeasible especially in times of crisis but according to Peter Diamandis author of abundance and founder of the XPrize foundation that reality is not far off I believe fundamentally that we're heading towards a future where the needs of every human on the planet the basic needs every human on the planet will be met you know what I mean by that is access to clean water food shelter energy communications education healthcare Peter Diamandis sees several developments converging radically altering the future we're expecting to see the technology needed for this is already available and can be used it's quite simple really the price of solar power is coming down so fast that in 20 years time it could be almost free when energy is almost free there are new possibilities to tackle the future water crisis it's certainly possible to convert salt water into sweet water but it takes a lot of energy big changes are now on the way with enough energy and fresh water it will be possible to grow food in places that are now off-limits in the middle of the desert for example but if so many solutions are at hand and available why then aren't they being put to use why do we only see a future in which one crisis replaces the other when people think about the future they forget where we've been the last hundred years you know we are living in a world we're constantly being bombarded by negative news you know over and over and over again you hear about this murder about this economic crisis about this terrorist activity and there's a reason that we're fed such negative news it's because not really the brain has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years to pay far more attention to negative news than positive news because on the savannahs of Africa as we were evolving as humans if you missed a piece of good news well that's too bad you missed a piece of negative news and could be your life which is why most of the news media and most the politicians will like use negative news to capture people's attention the reality of the world we've had has been much much better you see over the last 100 years if you look at the data over the last hundred years the human lifespan has been literally extended by a factor of two the income for every nation adjusted for inflation has tripled the cost of food has come down 13 fold energy 20 fold transportation 100 fold communications over a thousand fold I mean that's an extraordinary world to be alive in where access to food water shelter energy healthcare is exploding and what's happening is these things are all due to one thing technology the technology that rate these improvements isn't slowing down it's accelerating and so the improvements to our lives are going to accelerate as well [Music] Peter Diamandis is not only an author he also founded the XPrize Foundation an organization that hands out big prizes for technological innovation in addition he founded the University in the heart of Silicon Valley with well-known futurologist records while here on the campus of the NASA Ames Research Center an exclusive group of people meets regularly during meetings at the singularity University they discuss which great technological innovations await us and how these will change the world and this was airship hangar and called hangar one we've actually used in the filming of the last Star Trek movie but it had asbestos in the materials and the coating the outside skin was removed and now you see really the skeleton remain well mile that way is Google and we chose this location for the headquarters of singularity University because it's really in the center of a hotbed of innovation the companies within 50 kilometers over here represent trillions of dollars of revenue and some of the smartest companies on the planet the kind the conversations we have here our conversations that don't take place in many places I mean you know I spent 10 years at MIT and Harvard in the research labs there in biology and aerospace and and most of the conversations there are very narrow in their field here you're jumping back and forth between molecular biology and robotics and nanomaterials and and you know computational systems and there's a very multidisciplinary conversation that is you know and also a mindset that there is nothing impossible it's really about okay how would you do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] visitors of singularity University look at the speed of technological developments differently for most people when we evolved on the plains of Africa we evolved under a circumstance that was local in linear meaning that the world changed the very linear scale you know nothing changed generation to generation year to year and it was very local the things that affected us within a day's walk but today we're living in a world that is global and exponential you know something happens on the other side of the planet we know about it seconds later our computers know about microseconds later not only is life changing technology changing you know decade to decade it's changing year to year an extraordinary rate the things that we depend on today that didn't exist five years ago so we tend to view the future through linear extrapolation we think about the future the same way we viewed the past but in fact things are moving so rapidly as it turns out the world that we live in today was created for no other reason than the power of technology at singularity University we fundamentally teach that all technologies are riding on top of Moore's law Moore's laws the notion that computers are getting twice as fast every 18 to 24 months for the same dollar invested anything that uses computers or uses computational power is doubling in price performance every year that includes biology includes manufacturing almost every field if we start doubling a small number point zero one doubles two point zero to two point zero four zero eight zero sixteen you know it basically looks like a straight line because you're doubling very very small numbers it's deceptive in the early stages of exponential growth but once you get to a point where it starts to grow its disruptive and we call this point than me in the curve some technologies are developing exponentially much faster than we are inclined to think because of that prices are dropping exponentially to imagine this would happen with one of the technologies that influenced almost everything in our life what would the consequences be one of the fundamentals for human life for living a great life is having access to energy you know we take it for granted right now that you can go and plug in and have light 24 hours a day and have access energy to run your refrigerator your car whatever it might be it wasn't always that way and over the course of millennia and centuries and decades energy has become more and more available it just so happens technological developments in the energy field are accelerating take solar power its energy production is increasing fast and the price of electricity from solar power is rapidly decreasing here at Alta devices a manufacturer of a new type of solar cells they're ready for the consequences this is future expansion area music obviously for shipping and receiving and some storage now but ultimately this will all have manufacturing tools and equipment that will be used to process more cells basically what we're manufacturing are these these very thin solar cells that look like this they're completely flexible and lightweight what's unique about them is they use the same material that's used in the space program to power spacecraft when they're millions of miles away from the nearest plug so that's what we do we end up with these flexible cells they can be connected into sheets no sheets can be of any size and then they can be embedded into all types of different objects the cost of solar production has dropped precipitously over the last 30 years in 2012 last year MIT put out a study that showed by the end of this decade by 2020 the cost of solar in the sunny parts of the United States would be a third of the average of the grid across the u.s. in 2011 the cost of solar became cheaper in India than the cost of electricity from diesel generators so this revolution is beginning to hit now and the cost of solar is continuing to plummet so this is a machine that actually creates our film our main claim to fame is that this is the highest performance solar cell of its type typical for a solar panels 15 or 16 percent of the sun's energy gets converted to electricity ARS converts almost 30 percent so there's some one bubble that's right almost up we're heading right into the crossover point where energy from wind energy from solar is less expensive than than what comes from traditional means cause that trend is going to continue this isn't this is the technology just like semiconductor chips and displays and that sort of thing that the more you manufacture the better the yields get the bail increases and the costs continue to go down so I think the trajectory that we've seen over the last twenty or thirty years isn't going to change what industry has continued to pennies for walk so what's going on right now is that we've entered into a revolution that I believe over the next 20 years thirty years maximum will give us access to literally all the energy we need you see what's happening is the amount of solar energy production around the world has been increasing at 30 percent per year now 30 percent per year when you're starting at a half a percent penetration it doesn't seem like very much but you know increase at 30 percent a year and you go from 1% to a hundred percent in only 20 doublings that's extraordinary 120 increases of 30% at the same type at the same time we literally have been living in last 20 years where solar has been radically decreasing in price so I believe that energy is one of most important marketplaces of humanity and that some of the most important energy breakthroughs are going on there it allows you to think about new solutions for example if you want to put solar on the roof of your house the traditional way is to drill a bunch of holes in the roof and then put a frame in a rack on top of your roof and both the modules to it but with flexible solar cells you can actually incorporate the solar cells into the roofing material itself so the cost is lower and then you're getting two to three times more energy so it's a dramatic difference I it's not that there's not energy there's plenty of energy we're here doing this taping in Los Angeles and as you fly into Los Angeles in a jet you look out you see just hundreds of square miles of rooftops of roads literally of it is absorbing the terawatts of energy that are coming down and hitting it every single day there's going to be a time 10 or 20 years from now people are going to laugh because someone doesn't have solar on their roof somehow the same as you would laugh if someone told you I didn't insulate my house or I have the thin windows let's let the cold in so when I think about about solar integrated into buildings themselves you know I think that's 10 years from now you're starting to see it really become important in 20 years from now it's ubiquitous it's everywhere this is a cell phone where the solar cells are incorporated into the back of the phone itself so with something like this you're constantly charging your phone even in light like we're in right now you're a triple charging the battery of the phone so if you're paying attention I'm constantly exposing the the back to the light wherever it's available it was shot at not needing to recharge now that the price of solar power is dropping new interesting applications emerge imagine this if the price of solar power keeps dropping at this rate and electricity will become almost free what other big problems could be then suddenly solved if you think about people talking about water wars and water scarcity it's really strange to me because we live on a water planet 2/3 of the earth is covered with water yes 97.5% to salt water 2% are the polar ice caps and we fight over a half a percent of this water but there are technologies coming online that are extraordinary that are going to be able to make water available to anyone anywhere [Music] in the desert in Qatar an hour's drive outside the capital Doha lies the Sahara forest project here in between a big industrial complex in the endless desert there producing fresh water food and energy for a country with hardly any fresh water resources and little in the way of agriculture that's a revolution Norwegian your team how they founded the Sahara forest project he explains how using only sunlight and sea water it can produce all the things that are so scarce here [Music] [Music] we're using tea water because it's really abundant as you know in this area fresh water is really cash meters so we won't take what we have a method like sunlight like Arab areas like co2 and salt water to produce what we need more favorably produced to water and mg so here we have a concentrated solar power facility where the sunlight is reflected enemies to this cube filled with oil that kept very very hot that energy is used to drive a decolonization actually here to produce fresh water from the sofa their father is right here and turn it on yes it's like any water that that you that would come out of the tab in Europe or yeah this is pure fresh water because the solar industry is rapidly developing I mean if you see the development within the PV industry it's going much faster than anybody predicted a couple years ago and I'm sure it will be the same 50 techno because it has the potential to store energy which makes it able to deliver mg also when the Sun don't shine [Music] these are the technologies have the ability to touch the lives of billion people that are doubling in power in performance every six months year 18 months two years they are technologies that are enabling small teams to do extraordinary things and they're effectively impacting every aspect of our life so I'll give one example exponential technologies are now impacting food with a new combination of existing technologies the Sahara forest project is producing food in the middle of the desert with seawater and solar power when you can produce fresh water and food in the desert it gives rise to new possibilities to combat the food crisis here we're growing cucumbers and these are planted about three weeks ago and now we're harvesting the first cucumbers in three weeks yeah is that normal for it whereas the really fast okay wait can we have good growers so it's a lot of sunlight and um how do you expect this to develop do you expect to have our greenhouses all over the deserts in the world in ten years or so well we're not in this to build pilots we want a really go large-scale so we want to establish this in low-lying desert areas with a lot of sunlight stretched on fresh water resources I mean the green out like this where you use salt water to first cool there and then you modify it and then produce take some of that humidity and produce fresh water from it and then if you grow any kind of cash crop really this is barley and it's one of several crops that we are trying out in this area but it's outside it's not any greenhouse yeah it is so when we have used to salt water in the greenhouse it reaches the high concentration of salt when we take it outside over these hedges the same process so we have salt water running down this path and the desert wind comes through and more water evaporates of that so it's a bit more cool it's before you live and a bit more shaded valleys of an a month to get even desert environments to give rise to vegetation this is a basic trick for evaporating threshold from from see what with it's not rocket science at all it's a wall of cardboard with a lot of small holes in it and on top here it's salt water dripping down and when the hot desert air blows into this it happens evaporation so fresh water evaporates out of the salt water and that is a process at the mouth energy so the air becomes cooler and more humid none of this is really revolutionary thinking if it's more in how you put technology together and that is the whole secret so you want to define the technologies to work together to harvest images from each technology making them a bit more efficient in a 50 the Sahara forest project provides a glimpse of a possible future with food and water in the middle of the desert your King house is looking beyond the dangers of the next food and water crisis I think if the challenge we should take very very seriously but then again I'm much more worried about apathy that it's so many people talking about problem and it told you that actually getting their creativity fueled and getting at it and find a salt in the set up in Qatar is still a trial but in Australia the Sun Drop Farms company has built a greenhouse that produces vegetables commercially using only seawater and sunlight the greenhouse in Australia will see a major expansion this year my first book which is many many who see this it's too good to be true yeah and that's why we have to build it to prove that we are possible yeah furthermore there are big plans for this technology in North Africa [Music] so can happen you know if you've got energy and you've got clean drinking water you're two-thirds the way to health and being able to have people literally have the ability to have ubiquitous health that's the future we're aiming at [Music] the singularity university is looking into technologies which will develop exponentially in the short-term and the possible consequences come on in [Music] this is not 3d printing this is microprocessor provides [Music] right now there's a meeting at the University about the developments in a medical industry doctors surgeons and representatives of medical companies are thinking about possible developments in healthcare they're doing so in unusual ways doctors put together robots for example to get an idea of what the possibilities are so if I were to take your laptop and say I have a light bulb and I want to make the laptop light the light bulb how would you do that this is fun what you do it you go yeah and you dump them out like that okay you havin fun here and let's see we got in healthcare internet smartphones and the possibility to store large amounts of data are generating new applications that will fundamentally change how we look at our health so we're going to imagine a device that is for the consumer not for a doctor not for a nurse for you and me to use for a mom at 2:00 a.m. in the morning when their kid is sick or if you're trekking through Mumbai or through Patagonia and Chile this is a device that your doctor imagined this device that's so accurate that it's able to do Diagnostics better than a team of board-certified doctors that's the kind of technology that's coming online right now [Music] Valter de Brouwer is a startup company scanadu he's developing an app that allows you to track your own health so [Music] you take you know your smartphone you click on the app and so then you take this device you put your two fingers over the lines because these are the electrodes and you put it here on this on your temple and then it will normally take I can't talk normally now otherwise it will take longer ten seconds you see here my ECG and my PPG yes and here it says my heart rate is fifty five point five ninety eight point six or a normal temperature this is my pulse wave transit time is 12 so this means that you know my blood pressure is okay it's within the the accepted range and my oxygenation is perfect it's a 98% this is preventive you know it doesn't mean that when you have sick and you need to go to the middle just to go so but this teaches you what actually and shows you all your readings instead of a sort of an annual checkup you have like a daily virtual checkup sometimes if you like happen damn it something starting here you know like is it bacterial is it viral is it just a common cold you know do I need an antiviral an antibiotic or chicken soup you know oh how many people are infected around my is it a temperature difference oh yeah because of the temperature there's a lot of people of course okay you know I I'm okay with that information I'm okay I don't need a doctor to Pat me on the back I just need more information the worst thing you can have is a doctor a second solvent comes to clear you from the flu and rather have a machine technology has given us an unprecedented window into the human body but on a day to day basis we're still in the dark about our own health we are changing that what is instead of fearing the worst when you notice something out of the ordinary you could identify the condition yourself getting the right diagnosis would save you worry that rosio and an unnecessary doctor's visit okay so in 2005 something happened to my son and my wife and I had to sit in hospital for for a year and so I have to to learn all these machines and I had to know what they meant I had to lock them look at you know I asked around read books you know yes 24/7 day you know you sit there sit there next next to a bed there's a lot of time then in 2010 I decided so my son was already back home he spent a year in hospital Zoey and that that was one of the things that I after three months he left the ICU and was completely in panic because there were no numbers anymore and I thought I want to go back to that ICU is going to die here you know people come here you know they they have a spoon you know like this is a Middle Ages I want to go back to that ICU because numbers gives you they give you an illusion of control points probably not control that egg they give you that delusion you know like take if you also an illusion sometimes of especially when you're in shock of biofeedback that you can you look at this number and you say let it be that and and you say come on BAM come on and so but when you're in an empty room without machines and scary after that so what if you had a way to identify what was wrong right away a way to get all of the information you need to understand the situation [Music] you and in serious cases you would know when and where to seek help [Music] so we also have these disposables you see now we are already with urine analysis they are strips which we make very very cheap strips and basically so we put this in urine or we put it in saliva not the same of course and so we we take the app the app takes picture the algorithm in in the app immediately says it tests you for 12 complications so for liver failure for renal failure you immediately have your results but not only will it say like you have urinary tract infection it will also mine the data around it it will CDC will say in California for the moment 740 people have urinary tract infection so today 37 cases came yesterday in 600 they are mostly taking this would you contact this group because these yeast communities will be very very big you know the crowd always brings surprising solutions which as first science doesn't understand and so there's a lot of things that is going to change when you give everyone you know you empower everyone with these medical tools so will it replace the doctor well it will certainly help the doctor in the future where now you know like where now the doctor is alone more and more machines will help the doctor and in the end the next step will be doctors will help the Machine and perhaps then there will be a machine that even you know gives an exam to doctors because in the end there's a lot of information processing going on and there are some diseases which are quiet continuities so more and more machines coming in it's only our carbon chauvinism that makes us think that we are better [Music] health care is not the only field that is being swept up in the exponential growth of technological developments the production of almost all material goods is about to be digitized putting everything on its head as it turned out the ability to invent something new is resident everywhere everyone sort of somewhere in their life sees a problem and says why can't I do it this way now the ability to take that idea and actually build it and then to distribute it and manufacture it gets harder but lots of people have ideas but what's going on today that makes it totally different is literally the world of the internet and crowd creation we are living in a time where I think the idea is the most important part the ability to fund it from the crowd the ability to use computers that's available out there to design it manufactured test it distributed is happening more and more so as more people are plugged into the Internet as these exponential tools for manufacturing things designing things modeling things are coming online the ability for more people to innovate and to create is itself growing exponentially one of the biggest manufacturers of 3d printers is located in hell dome also in the Netherlands the machines that are made here will allow everyone to make everything themselves the impossible you'll then suddenly become possible as long as you can imagine that you can make almost anything that is inside this box that fits in here we can see that this is such an important tool for new innovations of the future for empowering people to actually be able to create what was only a thought before there are so many different applications they're used in schools but also just for people at home artists use them it's so versatile anything that fits in there can be constructed there are so many applications more than I can mention the beauty of digital production is that as long as you have a digital file then you can send somebody the object via emulation and you can even transmit like on Wikipedia everybody can collaborate and and add to the knowledge and in this case it could be physical objects that people can print in their own homes so the way of distributing and sharing objects is radically different and this is for the first time that for physical objects this has become possible the beauty is that with a flexible production technology like I need the digital manufacturing technology it's not more expensive to make a different thing all the time so you can keep improving your design and this is a really powerful mechanism and it also means that creating these products is not more expensive and they are usually higher value products so that's also very important so it will really stimulate innovation very much on a website people are sharing their designs some artistic others highly practical such as parts for IKEA furniture [Music] we're already seeing that not just is 3d printing much more powerful we can even start printing body parts working organs that save lives but on the other hand anyone can now have a 3d printer which even in their homes which allows them to create new things or just be able to get them in a easier way without a lot of hassle and a lot of distribution costs so they can just print the thing right there in their home and that will be a very normal thing to do and so in terms of innovation it will be an enormous boost but also in terms of saving saving the environment to some extent because the very efficient technology it loves allows you to make things in many cases you print them almost hollows of some structure on the inside to make it very strong but not more material than you need so that saves time it saves material it saves cost of course and wait the beauty is that now physical objects become like digital objects in a way that they can be innovated upon so even our 3d printer itself can be improved and has been improved because of 3d printing so if technology can reinforce its own development it's really amazing how fast it can start developing I'm convinced that the machines are already very powerful but they will get more powerful in terms of their abilities they can produce more things at a higher detail they will become more affordable over time so I'm convinced that it will be a matter of time before people before almost anyone has one what is true is that technology is a resource liberating force it takes that which was scarce and makes it abundant over and over again whether its energy or you know access to knowledge and information think about the fact that what used to be scarce you know communications and knowledge and information today am a sigh warrior in the middle of Kenya honest on a cell phone has better mobile communications than President Reagan did 25 years ago and if they're on a smartphone on Google they have access to more knowledge and information President Clinton that 15 years ago they're living in a world of communications and knowledge abundance and that is going to happen over and over again now that we are all part of a big network and have free access to all information scientific discoveries are accelerated in fields like astronomy the uninitiated and amateurs are playing a much bigger role than before [Music] everyone can take part a teacher from here learn in the Netherlands for example can make an important astronomical discovery the before was granted only to professionals honey had no considerable knowledge of stars and had never even looked through a telescope honey discovered a light echo in a shape that professional astronomers had never seen before the phenomenon was named after her and is now officially called honey's for bed this is the picture I got on my screen and that's the galaxy I had to classify and then I know much in it and that's honey's war and what kind of looks like a green frog resident I didn't think I discovered something new and it wasn't you Rica moment where I thought oh please look at this this is something new I was curious and I didn't think they mention it so I thought I'll ask what is this through the website of her idol Brian May honey came across galaxies ooh a project in which everyone helps professional astronomers classify photos of galaxies so you get one of these pictures on your screen and this is a galaxy you have to classify that one and basically you're answering these questions so I would say it's not a smooth round one I think it's a flat spiral galaxy so I'll click this one and then they ask is there anything odd because there could be something like a wolf in this picture but I only see other galaxies and stars I would say no and if I don't want to discuss this then you get the next picture that's really how it works there are armies people wanting to help you can find answers quick they didn't even expect that at the start I think they thought would put them online and they'll ask people to help us classify and they thought it would take years for a few people to get through all these pictures with the help of millions of netizens like honey scientists can make more discoveries we're finding answers quicker because um you have many more people to help you find that answer for honey the discovery not only meant being invited to lectures all over the world but also being mentioned in numerous books this is the one that was written by Brian May Patrick Moore and Chris Lindh's off who is behind Galaxy Zoo and it's called the cosmic tourists because they describe a few words it Torres traveling from Earth to as far as you can possibly go they describe the hundred most interesting objects you can you can see and honey for of is one of them so it's in this book oh you sure yes in fact because it's very very far away from us just how far away is it for us 650 million light years alive you yes it's really far away and you can see it this is the Hubble picture for the 24th and the strange screen [Music] you see innovation is really a function of the number of conversations going on and two things have driven a increase in innovation number one people moving from the rural areas of countries into the city and as people become more more compressed the ability to exchange ideas and build on ideas has increased the other thing that's gone on is the global Internet you know in 2010 we had 2 billion people connected online by 2020 you know in very few years we're going from 2 billion to 5 billion people connected by Internet 3 billion new minds are coming online and those 3 billion people are going to be able to solve ideas create ideas build on each other's ideas and really drastically increase the rate of innovation [Music] [Applause] now that innovation is no longer set aside for experts discoveries are being made in the most unusual places a secondary school student for example with access to the Internet can make a discovery that can shake the foundations of the medical world it won't him a prestigious prize for young scientists and the winner of the $75,000 2012 in the category of medicine [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it is my honor to present to you the top award winners of the 2012 in town I [Applause] think that's the definition of true joy and accomplishment so with that he was 15 when he did this he's now the right baby 216 Jack andraka at the beginning of this I actually didn't even know I had a pink I didn't know anything about medicine so all it really took for me is that their passion and you didn't Google Micah pedia at age 15 Jack andraka did would big pharmaceutical companies with billion dollar budgets could not he developed a new early detection test for several forms of cancer there was a lot better and cheaper than existing tests my project was a novel way to detect ingat ovarian and lung cancer for three cents in takes five bills so 268 times faster over 26,000 times of expenses in over 400 times more sensitive than the current gold standard of pink dagger varied in lung cancer detection but in addition you could probably apply it to really any disease and really first-rate online stuff [Music] so I actually became interested in pancreatic cancer because a close family friend who was like an uncle to me passed from the disease and so I got really interested and why I found is that the current state of the art methods for pancreatic cancer detection are bulky inexpensive require specialized doctors and also they can't be used for routine screenings which means early detection is really an option and so then I was really into being a new way to detect pancreatic ovarian lung cancer that was cheap simple rapid inexpensive sensitive and selective such acts be used like a diabetes test trip for routine screenings but just getting into a lab was a giant feet simply because I emailed 200 different professors at Johns Hopkins University the National Institutes of Health and elders I got 199 rejections and when maybe a lab and after three months I try found the maybe professor and I finally got accepted after an hour-long interrogation by 20 specialists and there's been one really important lesson one last thing and that lesson is that do the Internet anything is possible so if I could do that just imagine what you could do thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think technology genie is out of the bottle and it's the fact that we're developing faster computers that helped us build faster computers it's also the fact that more and more people are getting access to technology and are experimenting and inventing and it's very vibrant rapidly growing environment of innovation and there will be a time where the rate of change is so fast that it's going to be difficult to grasp where it's going that that time horizon is not that far off we're talking about you know within the next 20-30 years that the rate of change is going to be growing so fast that it's going to be you'll wake up and have access to new technologies that are extraordinary [Music] thank you for watching for more on this subject take a look at the playlist you can also watch this recommended video don't forget to subscribe to our Channel and we'll keep you updated on our documentaries [Music]
Channel: vpro documentary
Views: 46,142
Rating: 4.7871146 out of 5
Keywords: Peter Diamandis, a world of abundance, a future of abundance, technology feeds the world, technological solutions, clean water technology, healthcare technology, optimistic about the future, a positive future, singularity university, Peter Diamandis abundance, Society, Backlight Society, Society documentary, documentary, vpro documentary, vpro documentaries, vpro backlight, Free documentary, subtitled documentary, documentary subtitles, docu
Id: PcWMn-dMYQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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