SU Global Summit 2019 | Keynote | Peter Diamandis

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[Music] ten years as a university or as singularity for years here at Global Summit it's a pleasure for me to give this opening keynote slot every year and I think about what it is I want to convey during this time what is it that I can share with you that's mu or a different way of looking at it that's going to be meaningful to yourselves as leaders as CEOs as entrepreneurs as mothers fathers and let's talk this year about a series of meta trends you know a lot of the trends that are going on in the world right now are almost unstoppable and they're somewhat predictable and it's perhaps this which has been raised super power of envisioning and making extraordinary predictions of where the world is going so I want to share with you sort of the meta trends I'm seeing I've got a book which comes out this January called the futurist faster than you think I love the the subtitle how converging technologies are transforming business industries in our lives and it's the realization that this convergence is what makes this different now in here so cheaper faster computers and we're about to see this incredible increase as quantum computing comes online and impacts almost every industry as it impacts machine learning and the materials genome and pharmaceutical discoveries and I'm not even talking about quantum but regular classical computation is accelerating sensors networks AI robotics 3d printing synthetic biology arv are a blockchain as computation gets stronger so do these and it used to be that you could be the expert in any one of these and that was sufficient but it's no longer the case it's the convergence of these technologies that is really transforming our world it's how to three or four of these are coming together and creating new business models is entrepreneurs I think that's the most important thing that we should be looking at what are the new business models not just the new technology right being an expert in the problem and not the technology but the business models are where the juice is the second thing going on right now and I can feel this and hopefully you can as well is that the rate at which technology is getting faster is itself getting faster we are accelerating the rate of technological acceleration and there's a multitude of things that are coming together to make this possible right more people are now connected than ever before they have access to more computational than ever before and they have the technology they're using is cheaper than ever before and they're getting access to more intelligence supplementation ever before so we're literally accelerating you know the first derivative of our acceleration I hate to call it the jerk but anyway for the physicists in the room it is getting faster and faster and so I want to call out a few meta trends that are important and I'll speak about just a few of these the first and you saw a part of the slides I'll show some of them again that will shown which is we are seeing increasing global abundance it's hard for us to realize that as we see the crisis news network and all the negativity in the world but what people have access to is more abundant than ever before we're seeing an acceleration as things demonetised things are becoming products and services becoming cheaper and cheaper and becoming available to more and more people and this in itself is creating more increased global abundance everyone everywhere is being connected at gigabit connection speeds and this is going to change every one of our lives I don't care what business you're in the fact that every single person on planet is being connected gigabit connection speech is going to be transformative but it's not just people we're connecting everything on this planet IOT and ioe will go into this a little bit and what this allows is us to ask questions I would never ask before if everything is connected we're heading towards a world where you can know anything time number six a revolution in personalized autonomous fast and cheap transportation of people and things right my dear friend Ramez naam talks about this beautifully increasing human intelligence and this is about AI and AR support of you to learn what you need to know in exactly the moment you need it but also this incredible transformation before us on VC I increasing human longevity healthspan increasing capital abundance and increasing global cheap energy again what Ramez talks about so beautifully so these are ten of the 20 that I'm tracking I'd like to dive into a half of these and talk about what they mean to us so I want to pause here that I don't think any of us truly understand how fast the world is changing and I think ultimately that's the role that we at singularity University you all of us play here at SU and in our abundance digital and abundance 360 ecosystem is to help us understand keep our finger on the pulse of how fast things are changing you know a lot of people are fearful about the future in fact most people are fearful about the future hopefully as we have these conversations we get excited about the future excited about the tools that we have to solve problems so let's hit on this idea again I can't help but but focus on it because you are as members of the singularity community really the representatives to the world to help and and pause in the conversation to say hold it I know that you see all this negativity around you but let's look at the data let's take a second and look at the data where the world is truly is because again the negative news media's news cycles are designed to connect our eyes to their advertisers and we pay ten times more attention to negative news than positive news and that's all we get fed and as a result all we see is the world in hell in a handbasket so you saw this let me summarize we've tripled the per capita glow income over the last 100 years the lifespan has doubled the cost of food has dropped 20 fold Energy's dropped 100 fold transportation thousand two fold communications millions of not billions of fold cheaper take a look at this this is partly what you saw will present which is you know increasing global prosperity or a decrease in number of people living below extreme poverty but check out this last portion right here which is the data presented at the start of this year it's continuing and it's accelerating right the world is secretly quietly becoming more and more abundant increasing global literacy you know and this point will showed it but again what was life like when half of your children died before the age of five what did it feel like to live in that kind of a world where you didn't name your child because it hurt less if they died the chance of having a mother died in childbirth has become de minimis in much of the world global average life expectancy has doubled we're going to talk about I'll talk about this and you'll hear during other programs that were on the verge of doubling a human life expectancy again right the most precious thing we have is our lives and the time and how we use that time I was having a conversation at lunch with family about exponential family luncheon about about increasing global populace and aren't you concerned about that Bill Gates has two great TED talks on this subject but look at this in the 1950s about a hundred families had six or more children per family you do two things to a population center you make them healthier and better educate the number of children per family plummet you can see how rapidly that's decreasing over time here's another way to look at it the child replacement rate for the earth is 2.1 children per family is what allows breakeven we're decreasing in the u.s. we're below the US population replacement level globally we're two point four two in red airlines are clearly still the safest means of transportation on the planet that blue line are automobiles when we get to autonomous cars those will drop down to a near zero death rate as well global disaster deaths so what's happening in the 50s 60s 70s 80s why the number of deaths per hurricane per flood for storm prep endemic why are they decreasing it's not that they're less of them it's that we have access to the data to predict them better to get help in that golden hour right these technologies are supporting this and this is from Steven Pinker's book called the better angels of our nature where he shows us we're living during the most peaceful time ever in human history which is really hard to fathom but it's true so let's talk about why this is happening why now for me it's the impact of these exponential technologies it's the result of the technologies that you guys are creating investing in utilizing to make the world a better place another impact of exponential technologies is to take what was scarce and make it abundant over and over again and what would you think of as more scarce than a beautiful four five six carat diamond right there's a company not far from here called the diamond foundry and one end comes methane water electricity out the other end comes perfect diamond 6 carats eight carats 10 carats how big would you like we do like imperfections in it no problem when I see what a real diamond ring looks like check this out all of a sudden we go from scarcity to abundance to a squander Bowl abundance of what we want technology is the force that takes what used to be scarce and makes it abundance so inside your industries inside your services how do you take what you're doing right now and go from a scarcity mindset am I'm gonna put my arms around it and meter out a little bit at a time to an abundance mindset because if you're not doing that someone else is so what do you think of as scarce energy no we live on a planet bathed in six thousand times more energy from the Sun and we consume as a species right we used to kill wells on the ocean to light the nights then we ravaged mountainsides for coal then we started drilling kilometers under the water you know we are not far from a penny per kilowatt hour from the Sun and believe me when I say the poorest countries on the planet of the sunniest countries on the planet you have abundant energy that means abundant water we just awarded last year the water abundance XPrize pulling liters a thousand liters 2,000 liters out of the atmosphere in 24 hours from renewable energy turns out there quadrillions of liters of water in the atmosphere distributed evenly around the planet if you have energy you've got water time money resources expertise we'll talk about some of these the other thing that's going on is we're going from those things that used to be so scarce right and bandwidth used to be scarce it's plummeting and cost as is computational power as is storage costs as is sequencing the human genome from a hundred million dollars to below a thousand dollars today and one of the reasons that the world is getting better is that you as entrepreneurs are trying more and more startups more and more crazy ideas remember the day before something is truly a breakthrough it's a crazy idea and it inside your company if you're stuck on trying reasonable ideas predictable ideas literally expected ideas you're never gonna have a breakthrough so where and how do you try that so in 2000 to start an internet-based company is about a five million dollar cost for the servers for the software for the people for the bandwidth you know that dropped over time to the point where it's now cheap it's now easy to have an idea go put something up on the web maybe go start a Kickstarter campaign or whatever it might be and test and find out if people want to buy it so the number of ideas tried is exploding it's not that entrepreneurs have necessarily better ideas they may you may it's just that entrepreneurs we're willing to try and experiment and fail and try again over and over again while large corporations have to have it approved properly and make sure that it's okay and that doesn't disrupt something internally and so we only tried that idea at the end of the process where it's dead on des live on delivery the other thing that's going on right now that supplements that is that we're at a time of massive capital abundance you know we have an unprecedent influx of capital around the world from a range of area so back in 2017 in the US and in Europe we hit all-time capital highs then we hit them again in 2018 we're gonna hit them again in 2019 more and more capital available to invest in companies right crowdfunding is hitting all-time highs look at this by 300 billion by 2025 which means it doesn't matter where you live if you've got an idea it's a meritocracy you can be in the middle in no place with a good bandwidth connection and have your ideas funded by the crowd I love this quote from Malthus on who's just raising his next multi hundred billion dollar fund I totally believe the singularity is coming in the next thirty years that's why I'm in a hurry to aggregate cash and to invest the next decade is going to see the transformation of every single industry not some every industry we're also going to create more wealth in the next ten years and we have in the entire past century and here's what's going on a capital abundance plus the 60s d monetization in particular means that entrepreneurs are running more experiments more crazy ideas and more business models right YouTube gets started by Chad Hurley on his credit cards and sold to Google for 1.6 billion dollars eighteen months later there's no way to explain lyft and uber to enterprise rent-a-car the taxi fleets over here check this out this is an eye chart but on the far left is 2011 and each of these logos is a billion dollar startup look how fast it accelerates the 2015 the rate at which entrepreneur is all of you are creating companies shots on goal maybe a thousand a thousand will succeed and be a be a unicorn and then today we're at three hundred and sixty unicorns in 2019 another meta trend going on right now that is so impactful so important for us to be talking about it's the notion that everyone is about to be connected at gigabit connection speeds so today in the US and China and Europe in Asia around the world is the beginning of the deployment of 5g right so your device over here instead of at 10 megabits or 100 megabits is now at 10 gigabits what that means is you can download a motion picture and you know under a second it means you can take your LG or Samsung TV and put on the wall and plug it in it's got a connection automatically it's gonna transform and it's intersecting with AR and VR and AI besides 5g it's Google loon it's Greg Wyler and is one web constellation is being launched right now as we speak it's SpaceX with their star link launching 12,000 satellites giving us gigabit connection speeds but it's not just that Amazon is got their Couper satellite system of 3,000 satellites at a hundred billion dollars in fact there is a global explosion in connectivity around the world we're about to reach a period of time in the next four to six years right now right here no one's talking about this well we're going from half the world being connected at 3.8 billion people to the entire globe being connected where all of us are connected all the time everywhere right so what happens when 4.2 billion new minds enter the global conversation right these four billion new individuals coming online they're all going to want to create to discover to consume to buy to upload they're all entrepreneurs how do you tap into them how do you tap into that incredible wisdom and intelligence around the world right at the end of the day these are tens of trillions of dollars flowing the global economy the old economic systems are no longer valid no one counts these four billion Minds entering the global economy and if you thought the world was going fast wait till four billion new inventors come online they're all connected to gigabits they've all have access to Google or Baidu they all have access to quantum computing the cloud they all have access to 3d printing the cloud what are they going to start to create because these four billion people the last billion the rising billion they've been entrepreneurs to survive and they're about to get access to incredible tools we're gonna see this uptick in the rate of global innovation that we've never seen before this is the acceleration of the acceleration but besides people being connected it's everything right my friends at Cisco talk about the IOT IOE twenty billion connected devices a trillion sensors write your aura ring your Apple watch your device's you're wearing on your body a decade later it's 500 billion connected devices a hundred trillion sensors and from McKinsey six point two trillion dollars of global economics in the next five years from this everything being connected huge wealth right when I talk about creating more wealth in the next 10 years and we have the entire past century it's things like this I love this example car data right we never think about autonomous cars being a mechanism for creating data value but car data from autonomous cars alone will generate 750 billion dollars of revenue by 2030 so if we've got sensors everywhere hundreds of private satellites thousands of private satellites millions of drones every autonomous car 750 megabytes of data per second and augmented reality head where your magic leap with forward-looking cameras seeing everything we're heading towards the future where you're gonna be able to know anything you want anytime you want anywhere you want and I can't I can't express the impact of this so I want you to imagine that your employees your CEOs your kids right I teach my kids this it's not what you know it's the questions you ask it soon to be available and possible to know anything you can ask your AI what's the average spectral color of a man's blazer in this audience and it we'll find that out for you or walking down Madison Avenue and does it correlate to a advertising campaign you're gonna start to ask questions that were never asked about before because the data is there to be mined open sourced available there all the time we're heading towards a future of perfect knowledge where you can know anything you want anytime anywhere another place we're heading and it's the convergence of augmented intelligence is the notion that we're heading to just-in-time education where 5g plus AI plus augmented reality will allow you to learn something in the moment you need it in that exact moment in time right where it's not going and studying it's where your AR glasses show you how to do an emergency surgery or fix something or unpack something or program something whatever it might be one of the companies that I've been tracking in LA that's creating a virtual AI version of Tony Robbins if you know Tony he's a friend of singularity University he and I he and I writing a book together on longevity and this company is basically digitizing Tony Robbins into an app it's consuming everything he's ever said in video on tape on audio in his books and it's taking that body of knowledge and training a machine learning protocol that if you ask the machine learning version of Tony it answers the same as he would can you imagine that right can you imagine that process of training up a machine learning protocol with enough examples enough over and over again so imagine being able to have multiple versions of yourself this is one of the directions that we're heading but it's not just using a R and v gene machine learning it's also increasing human intelligence there's probably nothing more valuable to the president of a country or the president and CEO of a company than the intelligence of your employees and we're at the very beginning of the dawn of massive multi-billion dollar investments of connecting our brains with the cloud right we have a hundred billion neurons and a hundred trillion synaptic connections and everything you've thought or feel or hear or learned is confined in those synaptic connections can we connect that with the cloud right so Brian Johnson a kernel Elan neural link open water Facebook Google IBM and many governments are investing billions of dollars if we can connect our brains with the clouds and you can think and Google as you think and get the answer all right so this was the prediction of Time magazine of course if you look at Ray's predictions you can ask him tomorrow all right his prediction is we're going to be there in 2035 so what's it like when we have human-level AI by 2029 and our brains are connected to the cloud by 2035 if you thought the world was moving fast now get ready and if you thought this prediction of 2035 was crazy look at the investments by the world's leading tech companies and what they're focused on today for me this gives credence to that kind of a predictive it's very beginning right we're just you know a dozen doubling is away from being there what else is going on right now another meta trend I track and focus on is extending the healthy human lifespan how do we add 20 or 30 healthy years on your life how do we make a hundred years old than you 60 and then how do we make 120 then 150 what is aging anyway is it natural should we all just assume it or is it a disease our bodies were never evolved to live past age 30 you would go into puberty at age 13 and you'd have a baby and by the time you were 26 your baby was having a baby and before we had Whole Foods and McDonald's and food was scarce the best thing you could do was give your bits back to the environment and not steal food from your grandchildren's mouths but that's changed and it's this decade that extraordinary work is going on I've had the pleasure to co-found three companies and I'm tracking a dozen others that I'm investing in or supporting and these companies have in the lab I don't have I Oman here in the veins company but in the microbiome side as well you know these companies in the lab are focusing on how do we extend the healthy human lifespan and we still can't take it with us so at the end of your life what is another 20 or 30 healthy years worth to you it's a multi trillion dollar opportunity right so one of the areas is we can now begin to digitize ourselves and basically create a hundred gigabit file of our bodies and we can do this every year every year I go in and get digitized at something called the health nucleus but here's the results from the first 1,200 patients who went through this digitization process these were people who were presumed healthy right and so we think we're healthy we're all optimists but we don't actually truly know I'm a pilot I fly two different airplanes before I take off I make sure all the systems are working every time if anything's out of whack I don't take off but we don't have that until we show up in the hospital with the pain in our side right so out of the first 1200 healthy patients these were wealthy healthy patients 14.4% had something that was a significant immediate follow-up right 2% in brain aneurisms 2% had high grade tumors 3.4 percent had significant cardiac disease I mean so we're talking about the fact that we don't truly know what's going on and said our body but we can right we're heading towards a world where we're going to be able to track our bodies and find disease at stage 0 and zap it at the very beginning why we age remember I said we didn't live past age 30 so if you look over here it turns out the stem cells in our body basically by age 30 are diminished down a factor of a hundred our bodies were never designed to survive so our stem cells our regenerative engine of our body basically drift away so there are a number of companies focused on how do we revitalize your stem cell population right how do we give you stem cells to restore function to restore vitality this is dr. Martin Rothblatt a dear friend of rays and myself she has dedicated her life to lung disease in particular regrowing lungs so you can see here on the far right this is a trachea that's 3d printed out of collagen and down over there is a very fine mesh lung 3d printed out of collagen that will be repopulated by by stem cells to regrow lungs this is another company or technology of Senna lytic medicines you might know unity bioscience is backed by by Jeff Bezos and this is a concept that we over the age of our lives accumulate a multitude of senile cell cells that have not become cancers cells that have not done what they're supposed to which is die but cells that stick around and just generate inflammatory factors and they cause a lot of our disease and so this is technology to find those senile cells and destroy them and allow stem cells to repopulate in mice they hit a 30 percent extended lifespan and they're now in human testing for me this is one of the most miraculous companies is a friend of mine osmond key bar this is a twelve billion dollar private company that has zero revenues right but and this should actually click something for you like why are they worth twelve billion dollars of zero revenues because in their labs right now they have mastered an ability to control cell to cell communication to what's called the wynt pathway and they've got in testing right now basically small molecule pharmaceuticals that can zap almost a dozen different solid cancer stop them dead in their tracks Alzheimer's degenerative disc disease tendinopathy pulmonary fibrosis and in Phase three osteoarthritis a single injection to regrow cartilage in your spine or in your knees or in your shoulders and of course for the guys here in the audience hair loss treatments but when I tell you that we're in this next decade about to see this extraordinary period of discovery in why we age and the conversation is going from age as inevitability to age as the disease right the thing that we think of is most difficult to create abundance in his time but here's a crack in the door to creating abundance for us in time so I'm gonna try and leave well actually we'll try and leave two minutes for for questions we're living in amazing time a negative mindset will never give you a positive life and as you go home and rimi tear family and friends and co-workers and share with them the excitement here please share with them how extraordinary this time is to be alive as I try and teach it every executive program in program just a mindset here that the world's biggest problems are the world's biggest business opportunities you know you can lovingly proudly go and slay the biggest problems on the planet create incredible wealth and make the world a better place and what we teach is well to our GSP alumni our global solutions program participants that the best way to become a billionaire is help a billion people you know we are truly living during the most extraordinary in human history my advice for you here is don't blink the world is accelerating I'm going to be later today I'm gonna be at three o'clock in Franciscan a and B if you want to continue this conversation with me to talk about how do you think about abundance in your companies in your lives please join me there and then tomorrow at 1:50 I think one of the most important things that all of us have in our toolkit the single most important thing is our mindsets how we think about the world and one of the areas that myself and Selim and many of you and Naveen talk about is what is your massively transformative purpose right what is your moonshot each of us should know rmtp if you don't know your MTP your you're fighting with one arm tied behind your back so tomorrow we're gonna spend an hour focusing on how do you find your mass Lea transformative purpose and by the way there is no right answer or wrong answer and and your MTP can change over time my MTP in the beginning of my life through my 20s into my 30s was focused on making humanity multiplanetary species it's still there but not front and center and then through X Prize and singularity University it was focused on on solving the world's grand challenges and today it's on extending the health human lifespan so your MTP and your moonshots can change if you don't have one please join me tomorrow at 1:15 Imperial Theatre to focus more on finding your MTP and your moonshot if you'd like these slides please share them just send an email two slides and Diamandis calm and my server will send it to you back we've got five minutes for a couple of questions and then I'll continue that QA this afternoon can we get the lights up in the room and perhaps you can shout the question so we have some mic runners and I can answer we'll take we'll pick two or three and then we'll go from there please thank you hi my name is Dan C my questions about education if we all believe in this what are we doing in K through 12 to make the Jets next generation ready to take these on and move it further so it's a great question and one of the things that I want to just really say is I do believe that su needs to be doing more in this area it's difficult we are growing as fast as we can but it's an area that I feel that this university needs to uplift at least the junior high school and high school program I know I shouldn't be saying that and committing us to anything there but I do believe that I think our K through 12 program is fundamentally broken I wrote a whole white paper it's on Diamandis comm you can go there and how I have to eight-year-old boy is how I'd reinvent the educational system I think most of the stuff that we learn is for a different century right for a century where we wanted to churn out Industrial Workers and everybody had to learn the same stuff and go through the same exams and so forth this the things that I that is valuable to me in my life as an entrepreneur and probably valuable to you to find my purpose in life to find what I'm passionate about not what my parents tell me not what the world tells me what I want to do to be able to learn how to communicate passionately about the things I care about how to create a logical argument how to be an entrepreneur all the fundamentals we don't teach those things in school and I think we need to write so I do think we need to reinvent how we educate but then how do we bring to the table virtual reality an AI to create a historic lesson where I go back to ancient Greece and I stand before Plato and I see a virtual version driven by an AI avatar that is as accurate as possible and I have a conversation right or how do I create a world in which when I my augmented reality goggles on and I'm got 5g connectivity and everything as an education I see something drop and I learned about you know gravity and acceleration and I can watch the plot and everything I do is a learning experience every place I walk as a history experience this is the possibility right we can transform but that only lasts another of 15 years until all of a sudden we're connecting to the cloud and we'll we should we what are the ethics they're these the conversations were here to have these are the conversations I don't have anyplace else use the conversations that make su unique we have time for one more question we'll let the mic runner decide thank you I'm so glad you brought up Plato because there's an old saying that if Aristotle were alive today he'd be astonished because of all the new technologies but Plato wouldn't be surprised at all because the issues he's concerned about are just the same so I want to know you know how are you going to dress how you're going to see it that people only have children when they want them and can take care of them and how people are going to be more loving to their children and not pass on the pains and fears that they suffered before them in childhood yeah so those are extraordinarily valid questions that I hear more and more and let me just let me give you a frame to think about this if I may I was talking about this earlier at the exponential families lunch actually at the Alumni session this morning that for almost all of human history and you know cavemen quote-unquote started so a hundred thousand years ago but for all of human history our life was about fundamental survival it was about being able to survive disease being able to figure out where I'm gonna get water from or food from it was you know the average lifespan was you know into your 30s if you were if you were lucky we're just now at a moment in time where we can take a vacation from a survival where we can start to think about how we make the world better I think one of the things we need to be teaching in school is empathy right and a multivariable calculus learn that if you need but let's understand how to be empathic to each other there are technologies that can support us one of the things I've wanted to do in the X PRIZE front as an empathy XPrize using VR that allows you to put yourself in the place of someone else who's being wronged and feel what that feels like but yes what you said everything you said is absolutely correct in its that and the things I said it's not and or its and so all of us here and I've met so many of you who have a point of view please bring these things to the SU ecosystem I think there are very few places on the planet that are having these kinds of conversations we're finally at the point where an individual you and all of us can attack and solve problems at a scale that was only possible by governments our our platform that we have to speak to the world and show the world solutions has never been stronger it's an honor a pleasure to be here enjoy the summit looking forward to meeting many of you thank you [Music]
Channel: Singularity University
Views: 126,344
Rating: 4.8618526 out of 5
Keywords: Singularity University, Singularity Hub, Education, Science, leadership, technology, learning, designing thinking, future forecasting, Ray Kurzweil, Peter Diamandis, SingularityHub, 3D printing, AI, artificial intelligence, AR, augmented reality, VR, virtual reality, automation, biotechnology, blockchain, computing, CRISPR, entrepreneurship, future, futurist, futurism, future of work, future of learning, genetics, health, healthtech, medtech, fintech, nanotechnology, robotics, talks, global summit
Id: ZeHoFuOtUp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 13sec (2353 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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