Pet Stereotypes

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hey guys hey oh I've been wanting to see you baby oh this is East That's My Boy great to see you guys we love dogs but we don't love them that much finally broke down and got Irish a bunny man looks like you got a couple bunnies wait what I guess she was pregnant Bill get a load of this you got one kid four rabbits wait what's happening oh hey P he got four rabbits now hey guys try something look [Music] away this was a mistake hey I'll have him back before dinner I got to tangle I got a tangle all good here Chaz is in town no no not the street not the street oh I lost two last year let me set the pace guys I've been telling you all day fight slow down no fight out come on F come on all right that'll be $350 for the nail trim oh that's not even bad okay today it's 3600 for the ACL repair 3600 P it out come on get it wa not and that'll be $42,882 is what if I said that about you I'm not a dog they don't have a soul they don't they don't do you want to get into this right [Music] now who's ringing the doorbell oh man I finally just got her back down dude I'm sorry man I totally forgot about [Music] the [Music] dude you actually went through with this uh-huh how's it going I mean it's not great well yeah you live in an apartment what' you [Music] expect no way what is [Music] that Hey sir what can I do for you sir we've received 17 noise complaints something about a horse me no no that's no I live in an apartment yeah you're right that' be a dumb idea we got to check out all these calls though apprciate all right have a good one thank you see buddy you got to be more careful thank you for joining us this evening by us I mean me and Barrett my parrot I'm going to place him upon his perch so he can watchfully gaze upon us while we enjoy our meal step back oh you can talk to him if you want hey bear Don't Call Him bear Barrett would you like to say grace amen would you like Barrett to sit on your shoulder no he's going to do it anyways Barrett are you comfortable good do this with him kind of a good time you know you feeling it nope here quit there's a spider in here are you kidding me he's so cute he won't squash you but come here buddy oh you look so cute is that Santa yeah I'm sorry bud hey Spike good morning buddy are you thirsty of course you are Misty no get your paws off Bluey Rapunzel your petals are just so [Music] gorgeous I'm going to miss you buddy all right time to save some money and do this ourselves how hard can it be oh no I took way too much off you look fine don't be self-conscious don't tell Mom it was me this was the groomer okay I used to have a saltwater tank I just got tired of cleaning it every other day wait you have to clean it dude I thought the UV light cleans it that's not a UV light that's a heat lamp that's for reptiles oh you're cooking your clown he's probably not even alive he was moving this morning he's fine that's disgusting that is not my clownish all right welcome to ninja Nation whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you cannot bring that in here wait why that could bite any of these kids oh he barely bites and he's you know a support animal an emotional support animal yeah emotional why didn't you say so well I just did Sir it's beautiful come on in all we got this good job Ronnie great work man good effort um how can I help you I think I lost my crocodile how did you lose a crocodile I'm going to go try that ninja wall though how did you lose a crocodile hey hey is there a crocodile up [Music] there Dad we need to talk to you you talking to me feel like I'm getting ganged up on what are we talking about we need a puppy no I'm not doing this please Dad I've already told you we don't need animals we have kids this is a pet free zone we need a we need a okay did you sleep so good me too I slept so [Music] good welcome back to to Holiday with Higgins Where the only thing I love more than Christmas is this little fotball right here I love you buddy all right scram I got to post this I feel like I deserve sponsorship we I said we and how's this not working everybody loves cats I mean I don't but today we're going to flip a water bottle he's going to flip it up you know if this doesn't work I'm giving you away right I just want to be honest come out please we got to work Daddy's got to get a Lamborghini budddy [Music] howy neighbor hey thanks for watching her I thought it was a puppy she is she's 96 months hey hey s hey here's her food she's potty trained so she will never go outside what do you mean she's potty trained she'll go on the potty does she need toilet she she un white she's dog okay yeah uh see him in an hour uh an hour or it could be a couple days I'll keep you posted couple days steady pop oh that is disgusting Sati you weren't even close Satie off the couch [Music] sh it's dog PE sh got an idea come here sit good girl watch The Dude Perfect app I'm going to set you right up little rage monster compilation enjoy I'm going to go grab some cleaner stay put I'll be right back 5 minutes of piece of quiet finally [Music] it's a great day to be by [Music] yourself dogs are the most [Music] overrated the dog is just settling [Music] in no oh I craw on the ceiling what is this airbud five you got to come back hey how was everything she's not a puppy she's a demon I didn't even have to rage this video thank you see you guys hey Andrew you passed me that remote bro my name's Kobe thanks Andrew good boy come on you named your dog Andrew that's his name [Music] wow turn it off oh come on my eyes no come on not the tile I see my pet snake this Cindy no I don't care just eat the bug dude yeah bite him let's go hit the skate park man grind some rails raay are nice hey bud you know what I was thinking walk [Music] huh treat treat down hey sit sit thanks for watching pet stereotypes if you guys want to see bloopers from this video make sure you click this link or go download The Dude Perfect app on your TV it's free it's awesome check it out sign it off for now pound it Noggin see [Music] you
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 4,013,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, stereotypes, pet, animals, dog, parrot, cat, plant, types of, owners, people, stroller dog, rage, monster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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