Eating Dog Food Like Cereal 🤢 | OT 15

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Ladies and gentlemen, (VOICE MODULATOR) welcome to Overtime 15. [THEME MUSIC] (SINGING) Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser, Dude Perfect's in overtime. Tall guy, beard, twins, purple hoser. Now we're headed onto overtime. It's going to be a good episode though. You know? Got some "Cool Not Cool." It's back. You don't have to worry. Then a little special announcement segment coming up after that. Whoa. Followed by "Wheel Unfortunate" and "Absurd Recurds" to finish it off. So let's dive right in. Let's do it. Let's head to "Cool Not Cool." It feels good to be back on the "Cool Not Cool" set. Yeah. You know? Yeah. And I feel good about my item too. I'll kick-- can I start us? You may. Wow. You must feel good. Yeah, I do. If I told you that I could put metal in my hand and then just melt it, like if that were physically possible, would you or would you not say that that would warrant a cool? That's a cool. What I have here in my hand, it's a metal called gallium, which is pretty cool. In the heat of your hand-- it's so heavy. What is this? It's an element. It's a metal, that the melting point is low enough to melt in your hand. Who wants this in their hand? I will. You'll put it in there? Coby. OK, you ready? There's a little heart in here. Ho, ho, dude. Is it heavy, Coby? Yeah. Is it-- You want some? Is it-- No, I'm good. Is this dangerous at all? I'm all right. I'm good. Metal high five. Metal high five. Finale, bros. Oh. Look what I did. Oh, on your shirt! All over your shirt. That was probably a bad idea. We just got liquid metal everywhere. I'm going to go ahead vote. I think it's cool. I'm going to go ahead and cool it. Thank you. Apart from it being all over my clothes, I really enjoyed that. Yes. Yes, me too! I'm going to give it a green and set up Cody. Yes! Yes! Literally zero hesitation. Hate me. Bring it on. Well, as I've been recovering with shoulder stuff, I found-- The LASIK, the shoulder. What's next for you? I think that's it, Gar. Oh, OK, good. I think that's it. But this has increased the speed of swimming in most people have used it. Fish flippers. That's understand-- I believe that. That's an understandable. In order to vote, I need to know how much you paid for that. Yeah. Less than $10. Here's my question. In OT6, can we verify that these were not on-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] In his mile swim? --a mile. Yes, it's a mile. But it's not that far. I think we just got to the bottom of the mystery. I'm probably a worse swimmer than anyone watching this video. I need them. Easy green. I like that. I appreciate that. I've always been jealous of the people who can go underwater their entire length of their pool. I've never been able to do it. That could get me there. I'm in. I just feel like you didn't bring your best stuff today, Codes. I'm going to have to drop a red. I prevoted, so-- I mean, I'm already-- You revenge voted. I'm-- It was a prevote. It wasn't a revenge vote. Hey, honestly, be happy with 3 to 2 greens. Who's next? My item is pretty good. I'll go. All right, Cory. Ladies and gentlemen, there is an item that has not been upgraded in, I don't know, centuries. The light saber. The wheel. It's neither of those. But those are both good. A cup? Again with the cup. And I know what you're thinking. I'd like to introduce you to the cup that cannot be spilled. Unspillable coffee mug carrier. You have to carry the box around with the cup? The box has to be plugged in. So just know that whenever you're wanting to purchase this and use it yourself. These pitches are so long. Whoa, hover cup. A hover cup. Whoa! Ladies and gentlemen, this cup floats. I know what you're thinking. It's not actually floating. Oh. It is actually floating. [APPLAUSE] It is actually floating. It is actually floating. Wow. The real test, of course, is when you take a nice, crisp Dr. Pepper. And you pour it in. Let's get it really spinning. You know, so if it sloshes-- Oh. [LAUGHTER] The real test is when you take a crisp Dr. Pepper. And you pour it in. Oh wow. And what is this doing? It makes it more foamy on top. Guys, how cool is that though? Great demonstration, Cor. How cool is that? Come on, time out. If the power goes out, what happens? Oh! Oh! I was going to say you could store candy and the ants couldn't get to it. But they could if the power went out. I will say-- And so in that case. Real quick, the budget episode ended. Do better. Oh, have I not voted yet? Yeah. I'm going to do what needs to be done. Super Not Cool. Hey, congratulations. Super Not Cool. And that's hard to do. That is hard to do. That is harder than you think. Can I ask for somebody on the interweb? Can you go ahead and make a chart with like how the voting went over the last history of OT? Who brings the best items? If you don't get a majority cool next time, I think we kick them off like we did Coby. You're saying next time, I have to get a majority cool, or I get suspended for the next "Cool Not Cool"? Or you're getting suspension. Three or more cools. Muted and no buttons. Gentlemen, if it's OK with you, I would like to go next. Sure. I'm pretty excited about my item today. This item was originally designed for pets. I would like to present to you the Furbo. Oh, nice. This was designed to give treats to your pet. But I'm going to give it to the employees at the office. Because there's a camera built into the Furbo, I'll be checking in and monitoring. Some would say micromanaging. The editor's work throughout the day. When Chad, for example-- Chad, if you would please step forward-- makes a good edit, I will say, wow, Chad, great edit. Here you go, boy. That's so demeaning. Wait! Watch! Good job, Chad! Oh, thanks. Wow. No way! Every two weeks, you're going to have two skittles! And Chad, don't be tempted to just open the lid. No, no, no, no, no. Tim, oh my goodness, exceptional music choice. Oh no. Oh! Four! You got four! Hey, you know what? Because I'm always the bad guy? I'm going to put this one on you guys. Thank you. [LAUGHTER] Hey! I love it, Coby. I thought it was phenomenal. What do you mean? Cody proved a flaw in your system. A dog isn't smart enough to reach on the counter and open this up. A human could just open up the thing, say, you know what? I'm tired of waiting. I'm going to have them all. Because that one flaw-- What are you going to go with? It's a red. Ah. I really have to stick with the theme today. And if the power goes out, yours also doesn't work. I'm going to get ahead of this. My item also requires power. Oh no, another-- eh, you know what doesn't it require power? Gallium. But I want to make a suggestion here. If I get a Super Cool, which Cory can re-vote, this item has to stay in our Overtime set forever. Wow, that is a bold ask. Here's the deal. I'm a guy of change. And our Overtime set needs an upgrade. What do you guys think about the new Overtime sign I bought-- Whoa, nice! --for the set? That's pretty legit. Dude, that's sick. Where does it go? Your own neon sign. What do you mean? Where does it go? Hold on. Can I go-- I'm going to go pretend like I'm a viewer and look at real quick. I'm going to pretend like I'm a viewer and look at it. Well guys, I mean-- it's LED. So I can change the color. I just felt like the sign needed an upgrade. You know what? I'll kick it off, Gar. That's a verde. Gracias, bud. I feel like I need to cast my vote for green. Obviously, I'm green. So hey. Comes down to the old left side of the table. --who brought just amazing items. Negative Nancy's over there. Forever, it's going to be a no. Yeah, green for me! Woo! I'm not the bad guy! I don't like it as much as our normal sign. To the dumpster. No, I'm going to probably. I'm going to probably give it to somebody. I should have changed my pitch and just said a couple episodes. That's on me. That hurts. I feel for you there, Gary. We've got some big news. I would say it's the hugest news that we've ever broke. Really? Since shaving my head. I think so. Let's go to breaking news! Many of you have seen the official trailer for the Dude Perfect documentary, the most excited any of us have ever been about a project. And I'll wait for you guys to see it. We've got another trailer put together, just for the OT-ers, to give you guys an extra sneak peek. It's the sneakiest peek that we've ever peeked. That's ever poked. That's ever poked a peek. You guys have ever poked. That they've ever peeked. This peek will peek on the peekage chart. Here we go! [MUSIC PLAYING] Do we have any Overtime fans in the house? We're essentially taking the best parts of all of our YouTube videos and combining them into one live show. You look like huge weirdo. [LAUGHS] Dude. Everything we've done is behind the camera. And it can always be edited. Bounce short. Oh. Ooh. Oh. Oh man, we just disconnected. We should probably stop that. Hoo-ha. Ah! Back of the rim. We all met at Texas A&M, had a wonderful experience meeting the twins for the first time. We ended up living together with Tyler and Cory me in the house. Gar was too clean for us. He was down the street. We needed one more roommate. And Cody Jones squeaked in by the skin of his teeth. So you have the tall, goofy guy. You have two twins that just moved out of their mom's house, a clean freak, and me, a guy who would probably rather live in the woods. On paper, it shouldn't have really worked. But for some reason, we just clicked. Ty is going to attempt to break another "Absurd Recurd." Do we have any Ned Forrester fans in the house tonight? It's about to be go time. Here we go. Oh my goodness. This is literally it. I'm on top of the world. We are super stoked for you guys to see the official Dude Perfect documentary. It goes back 10, 11 years, highlights the success of Dude Perfect, also the struggles that we had starting this whole thing. So it's a very cool story. Cannot wait for you guys to hear it. Three weeks from today, May 11th. Wow. Mark it down. Guys, it's 90 minutes long. Yeah. You'll love it. Hey, buckle up. Sneak your peeks. Poke your pokes. Wow. Let's go to something else. What time is it? "Wheel Unfortunate"! No, don't do it, Ty. Is it really? No. Raise your hand if you want to skip "Wheel Unfortunate." We're good. OK? Yeah. Because you know who's picking today! No, I'm not. I already said I'm not. Let's go to "Wheel Unfortunate"! Well, without further ado. What kind of hat are we working with today? Oh. The king's hat. Who drew me? Ah, oh my gosh! I was not ready for that. You have to pick. I'm not. I'll pay you $20 to pick right now. Pretty good deal. I'll throw in another $20. No. $40 to pick. No, no, no. You know what? I'm going to double it. $80. $80 bucks to pick! $80! And I'll double that, $160! Yeah! You have to do it! Can you promise that all the names are in there? Yes. I want it in actual cash. Venmo's not real. Hold on, what's he doing? He has it. Eliminate one. Eliminate one? Yeah, eliminate one. No. Stop. Yes. Do it. I'm going to eliminate one! [INTERPOSING VOICES] I'm going to eliminate one! This person is not spinning the wheel. Please, dear lord. Do the right thing. Cody. Ty. Say it. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Coby. No! No! No! We eliminate one more. I'm not going to be Garrett's butler for a day. That would be horrible. I do not want to own a cat. The other person. Who is safe? C-O-Y. You know it's Ty. Yeah. Yeah! Yeah! One more, one more, one more! Who is it? Open it. Open it now! No! I'm opening it! I'm stopping you. I'm opening it! We're stopping? I'm opening it. It's going to be Cory again. This is who it is! Yeah! Ah! No, no! Oh my god! [LAUGHTER] No! [INTERPOSING VOICES] Ah! Guys! Hold on. Hold on. Guys! It can't-- it's not possible! It is not! You think we're kidding! Come on! You think we're making this up. We're not! Guys, we're not! How would we make that up? I can't. I can't. You're picking every time. Hey, hey, hey! I'm tearing it up. No, you're not. And we're getting new names next time. Yeah, that's why. Yes! Why did I pick it? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Ned Forrester. And you might be thinking to yourself, oh, Ned, did you get a bad hair job at the saloon? And I would say, yes, you know, you can't be perfect-- oh, I'm just kidding. Oh, Ned's got perfect hair all the time. I might be short on my height. But old Ned ain't never short on cash. Ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Mr. Cory Cotton. Take a bow, Cor. Take a bow. [LAUGHS] I had a confetti cannon strapped to my sleeve he didn't even know it. That kind of hurt, Ned. Cor, it's good to have to ya on the show today. How's it been? It's been some time when I saw you last week! You literally picked your name twice! The last two times, that's unbelievable! Oh. Anything to say to the people that are here today? Uh yeah, did you steal our sign? Oh. Oh that, no. You know, old Ned was rummaging through the dumpster, as I typically do on Sunday afternoons with the fam. And I came across an old sign somebody didn't love, clearly. So I thought, you know, that might be a nice little touch for the bottom part of the-- for the wheel. So yeah. Get over there and spin the wheel, big fella! Say it with me. Spin the wheel! All right, Cor. I would like to actually see you eat a pepper. That would be entertaining. And ladies and gentlemen, he's going to have to eat dog food like cereal. What-- oh my goodness. We've had some experience here before, Cor. Last time you had to eat something on the show, what happened? I think it was a banana. The whole thing. Say it with me. That's unfortunate. Hey, get out of here, buckaroo. And I'll see you next time. Cor, get back here. No. What do we got to send them off with? [MUSIC PLAYING] See you next time! Ha. We've been here before. Welcome to "Cory Unfortunate." It's good to be here. For the record, the name of the show is not "Cory Unfortunate." Yes, it is. We have learned from the past. That's why we've got this handy. Flashback to the banana. [LAUGHTER] You're not going to puke. 3,600 calories per 8 grams. Wow. You're going to be full after this. I'm going to be huge after this. Make Cory pour it. No, no, he needs to just soak this up. Let's hear the noise. It's good. Speak lower. Sounds moist. All right, ladies and gentlemen. Here's my strategy. I'm envisioning in my head that this is Cheerios. I can't anymore with you. All right, pour the milk. I'm taking one bite. Three spoonfuls. I'm not doing three. Oh. That's good. That's good. That's good. Stop! That's-- no one would ever put that much milk in their cereal. Oh, I do. I definitely do. I don't. I'm like down here. You want more milk. Are you going to drink the milk? You have to. [LAUGHTER] It has to go down. Oh my god. [LAUGHTER] I need to see this spoonful before it goes in. I need everybody to comment, I love you, Cory. And that's the only way you're going to get me through this. Comment, I love you, Cory. And you've got to have milk on that. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yeah, that's it. That's it. [YELLS] Nope. [LAUGHTER] [YELLS] Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Crunch Berries. Crunch Berries. [INTERPOSING VOICES] [YELLS] I'm Cory. And I eat dog food like cereal. [LAUGHTER] Chew it. Chew it. [BUZZER] He's going to have to go again. He's going to have to go again. [LAUGHS] Hey, empty it, brother. Empty it all out. He walked the trashcan around the corner. Well. He's going to eat one kibble, something. One kibble. I need it to go down. One kibble. One kibble down. I need kibble down, fellas. Oh hey, hey. Hey, dude. Good to have you back. Are you guys crazy? What's it taste like? What's it taste like? Like salty. OK. One Crunch Berry. What color? The red. What color is the Crunch Berry? This is it. Then you're done. This is it. And then we're back to the desk. Why am I still doing this? You should eat 10 of them. But we're making you get off with two. Yeah. Ah. Ah. It's not a big deal. It's just a Crunch Berry. Yeah, just do eight more. Yeah, just chew it up and just-- [LAUGHTER] [INTERPOSING VOICES] Just shut it down. Back to the desk! Hey. Hey. Could us four always vote he picks every time from now on? I will continually offer him more and more money to pick himself. And it's just going to be-- it's going to be great. I will say no. And the deal is not to pick myself. It was to pick. And it happened to be myself, yet again. [INTERPOSING VOICES] What happened to your mic? If we need to cut to a replay. After I happened to pick myself, I swiped most of the mics off the table in anger. And it just went all the way downstairs and shattered. Wow. Some might call that a fit of rage. Oh no. It shattered. Moving on. It is time for some "Absurd Recurds." Our good buddy, Michael, from Guinness was here. Gar and Cory decided to attempt an "Absurd Recurd." It was very absurd. Let's take a look. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this segment of "Absurd Recurd." Got our good friend Michael here. Let's give it up for Michael. Hi, how are you? Let's talk about what we're going to be doing. Garrett and Cory are going to be attempting the Guinness World Records title for most headers of a beach ball in 30 seconds with a team of two. Of course they are. Wow. OK. The mark to beat is 45. Seems high. Goodness. One meter apart, no toes over the line. And the beach ball has to be at least 16 inches in diameter. We really had to juice this one up to hit that 16 inch mark. Cory. Gar. This is absolutely absurd. Good luck to you guys. Good luck, boys. Let's do this. I'm going to be honest with you guys. I have never seen Cory or Gar hold a beach ball in their entire life. I mean, do they have beach ball skills? It would be news to me. I definitely don't. I don't go to the beach. Oh, yeah. I'm Ginger, man. I don't go to the beach. He's a sunscreen guy. Not his favorite spot. I'm more of an indoor soccer player. For the record, 3, 2, 1. Go. They are so dialed in. This is so absurd. [LAUGHS] You're going-- hey, you're going like up here. Hit it like here with your forehead. Go. Focus, guys. Boys, dial it in. 10 seconds. Good. Good. You're OK. You're OK. Really nice. Get it Gare. Get it, Cory. Ah. If we both do the head thing, it will be faster. We need to do the head thing. No floating. For the record, 3, 2, 1. Go. Focus. Nice and easy. Let the ball do the work. Let the ball do the work. Focus, boys. Good float. Good job. Gare's gonna get it. using the nose. Good, guys. Good. Good, good, really good. Nice. here we go. Nice and easy. Good, good. Keep her going, boys. Make a play. Finish strong. Finish strong. Guys, that was so good! Talk to me, Michael. Talk to me, Michael. I got a number in my head. And I want to see if it's the same as Michael's. OK. I just need to say, you guys looked so much like seals. So the mark to beat was 45. Good news, guys. The number in my head is higher than that. OK, that's good. But the bad part is, my number doesn't matter. Garrett and Cory, you had 61-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] [SHOUTING] Yeah! That's for you guys-- Yeah! I always knew my spirit animal was a seal, man. I agree. I agree. Boom, boom, boom. Awesome job, guys. Back to the desk! Woo! Woo! Well done. You're welcome. Was it tough? Eh. It didn't look like it. But a record's a record. What are we up to these days? You think you can beat it? 50? Tag me. 60? Send me the video of you beating it. I doubt you get a lot of submissions. But, if you do, good. Hey. You know what it's time for? It's time for me to ask the viewers to do something that, frankly, I'm a little uncomfortable with. Really? Shh. To click the bell. Oh. Ow. Click the bell. Oh. Oh. [INTERPOSING VOICES] I don't like the way it sounded. I know. I don't like the way it felt. But it's helpful. So if you have not seen the full length trailer, click right here to watch it. Last video underneath that, DP subscribe, somewhere down below that region. And the bell, that ways. I just lasered right to it. Signing off for now, where my metal never solidified. And we're going to work on our salesman pitches for next time. That's right. Does anyone have any gum?
Channel: undefined
Views: 16,726,523
Rating: 4.9404192 out of 5
Keywords: dude perfect, dude perfect stereotypes, dude perfect water bottle flip, bottle flip, water bottle flip, dude perfect bottle flip, dude perfect basketball, dp, dude perfect world record, edition, nerf, trick shots, trick shot, family, ping pong, bowling, clean, family friendly, bubble wrap, soccer, football, spinner, spinners, fidget spinners, dude, overtime, wheel, unfortunate, eating, eat, dog, food, prank, cool, not cool, liquid, metal, beach, ball, headers, absurd, recurd, documentary, tour, backstage, pass
Id: BYQAFbq2mxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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