Perilous (2000) | Full Movie | Bruce Boxleitner | Catherine Oxenberg | Dainius Kazlauskas

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're all set you sure you know what are you doing yes of course the museum closes in 1 hour I'll be in and out you'll get what you want the security system is taking care of I'll meet you the bouse you'll get my money you'll get your money good so get out for [Music] here over [Music] there [Music] beautiful hello oh thank you welcome H I haven't had this much Hands-On attention since I was in diapers yeah come in oh thank you excuse me sir after you o' Brian Jud Ross Jud how was your flight terrific that was a perfect excuse to sit under the the headphones drink some good wine and stare at beautiful women so is my bodyguard with you like velcro not exactly the talkative type huh he's not paid by the word all I'm doing is protecting my investment in you pal this deal is worth so much money you're damn right it's the biggest startup this country seen since the bulvik revolution [Music] so when's Janie coming uh she's not that's one of the reasons I'm here my man now I want to shake off the dust get a little excitement back in my life speaking of which what time for cocktails so we can talk business what do you say about 7:00 we'll walk through the plan make sure it's foolproof you got it all right I'll see you then ready to go uh why don't you take the next couple of hours off I'm going to see some sights [Music] alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] he [Music] [Music] the warehouse isn't that way [Music] [Music] wa [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a no hey man are you all right hey what are you doing look you you just came out of the blue I didn't see you go what go right now right [Applause] [Music] right red Audi license e345 find who is registered to and call me back yeah oh what the hell is this all about I'm in big trouble yeah no kidding I got that much look you can you can put that thing away just put it away who was that guy a pimp he's after me a pimp B this will go to tourist of course not to you all right which way to the nearest police station then no police no no no yeah but can't they no no this is not America no police well where am I going just thrive keep driving straight all right all right look I'm I'm Jud Ross Sasha Sasha yeah listen Sasha you know I'm a lawyer maybe I can help you with this huh I do not want your help well what about your pimp what pimp that guy you said he was a I thought you said he was not that kind of girl well I I I didn't mean to apply Slow Down slow all right all right all right look Sasha Sasha listen to me listen to me I just think that if you're in trouble there ought to be someplace safe where you can what poor baby you know nothing no one in Russia is safe well at least let me buy you a cup of coffee I have no time for coffee there is someone I have to see here goodbye Jad Ross [Music] oh man over there I just come from the Heritage one of Catherine the Second Tiara was stolen The Tiara is missing just before closing th escaped on a motorcycle come to my desk any leads somebody on a BMW wearing black leather this will be impossible to keep quiet especially if the Tiara is already out of the country although it will be difficult to move this quickly more likely it will stay in the underground until it is safe to move perhaps a wealthy Foreigner it wouldn't be the first time that the foreigners spay thieves to steal our artifacts Priceless artifacts what do you intend to do I will keep you posted on any developments please do who hi you Andrew o' Brien to guard his friend [Music] what why is he here lots of money foolproof plan now come on come [Music] on is this where he went I don't know hello some [Music] bodyguard Bond Jud Bond [Music] [Music] jeez what the phone [Music] [Music] sh [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on yes Mr R help you yeah yeah uh I'd like to make a phone call please oh that [Applause] thank [Music] you yeah uh uh Andrew O'Brien please it's urgent yeah will you get him out of the meeting this can't wait you understand all right thank you [Music] [Music] hey come on so we need to meet immediately I'll call you come on Nikki while you can still talk no devil cross I wouldn't do that I kept my word we're at a deal Dada you wanted to have a holiday at the Black Sea how does the bottom of the Nea River Sound instead I don't know what went wrong I swear to you I'll cut your body into bite-sized pieces who stole thatana I don't know really I was ready to go into the her I didn't even know what happened until P told me so it was someone dressed in your clothes riding one of your motorcycles maybe I lost my keys like pav loses control should I kill you keep him alive you may lead us in the right [Music] direction come on come [Music] on [Music] I need to see Andrew uh Andrew O'Brien is is he in is he in you're sure okay thank you Andrew oh good God listen man Andrew hey come on Andrew you oh God oh my God I didn't do this I didn't do [Music] this I didn't do this hey I didn't do [Music] it [Music] hell [Music] Sasha I'll be right back Sasha Sasha hold on I need to see you you owe me some answers everything all right yes papa I owe you nothing well I think you do like why 1 hour after meeting you running away from some trouble My Bodyguard and my business partner are both dead dead yes definitely [Music] dead I am telling you no police it would be crazy crazy crazy is the only two people I know in this city both dead which leads me to believe a similar fate is in store for me if I don't figure out what's going on were you seen by anyone oh yeah and screaming bloody murder too this is not America do not go to the police you will be arrested you will be imprisoned you will not get a fair trial provided that you are innocent of course of course I'm innocent but do I look like a killer to you maybe your friend he was mixed up with Mafia what MAF Mafia I have known Andrew since we were both at Harvard together Harvard that is a very good univ look never mind about Harvard this is about you and whatever it is you are mixed up in it's not safe to tell you not safe how can I be any more unfe the only thing I can be more of here is Dead Come with Me Wait whoever's after you has undoubtedly traced the plates and knows this car is least to me hence the dead people in my wake Jude it's Jud Jud mhm I'm sorry about your friend this will not be reported what do you mean the government is afraid to scare off American investors somebody will take the bodies and make it look like a terrible car accident no one will ever know the truth yeah but what what about Andrew's secretary I mean she saw me standing over his dead body they will give her a nice new apartment a new car she saw nothing she knows nothing I can't believe this country you Americans you think Russia's so easy oh what do you know about Americans I know what your great country brings us Coca-Cola Big Max Jack in his box the Box yeah Jack in the Box look am America may not have all the answers but a couple of bucks toss that this economy wouldn't be such a horrible thing you know if the dollars made it to the economy but the dollars they make it into the pockets of Big Shot who make deals another piece of Russia gone nothing for her people over here what slow down all right all [Applause] right so where are we just follow me you afraid I will run away you're not going anywhere if you know what's good for you is this how you treat your girlfriend who said I had [Music] one [Applause] Nikki Nikki Sasha no Sasha I'm so sorry public is with us I said come alone wait in the car we lost a very valuable Tiara it seems an American is involved we're dealing with it Jad Ross you know so do you that why his partner is dead better not betrayed back to you you worry too much inspector of ladimir has the case well he can't put the murder on me I'm talking about the Tiara Vladimir is a tired old man do not underestimate him it might put you in prison again we'll see Sasha who is this J he's a friend he's trying to help me Nikki somebody hurt you bad is it the same person who H you for the job what job hey what what are you talking about they will not will not what find you who won't find you Nikki who are you talking about we must go who are they Nikki's friends they're no good trouble always finds them hope it hasn't found us well I come [Music] on okay let's go all right Sasha you've got to tell me everything that you know now what job were you and Nikki talking about huh Sasha you just turn around and listen to me for wait a second what the hell is this your watch I borrowed it you mean you stole it I'm good huh you didn't even notice here take it back I think it may be too masculine for me after all I don't believe this nothing in this country is what it seems that is what makes it so interesting you know Sasha I have a life in America I'd like to make it back home to that and to your girlfriend n that's a that's a whole new topic ha I knew you had the girlfriend I'm glad you think this is so funny I am in a strange country I'm in a hell of a lot of trouble can't go to the police the only one that can help me is some ear irresponsible I am not irresponsible I work hard I've made something for myself oh yeah you thought getting mixed up with murderers making something for yourself you do not know what I have done or why I have done it well now you're getting the picture lady if I knew a little bit more about what's going on here maybe I could help you are so naive you cannot even help yourself how do you expect to help me well this can't be a completely Lawless country I mean there has to be someone who can help us isn't there one person in this whole city you can trust [Music] one I would like you to meet Jud Jud Ross good I was about to eat you join me well sure yeah myha it's a very good copy yes very good oh Nast nrvia Sasha spent many hours at the Hermitage with me as a little girl it fed her love of art I had the privilege of being a God for over 50 years starting when he was just 18 years old the n the Nazis think that can destroy Russian Treasures 900 days we lived at the Museum this is why Papa said we won the Great Patriotic War they underestimated Russian dedication after each booming we dug out the living band is the Wounded buried the Dead all the while packing every treasure over 3 million pieces they sent by train into the Ural Mountains for safekeeping after the war not one not one piece was missing until now but why now s [Music] paper Catherine the Great stara stolen from The Hermitage this is a great tragedy a great tragedy so what does it say right there [Music] oh I do not believe what I see that's what they're after there was a plan to steal it and Nikki wasn't Nikki will come to no good end I told you I know Papa but I couldn't think straight you're not kidding when you jumped into my car you'd just stolen it that means they think I'm in on it with you it was an accident you saw it for yourself accident oh well that is terrific everybody around me is dead because of your little accident dead people are dead s what did you plan to do with the Tiara I don't know what do you mean you don't know you're you're hiding a Priceless piece of stolen jewelry in your backpack and you don't know Nikki was to steal it for somebody but he wouldn't tell me who I couldn't let that happen Papa I knew that if if I did not take the Tiara it would be gone from Russia forever but how how did you manage to steal it from my work at the hermit Sasha knows all about the security Papa you and so many others work so hard to save our Treasures but nevertheless it's still in the illegal act you've broken the law if the truth were known about what I did I would be a Russian hero our fakes were more real than this what fakes the director of The Hermitage was worried the war might never end he commissioned the finest Jewelers in Russia to copy the most famous works maybe 50 pieces total and where are these fakes her's basement long forgotten how many people know about them everyone was sworn to secrecy probably most are dead by now I know who I must call someone I've known for years no police he loves art as much as I do what do you plan to do Papa hand him the Tiara and say here I was out for a walk and look what I found Sasha we need to find a solution or you're going to go to jail I am not staying for this what the Sasha I'll fix [Music] it Sasha Sasha listen listen to me we can fix this no we can't fix this we cannot fix it I was wrong to get you involved I am so sorry come on come on come on come on come on all the det go ahead how can I help you inspector I think you know more cat and mouse games I'm better at that than you perhaps I've improved 6 months in prison why not still the Comm median I see you heard about a hertiz ring and and what I just run a small nightclub and a few other operations as well enough to get a diamond tiara out of Russia prove it perhaps I will people are dead and it is my fault oh no no no no no it's not your fault whoever plann this robbery Bears the responsibility it is easy for you a lawyer to feel like that but I know it is my fault Sasha listen I understand your motivation to want to save your your country's artifacts I I even find it admirable you do well I never thought I'd think that but yeah I I think what you did was admirable what you going to do lose him okay drive to the end of the street make a ride [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] on come on come on [Music] [Music] come on let's [Music] move [Music] [Music] a [Music] go go [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] h [Music] what the hell are you doing look we need a new car how do I get the feeling you've done this before because I have besides this was necessary yeah what about my watch was that necessary too of course not that was just for fun so what do you think of Russia so far being on the run for an AR Heist I feel positively invigorated let's get out of [Music] here [Music] thank you for coming old friend since you've retired I've missed our conversations get some glasses were you surprised to hear from me it has been a very long time little Sasha not so little anymore she worked as a model to support her art studies now she teaches classes herself let's have a drink if it's compliment for S you want to give good I do not arrange her dates so so you have heard everyone in St Petersburg has heard the city weeps as one you called me for something I want to know who would be so bold as to steal a million doll Tiara two million that's right as to who who took it we don't know yet is there something you need to tell me no no just an old Russian heart sick at the thought of losing a piece of our history forever ah [Music] yeah it's me the police have found the American's car and the American gone but he with a girl who we don't know yet what you have a when we find her we'll know check Bry Street that's where we last saw her okay [Music] so where are we now I'm not sure what to think about you you know uh you say you uh stole this Tiara as a historical gesture I get the feeling you also did it for the thrill what is life without to few Thrills thank you and what do you do for Thrills the Thrills let's see uh okay when I was a kid I backpacked all the way across Europe that does not sound very dangerous it's not huh all right uh okay you want Thrills I'll give you Thrills I ran with the bulls at pimpl not bad yeah see but just once yes yeah and then I got married then I got divorced and then now I work pull baby yeah come [Music] here [Music] hello hi wait a minute careful talk [Music] Fortune Mr R's room please I'm sorry but Mr Ros is not in right now no well that's fine just uh give me the key to his room here to surprise him anyway I'm sorry but I cannot do that I'm his girlfriend there is no mantion of your arrival man well there wouldn't be would there it's a surprise he doesn't know I'm coming I'm sorry but Mr Roos is registered as a single [Music] this should take care of your crisis of conscience right oh yes 319 happy oh yes you Sasha um you never mentioned your Mother Russia is my mother oh papa found me in an orphanage when I was 10 days old I looked into his eyes and from that day on I'm his daughter but your real parents My real father his name was not on the birth papers and my mother she died giving birth to me well now I understand why the Tiara has such a special place in your heart not just the Tiara everything Russian they will undoubtedly pull each Jewel out of the Tiara and destroy our history to them the value is about the jewels not the Tiara each Ruby the blood of Russian soldiers each Sapphire the color of Russian Skies each diamond the tears shed by Our Mothers Daughters sisters all of that lost I could not let that [Music] happen we need to talk to Nikki again he's the only one who can help us put this puzzle together I know where to find them oh no no no no um put there oh mess typal [Applause] [Applause] Nikki who's this you met them yesterday he's a friend everybody is s's friend so who beat you up session know who beat me I don't that is what I'm trying to find out you know very well why I could be could it before talking about the herat who is this only person I trusted and told about that Rob [Applause] sorry yes you should be sorry s I was going to use the money for us for vacation next there is no us sing not for a long time okay maybe I should tell who stole the J and still get my money as it would [Music] you don't know what you are into here look pal you have no proof that she stole that Tiara if you are spart go home now otherwise you might not make it Nikki I need a motorcycle why am I never able to say no to session I'll bring it back I promise sure trying to make it in one piece okay Nikki you are sure they do not know about me wouldn't be alive if they knew Sasha Don't Go Near the blacket UN night club why so you [Music] [Applause] where are we going black cat [Music] great look see there's some Mercedes yeah Nikki was right about the black [Music] cat this could get dangerous that's our only lead [Music] okay let's go yeah it's me listen P do do not come back until Nikki tells you who the girl is you [Music] understand can you give me a little there's Nikki and his friends yeah when will you quitting s yeah it's very funny I'm in pain I have to go home he's after Nikki go go we cannot lose don't worry you just hang on [Music] where the hell is [Music] he you remember [Music] hey oh this is your last chance I don't know what you talking about sure you do nikk this is the girl I'm looking for see so what's your name put it down she's a very sexy girl put her down and she looks like a good motorcycle rider who is she nobody the same nobody who helped you to steal our Diamond diara Sasha had nothing to do with it Sasha yes Sasha Sasha Sasha [Applause] who my own abka hits me harder than that it's your last chance to save yourself who is who is [Music] Sasha no bye Nikki no no no [Music] no Nikki yes I led you Nikki who is behind this Aron arum is behind it [Music] no [Music] here we go C Sasha who is this this artium everybody in St Petersburg fears them yes I I know that but but who is he a criminal very powerful he can arrange [Music] anything is dead I'm not surprised but I am sorry come here I have something you will find very interesting Papa you went to the Heritage when I tell you about the fake I see that you are thinking you bet I was this man they are impossible to tell apart it's a very good thing duh oh duh very good thing now I think I know what to do and if this works we all walk away you know this could be dangerous I know I don't have any other choice I need my papers and my passport listen uh maybe you ought to wait here I don't think [Music] so yeah it's me no no no not that way not that way come [Music] here [Music] m Jane what are you doing here I came to surprise you certainly seems I've been successful stupid airplane food fingers are swollen like sausages I thought we were a couple well we we were but that's not an engagement ring I mean come on things have been lousy between us for a long time can consider this ring thrown in your face you loser Janie come on don't don't be so upset huh upset I should be cool and calm when you tumble into the room locked in a passionate embrace with some some tubit Russian hooker I am not a hooker that's enough is it are you sure you don't need to be tested for every disease known to man you can have your horrible girlfriend where Sasha Jamie look I am sorry I am but we were over we both knew it we just we just hadn't faced it yet ah Sasha Sasha wait I can EXP oh wow hello wait she's totally innocent she doesn't look so innocent to me Chad what on Earth is going on the bullet we'll go through both of you yeah stayb my father is a wealthy man not now Jane looks like I have everybody I need beautiful company let's go where are we going wait wait wait wait wait just just leave her here she has nothing to do with this she does now come on I wait wait wait J ladies first [Music] [Music] son of a I knew it my tiara soon tell me please why are the Japanese Yakuza so interesting interested in getting their hands on it you know of course and that's why I want my share of the money now when I get the tiar I read The Tiara is now worth at least $2 million our deal remains as before then my friend we have no deal [Music] wait come on guys let's go move Mo it's okay J all right what are you going to do with this that's what you to decide kill you I [Music] think as soon as the tiar is found I think n told you about theara and you decide to take easy easy easy easy sit down I say sit down we don't have the Tiara I we don't know a damn thing about it Nikki didn't talk to protect you it's very sweet and also very dumb and you you drove away with after the robber I saw you come on she's hyperal get her some water get her some [Applause] help no put the knife away but he killed nikk Put The Knife away now all right get up get up you son of a come on girls let's get out of here out the door go on you two pal come on get out there nice work Jenny piss off chud chud is this RTM what a lovely surprise let's go so you're the guy we have to make a deal with a deal now why would I want to do that because we have your Tiara you can't fence it no and we don't want to we just want to get out of here and get on with our lives very smart yeah and your proposal same deal you had with Nikki whatever he was getting you pay us we give you the Tiara we'll meet at the warehouse pav knows the way no no no I'm I'm more comfortable with a lot of people around Sports Arena Sports Arena 5:00 you bring the money we bring the Tiara no perhaps you'd be so kind as to release pavick yeah sure in return for the car stop the car stop the car right all right the car let me out jie you don't even know where you are I know exactly where I am with you J Jane you don't have a passport I can't let you out in the middle of what does this look like to you all right just don't go back to the hotel all right I don't intend to you Mega loser papa papa isn't here Papa's police friend where is Papa in the country you think you cannot trust me but your papa and I we are friends right now it's not safe for him here Papa would not leave me here I gave him no choice I have many enemies they will try to destroy me if they do make sure these photos get to the right people does van Lieutenant K with Arium so where's your goon hi nice to meet you all we'll meet again and no American woman to hide behind now we got your Tiara let's do it and I have poor dead Nikki's money go to hell safe journey $100,000 American good we're going now this meeting never happened we were never here if we don't walk out of here in one hour photographs of you and Lieutenant CCO together will be passed on to the Press yeah they were taken by your good friend Vladimir real Kodak moments you're going to have a tough time explaining why you and the head of the nsky militia Precinct are making a deal for a stolen piece of Russia's history well I'd say the problem is all with ker especially since he's already paid me and The Tiara is safely on its way good day my friends [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Applause] way [Music] quick let's [Music] go Shar fck [Music] [Applause] this go go go go [Music] a [Music] go go go go go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh goodbye Sasha public [Music] [Music] a you sure you do not want to go to a hospital no no no there be too many questions and look he just grazed me it looks a lot more serious than it is for you and Papa Sasha you can use this money your father sacrificed his whole life for this country and its Treasures you use it I I was never meant to stay here you know I don't want you to go I I don't want to go either then stay with [Music] me my life is in [Music] America and mine is here in Russia [Music] [Music] she why is so sad J I thought I would never see you again you weren't supposed to so you changed your mind well it was a long flight we landed in Los Angeles I looked around and you weren't there but your life is in America no Sasha no my life is here with [Music] you listen to me we're going to go ahead with that deal and since no one else would move over here so Judson will bet Judson will J Papa Jud has come back to stay this is excellent this is good listen got some news for both of you check this paper out Japanese Yakuza are rumored to be searching for The elusive artium for selling them a worthless and fake Tiara Lieutenant Kow is already in jail and strangers of all somebody somehow put back Karina the great Tiara I'm telling you you just can't make this stuff up go on you two get out of here see you [Music] later there is something I have to show you now that we are Partners oh Partners I like the sound of that I saw that the Heritage Museum had added this to their collection and I was thinking that perhaps it might be a no no no no no no no my dear you are permanently retired we are going to find a new way for you to go but the Fab EGS they have such a rich Russian Heritage yes but you are officially out of the Heritage business and all that it implies or else or else you may find yourself in dire need of a good lawyer oh well that is one thing we both completely agree on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 314,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movies, Entertainemnt, Full Movies, Feature Films, Perilous movie, Perilous full movie, Perilous, Bruce Boxleitner, Catherine Oxenberg, Dainius Kazlauskas, Harvey Keith, James Bruce, thriller movie, Thriller Film, Perilous 2000 Full Movie, Perilous Full Film, Perilous 2000 Full Film, Perilous 2000 Film, Perilous Film, Perilous Movie, perilous 2000, bruce boxleitner movies, bruce boxleitner perilous, jewel thief movie, mobsters movie, Russian underground movie
Id: mJisdp2U0mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 20sec (5480 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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