Perfect Pot Roast Recipe on the Stove Top

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chef buck here and today mama redbuck is going to cook up a pot roast stovetop pot roast pot roast in a pot on the stove so what are you cooking up mama ...I'm gonna cook a boneless chuck roast holy cow 22 bucks for 3 pounds and you usually cook up about a 3 pound roast every time you do it yeah if I make one I'm gonna make pretty good size... not no big one ...about the size of your pot? for this recipe all you're using is your piece of meat and some bullion paste yes... not the cubes so I'll just stand back and you can show us this simple pot roast recipe okay getting ready here I always get one that has marbling in it you need the marble can make it tender so you want to get a little marbling in there so there'll be some juiciness yeah now you're washing it off didn't Julia Child says not to wash it Julia Child she was the famous cook in the in the previous century u might not be familiar with her all right so you give your beef a bath and just kind of blot him a little bit... give him a light massage do you need a man to open that cuz I could go next door and see if the fellow is home... I got why do you like using this this is the paste and all I do is put the paste on I don't add any salt that has a lot of salt in it ...getting ready here you just rubbing in this is like the ladies bathroom on prom night yeah putting that extra powder on him're putting just a pretty thin layer on there yeah you I'm not putting a lot on there this bottle will last you six seven good months... how many roasts can you cook with 1 jar? I don't really know I mean you can do a lot of different things with it I mostly just use it for roasts... but there it'll last you a long open it you always keep it in the refrigerator... if you took this roast to the beach and put suntan lotion on it it would be about the same amount so that's all there is to it ... now we got a pan here you don't have any oil butter I don't have nothing there is just a pan... a heavy pan don't put it in a real thin pan yeah it's got its got a nice bottom on there you don't want it to be too thin cuz this is gonna be on the stove for a while now we're going to add a little bit of water to him this is going to make its own juice it's going to cook in its own juices but we're gonna put a drop in the bottom to get him started let me get my hands clean here so you just got your meat bouilloned up and you set it unadorned in a plain old empty pan but it's a nice heavy bottomed pan I'm gonna add water so that's all you're putting in there so out of that fourth of a cup you really only put a couple of tablespoons yeah that's all I used okay so you didn't even use half of that that's hardly anything at all now we're gonna turn him up here for a few minutes getting started on high heat... and we'll just leave it on there for a few minutes yeah let's see he's got the liquid in there... he's got plenty not a whole lot because a lot of liquidr is gonna come out of this beef it'll make its own juice it started bubbling up here pretty quick if you had it on high for about two minutes you look like a witch over a cauldron you're making a meat spell? ...yeah so now you're just flipping him over ... you just lightly browned him on one side put it on low... so what are you doing? just moving that water around under the bottom while the heats going down just so he don't get stuck cover him if I do anything I'll check on these juices and flipping over so mama's got the pot covered it's three o'clock she's got it on low heat now we're gonna go play some cards I'm gonna go lose some money and then we'll come back and check on our meat okay all right before we start playing cards let's take a peek it's only been about seven minutes and it's already started to release a lot of the juices all right meemaw stop putting it off come over here and shuffle up all right so now it's been almost 40 minutes let's looks like it's in a swimming pool now he's gonna cook all of his juices out all right ... it's been almost an hour ... okay and still got it on low you've had it on low this whole time covered up now we're just gonna keep checking it until it reduces down to nothing it's been an hour and a half.... gonna turn him you see the grease and the stuff in the bottom? okay it's gonna start browning here so we just got to keep a closer eye as it reduces down now you're gonna have to stop taking your card beating to pay a little more attention to this ...yes don't have many cards over there meemaw look at all these here how you gonna compete ?....well, we'll see going for about an hour and 45 minutes still got a little bit of juices , but not much juice ...we'll turn it up just a little drop all right so you took him from low to what low and a half low and a half yeah it's still pretty low temperature just a few minutes it has been almost 2 hours exactly if you leave it much longer it's gonna start to stick starting to get a little more color on there... let's turn him up a little bit you got it on medium heat... leave the lid off and this is nothing but grease so this is not going to cook out so you just turn the temperature up and you're just gonna color it up a little bit more on each side ...that's a nice forearm workout now we're gonna take him out next time you're in your special drawer looking for the right t that's a big old hunk of chunk of meat I don't know if you and I are gonna be able to eat that we might have to eat this over a couple of meals ... you can take this and make gravy you want gravy with it? no we don't need no gravy I'm gonna have a sandwich super duper flavor yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I just love it it's a nice brown it's got a good flavor to it makes a great sandwich it's easy to cook I mean it's easy to fix you don't have to fool with it you don't have no hot oven just put it on top of the stove and that's it t I can make a sandwich? make a sandwich whatever you want ....all right mom you gonna be the camera girl . get it over here so you can see how tender this is I'm cutting it with a butter once I get it nice and mangled I'll put it on some white bread with a whole bunch of mayonnaise and now I'm ready to pull my lawn chair out at the trailer park this is my favorite way to eat this kind of meat nice hot roast beef ...mmmmmm yeah so flavorful if you want to print this recipe go to MyFoodChannel dot com and print all our recipes there ....and thanks for watching ...and we'll see you in the future!
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 1,291,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pot roast, pot roast recipe, chuck roast, chuck roast recipe, boneless chuck roast, how to cook a chuck roast, how to cook a roast, easy pot roast, how to cook pot roast, stovetop pot roast, stove top pot roast, how to make pot roast, beef roast, keto diet, on the stove top, recipe, recipes, chef buck
Id: sxJMxwb_040
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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