Perfect Infinitive + Perfect Gerund - Lesson 16

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today we're looking at perfect infinitive and perfect gerund they are related to two plus infinitive Jevons and perfect tenses so please try some of my other lessons on gerunds and infinitives and perfect tenses if you want to understand this better but perfect infinitive looks like this two plus half and the third form the two may not be included if it's after a modal verb you've all seen third conditional I hope which is would have inferred and I'm sure you've all seen past modal's as well like must have done might have done can't have done so you don't have to use two because they're technically still the perfect infinitive now this is related to perfect tenses I think in anytime you use the perfect infinitive you can show another way of saying the same thing with a perfect tense now we often see this perfect infinitive with these verbs claim hope expect hate like love prefer pretend seem but they're not the only ones they aren't the important thing is the past or present perfect meaning or the future perfect meaning so let's look at some examples she claims to have seen him before it's the same as she claims that she has seen him before okay exactly the same so it's a perfect infinitive after claim we use two plus infinitive after claim but we're giving it a perfect meaning that she has seen him before after adjectives we also use two plus infinitive so I'm glad to have been chosen I'm glad that I have been chosen yeah that's all you're saying and if you put it in past we were disappointed not to have met him it's the same as we were disappointed that we hadn't met him before exactly the same okay so with saying hadn't met this time it's past perfect meaning now I've also written here hypotheticals because I think especially we would like and would hate we often see this perfect form and we're actually speaking hypothetically like in third conditional which is also which also uses a perfect infinitive but I'd hate to have been in your shoes it's same as I would hate it if I had been in your shoes so that's a mixed conditional there I would hate it if I had been in your shoes it's a mixed second and third conditional you're saying you would hate it now if you had been in his shoes then and the same here I would like to have joined you it means I would like it you could also say I would have liked I'm not saying that's wrong that's fine a complete third conditional I would have liked to have joined you I would like to have joined you you're saying something hypothetical here because you didn't join them and you weren't in their shoes so you're making a hypothetical statement here with the perfect infinitive okay also future perfect especially with these to expect and hope I expect to have finished it by Friday I expect I will have finished it by Friday okay also we hope we hope to have finished it we hope to have completed the project by the end of the month so hope is also very often with a perfect infinitive or you could use a future perfect as well now lastly you sometimes see the perfect infinitive at the start of a sentence and it's still perfect it's still referring to an earlier moment but to have seen them live in concert now here it could be hypothetical or it could be real to have seen them live in concert was amazing you might say about having you know about having seen your favorite band the previous day you might say to have seen them live in concert was amazing or you could make this hypothetical and say maybe you didn't see them in concert but you're saying but they are maybe they performed yesterday and you're saying to have seen them live in concert would have been amazing would have been great okay so you could use it hypothetically you could use it in a real situation but it's about something earlier it's about something before and that's why we use the perfect infinitive perfect jemand is also about something earlier something before because perfect is always that that's what past perfect is about that's what present perfect is about it's what future perfect is about and it's also what perfect German is about it looks like this having and the third form and you often see it at the start of a sentence or certainly at the start of a clause because we use gerund when the verb is subject and if you watch my video on Germans and two plus infinitive you'll see there and so having finished my homework this is the subject here having finished having finished my homework I popped round my friend's place and it just means first I finished my homework and then I popped around my friend's place but we could change this round and say I pop round my friend's place having finished my homework and that would still be very clear that having finished was first and then you popped around your friend's place so again we can say I felt much better having had a rest and it's very clear that number one you had the rest and number two you felt much better because of the perfect aspect okay now sometimes you've got a choice for example after admit admit is a gerund verb again watch my reporting verbs videos and you'll see him admit is a gerund verb he admitted being a member of the gang this is slightly different from having been a member of the gang and I hope you can already sense the difference this is perfect and so this is referring to an earlier moment you're saying if you if he if he admits being a member of the gang that means he's a member of the gang now but if he admits having been a member of the gang that means he was a member of the gang before he made the admission before now or before he made the admission if it was in the past like in this sentence so they are different they have different time arrangements because they're different tenses one's perfect and ones simpler ones just as simple gerund okay I hope that is all clear if you have any questions about this this is quite complex it makes a lot more sense if you've already understood a lot about tenses and gerunds and infinitives but please ask me any questions under the video and as long as it's relevant about these I'd be delighted to answer them thanks for watching and see you all soon you
Channel: MrSkypelessons
Views: 79,831
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Keywords: perfect infinitive, perfect gerund, perfect forms, perfect tenses, english lesson, english class, study english, english course, learn perfect tense, perfect tense, to have done, to have made, to have 3rd, to have participle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2015
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