Infinitives in English grammar || Active and passive Infinitives with practice exercise

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what is our people first of all happy New Year to all my lovely people out there I hope this year turns out to be amazing for all you so in this video we are going to learn different forms of infinitives yes they have different forms learning what is an infinitive is not done that's not gonna help you you need to know different forms of infinitives and how do we use them right so that's exactly what we are going to do in this lesson we are going to learn different forms of infinitives and how do we use them I'm excited I know you guys are too destroyed guys we all know that an infinitive is nothing but a base form of a verb that does not work as a verb in a sentence you all know that right now let us understand different forms of infinitives so in English we have two forms of infinitives that is active form and passive form under active form we have four different forms of infinitives number one simple indefinite infinitives number two continious infinitives numbers perfect infinitives and number four perfect continuous infinitives under passive form we have only two types of infinitives only two forms of infinitives that are simple infinitives and perfect infinitives let us understand all these forms of infinitives why do we use simple indefinite infinitives simple this is the most used form of infinitives we have we use simple indefinite infinitive when we do not know the time of the action when the time of the action is literally indefinite now wise please understand we're referring to an action an infinitive that's not working as a verb in a sentence these all forms of infinitives are going to work as a noun in a sentence all right and what is the structure of a simple indefinite infinitive two plus first form of the verb the second type under active infinitive says continuous infinitives now when we want to refer to an action that's happening right now that's happening at the moment you are speaking we use continious infinitives please understand when we're referring to an action here an infinitive it's not working as a verb right and how do we represent it how do we use it to + b + t' first form of the verb followed by ing alright that's how we represent it looking at the next infinitive next form of infinitives under active infinitives is perfect infinitives when do we use perfect infinitives when we want to refer to an action that's working as a noun that has already happened that has already taken place we are going to use a perfect infinitive and how do we represent it 2 plus half plus third form the verb to plus half plus third form of the verb or we also call it past participle all right the next form of infinitive under active form is perfect continuous infinitive when do we use it when we want to refer to an action that has been happening for a while that has been happening that started in the past and still is happening in the present we use a perfect continuous infinitive and how do we represent it do + have been plus first form of the verb followed by ing - + have been plus first from the work followed by ing - have been doing - have been strolling - have been dancing all right we have only two forms under passive forms of infinitives that are simple indefinite infinitives or simple infinitives and perfect infinitives how do we represent a simple infinitive in passive form 2 + b + third form of the verb to be done to be played to be danced right and the second is perfect infinitives and how do we represent it 2 + have been + 3rd form of the verb or past participle to have been played to have been danced to have been studied right now let's look at all these different forms of infinite one by one we're gonna start with a simple infinitive or simple indefinite infinitive guys simple present infinitive is the most used form of infinitives we have in English let's look at the active form first I want to purchase a car I went to what you always want something or somebody are now basically or a pronoun I want what I want an action here what is that to purchase I want to purchase a car so here we have a simple present infinitive in active form I want what took purchase a car the subject is referring to the action to purchase please understand nobody's purchasing anything here to purchase is not working as a verb you it's working as an own I want what to purchase what occur let's look at the next example you seem to enjoy the show you seem to enjoy the show you seem what to enjoy the show so to enjoy is the simple present in Philadelphia in active form you seem to enjoy the show you seem what to enjoy in other words it means it looks like you enjoy the show alright let's look at the next example I have decided to marry her I have decided what an action what is that to marry her I have decided to marry her so to marry is the simple present infinitive you guys one thing to note here you simply cannot use all different forms of infinitives with any verb most of the verbs in English do not allow you to use all different forms of infinitives why let me show you why so can I say I have decided to be marrying her can I say that no I can't so this would not be the right use of infinitive here because I cannot decide in action and be doing that at the same time can I decide an action and be doing that action at the same time no I cannot so decide is a verb that does not allow you to use a present continuous form of infinitive right because you're gonna decide an action first then gonna do it right similarly I not say I have decided to have married because how can we decide an action that has been already done that has been already performed if you decide an action if you decide to do something that - an action you're gonna do it later on right if I decide to do something I'm gonna decide it first then I'm gonna do it right so I cannot decide an action that has already happened similarly you cannot say I have decided to have been marrying her right that's incorrect because if you decide an action you're gonna do it later on how can you decide an action that has been happening for a while that sounds stupid right so guys please understand you are going to use all these different forms of infinitives according to the verb alright let's look at the passive form I want to be loved I want what to be loved I am not performing this infinitive your love I'm not doing that to an action what is that to be loved I want to be loved by somebody alright it's in a passive structure it's in a passive form I want an action that is happening by somebody else I want to be loved so to be loved is my simple infinitive in passive form let's look at the next example she seems to be hurt she seems what to be hurt to be hurt by somebody else to be hurt is the infinitive your simple infinitive in passive form alright so that's how we use a simple present infinitive or you can also call it simple infinitive both in active and passive voice now let us look at simple continuous infinitives and why do we use simple continuous infinitives when we want to refer to an action that's working as a noun that's happening at the same time you're doing something we use simple continuous infinitives let's look at the active form first he seems to be crying he seems to be crying he seems what to be crying so to be crying is the infinitive here in other words it means it looks like he is crying he seems what to be crying he seems to is doing something what is that to be crying let's look at the next example the teacher is pretending to be teaching the teacher is pretending to be teaching the teacher is pretending what the teacher is pretending an action that she's doing the teacher is pretending to be teaching so to be teaching is our infinitive simple continuous infinitive in active form she is pretending an action that's happening right for she's pretending that she is teaching right now we are using a simple continuous infinitive because the verb allows us to use it right you can pretend an action and be doing that at the same time you can do that but you cannot say I want to be purchasing a car because you're gonna want first then gonna do something right so the usage of any forms of infinitive is gonna be decided by the verb itself if it allows you to use it you can use it if it does not you should not use it alright and when we talk about passive form under simple continious infinitives we simply do not have any passive form so now we're gonna look at perfect infinitives and why do we use perfect infinitives we use perfect infinitives when we want to refer to an action that has already happened please understand refer to an action that's not working as a wolf that's working as a noun it's very important to understand this so we'll take some examples of active forms first of all he admitted to have done the crime he admitted what to have done the crime now please understand if you admit an action if you admit something that to an action that action must have already happened right how can you admit something that to an action that hasn't happened you cannot admit something that hasn't happened right just think about it so this verb admit allows us to use perfect infinitive all right he admitted an action what is that to have done the crime he admitted what to have done the crime so he's already done the crime now he's admitting that alright so I cannot say he admitted to do the because he has already done the crime right so I'm gonna use the right form of infinity view that this perfect infinitive guys please understand it's very important to use the right form of infinitive with the right verb so you guys have to understand if the verb allows you to use the infinitive that you won't use the form that you want to use right let's look at the next example I denied to have taken any cash from her I denied what to have taken any cash from her what is the infinitive here very simple to have taken now wise please understand that denies the type of a verb that allows you to use perfect infinitives right if you deny something you must have already done that or not have done that right so the action that you're denying must have already taken place I denied an action what is that to have taken any cash from her so that must have already taken place now let us take some examples or passive form example number one max is pretending to have been kissed max is pretending wad to have been kissed so to have been kissed is our infinitive perfect infinitive in passive form why because somebody else is doing this action Max is not in this action somebody else is doing it max is receiving this action Max is pretending to have been kissed by somebody right let's look at the next example the students are claiming to have been beaten the students are claiming what you always claimed something right what are they claiming here they are claiming to have been beaten so to have been beaten is a perfect infinitive in passive form because somebody else has performed this action on them the students are claiming to have been beaten by the police by their parents or something like that right so they're not doing this action somebody else has done this action on them students are claiming to have beaten all right guys now let us look at the last form of infinitives that is perfect continuous infinitives and guys we do not have any passive form of this infinitive let us take some examples of perfect countenance in lives in ACTA for example number one he seems to have been living with her for some time he seems what to have been living he seems an action that's been happening for some time he seems to have been living with her for some time so to have been living is a perfect continuous infinitive he seems an action and that action has been happening for some time so he seems what to happy living with her for some time let's look at the next example you pretend to have been studying you pretend to have been study you always pretend something right you can pretend an action yes we are pretending an action and we are pretending an action that has been happening for some time so you pretend what to have been stirring alright now please understand the sOooo pretend allows us to use a perfect continuous infinitive so guys I hope you have understood all these different forms of infinitives how these forms are different from one another and how do we use them right I hope you've understood everything now I have a task for you on your screen are some examples with options what you have to do is you have to select the right option and write in the comment section below if you guys are facing any problem if you still haven't understood anything do let me know and so I hope you've liked the video if you did hit the like button if you new to the channel subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys soon with a new topic till then keep learning have fun I am pouch
Channel: English With Ashish
Views: 21,467
Rating: 4.9253497 out of 5
Keywords: learn english, eanglish with ashish, englishwithashish, learn grammar, learn english grammar, Forms of infinitives, different forms of infinitives in English, active Infinitives, passive Infinitives, simple indefinite infinitive, continuous Infinitive, perfect infinitive, perfect continuous Infinitive, types of infinitives, infinitives, what is an infinitive, non finite verbs, infinitives in English
Id: eusBxSLMk3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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