Perfect Grain Jars Everytime!

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[Music] hi I'm happy High Fay this is how you prep grain to grow any kind of mushroom the things you will need are wild bird seed a 5 Gall bucket with a lid a screen or strainer to drain water off a pressure cooker a pot for boiling water and Mason jars first thing you want to do is fill a pot full of water a 32q pressure cooker holds seven jars so you fill up three full quarts of bird seed and dump them in the bucket and once you pressure cook it and it expands it'll be perfect so that way when the mycelium grows you'll still have enough room in the jar to shake it and be able to break up the mycelium to make it fully colonize faster here we go three quarts into the bucket now dump the pot of water on the seed all the sunflower seeds and the empty shells will float to the top you want to strain out anything that floats in all the sunflower seeds next we're going to dump off all the extra water boil water on the stove and dump that in the bucket full of seed dump the water on the seed till it fills the bucket 3/4 away and then put the lid on just leave the bucket sit for 30 minutes with the boiling water now we're going to strain the water and rinse the seed one last time before we pack it into the jars [Music] [Music] you want to spray the seed until you see it coming out clear from the bottom at this point the seed has been sitting here for a half hour to 45 minutes some people will take 1/3 cup of vermiculite and put it in the bottom of each jar you can do that to catch any extra moisture or you don't have to you can start packing the jars full of the seed two cups per jar what I do now is shake each jar to try to get the seed even and then I take a paper towel and I wipe the inside of each jar to get any of the seeds that are along the edge off there it's not necessary but I do [Music] it and now put the lid on load up the pressure cooker feel it full of water the last thing you do is pressure cook your jars for 90 to 120 minutes thanks for checking out how I make grain jars I know there's lots of ways to do it and everybody has their own way um if you have any other questions feel free to reach out I'm always around somewhere thank [Music] you
Channel: Happi
Views: 2,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fungi, mushrooms, mycology, grain, wild, birdseed, spawn, shroomery, shroom, wbs, wildbirdseed, mushroom, happi, happihyphae, HappyHyphae
Id: ef7wwXo3RRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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