Peppa Pig Official Channel | Peppa Pig and Baby Alexander

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] to get alexander to sleep the more noise the better is there another way that doesn't use noise we do find noise is the best way when george was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times around the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby alexander around the house 50 times good baby alexander is asleep can you let me back in i'll just switch the alarm off switch the alarm back on peppa what are you doing up i can't sleep daddy it's a noisy night okay peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop daddy that's baby alexander's room ah the light has woken baby alexander it's all right i've got the vacuum cleaner i've got the trumpet stop stop i remember another quiet way we used to get george to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car i'll get the car started don't forget the alarm [Music] daddy pig has set off the noisy house alarm [Music] george does not want to be a baby george if you pretend to be a baby i promise to be nice to you forever and ever george is thinking and you can play with all my toys george is thinking more and when we get home you can play with all my toys george has decided what a sweet baby piggy here a candy cat susie sheep rebecca rabbit and zoe zebra hello why is george in that doll's pram it's not george it's a baby piggy but it is george george is a pretend baby piggy ah is this a girl or a boy it's a girl no george does not want to be a girl baby okay it's a boy i've got some baby piggy like one oh no it can't eat cookies george likes cookies maybe it can have one so cookie and so handsome it's very funny it's the best baby piggy ever george likes this game here is auntie pig with baby alexander wow a proper real baby piggy it's so gorgeous it's much sweeter than george dear george liked being the baby piggy oh george you'll always be my baby piggy maybe it's time for a new game how about some dinosaur chasing but he likes being george moore i didn't know you had a job here miss rabbit excuse me i am not this miss rabbit i am madame moiselle oh i'm sorry souvenirs get your little eiffel towers here the real eiffel tower is really big can we climb up hips um it looks a bit high daddy pig does not like heights do not worry mr pig we take the elevator going up [Music] i'm glad that's over or no that is just the first stage now we must climb the steps [Music] if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close your eyes okay this is as high as we can go as visitors let's look at the view these steps are going on forever oh dear daddy pig is not looking where he is going he is climbing up and up and up what a wonderful view of paris it's lovely yes what do you think mr pig mr pig where is everybody daddy pig is at the very top of the eiffel tower hang on daddy pig ah i must call for the rescue services thank goodness you're here miss rabbit i am not this miss rabbit i am mad don't worry daddy pig i am going to get you down ah i'm going even higher what can you see daddy i can see everything my daddy came to paris and he saw everything [Music] ah one little snail two little snails and a slug slugs are yucky here are grandpa pigs chickens sarah jemima vanessa and neville hello chickens i need to put the chickens to bed night night chickens night night chickens night nights why aren't the slugs and snails in bed grandpa because they're up all night eating my vegetables some animals eat in the daytime like my chickens and some animals eat at night like oh mr fox hello grandpa pig put in your chickens to bed are you oh yes nice and cozy in the hen house jolly good well i'll be on my way good night good night now as i was saying some animals eat at night like oh hello grandpa there's a little animal in your bucket yes it's a hedgehog they like to eat slugs and snails hello hedgehog oh he's rolled into a ball yes peppa he's very shy come out mr hedgehog don't be scared i like hedgehogs they are very good at keeping slugs and snails off my lovely lettuce bye bye hedgehog bye bye are there any more night animals grandpa yes there are moths they look like butterflies butterflies that come out at night they like the torchlight when it goes off they leave when the light goes on they come back can i try okay bye bye hello math [Music] good george in the world there are two sorts of balloons the up balloon and the down balloon that is an up balloon if you let it go it will go up and up and up all the way to the moon [Music] moon perhaps we should go indoors before we lose your balloon george your balloon will be safe in here hello polly george has got a new balloon don't you pop it polly george loves his balloon george has let go of his balloon again don't worry george it won't fly away because the roof is in the way [Music] oh it's gone through the door it's going up the stairs it's going into the attic don't worry there's only one way out of the attic and that is through the roof window which is always kept closed oh dear the roof window is not closed catchy grandpa i can't peppa it's in the sky george your balloon is going to the moon you'll never see it again daddy pig has come to take peppa and george home hello have you had a lovely time um we bought george a dinosaur balloon but george let it go and it's flying to the moon [Music] careful you don't hit that big stick grandpa that's a mooring post i won't hit it oh grandpa there's a big hole in your boat it's just a scratch oh grandpa's boat is sinking jump off a captain never leaves his sinking ship grandpa pig's boat has sunk to the bottom of the river is granddad dog oh hi there grandpa pig lovely day for a sale um yes ahoy there i'm taking my boat to the boat yard today going to get a few repairs done uh would you mind taking my boat to the boatyard too please of course where is your boat um i'm standing on it oh has it sunk uh well a little bit i'm surprised your boat didn't sink a long time ago what it's a better boat than that rust bucket of yours granddad dog and grandpa pig our very best friends catch this captain aye aye skipper granddad dog's truck has lifted grandpa pig's boat out of the water wow next stop the boat yard what's the boat yard a boat yard pepper is where broken boats get mended [Music] this is grumpy rabbit's boatyard ahoy there me hearties ahoy there grumpy rabbits who did that to your boat grandpa pig um someone drove it into a mooring post it went crash and made a big hole there you should never let other people steer your boat grandpa pig uh yes can you mend it of course i just need to size up the damage [Music] there's no more bubble mixture don't worry peppa i have an idea mummy pig bring me a bucket please yes daddy pig bring me some soap yes daddy pig george bring me my old tennis racket a bucket some soap a tennis racket what is daddy pig doing first i need some water then the soap and now the tennis racket please thank you now watch this [Music] wow daddy pig has made his own bubble mixture come on everyone be careful daddy pig don't slip and fall i'll be fine are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine wow daddy pig has made the biggest bubble ever oh dear i've spilled all my bubble mixture now we can't make any more bubbles but we can play jumping in muddy puddles look daddy pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles look the bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly pepper loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles we need to cross the bridge to continue the tour stop you can't cross look there's a big ship it's going to bang into the bridge the bridge is lifting up wow tower bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through good now the ship has passed we can be on our way please lower the bridge i'm sorry your majesty but there's another ship coming this is rarely too much we can't wait around all day how tight everyone [Applause] [Music] the bus is balancing on the bridge now what do we do hang on a minute lads i've got a great idea everybody move to the front of the bus okay the queen is good at driving buses are you enjoying your tour children yes open top buses are the best why aren't all buses open like this one it is raining ah yes that's why all buses aren't open like this one children open your umbrellas it is very important to take an umbrella when you visit london let's stop the trafalgar square yeah what a shame trafalgar square is full of puddles but we love puddles come on have a splash your majesty it does look rather fun and one is wearing one's boots the queen loves jumping in london puddles everybody loves jumping in london [Music] puddles who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle pepper please test the puddle this puddle is too dry let's add some more water please jump again peppa this puddle is just right nice and muddy and making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off wet and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next the concrete will go hard exactly it will set as hard as rock uh daddy pig i think you should step out if i ever i'll be with you in a moment mr bull i'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard all thanks to a bit of simple science now mr ball what was it you were saying i was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig i'll have you out in a jiffy oh i'll dig up the playground daddy pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug out of concrete have we got a big box uh no delivery for daddy pig i don't remember ordering anything this large ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall i take the box away for you oh yes thank you no daddy we need that box look what i've got great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter glitter hello hello can i speak to peppa please peppa it's susie sheep hello susie how's your school project going i'm doing very well more pointy mummy and it needs to be taller how is your castle going it's quite hard work but my mummy and daddy are helping a little tiny bit uh what do you think of this tower peppa very good but it still looks a bit cardboardy hmm maybe i can paint it i need to get on with my work now suzy see you tomorrow bye bye peppa what do you think peppa wow that looks just like a castle oh we got there in the end hmm it just needs one more thing glitter oh um glitter would stop the castle looking real and anyway we've um completely run out of glitter pepper and her friends have brought their castles back to play group wow a fairy palace that must have been a bit tricky for you to make susie no it was easy my castle is made out of a cardboard box it is a very fine castle thank you madame gazelle pedro did you not make a castle i did but it's too big to bring into school we built it out of stone blocks [Music] we must have washed these clothes a thousand times georgie's clothes have got holes in them when you wash clothes a thousand times they get holes in them i can see your bottom george maybe it's time we got george some new clothes [Music] mummy pig is taking peppa and george to the clothes shop hello mummy pig hello miss rabbit how can i help you we need some new clothes for george please well you're in luck this is a clothes shop first we need to measure you now hold your arms out george thinks you're going to tickle him i promise i won't tickle you george very good what a big strong boy you are you see george miss rabbit didn't tickle you did she no but i will george loves being tickled right let's find george some new clothes how about this it will keep you very warm oh if george would kindly go into the changing booth please george is wearing a big thick woolly jumper you look cuddly george hmm i don't think white is the best color for puddle jumping hmm this isn't white it's every other color but white george you look like a clown no george does not want to look like a clown hmm too much color what about this then now you look like a penguin yes it's still not really george hmm what about this then basically it's what you had before oh yes george you look like you come in come in your hallway is a big flight modern [Music] gazelle is it meant to be like that no the house is just old everything here is a little bit wonky donkey everything is leaning now but it wasn't always this way when did your house start leaning madame gazelle oh i don't know it's been so long and now i have cracks everywhere too i think your house might need fixing can't i just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like ah what's this oh that is my little christmas tree that's not little that's big [Music] it was from christmas a long time ago it was a little baby tree with a fairy on top after christmas i could not bear to throw it away so i planted it in the garden your baby tree has grown so much it's pushing your house over that's why your house is all wonky donkey oh dear what can we do about it i'll call mr bull hello mr bull we have a big tree that needs looking at i'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is that's a mighty fine tree you have there madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes let's chop it down oh dear my poor tree stop i saw something move in the tree it was a little animal [Music] a magic bathroom there's a little basin with little taps and that's not all a magic toilet i wonder what this button is for daddy has found the magic shower hello passports please of course ah you are mr peak mr pig you must be coming to test our concrete uh yes do you know me oh your work in concrete is famous in our country but i have disturbed you good night uh good night it is bedtime night night peppa and george night night my little piggies night nights pepper and george are tucked up in their little beds on the train click to see clark clickity clock the train it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning miss rabbit aren't you meant to be driving the train it's fine the train runs on rails it can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice i'd like both please no coffee or orange juice you can't have both i don't think we have to be so strict with the famous mr pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me i am king alfonso could i have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible pepper and her family have arrived at the end of their long train journey we are honored to have your visit mr pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good [Applause] [Music] tickets please here they are any bags yes i'm afraid this one's a bit heavy don't worry just pop it on the scales anything valuable in it no any more yes you can take those little bags on the plane with you just join the queue over there this is the x-ray machine what's this daddy it's a machine that looks inside things put your bags on here please look it's my bag with teddy inside dinosaur that's magic this is the aeroplane that will take peppa and her family on holiday george loves aeroplanes welcome aboard we hope you enjoy your flight with us today can i sit next to the window of course peppa yes george you can sit next to a window too this is captain emergency speaking is everybody ready yes captain emergency then let's go [Music] look teddy we're flying what can you see out of the window peppa it's all cloudy and rainy oh now it's sunny that's because we're on top of the clouds the plane is flying higher and higher oh are we flying up to the sun no but we are going somewhere sunny [Music] there is the place to borrow cars hello buongiorno come in italy people speak italian oh um we need a car non capisco let me handle this i'm an expert at talking we need a car not eggs a car um no not flowers no well done george this bag is heavy are you sure we need everything in here mummy pig yes it's all very important are we going to get lost like we always do no peppa the sat nav will tell maybe we don't need this satin nav uh let's go this way remember daddy pig this is another country they may drive differently here oh oh driving is driving mummy pig it can't be that different driving in italy is very different to driving at home hello yes we're on holiday daddy why are they beeping at us i expect they're saying hello can we say hello of course we can everyone is so friendly here pepper and her family are on their way to their holiday house ah we're almost there yes i can feel myself relaxing already teddy i love teddy on [Music] holiday daddy pig is up bright and early i'll just go for a little walk good morning mr pig i see you have found the swimming pool this is in your goat it is his job to look after the holiday house daddy fell in the water it's not funny it is quite funny daddy oh oh i suppose it is a bit funny this is my daughter hello i'm gabriella goat i'm peppa pig tell us if you need anything at all we'd like to do some sightseeing the village is very pretty i will show you okay i'll just change out of these wet clothes i don't look like a tourist do i you look perfect is everybody ready yes daddy pig then let's go [Music] this is gabriela's village [Music] here is the shop of my auntie can i send a postcard who is it for a goldfish a goldfish maybe a postcard of the sea yes goldie the fish likes water bongo drums carpets garden gnomes who buys all this rubbish tourists oh hello bonjourno mummy pig is buying lots of things to take home mummy pig we haven't got room for all this in our suitcase don't worry daddy pig they sell suitcases too this is the village cafe ciao my uncle makes very good pizza you eat pizza in italy pizza is italian food oh goody i like pizza a little bit of tomato a little bit of cheese into the oven and into my tummy maybe we let them cook first no okay [Music] george does not want a new dinosaur look george a big dinosaur good morning can i help you we'd like the dinosaur in the window please certainly good choice this is the dino roar it roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song dino roar dino roar listen to the dino roar roar wow dino war we'll take it george is playing with dino raw in the garden don't play too roughly with dino roar george he has moving parts and might get broken george cannot play with dino raw in the garden george wants to play with dino raw in the bath george if you get dino roll wet he'll stop working george cannot play with dino raw in the bath it is night time george has taken dino roar to bed with him george cannot have dino raw in his bed at night it is morning why is george looking so sad george cannot play with dino raw in the garden in the bath or in bed never mind george dino roar can still roar [Music] oh i think the batteries must have run out daddy pig already how many batteries are in here hundreds and thousands dino raw needs lots of batteries to make him raw [Music] oh i wonder where mr skinny legs is it sounds like mummy has found him don't be scared mummy get rid of it okay we'll take mr skinny legs into the garden now mr skinny legs has got the whole garden to play bye bye mr skinny legs it is starting to mr skinny legs is running back to the house maybe he doesn't like the rain he's climbing up the water spout incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout down out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again i don't want mr skinny legs in the house daddy pig let's take mr skinny legs a bit further into the garden [Music] there we are a nice tree for you to live in [Music] what is he doing he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies oh he's very busy yes it's hard work that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes daddy bye bye mr skinny legs it is bedtime i liked watching mr skinny legs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes mr skinny legs makes a new web every day where will the new web be daddy i don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night night [Music] that sea looks cold i was looking forward to having a swim you still can the sea's not frozen over come along girls what are you waiting for um i can't swim because i've sprained my ankle and i think i might have a cough come on in mummy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim is it cold mummy it's a little bit cold it always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving you'll warm up okay i'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry peppa george and daddy pig are warming mummy pig up by rubbing her with towels oh that's better are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today who wants an ice cream [Music] everyone likes ice creams at the seaside i wanted to make sand castles but the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we turn the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto a snow castle i love the seaside and i love the snow i love the seaside and the snow [Music] wow that hurts are you all right peppa i've hurt my knee madame gazelle peppa has fallen over you've just grazed your knee peppa first madame gazelle cleans peppa's knee then she puts a plaster on it does that feel any better yes thank you now children you may have noticed that petrol pony isn't here today is he late again no susie pedro is in hospital and today we are going to visit him this is the hospital peppa and her friends have come to visit pedro pony remember children stay close to me i don't want you getting lost yes excuse me mr bull which way is the children's world down the steps double doors right left right along the corridor up the stairs third on your left ah or you could just take the left pedro will be asleep sick people do a lot of sleeping hello everyone hello pedro why aren't you asleep you don't look sick i broke my leg and they put it in this plaster cast wow the plaster cast helps pedro's leg get better i grazed my knee and i got a plaster too wow do you want to draw on my plaster cast yes please the children are all doing drawings on pedro's plaster cast i'm drawing a football i've drawn some flowers mr potato a carrot and i've drawn a muddy puddle wow thanks everyone you can draw on my plaster too okay i'll draw a little flower thank you pedro [Music] holly had a dog sorry madame gazelle oh dear pedro has a cough not to worry i'll ring dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking hello doctor this is madame gazelle a child is ill don't panic i'll come straight away [Music] what seems to be the problem i've got a cough i see is it a tickly cough or a chesty cough um i don't know but it goes like this hmm and when did you get this cough when madame gazelle started singing it's nothing serious but pedro's cough may be catching what do you mean catching when one person has a cough sometimes other people get that cough too no i need medicine just a little spoonful i'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice it tastes like an old shoe full of jam thank you dr brown bear goodbye bye as i thought pedro's cough is catching danny dog and susie sheep have caught pedro's cough open wide yeah it tastes of carpet flavored yogurt it tastes of flowers well done for taking your medicine so well do you ever get ill dr brown there no pepper i'm never ill i eat an apple a day goodbye bye [Music] oh dear mommy we splashed daddy's football shirt with mud oh don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy mummy pig and george have found more things to wash very good george we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on the washing machine is filling up with hot soapy water splash the washing machine is making the whole room shape oh peppa where's your dress i'm washing it what oh no [Music] look mommy my red dress is all nice and clean yes peppa but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppa's red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color [Music] jump up and down captain peppa is a bit bossy perhaps i should be the captain again we don't want to crash into anything steering the boats can be tricky luckily i'm good at steering oh dear grandpa pig's boat has crashed into a little island grandpa we're stuck i'll ring granny pig she can get help grandpa pig has dropped his phone in the water [Music] granny pig speaking hello hello hello somehow we need to get a message to granny ah message to granny polly can fly to granny good idea peppa and i can teach polly what to say grandpa pig says grandpa pig says help help help help there you see easy peasy grandpa pig says easy peasy you silly old bird you silly old bert [Music] hello polly what are you doing here uh grandpa pig says what does grandpa pig say usually old bert oh help help goodness me grandpa must need help granddad dog hello granny pig grandpa pig needs help please could you rescue him madame i would be delighted hooray oh hi there do you need rescuing captain um maybe would you like my rusty old boat to rescue you yes please grandad dog [Music] my goodness this piece of treasure is quite heavy oh dear that is not buried treasure that is a rusty old shopping trolley oh maybe that's enough treasure hunting who wants to help build a big sand castle what a good idea granny pig now i'll just check on the boat granny pig is going to help the children build a big sandcastle and grandpa pig is doing important boat things ah this is nice oh maybe i'll just close my eyes for a little bit granny and the children are making a big sand castle they need lots and lots of sand they use buckets to make the castle's turrets [Music] what a splendid castle [Music] time to go home oh where's the boat gone look granny oh no grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away we have to wake grandpa up shout as loudly as you can wake up wake up oh no grandpa pig is still asleep grandpa's too far away to hear us we're stuck on pirate island we're castaways we'll be here for a hundred years we'll have to eat wild fruit and berries and we'll have to eat insects and slugs the parents are here to collect the children oh where am i hello uh hello everyone have you had a nice time yes uh uh actually i just left something behind back in a trick [Music] um i know daddy smelly slippers no too smelly i know daddy's old chair but that's an antique what does antique mean antique means it's very old and valuable but you found it on a rubbish tip daddy pig it's worthless it'll be worth a lot of money when i mend it you've been saying that for ages daddy pig i know i'll give these lovely socks that granny pig made me good i've come to collect your things for the jumble sale here they are thank you and would you like this old chair oh most genius goodbye bye mommy you gave away daddy's chair shh don't tell him he'll never notice it is the day of the jumble sale hello hello miss rabbit peppa how about this chair it's a bit rubbish but you can chop it up and use it for firewood but it's an antique is it daddy said it's worth lots of money well i never i'd better put the price up bye hello everyone hello peppa what did you give susie i gave my nurses outfits i gave my parrot balloon i gave my toy monkey i'll miss my jack-in-the-box can i buy this jack-in-the-box please and i'd like this nurse's outfit the parrot balloon please mummy mummy look what we've bought for your old toy very good but try not to splash big children don't splash we're very good at swimming when george and richard are older they'll be able to swim like [Laughter] oh dear richard has dropped his watering can into the pool [Music] sorry richard i can't reach it's too far down mommy i can't swim underwater even i can't swim underwater hmm please hold my glasses mommy pig [Music] hooray there you go well done daddy pig i am rather good at swimming underwater the watering can is for babies can we jump off the diving boards now sorry peppa diving boards are only for grown-ups oh cheer up you two you can watch me die silly daddy your tummy is too big nonsense i won trophies for my diving when i was younger that was quite a long time ago daddy pig it's lucky i've kept myself so fit and strong please hold my glasses mummy pig you'll get a better view if you watch me from the side please don't splash us with water daddy of course i won't splash you peppa i think i need a higher board please be careful daddy pig yes don't splash us daddy don't worry peppa [Music] don't splash us with water daddy [Music] i told you i wouldn't splash daddy well done daddy pig no need for my towel i've got a special way of drying myself don't worry i know exactly where we are this way oh who put that tree there daddy pig has walked into a tree are you okay daddy pig yes i'm fine this way [Music] daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course i do i don't think we'll ever find our house again i'm sure we will peppa we're only in our garden oh it's the ducks hello mrs duck have you lost your pond we're lost too we are not lost i know exactly where we are see you later ducks good luck finding your oh daddy pig has found the duck pond that's lucky yes what a stroke of luck daddy mrs duck says thank you you're most welcome mrs duck [Laughter] now let's find our house i'm sure it's this way hello did you hear something yes i thought i heard someone say hello it's mummy rabbit with rebecca and richard hello peppa we're lost hello rebecca we're lost too we wanted to go to the playground so did we but it's too foggy to get there come on everyone back to our house until the fog clears daddy pig do you know where you're going yes of course i do this way yes daddy pig i found our little hill we'll soon be home [Music] there now you look like two cheeky snails and i'm going to eat her all grandpa pig's lettuce boy keep off my lovely lettuce you cheeky snails and when grandpa pig shouts at me i'll hide my little house hello grandpa pig hello susie have you come to play with peppa and george yes i don't know where they are it's just me and these two snails here we are cheeky snails we were pretending to be snails can we be snails too i don't think i have enough baskets for you all oh you could be something else though something exciting from the garden a carrot rebecca rabbit likes carrots no rebecca not carrots come over here what's that buzzing sound it's coming from that little house grandpa why is that doll's house making a funny buzzing noise that's not a doll's house peppa it's a bee's house it's called a hive look here's one now [Music] what's she doing she's collecting nectar from the flower and then she flies back to the hive to make it into honey hmm i like honey let's pretend to be bees yes [Music] open wide please ah wider please now let's take a look dr elephant uses a little mirror to look at peppa's teeth i hope you haven't been eating too many sweeties pepper it is quite difficult to speak when your mouth is wide open [Music] there all done what lovely clean teeth she takes after me [Laughter] can i have the special pink drink now yes but don't drink it peppa spit it out george now it's your turn no george does not want it to be his turn maybe you can hold mr dinosaur while the dentist looks at your teeth dinosaur very pleased to meet you mr dinosaur it's not a real dinosaur it's made of plastic hold tight you're doing very well george now can you show me your teeth george does not want to show the dentist his teeth george open wide like this ah [Music] there they are all done you have very strong clean teeth george are they as lovely as mine dr elephant ah yes george is very proud to have clean teeth george don't forget the pink drink oh but wait what's this what's wrong dr elephant george has clean teeth but this young dinosaur's teeth are very dirty oh no dr elephant is very cross with mr dinosaur not at all peppa it's my job to make teeth clean the water jet please miss rabbit the dentist uses water to clean mr dinosaur's teeth the polisher please miss rabbit this will be a bit noisy dr elephant polishes mr dinosaur's teeth [Music] they're collecting leaves to eat are they going to have salad for lunch yes talking of lunch let's have our picnic oh the picnic daddy pig you've left the picnic in the car haven't you uh yes but it's not a problem we'll just go back to the car to eat but which way is the car my map will show us this way oh who put that tree there it's not on the map oh daddy pig we are lost aren't we uh yes how are we going to find our little car george has found more footprints what big footprints dinosaur very interesting what has george found some real dinosaur footprints no these are our footprints and if we follow our footprints we'll find the way back to our car and our picnic nothing can stop us finding our car now we're home and dry oh i wasn't expecting that luckily i remembered the umbrella the rain is washing the footprints away how are we going to find the car now and our picnic it's the ducks they always turn up at picnics sorry mrs duck we haven't got a picnic this time we can't find it i know this is dark can you help us find our picnic please we're here hooray thank you mrs doug i love nate's trails yes and i love picnics and the little birds love picnics and the ants love picnics everybody loves picnic [Music] george cannot throw the ball past mummy pig come on george give the ball to me [Laughter] silly george i can do that too [Laughter] i've got the ball peppa now it's your turn to be piggy george catch [Music] it george you're the piggy [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the ball george oh dear peppa you shouldn't tease george like that sorry george what's all the noise daddy george is too little to play piggy at the middle oh i'm sure he's big enough no he is a daddy watch catch it george hooray that's not fair yes it is i just gave george a helping hand mommy can i have helping hands of course you can peppa to me george peppa loves catching the ball george loves catching the ball [Music] peppa and george are looking in mummy and daddy pig's bedroom george be careful not to knock everything over [Laughter] it's not funny [Music] peppa looks under the pillows but daddy pig's glasses are not there oh george looks in daddy's slippers but the glasses are not there either let's look in the bathroom [Music] george are looking in the bathroom the glasses are not in the bath oh the glasses are not in the toilet oh it's too difficult peppa and george cannot find daddy pig's glasses anywhere we've looked everywhere but we can't find at these glasses oh dear now what can we do i suppose i'll just have to learn to do without them if i move slowly i won't bump into things there they are daddy's glasses [Music] daddy pig you were sitting on them all the time oh [Music] silly daddy i don't know how they got there i wonder how oh well you may have been a bit silly daddy pig but at least you're not grumpy anymore i was not grumpy [Laughter] [Music] what does the blue button do i don't know let's see [Music] [Laughter] i love this new car can we keep it no we can't keep it peppa we've only borrowed it for today oh oh no i think it's going to rain yes i'll just put the roof up now which is the button to close the roof [Music] oops silly me this must be the button the new car has squirted daddy pig with water silly daddy that's not the roof this button oops not that one this button daddy pig has forgotten which button closes the roof i don't think this car likes me let's try the red button hooray but now it's stopped raining can we open the roof again oh yes which button was it the red one hooray granddad dog has fixed the car your car is fixed thank you granddad dog and keep the change thank you daddy pig goodbye goodbye goodbye bye bye ah it's good to get our old car back again i like the new car but i like our old car better and i think our old car likes us too don't you [Laughter] [Music] oh dear it's not funny [Laughter] george let's play snowballs peppa has made a snowball [Music] [Laughter] little piggy [Music] [Laughter] oh dear maybe this game is getting a little too rough sorry george george let's build a snowball peppa and george are making a snowman first they make the body george this is the snowman's body now they make the snowman's head [Music] now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth [Music] george has found some sticks for the snowman's arms peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth [Music] this is his face now the snowman needs a nose peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose george has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm [Music] snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves mommy daddy come and look mummy pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves that is the best snowman i have ever seen [Music] daddy pig looks quite cold he isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves daddy why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves i don't know where they are i can't find them anywhere i think i know where daddy's hat scarf and gloves are daddy pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman [Music] do you know where we are i know exactly where we are although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map oh daddy pig we're lost we are not lost so how do we get to windy castle from here just give me a moment hmm i know we can ring granny and grandpa there's no need to ring granny and grandpa i'll get us to windy castle if it takes me all day we haven't got all day [Music] hello grandpa pig speaking grandpa pig we've got a bit lost on the way to windy castle no is daddy pig doing the map reading yes daddy pig is doing the map reading and he's a bit grumpy at the moment i am not grumpy this is the best route uh keep on the main road until you see windy castle up ahead thank you grandpa pig we follow the main road and look out for windy castle as i thought look is that a castle yes it's windy castle peppa and her family have arrived at windy castle wow it's so tall let's go inside the view from the top is fantastic look at the view mummy is that granny and grandpa's house yes it is it's so far away let's take a look through the telescope can i look fast please yes but you must let george look next wow the telescope makes everything look bigger i can see grabbing grandpa [Music] where is the fire daddy nearly there easy as pie [Laughter] now we can heat up the tomato soup ah listen to the sounds of nature what is that sound that is the sound of crickets chirping [Music] what is that that's an owl look there it is and what's that noise oh i'm not sure it's daddy's tubby [Laughter] my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature it means it's time to eat i love tomato soup so do i there's another one of daddy pig's sounds of nature what come on children into the tent it's bedtime we won't all fit in the tent is too little it will be fine in you go move further in mummy pig daddy you're too big for the tent never mind i'd rather sleep outside anyway good night daddy pig good night daddy night night good night everyone mummy pig peppa and george are sleeping in the tent daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars ah i love camping sleeping in the open air with the stars above me maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all [Music] it is morning daddy it was lovely and cozy in the tent oh where's daddy daddy pig has gone poor daddy pig he must have been cold and wet and now where is he what's that sound it [Music] daddy you're safe of course i'm safe [Music] hmm you have to say the secret words then you can come into our house i see and what are the secret words i have to whisper to you the secret words are daddy's big tummy i see [Laughter] say the secret words daddy's big tummy that's right daddy's big tubby i think those are silly secret words [Laughter] mommy before you come in our house you must take off your boots of course [Music] [Laughter] there's room for daddy too say the secret words daddy can i have different secret words please no oh all right daddy's big tummy that's right you can come in now daddy take your boots off [Music] i don't think i can fit through the door that's because your tummy is stupid i know daddy pig can climb in through the top [Music] peppa george mummy pig and daddy pig are all in the tree house granny i love our tree house i don't want to ever come out that's nice peppa but are you sure you don't want to visit me in my house no thank you granny in that case grandpa pig and i will just have to eat my homemade cookies all by ourselves cookies [Music] granny pig here are my homemade cookies but if you want to come in you have to say the secret words that's easy daddy's big tummy that's right [Music] daddy i'm queen peppa you must bow when you speak to me oh i'm most terribly sorry your royal highness and what do you do i'm your daddy hmm that must be very interesting yes it's very interesting and what room is this this is the dinosaur room the dinosaur room george this is the dinosaur room dinosaur where is the dinosaur he's somewhere in the room i can't see him he must be very small actually peppa he's very big wow these are the bones of a real dinosaur dinosaur george imagines being a big dinosaur the dinosaur room is george's favorite room my favorite room is the king and queen's room and it looks as if daddy pig is already in his favorite room which room is that mummy the room with the cakes in daddy pig's favorite room is the museum cafe oh come on tuck in oh yes this is a very nice room daddy i don't want stabilizers anymore do you think you can ride without them yes all right peppa let's take them off daddy pig is taking the stabilizers off peppa's bicycle are you sure you want to ride without stabilizers yes you've never done it before i couldn't do it i can't i can't it's not funny riding without stabilizers is not easy would you like some help peppa yes please daddy all right ready steady go don't let go daddy don't worry i've got you you're doing really well peppa [Music] hold on daddy just keep peppa is riding on her own without stabilizers [Music] daddy you let go you've been cycling on your own for ages have i you're really very good at it am i oh i can do it look at me look at me i can ride my bike properly daddy susie rebecca look i don't need my stabilizers anymore look at me hooray reseated at his pumpkin [Applause] [Music] oh dear peppa has squashed daddy pig's pumpkin sorry i squashed your pup kit daddy never mind the pumpkin the important thing is that you are okay in future you really must look where you're going i promise i will daddy good anyway now the pumpkin is broken i can make it into pumpkin pie i love pumpkin pie and because daddy pig's pumpkin is so big there will be enough pumpkin pie for everyone [Music] george is going to fly the kite first george runs as fast as he can but the kite won't fly george you're doing it all wrong [Music] you didn't run fast enough now it's my turn peppa runs as fast as she can but the kite still won't fly the kite won't fly if there isn't any wind no matter how fast you run oh we just have to wait until the wind picks up a bit look it's getting windy now that it is windy the kite can fly [Music] the wind is quite strong now the wind is very strong now [Music] daddy pig flies the kite [Laughter] [Music] higher [Music] daddy pig flies the kite very well [Music] yes i am a bit of an expert at these things watch out for the trees you might get the kite stuck in one don't worry i know what i'm doing [Music] oh dear daddy pig has got the kite caught in a tree oh no oh don't worry george daddy will get the kite down uh yes careful there's a big muddy puddle pepper and george love to jump in muddy puddles chloe jump in the puddle please no i don't want you covered in mud oh stand back children please be careful daddy pig i know what i'm doing [Music] please be careful just a bit further daddy daddy pig you are much too heavy for that branch nonsense i know exactly how heavy i am there hooray daddy pig has rescued the kite [Music] oh dear everyone is covered in mud it's only mad [Laughter] luckily daddy pig hasn't hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree hooray mummy now that we're all muddy can we jump in the puddle i suppose so after all you can't get any muddier and i think daddy pig is going to be doing the washing [Laughter] mommy and daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite and you know what you do when you see a full moon um you howl [Applause] why do you do that that's what wolves do we howl at the moon wendy can you teach us how to do that okay first you have to look up at the moon and then you wendy how has taught everyone how to howl like a wolf [Applause] wow who did that one it wasn't me it wasn't me it wasn't any of us it's a wild animal [Music] it is granny wolf happy birthday wendy hello granny you must all be wendy's friends how do you do hello my what big ears you've got granny wolf all the better to leave you with what big eyes you've got granny wolf all the better to see you with and what big teeth you've got all the better to eat birthday cake [Applause] wendy what's that in the middle of your cage it is a little house made of sticks ah time to blow out the candles wendy i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow the candles out you've blown the stick house down oh well done that's my go it was quite easy houses made of sticks are easy to blow down i always forget what's your house made of mr pig it's made of bricks not straw bricks oh of course [Music] i'll get it down for you uh perhaps i had better help no grandpa i can do it [Music] oh dear peppa is covered in mud i see two little piggies who need a bath george's hat is on top of some reeds in the pond lucky for us your hat is still clean george but how do we get it this is a job for a grown-up hmm i will need a stick don't fall in grandpa i know what i'm doing peppa i can reach it [Music] i see a big piggy who needs a bath grandpa pig what on earth are you doing i'm having a cup of tea no you're not of course i'm not that was a joke it is perfectly clear to see that i have fallen into the pond that was a silly thing to do peppa george you're both covered in mud too we were trying to get george's hat back granny where is george's hat anyway it's flying in the sky [Music] i will get george's hat back and then you can all get cleaned up be careful granny i would use a stick thank you everyone but it's perfectly fine i've got boots on if you walk on that manure you will sink hush grumpa i have no intention of sinking i can reach it got it oh dear granny pig is covered in manure oh smelly granny pig mummy pig has come to pick up pepper and george hello grandpa pig i thought you promised not to let the children get muddy i think you will find we promise not to let george's hat get muddy and it's not muddy it's perfectly clean yes i can see the only clean thing around here is george's woolly hat don't worry we won't go through any more tunnels good we just have to cross this chasm whoa that looks like quite a drop yes it's wonderfully deep i'll show you see how long it takes this rock to hit the bottom wow so how do we get across did you hear anything about a ride of doom money mouth said the ride of doom was the best bit uh what exactly is this ride of doom nothing to be alarmed by it's a zip wire ride over this chasm and down to the deepest part of the cage oh goody it's really fun and of course completely safe [Music] uh i'm not very good with heights is there another way to earn the other side if that isn't the craziest fan in the world i don't know what it is it was brilliant did you enjoy it daddy yes here at the deepest point of the caves our tour comes to an end any questions uh how do we get out oh good question we take the lift here we are back on the surface again ah daylight welcome to the gift shop look there's a picture of us on the ride of doom daddy you look funny that will help you remember the ride of doom forever thank you very much [Music] we can put george in it uh no i think that might be a bit dangerous maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said i should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay let's see what it can do wow the toy airplane is doing a loop the loop [Music] let's try something even more exciting out for the house grandpa oh it's fine the door is open now where is that juice what was that ah you see i know what i'm doing clever grandpa now i just need to land it gently does it [Music] juice for everyone ah granny pig perfect timing what is that um it's a toy aeroplane a big toy airplane yes i can see that grandpa did some fancy flying and dolly did you enjoy your playtime with peppa and george grandpa put dolly yes yes we've all had a lovely time yes grandpa pepper and george love toy airplanes everybody loves toy airplanes [Music] can only do fruit okay can i be a plum bear [Applause] peppa is in charge of the lucky dip roll up roll up for your lucky dip hello peppa hello mr bull you've got a green face i'm an apple oh would you like to try the lucky dip okay what do i do just pull a prize out of the barrel everyone a winner mr bull has won a dolly can i have a call [Music] mrs cat has won a digger oh do you want to swap no thank you mr bull and mrs cat like their lucky dip prizes roll up roll up freddy fox is in charge of the mummies and daddy's race thank you it's all to raise money for a new school roof i'm quite good at running it's not running daddy it's a sack race oh you have to get in the bag and jump over there as fast as you can right on your marks get set and they've fallen down and they're back up again [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was fun wasn't it yes but really we must thank the children for all their hard work thank you and we have raised enough money to buy a new school roof again [Music] i can't see anything oh daddy pig there's a fish right in front of you [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the next room what's in this tank dinosaur george thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur george it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes i like fish can the seahorse be goldie's friend uh no it's too dinosaury one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbit fish it is miss rabbit wearing a diving costume she is cleaning the fish tank miss rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater [Music] that was the last fish tank oh we haven't found a friend for goldie what's in the next room [Music] this is the aquarium cafe oh goody my favorite room hello peppa did you find a friend for goldie no oh who's that that's just ginger my pet goldfish he loves the aquarium it looks like goalies found a friend after all goldie isn't lonely anymore hooray i'll just have a little sleep pedro always takes his glasses off before he sleeps let's creep up on pedro yes danny pepper susie and freddie are creeping up on pedro you were asleep uh yes sorry you're lucky we're friendly pirates we've got treasure that's nice let's put it in the treasure chest [Music] now we can bury it yes and i'll stay here and guard the pirate ship okay pirate pedro but don't fall asleep this time i won't the pirates are off to bury the treasure chest over a hill round the little bush let's bury it here how will we know where we've buried it let's make a treasure map over the hill round the little bush and x marks the spot x marks the spots pedro has fallen asleep again i'm awake i'm awake pedro don't you wear glasses uh [Music] hello mummy pony has come to collect pedro who goes there i'm your mummy pedro pedro cannot see very well without his glasses where are your glasses um i don't know mommy when did you last have them when we put the treasure into the treasure chest what treasure chest the one we buried in the garden pedro's glasses are buried in the garden oh dear how are we going to find them now we've got a treasure map mummy pony is using peppa's map to find the buried treasure over the hill round the little bush and x marks the spot they have found the treasure my glasses [Music] i was a little bit lonely up there with just the moon and the stars and the most exciting bit was what's the most exciting bit grumpy rabbit i can't hear you why has he stopped talking oh dear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice i had better ring dr brown bear dr brown bear speaking hello dr brown bear grumpy rabbit has lost his voice is that such a bad thing yes he's giving an important talk about space rockets to the children oh in that case i'll be straight there [Music] [Applause] hello crampy rabbit i hear you've lost your voice say ah please i see yes a very serious case of losing a voice too much shouting i imagine let's see if a little bit of medicine helps open wide try saying ah now louder no where was i you were just about to tell us the most exciting bit oh yes the most exciting bit was i wrote a song would you like to hear it no thank you yes please i got up this morning and all i could see was the moon and the stars the moon the stars the moon the stars the moon the stars pedro has found a clown outfit who wants makeup me please what does everyone want to be i want to be the clown but peppa where is your clown costume okay you be the clown i want to be the strong man okay danny you be the strong man i want to be the juggler but i wanted to do that wow okay you be the juggler grandpa i don't have a job to do you can be the ring master peppa you've got the hat for it what's a ring master the ring master is the boss yes i'll be the ring master what do i do you say welcome to my circus see the impossible the amazing the incredible feats of daring do [Music] uh welcome to my circus it's got amazing feet granny pigs garden party guests are here hello everyone you're in for a treat the circus has come to town ladies and gentlemen welcome to my circus now please be very scared of the amazing candy cat look at george richard and edmund on tricycles [Music] i was a strong man once i used to lift tractors [Music] wow it's hot have you got any water two right we all need water water is a precious thing in the outback so don't ah nice and cool waste it daddy you have to drink it not splash it around ah no worries let's cook up a good old-fashioned australian picnic oh sounds lovely should we collect wood for the campfire you don't need wood when you've got gas mr kangaroo has a gas bbq when we have a picnic mrs duck always shows up ah there's no chance of mrs duck showing up in the middle of a desert oh it is a duck-billed platypus mrs duckfield platypus always shows up when we have picnics food's ready corn on the cob for everyone hurry peppa likes corn on the cob everyone likes corn on the cob i think it's time for a game sure thing i've brought a cricket bat oh do you play cricket in australia do we play cricket we're born playing cricket how do you play it you hit the ball with the bat ah if we catch it you're out ready dad you're out dad you'll go peppa good shot peppa oh dear the ball has landed in the tree oh it's the only tree for miles and our ball gets stuck in it if i lift you up peppa can you see the ball uh a teddy bear is holding on to it that's not a teddy bear peppa that's a koala thanks mate that is the sweetest animal i've ever seen but you were sweet too mrs duckbill platypus [Music] your turn to surf guys thank you but i'm quite happy to watch why don't you ever go mr pig why not it does look fun oh the waves have gone too bad mr pig looks like you've missed your chance to surf today oh that's a shame but it's just right for little george to go paddling in i'll come with you no surfing george but you can sit on me instead george likes sitting on top of daddy pig look at that wave coming crikey it's a big one daddy there's a big wave coming [Applause] what's that i think they want us to wave george gooey george is using daddy pig as a surfboard wow george has got great balance you're a natural surfer george maybe you can teach me a few tricks george is the best i loved surfing mummy yes what a fantastic holiday we're having so what's planned for tomorrow are you uh staying another day i could stay here forever well i do have to go to work tomorrow they can come along too okay well i suppose that might be okay peppa is having a lovely long holiday with kylie kangaroo [Music] i'm the happy pirate from the pirate book pirates are my favorite because they are funny and they sing happy songs brush their teeth yes brush their teeth are we all ready for world book day tomorrow no my favorite book keeps changing don't worry peppa you can decide in the morning today is world book day oh my wonderful costumes tell us pedro who are you i'm the hunter from little red riding hood he's strong and brave and kind to old ladies very good and i and dog paid the sailor from the adventures of dog beard the sailor and why is he your favorite because he's strong and brave and i think he might be kind to old ladies too excellent i'm an old lady so you are candy but are you not also a witch yes so be careful or i might turn you into a frog and you edmund you have come as a big number from mummy pig's book 476 859 312. oh what an amazing choice ah george you are dressed as i'm sure but where is peppa here i am what book are you peppa i am all my favorite books i have fairy wings a pirate hat a red monkey tail and quack quack duck feet you're a fairy pirate monkey duck [Music] hello children if you want a story about a pirate say aha good once upon a time there was a pirate he found a desert island and he dug up some buried treasure the end ah what an adventure that story makes me miss the sea i must set sail at once and find that desert island captain dog loves to see it's just the story daddy you don't need to set sail oh yes no need for me to set sail ever again i like the children's festival yes and not a drop of rain we've been really lucky this year oh i told you it wouldn't be muddy a little bit of mud would be nice this way to the making things tent [Laughter] um today we're going to learn how to make something from the olden days who wants to make a basket hmm okey-dokey how about knitting an olden day's hat how about a dragon [Applause] all the children are making dragons wow those dragons are good almost like the real thing dragons are not real they are mythical creatures you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you actually the correct term is child prodigy making things was fun and we've still got lots to see and do tomorrow tomorrow are we staying here tonight we certainly are yes i was hoping we could find a hotel nearby i thought camping would be more fun yay camping great [Music] what's it like out there daddy pig is there any mutt um a little bit of mud yes oh my goodness wow so much mud yes what it does say it can get a tiny bit muddy here sometimes a tiny bit muddy i've never seen so much mud in all my life it's brilliant yes and we've got a whole day at the festival ahead of us at the children's festival there are so many fun things to see and do let's start with making sandcastles sand castles this is the sand castle area who likes making sand castles now you might have noticed it's been raining so instead of sand castles we're making mud castles first fill your buckets with mud turn your buckets over give them a tap lift your buckets mud castles i like mud castles mud castles are the best well done miss rabbit how did you ever come up with the idea for mud castles simple it rains every year so we always make mud castles ah so what do we want to do next how about painting pictures yay this is the painting tent today we're going to paint pictures and instead of paint we're using mud oh we've got lots of brown mud and greenish mud i even found some blue mud this morning hmm what's best to paint with mud i know a muddy puddle you
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 5,225,286
Rating: 3.6005192 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby alexander, peppa pig baby, baby, peppa pig cousin chloe
Id: 00yPi_p48-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 34sec (7354 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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