Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Gym Class 🏋️‍♂️ Cartoons for Children

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[Music] pepper and her friends are going to the gym today let's check you've all got your gym kits on Pedro is wearing a superhero costume pedal where is your gym kit it's at home I thought it was dressing up today follow me children this is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves no gym teacher for today is Grampy rabbit do we have to do that no that's Ernie for big athletes like me an orphan it can explore us like you who we not explore us I'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero it's just pretend pretending that's good right let's warm up everyone run on the spot [Music] [Applause] rest now we're all warmed up we can start to start your adventure I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast playing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river but it's night time and it's windy what that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night I was on an adventure you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles those crocodiles know who's boss go away you know take all the dials that's the spirit tqe this finger cause of cooking I'll swamp of course I did Scott notice can't I stay world of me [Music] rhaggy don't forget to do the call everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely this is a vault big athletes jump over it but you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs you crawl through a dinosaur's legs Grampy rabbit oh yes once I was walking in the jungle when I stopped for these were lost world of dinosaurs jungle oh did you have a good gym class children yes Madame gazelle they're real little explorers now we walked across a river and we swam over crocodile and we crawled under a dinosaur I love doing gym class me Grampy rabbit [Music] and George are painting today we need some old newspaper to put on the table yes daddy pig is reading his newspaper you can have my newspaper when I finished reading it can I have a potato mummy pig they aren't cooked yet daddy pig are you hungry daddy I'm not going to eat it what's this what is daddy pig doing now who can tell me what this is I loved painting when I was a young biggy now where am i this is my beret it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what shall I paint well-chosen George I'll paint the old cherry tree it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas it's a bit like paper for very social paintings pepper these are special paints for grownup artists there what color shall we begin with peas why red pepper but first we need to paint the sky look what now for the cherry tree we need green for the leaves never mind if we mix blue paint with yellow paint we can make group mixing blue and yellow makes green [Music] we can make brown we'll mix the green and the red mixing green and red makes brown daddy pig paints the tree trunk and the branches yes Peppa put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree well done now it's George's turn [Music] what a great painter you are George the painting is finished daddy's paint shoot oh shoot stay away from our painting Oh No the Ducks have made paint footprints all over the painting oh dear what was all that noise hmm let me see the Ducks are making paint footprints in the garden just like the ones on the painting daddy's painting isn't spoiled pepper it's perfect oh I have a bit of an expert painting [Music] [Music] [Music] grandpa pig is looking after pepper and George today I know what a slide is pepper I used to play on one myself when I was a little piggy we had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts but my favorite was the slide he's my favorite everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide [Music] Northy Richard you know you have to wait your turn Richard rabbit finds it hard to wait his turn it's not easy being small is it Richard because Richard is little I don't think you should have to wait I wouldn't change the rose if I were you grandpa peg nonsense the children understand don't you so he shouldn't have to wait either Oh [Music] Richard and George are taking all the turns on the slide don't worry Peppa they won't be on it for long here is petrol pony on the swing I just want to swing a bit small but you've been on the swing for AJ grandpa pig can you push me a little bit please I think it is someone else's turn now Pedro but I have to go home soon oh I see that's different let me push you then everyone wants to get on the random has too many children on the roundabout everybody off Oh grandpa pig I was actually here thirst ah then you can get back on the roundabout I need to get on - why is that Rebecca hmm because it's my birthday soon now is everybody ready I'm having glasses dragon please the children are making up their own rules I need to get them because I like carrots now are you all ready to go no we have to get on because I can do this here is mummy pig how are you getting on grandpa pig I'm confused these playground rules are too complicated there is only one rule grandpa pig and that is everyone waits their turn what even the little ones even the little ones Oh even the very old ones like grandpa at the playground everyone has their turn peppa and George are in Danny and Grandpa pig's garden they're going to play in their tree house and George loved their tree house here a pepper and George's friends Susie [Music] do you and Dad can we come in sorry Danny only girls can come into the tree house boys are a bit noisy they always spoil the tea parties but George Richard a boy sorry George [Music] oh I think I can help come over here now we can have a nice quiet tea party there now you boys have your very own den with it's very own this is a boys then for boys only but I love castles castles aren't as good as treehouses come girls I'm the king of the castle every castle needs a flag there is granny pig hello girls can I get you anything I'll see what I can do Oh Oh every Castle needs a telephone hold this keep this screen nice and tight and you can talk to the boys we don't want to talk to the boys we don't want to talk to the girls [Music] granny pig has found a flag for the girls den this dress will make a pretty flag isn't as good as the boy's flag I wish living castles if I were fairy princess I would live in a tree house only if you say the castle is the best [Laughter] it is raining the castle has no roof and [Music] [Music] I'll look after your treehouse pepper pepper and Danny loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles whether they are girls or boys [Music] peppa and her friends are at their playgroup who would like a pen pal what's a pen pal a pen pal is a boy or girl you can write letters to this little girl lives in France her name is Delphine donkey can't elfine donkey be my pen pal of course Peppa it is early morning mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house love it when the post arrives it's addressed to miss Peppa Pig that's me mummy can you read it for me of course it's from Delphine donkey my pen pal what does she say Bonjour Peppa come on sava mummy why are you saying those funny words it's French pepper it means hello how are you what else does she say hmm Jame les princesses @ üa avec mes amis clever daddy I am an expert at French what does it mean daddy pig cleans his glasses so he can see the letter more clearly hmm it's no good it's nonsense it means I like fairy princesses and playing with my friends that's what I was going to say I want to talk French maybe you could talk to self in donkey how her phone number is on this letter [Music] Bonjour et posible que pepper pal at Delphine mummy pig is asking if pepper may speak to Delphine hello Bonjour Bonjour um what do I say next come on Sava what did she say she spoke French Bonjour George cool sound bad Peppa is saying how are you in French dine-saw no George that's not how we speak French it is morning mr. zebra the postman is delivering letters of peppers house please sorry Peppa there's no letter for you today hmm I wonder who that could be angel I am Delphine donkey I have come to see Peppa it's toffee Bonjour Bonjour peddler Oh and my brother and my little brother George dine-saw do you speak French mr. P I'm an expert at French ah Paulo's poor so knowledgeable food the party Kelly was teaching the food clearly in muddy puddles Delphine does not understand pepper the doctor did only flex but does not understand Delphine everything so different in French daddy show you we cool it jumping up and down in muddy puddles muddy puddles [Music] it is a lovely sunny day pepper is playing with her bouncy ball George and his friend Edmund elephant are playing the space toys George is pretending the fancy ball is the moon Edmund space toy has landed on peppers head this looks fun are you going to the moon space for babies it's not real but space is real pepper and there are real rockets that go to the moon the museum has a show all about the moon should we go and see it [Music] no pepper we're not going to the moon we're going to the museum okay here is the museum hello everyone have you come to see the moon show yes miss rabbit five tickets please there you are enjoy your trip to the moon no Peppa it's just pretend this way for our trip to the moon mr. rabbit is the tour guide take off that's right Peppa it's just pretend five four three two one we live on a planet does anyone know what it is called the earth that's right I'm a bit of an expert at space things there are seven other planets that go around our Sun does anyone know what they are called Edmund knows all about space does anyone know what these planets are made of made of cardboard these models are made of cardboard but the real planets are made of rock and ice aren't gas but of course the moon is made of cheese no the moon is made of rock and this is a serious torso no jokes and no giggling here we are on the moon yes if this was the real moon you could jump over my head does anyone know why we can jump so high on the moon oh that's right Edmund gravity is what keeps us on the ground it is weaker on the moon so you can jump higher oh we can make you feel like you're jumping on the moon with the help of science that sounds impressive how do you do that with big rubber bands everyone is strapped into mr. rabbits antigravity rubber bands bouncing on the moon and that is the end of the tour please walk this way no no that would be silly welcome to the moon shop we've got moon maps moon books we've even got a picture of piggies on the moon with an elephant's jumping the moon we've got moon rock too it's got a picture of the moon all the way through the middle how about some real moon cheese how much is it miss rabbit five pounds please five pounds it's all for a good cause very tasty [Music] peppers family are on holiday in their camper van since we're in the countryside I thought we could spend the day looking at nature good idea mummy pig let's watch a nature program one of the wonders of nature birds house little birdy we can't hear our TV Oh daddy pig there's no point being on a camping holiday and just watching TV we can do that at home good thinking mummy pig there are lots of fun places we can visit there's three world what tree well tree world is a big forest full of trees it sounds a bit boring or this potato city what's potato there's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting sounds interesting oh it's a wide river where are we going today follow the road ahead [Music] welcome to adults and two children [Music] always more ducks Here Come more ducks and here are all the aunties and uncles that's the last of our picnic gone dance safe thank you daddy pig oh you're most welcome it is time to go home I wonder what's the shortest way home drive straight ahead into the river oh are you sure yes drive into the river we can't drive in the river yes it's talking nonsense please press the blue button [Music] Kanban is driving into the river fun I wasn't quite expecting that welcome to the car of the future daddy pig oh you have reached your destination oh you're most welcome but it's nicer to be back in our own little house peppa and her friends are at playful today children we are going to learn about instruments that you shake rattle and bang first choose an instrument each from the music I've got drums they are called bongo drums Danny you bang them with your hands like this we've got a flat bongo drum that is a bowline it is Irish you beat it with a little stick like this I've got to Samba rain shake it like this I don't know what this is cold but it's creepy that candy is called a key role and it comes all the way from South America how did it get here I brought it back from my holiday they are maracas I brought them back for my holiday in Spain this is a triangle my dad sells these in boxes of 10 Thank You Freddy I will remember that you don't need to go on holiday to get them thank you [Music] these are castanets my dad sells them in boxes of five Thank You Freddy only that is how you play the castanets here you are Emily oh no just make the clickety-clack noise ah I see if a Becca has cymbals yeah now you know what your instruments sound like that is just noise anybody can bang bang bang but to make music you have to listen to each other and keep in time Madame gazelle I can't listen and do music can you clap yes if you can clap you can make music or the girls please copy me now boys Madame gazelle has made the clapping into music now we will learn how to play our instruments together the parents have come to pick up the children ah you're just in time may I present the shake rattle and bang Orchestra Ready Steady Go perhaps some of my old pupils would like to join in to find your instruments children yes Mademoiselle Madame gazelle used to teach all the mummies and daddies when they were little let me see if I've got that right that's good to shake and laughing and banging now [Music] [Music] it is early moon para me and Daddy pig are still asleep it's much too early don't you know what time it is pepper No oh dear let's see if we can mend it ah [Music] the old there's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo I've never seen the cuckoo that's because we stopped winding it a long time ago the cuckoo got a bit annoying daddy pig is winding up the cuckoo clock yeah daddy pig sets the clock to the right time it is nearly nine o clock you'll see the cuckoo soon daddy now let me think she moves her head like this and she flaps her wings like this and she says you missed the cuckoo the cuckoo is really really brilliant she went cuckoo and you missed it never mind George you can see kuku next time but you'll have to wait kuku only comes out once an hour waiting is boring come on George let's play outside George does not want to play outside he is waiting to see kuku it is nearly 10 o clock George has been waiting for kuku for almost an hour [Music] George has missed kuku again [Music] why don't you play in the garden I'll call you when it's time to seed cooking it is nearly 11 o clock is running faster than he has ever run before cookies it is nighttime ever and George are very sleepy peppa and George are asleep no time to sleep she just needs to sleep like you and George good night my little piggies huge I know how to make mommy and daddy are fast asleep what mummy daddy we've got something to show you we and her friends are going on a swim in the street attention please let's check that you're all here peppa and George Danny dog pony Pedro pony is not here sorry we're late hello you almost missed the school trip sorry Madame gazelle never mind you're just in time miss rabbit is the bus driver attention please today we are going on a trip to the mountains have you all got your lunch boxes pepper we'll eat lunch when we arrive in the mountains Peppa which we got in your lunchbox all right Apple I've got a green apple swamp okay Peppa Suzy what are you doing Suzy told me to have my lunch box hacker told me to swap our apples oh that's fine but please save some food for the picnic yes Mademoiselle the bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains a mountain road is very steep peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain look at the view Wow Wow who said that it's your echo my echo an echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains like this your leg [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun time for picnics silly pepper ducks don't live on top of mountains ducks though very lucky today there is lots of bread the Ducks are eating too quickly it's time to go home everybody has a great time can we have the Bing bong all right we're playing a tune and with singing a song with a bang anta and a bing [Music] pepper George and Suzy sheep have had a sleepover at Rebecca rabbit's house it's fun having carrots for breakfast mummy rabbit yes we always have carrots for breakfast I could eat carrots all day but I'd better go to work have a nice day mummy rabbits why don't you work I can't work Suzy who do you think looks after these two little bunnies eating mummy and you can help me by hiding up your toys please before someone trips over them that'll be my sister hello I can't stop long I've got lots of work to do today I've got the supermarket checkout the ice-cream stall and the bust drive see you later then sister my sister yes what miss rabbit has tripped over one of Richard's toys oh my ankle I can still hope to work no you stay here and get better but I've got so much work to do I'll do your work for you which job is first the supermarket okay Rebecca look after your aunty yes nanny mummy rabbit has arrived at the supermarket thank goodness you're here miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill I'll be doing her job today are you not miss rabbit no I'm her sister mummy rabbit is this where I sit yes have you ever worked a check out before no how much is this I don't know can I pay with a card Suzy sheep is dressed up in her nurse's costume don't worry stick your tongue out and say miss rabbit's ice-cream school scream Oh Peppa I was on the way to the gym what I thought an ice-cream would be nice oh I'm an expert at ice-cream can I have a cherry ice cream strawberry vanilla chocolate banana with pistachio and strawberry please ah strawberry oh it's melted how about ice cream soup instead [Music] granddad dogs breakdown service mummy sheeps car has broken down granddad dogs break down service can you rescue me please I'll be straight there this may cause to your journey driving ups us is quite hard selling ice-cream is quite hard running a supermarket checkout is quite hard you must lie very still but please keep breathing are you feeling any better miss rabbit it's not easy doing all your jobs it's not easy looking after your little bunnies I will be back to work tomorrow won't you yes and you'll be back at home won't you yes [Music] pepper and her family are going for a drive to the mountains not yet papa Oh little player game we each have to spot a car of our favorite color yes my favorite color is green mine is orange mine is red George's favorite color is blue let's see which color car comes along first okay here is candy cat in her green car green that's my favorite color I win there is Danny dog in granddad dogs break down truck here's another car yes George it's a blue car so you where is one red carpet what color is our car family have arrived at the mountains we'll have a fantastic view when we get to the top we're here look at the lovely sunny view oh yeah it is there's a lovely view it is miss rabbit's ice cream store and obese rabbit daddy pig for ice creams please what flavors would you like mint orange strawberry and blueberry please okay they're our favorite colors that's right green for me orange for me and Georgia's is the Sun has come out and look what else is covered peppa and George love rainbows a rainbow only comes out when it's rainy and sunny at the same time whoa it's got all our favorite colors in it and do you know what you find at the end of a rainbow no you find treasure okay the end of the rainbow looks like it's just on the next Hill [Music] because need a very much [Music] [Music] where's our rainbow gone it's moved to the next hill ugt rainbow quick let's catch it [Music] [Music] don't worry George maybe the rainbow has left some treasure behind there's something over here today it is raining a little bit George put your rain clothes on when it rains peppa and George must wear their rain clothes [Music] George does not like wearing his rain hat George you must keep your hat on why because you must keep dry why because you might catch a cold why George do you want to play in the garden then keep your hat on you're going to jump in muddy puddles George does not want to wear his reign Oh George where's your hat George has caught a cold oh poor little George you don't sound well don't worry I ring dr. brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see put George to bed and I'll be straight round thank you dr. brown bear goodbye Oh George will be taken to hospital and give the medicine no George just has to go to bed disgusting poor George let's get you straight to bed George you have to stay in bed for a bit George does not want to stay in bed see George you have to stay in bed until you are better why because you have to keep warm because dr. brown bear says so hello where's my patient open wide and say ah George is a little bit worried hmm pepper you're big and brave can you show George how to save ah hmm George has caught a cold does George need medicine no but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep thank you dr. brown bear you're welcome goodbye [Music] George has been in bed all day now it is Peppa's bedtime George are you better watch it George is not better George please don't smiie so loudly this is impossible George here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep the warm milk makes George feel very very sleepy good [Music] morning George has slept very well George is better come on everyone it's a lovely sunny day George is wearing his rain hat he doesn't want to catch another cold Oh George you don't need to wear your hat why because it's hot and Sammy why George can you stop saying why all the time why these better [Music] peppa and her family are going ice-skating today George has never been ice skating before you won't be very good at ice skating so just do what I do ha ha I'm sure we'll all be very good yes first we need some skates at the ice rink everyone wears skates hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig we'd like to hire some skates please there you go thank you happy skating here are Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit Danny dog Zoe zebra candy cat Emily elephant and Pedro Super's friends can ice skate very well Peppa once twice Kate I'm sure I don't want to are skating anymore don't worry Peppa everyone falls over when they ice skate even I fall over watch this George would you like to skate no George is never ice skated before and here's a bit worried I'll look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate skating is easy pepper just push with your feet and glide push push slide [Music] [Music] is doing really well yes I'm a very good teacher slow down pepper you'll bump into someone oh dear I forgot to teach pepper how to stop mummy pig taught you how to skate but I told you how to fall over yes I'm very good at falling over George do you want to skate too none come on George it's fun I'll teach you I surprised he George can skate beautiful [Music] [Music] well done George you're fantastic George yes it is very well George for your first lesson come on let's skate skating mummy daddy taught me how to skate [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 16,153,139
Rating: 3.8272243 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toy
Id: oXY1iU-Q0BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 11sec (3851 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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