Peppa Pig Official Channel | George and Vegetable - Yes or No?

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[Music] made pizza for lunch and here's some salad made with grandpa's tomatoes lettuce and cucumber turkey in everyone [Music] george has eaten his pizza but george does not like the tomatoes or the lettuce or the cucumber oh dear george don't you like the salad no george just try a little bit of this lovely tomato yuck george this is cucumber grandpa pig grew it in his garden try a piece of lettuce george it's yummy oh now now george look what i'm doing now it's a dinosaur a dinosaur george loves dinosaurs george is eating the tomatoes lettuce and cucumber well done george would you like some more george so george are you too full to eat any more tomatoes lettuce or cucumber george is too full to eat anymore george are you too full to eat anything more george is too full to eat anything more oh well then you won't want any of this chocolate cake chocolate cake my word george seems to have got his appetite back [Music] peppa what have you got in your lunchbox a red apple i've got a green apple swap okay peppa susie what are you doing susie told me to open my lunchbox peppa told me to swap our apples oh that's fine but please save some food for the picnic yes the bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains the mountain road is very steep come on buff you can make it peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain look at the view wow wow wow wow who said that it's your echo what's my echo an echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains like this you're lazy [Music] [Applause] [Music] everyone loves where are the ducks they always turn up when we have picnics silly peppa ducks don't live on top of mountains oh hello mrs duck would you like some bread the ducks are very lucky today there is lots of bread the ducks are eating too quickly [Music] welcome to fruit day where the magic of fruit never ends wow so much fruit hello hello we are choosing our favorite fruit what's your favorite um i like apples i like oranges i like bananas i like carrots carrots are not a fruit oh carrots are a vegetable edmund is a bit of a clever clogs what's your favorite fruit george is it bananas or oranges george likes strawberries the best dwarf wee george loves strawberries smoothies get your fruit smoothies here hello miss rabbit what's a fruit smoothie it's a drink made from fruit would you like one yes please can i have a smoothie with apples okay but smoothies can have lots of different fruit in them okay apples raspberries bananas and more apples an apple raspberry banana and more apples smoothies can i have a smoothie please me too and me and me of course what fruit would you like in your smoothies uh i don't know it can be anything pedro okay cheese please pedro cheese isn't a fruit it has to be fruit or vegetables daddy pig is making vegetable soup for lunch daddy can i help thank you pepper can you clear away all these vegetable peelings okay stop pepper vegetable peelings don't go in the normal bin they go in this brown bin that's right george it's a banana skin and there are onions and carrots and all sorts of fruit and vegetable leftovers in here granny and grandpa will like these do granny and grandpa pig eat potato peelings no peppa they're for grandpa's garden they help his plants grow oh we can take these around there after lunch oh goody mummy pig pepper and george are taking the vegetable peelings over to granny and grandpa pig's house we've got a special present for you ah vegetable peelings fantastic my garden will like these they sure got done eating vegetables oh no pepper these peelings are for my compost heap what's that i'll show you here it is it's a wooden box yes peppa but it's a very clever wooden box i put these peelings in the top and then out of the bottom comes lovely rich earth called compost how does it do that is it a magic box oh no peppa i've got some little friends that give it some help in here look ah the worms turn all the fruit and vegetables into compost [Music] tomatoes spaghetti onions and fruit i'll find it all this way pepper and george love shopping [Music] peppa first we need tomatoes hmm i can see them i can see them here are the tomatoes mummy well done peppa one two three four now put them in the [Music] found the trolley well done pepper tomatoes that's one thing off the list what's next on the list spaghetti pinketti that's right george but it's called spaghetti spaghetti is pepper and george's favorite food i wonder where the spaghetti is i can see it this way spaghetti look mommy here's the spaghetti well done peppa let's put the spaghetti in the trolley yes bobby pig george it's called spaghetti what's next on the list pepper crisps crisps are not on the list we have plenty of crisps at home pepper have another guess hmm i just can't remember can you remember george dinosaur dinosaur george there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket no george the next thing on the list is onions onions i remember now here they are well done one two three four [Music] ask me anything you like about fruit and vegetables anything what is the tallest building you've ever jumped what's that why do i like carrots so much i'll tell you why because they are so tasty can you run faster than a train which vegetable makes you run fast that's a good question i would have to say a brussels sprout have you ever eaten a potato um fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five doctors now recommend you eat seven a day uh always remember to eat your seven right let's all give super potato a nice big clap for coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember kids eat fruit and vegetables super potato has left the building oh dear did i miss him yes he was brilliant well it was lovely to see you all but i'd better be going too bye come on children let's wait mr potato goodbye oh dear mr potato's car won't start ah i cannot get out mr potato is stuck help let me out what shall we do call for super potato potatoes i think he might be too busy to come really really i do not think that will work this time no madame gazelle you just need to shout out with us okay help us super potato there it didn't work now i think we what's that in the sky is it a bird is it a plane no it's a potato by the power of vegetables i am here [Music] do you have any tomatoes we might borrow borrow you can take as many tomatoes as you like the tomatoes have done very well this year they look a lot bigger than your tomatoes grandpa they may be bigger but that doesn't mean they're better peppa would you like to taste one yes please yummy that is the best tomato i have ever tasted ever ah how did you grow them granddad dog i didn't really mean to grow them i just threw some old tomato seeds down in the corner there and they grew fill your basket there's too many for me to eat thank you we're going to make a lovely tomato salad ah i know a great recipe for a tomato salad lovely can you make it for us the problem is my recipe needs basil and i haven't managed to grow any basil my grandpa has lots of lovely basil really oh yes grown heaps of the stuff let me show you [Music] very impressive tell me what's the secret of growing basil well it's quite tricky the first thing you have to do i throw some seeds in a pot and the basil grows you mean it just grows by itself ah yes is it lunch time yet granny oh my poor darlings you must be starving let's make that tomato salad first we slice the tomatoes add a little splash of olive oil a shake of pepper a teeny tiny pinch of salt and finish the whole thing off with these lovely basil leaves tuck in everyone [Music] marvelous tomatoes thanks to my greenhouse beautiful basil thanks to my greenhouse this is the best tomato salad in the world ever [Music] come and see my carrots grandpa pig is very proud of his vegetables and here are my peas oh but best of all are my lettuces oh no my lettuces i think the birds have eaten them grandpa yes birds why didn't mr scarecrow scare them away because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid what's the matter grandpa pig your friends have been eating my vegetables again which friends tom dick and harry those aren't their names granny pig has chickens hello to jemima sarah and vanessa hello and here is neville [Music] is neville a boy chicken yes peppa he's a cockerel he's the worst scratching up my vegetables neville wouldn't hurt a fly i've seen him eat flies and he ate my lettuce you don't want to eat grandpa's lettuce do you not when there's lovely corn to eat come on this way peppa george would you like to feed corn to the chickens yes please granny here you are chickens eater you've got a wendy house that's the chicken coop it's where the chickens lay their eggs eggs i can't see any eggs not now but there will be eggs soon it is bedtime for pepper and george at granny and grandpa's house [Music] seeds what do seeds do seeds grow into plants i just make a little hole and put the seed in then i cover it with earth and water it everything in my garden grows from tiny seeds like these even the big apple tree oh yes this tiny seed will grow into a little apple tree like this and that little apple tree will grow into a big apple tree like this [Music] and inside this apple are more seeds to make more apple trees exactly grandpa grandpa i want to plant a seed would you like to plant a strawberry seed yes please this seed will grow into a lovely strawberry plant first make a little hole then i put the seed cover it with earth shall i water it for you no no i want to water it good now we wait for it to grow peppa and george are waiting for the seed to grow it's not doing anything you'll have to be patient peppa it will take a long time to grow pepper george it's time to go home but we're waiting for my strawberry plant to grow i'll do strawberries for cheese don't worry peppa next time you come the seed will have grown into a plant [Music] i need you brave explorers to go and get the fruit we've got baskets for the apples and buckets for the blackberries first the easy bit picking apples on the count of three shake the tree one two three [Music] now for the blackberries why don't we just have apple crumble because blackberries are tasty too grandpa okay now the hard bit now that's what i call a blackberry bush this bush has been here since i was a little piggy it's an overgrown weed i should have cut it down years ago grandpa why don't you like it i don't like the way it looks at me silly grandpa it's just a harmless bush and it's covered in lovely blackberries george has seen some really big juicy blackberries careful george or you might get tangled i have a stick for picking hard to reach blackberries but the best blackberries are right at the very top that's why i've brought the ladder um don't lean too far over mummy pig don't worry i've been climbing this blackberry bush since i was a little girl yes but you're not a little girl now i know what i'm doing oh dear mummy pig has fallen into the blackberry bush mummy can you get out uh no i'm stuck you're stuck in a bony bush like sleeping beauty what once upon a time there was a princess called sleeping beauty one day she fell asleep in a thorny bush [Music] first you have to twitch your nose and squeak like this very good pepper rabbit and george rabbit peppa likes being a rabbit george likes being a rabbit rabbits like carrots delicious delicious yuck george does not like carrots he won't even try them oh well more for us then rebecca what else do rabbits like rabbits like hopping come outside i'll show you [Music] [Music] lunchtime children mummy and daddy rabbit have prepared lunch rebecca has taught us how to be rabbits oh you'll enjoy lunch then it's our favorite carrots delicious delicious yuck george will not eat carrots oh dear george i thought you were a rabbit rabbits love carrots wow george is eating a carrot and this is our favorite cake carrot cake carrot cake george is a proper rabbit [Music] now [Music] daddy pig is home from work hello everyone hello daddy uh daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and um tell me later mummy pig i've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt here don't be silly peppa that's one of mommy's dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt it got a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but i can't wear a pink football shirt why not daddy pink it's a lovely color hmm what do you think george george does not like pink here are daddy pig's friends mr bull mr rabbit mr pony and mr zebra is steady pig coming out to play he'll just be a moment my team are in white i need a white shirt but daddy you have a white shirt just take off your jacket see fantastic thank you pepper hello everyone hello daddy pig like your shirt very smart thank you come on let's play football yes [Music] of course peppa football shirts are meant to be muddy daddy loves playing football everyone loves playing football especially when it's muddy [Music] mummy is the piggy in the middle catch george oh missed it george has caught the ball well done george now you throw the ball to peppa oh try again [Music] oh try again [Music] george cannot throw the ball past mummy pig come on george give the ball to me silly george i can do that too peppa wanted to copy george but she's too big and has got stuck [Laughter] i've got the ball peppa now it's your turn to be piggy george catch hey [Music] catch the ball george [Music] [Laughter] [Music] here's the ball george you shouldn't tease george like that sorry george what's all the noise daddy george is too little to play piggy in the middle oh i'm sure he's big enough no he is a daddy watch catch it george [Music] to you susie oh mistake oh boy thank you boy boy oh boy thank you bull boy bull boy oh dear george doesn't like this game [Music] can we play two but there aren't enough rackets oh let's play something else let's play football yes football girls against boys we each need a goalkeeper me me me me pedro pony and rebecca rabbit will be the goalkeepers we'll start richard rabbit has scored a goal the boys are winning that's not fair we weren't ready hey that's cheating you can't hold the ball yes i can i'm the goalkeeper hooray the goal is not allowed daddy the boys are cheating no the girls are cheating it sounds like you need a referee what's a referee it's someone who makes sure that everyone plays fair [Music] [Laughter] is the water cold it's lovely and warm you started it daddy pig maybe that's enough splashing daddy i love being at the beach peppa and george love the beach everyone loves the beach peppa george would you like to play with your buckets and spades yes please mummy daddy daddy can we bury you in the sand uh well please daddy no all right [Laughter] peppa and george are burying daddy pig in the sand there now you can't escape my head is getting a bit hot can i have my straw hat well if you say please please can i have my straw hat yes you may daddy that's nice oh baby i'll just have a little sleep george let's make sandcastles pepper and george are making sand castles first people stand in the bucket like this we turn the buckets upside down and tap them and lift the bucket up hey presto a sandcastle hey pesto another sandcastle peppa george home time [Music] it is lunch time for baby alexander cousin peppa is going to feed you today alexander here you are baby oh here it is he keeps turning his head feeding baby alexander is quite hard watch this here comes the aeroplane alexandra likes it if you pretend the spoon is an aeroplane you have a gold pepper here comes the aeroplane open your mouth and in through the doors hooray that was an aeroplane can you say aeroplane i told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first word yet peppa do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy i thought peppa's first word was daddy no mommy what was george's first word i saw george's first word was dinosaur somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes bath time i think [Music] baby alexander is having a bath this is mr dinosaur can you say dinosaur go go he can't talk peppa but he will talk one day then you'll know what he wants what do you want to do now alexander i think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy [Music] that's a clever little buggy yes five gears mudguards and abs as standard blah blah blah that's how daddies talk [Music] are we all ready yes daddy pig then let's go i'm winning it's not a race pepper it's just a gentle bicycle ride yes daddy but i'm still winning now we're winning i don't like cycling uphill peppa we won the race no you didn't daddy because i wasn't racing that time but now i am can't catch me ah i'd forgotten how much i love cycling oh i'd forgotten how much i hate cycling up hills the ground is getting quite steep i don't like cycling up hills but look at the beautiful view [Music] my goodness this is hard work mummy pig you're not peddling oh sorry daddy pig i was just enjoying the view peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill all peppa's friends are here hello peppa hello well we're going to have a race on our bikes peppa do you want to race too okay as long as we can race downhill okay peppa and her friends are going to race down the hill are you all ready you can start when i honk the horn like this pedro has set off too soon [Applause] that was fun wow you're fast all thanks to my wheelchair why do you have a wheelchair mandy because my legs don't work like yours can you walk on your legs no i have my wheels [Applause] see i get around fine i can do yes please okay mandy you're on my team suzy you're on my team [Music] the children are in two teams how do you play this game the captain takes the ball and throws it over there no i know the rules and you know what i'm not already doing what i say you do it this one is the rules because i said so what about the team who gets the ball through the hoop wins and they're off emily elephant catches the ball now susie has it pasta pedro and now to pepper mandy takes the ball pass to danny [Music] and up high in the sky caught by mandy mouse mandy you're good i know i'm brilliant children playtime is over can i help you no i'll be fine i can do it by myself i like hills it is a big hill yes it is a big hill maybe if you could help push okay thank you peppa i could do it on my own but it's easier with two i'm not used to big hills [Music] now you must run to the real windy castle [Applause] [Music] [Music] the school bus has made it to windy castle now everyone can enjoy the picnic what a lovely hot day and such a relaxing way to raise money too daddy pig has reached the supermarket all the running has made him very thirsty [Music] let's look through the telescope i can see daddy the telescope makes everything look closer oh he's not going very fast daddy pig has arrived at granddad dog's garage that's it i can't go on daddy has stopped oh you look rather hot you need something to cool you down and give you energy have an ice lolly thank you granddad dog that's nice huh a wasp shoo get away you little pest the wasp wants to share daddy pig's ice lolly no this is my lollipop daddy started running again really fast get off get off you can stop now teddy pig we have enough money to fix the school roof [Music] daddy pig has lost the wasp [Music] here we are the seaside the beach is covered in snow oh that sea looks cold i was looking forward to having a swim you still can the sea's not frozen over come along girls what are you waiting for um i can't swim because i've sprained my ankle and i think i might have a cough come on in mommy pig it's lovely are you sure it's lovely of course the sea is wonderful today okay then mummy pig is going for a swim is it cold mummy it's a little bit cold it always feels cold when you first get in if you keep moving you'll warm up okay i'll keep moving mummy pig has run out of the sea let's get you dry peppa george and daddy pig are warming mummy pig up by rubbing her with towels oh that's better are you going for a swim daddy pig maybe not today who wants an ice cream everyone likes ice creams at the seaside i wanted to make sand castles but the beach is covered in snow we can make snow castles first we fill the buckets with snow we turn the buckets upside down give them a little tap and hey presto a snow castle i love the seaside and i love the snow i love the seaside and the snow [Applause] peppa is in charge of the lucky dip roll up roll up for your lucky dick hello peppa hello mr bull you've got a green face i'm an apple ooh would you like to try the lucky dip okay what do i do just pull a prize out of the barrel everyone a winner mr bull has won a dolly can i have a call [Music] mrs cat has won a digger oh he want to swap no thank you mr bull and mrs cat like their lucky dip prizes roll up roll up freddy fox is in charge of the mummies and daddy's race thank you it's all to raise money for a new school roof i'm quite good at running it's not running daddy it's a sack race oh you have to get in the bag and jump over there as fast as you can right on your marks get set [Music] and then falling down oh [Music] and my mummy is the winner [Applause] [Music] that was fun wasn't it yes but really we must thank the children for all their hard work thank you children and we have raised enough money to buy a new school roof [Music] again the tricky bit is catching the wave ready steady kylie is being carried along by a wave don't miss the next one peppa pig ready steady isn't it surfing is the best thing ever it's true surfing is the best thing ever [Music] george wants to go surfing sorry george you're a bit too little to go surfing oh the waves are getting too big for pepper and kylie oh is it time to go home are you kidding these waves are perfect for grown ups to surf woof [Music] these waves are awesome wow kylie where's your little brother he's out there with mom having fun joey your turn to surf guys thank you but i'm quite happy to watch why don't you ever go mr pig why not it does look fun oh the waves have gone too bad mr pig looks like you've missed your chance to surf today oh that's a shame but it's just right for little george to go paddling in i'll come with you no surfing george but you can sit on me instead [Music] is it meant to be like that no the house is just old everything here is a little bit wonky donkey i hope everything is leaning now but it wasn't always this way when did your house start leaning madame gazelle oh i don't know it's been so long and now i have cracks everywhere too i think your house might need fixing can't i just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like ah what's this oh that is my little christmas tree that's not little that's big [Music] it was from christmas a long time ago it was a little baby tree with a fairy on top after christmas i could not bear to throw it away so i planted it in the garden your baby tree has grown so much it's pushing your house over that's why your house is all wonky donkey oh dear what can we do about it i'll call mr bull [Music] hello mr bull we have a big tree that needs looking at i'll be right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is there's a mighty fine tree you have there madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes let's chop it down oh dear my poor tree stop i saw something moving the tree it was a little animal [Music] here are danny dog zoe zebra and pedro pony hello everyone look at georgia's racing car wow i'll race you and me and me i want to race too where's your racing car peppa i don't have a racing car don't worry peppa you can be the chief mechanic what does that do you fix george's car if it goes wrong oh goody i hope it goes wrong a lot let's start the race three times round the garden ready [Music] what's all this noise out here i'm trying to watch television we're having a race granny that's the end of lap two and george is still in the lead oh dear a wheel has come off george's car where's the chief mechanic here i am what do we do put the wheel back on [Music] go it go oh dear george is now at the back of the race [Music] well done george you're the best racing driver in the whole world [Music] are you sure you wouldn't like any petrol no we haven't gone anywhere yet right next stop the museum um where is pedro petrol pumps interesting oh come along pedro bye i hope we get to the museum before it closes here is the museum mr rabbit is locking up for the day hello mr rabbit we would like to see the museum please hmm we were just closing but i can give you a quick tour this is the keg and queens room full of old stuff interesting here are the giant dinosaurs all very nice ah amazing space rockets and all that and through this door is the most amazing place of all it's the fantastic world you live in oh thank you mr rabbit my pleasure goodbye right time to go children where is pedro oh pedro a mollusk very interesting come on pedro you'll miss the bus where is everybody the bus has gone uh don't worry miss rabbit will realize she's left us behind [Music] nobody has noticed madame gazelle and pedro are missing [Music] oh have you missed the bus mr rabbit i am a teacher i need your car come on people will take a shortcut don't you pop it polly george loves his balloon george has let go of his balloon again don't worry george it won't fly away because the roof is in the way [Music] oh it's gone through the door it's going up the stairs it's going into the attic don't worry there's only one way out of the attic and that is through the roof window which is always kept closed not [Music] george available balloon is going to the moon you'll never see it again daddy pig has come to take peppa and george home hello have you had a lovely time um we bought george a dinosaur balloon but george let it go and it's flying to the moon there must be some way we can get it back look polly parrot is flying after the balloon polly parrot to the rescue go polly go polly parrot has rescued george don't let go of your balloon again i know we'll tie the string to your wrist george what a good idea [Music] george loves his dinosaur balloon everyone loves george's dinosaur balloon [Music] brought back presents for all of you oh presents here is a drum for danny from a far away jungle thank you daddy very good danny i can bang it louder perhaps that's enough banging for now and for all your friends some seashells from a desert island if you hold them too here you can hear the sea yes i can hear the seaside and for my darling mummy dog a chest of golden jewels oh how lovely that will come in handy ah it's great to be home it is morning captain dog is up early daddy what are you doing i'm checking the wind danny why sailors always check the wind before they sail but you're not a sailor anymore oh yes i did say that didn't i do you miss the sea daddy no no i don't miss the sea but i do miss my boat i've got a boat that granddad dog made for me aha that's an exact copy of my boat you could help me sail it that sounds like fun [Music] peppa and her friends are at the duck pond ahoy there shipmates room for another boat on the broidy waters yes excellent danny our boat needs a captain it can't sail itself daddy will you be my boat's captain i'd be delighted danny if you'll be my first mate yes please launch the boat aye aye captain wind is southwesterly the waters are calm last adventure was sailing a boat around the world my next adventure is sailing a boat across a duck pond captain dog likes sailing across duck ponds everyone likes sailing across duck ponds [Music] always look where you're going then [Music] fell on his head oh my goodness call an ambulance the ambulance is here oh yes everyone into the ambulance don't worry dr brom bear we are here to make you better thank you but i don't think i need your help i am the doctor remember yes but we must do all the checks i really don't think this is not another word children what do we do first check he's awake well done peppa are you awake doctor yes good he is awake this is all very nice of you but who knows what to do next we ask him his name yes but in this case what is your name dr brown bear now we ask him what happened you saw what happened i tripped over that ball and fell down the hill that was a bit silly now wasn't it which is hurting every bit is hurting where is it hurting most in my arm and my leg and here on my head we just need to bandage him up because you have been such a brave doctor you get a sticker children say thank you to dr brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works thank you dr brown it was my pleasure dr brown bear loves ambulances everybody loves ambulances
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 8,839,595
Rating: 3.7667723 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig vegetables, healthy habits, peppa pig carrot, george pig, vegetable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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