Peppa Pig Naughty George Stories Stop Motion Play Doh Thomas & Friends Minions Funny Toy Story

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who wants to go to the seaside today shout to daddy pig me said peppa and me said george i've packed the barbecue in the camper van said daddy pig mummy pig came out of the house with a hamper of food let's go shouted peppa they all climbed into the camper van and off they went eventually they arrived at the seaside this seems like a good place said daddy pig peppa ran straight down to the sea while mummy and daddy pig got the barbecue out george tried putting up the picnic table but needed a bitter help from peppa daddy pig unfold the awning on the camper van to give them a bit of shade that's better said mummy pig can we go into the sea now said peppa they all got changed and ran down to the sea stay close to the shore said mummy pig and they all waded into the sea they started splashing each other having a really fun time where's george said mummy suddenly they looked around but couldn't see him there he is said mummy and they saw george out on the small island i told you not to wander off said mummy it's not very deep said george i walked over but i'm a bit tired now just then they heard a train coming it stopped by the beach it's dora the explorer said peppa dora got off the train is everything all right said dora well george is on that island and although the water's not very deep it's a bit cold said mummy pig don't worry said dora i was going to have a row in my boat anyway i'll fetch him back daddy pig told george to wait for dora they all helped dora into the water with her boat and she rode across to the island george jumped in and dora rode back [Music] george got out and said sorry to everyone i won't wander off again he said it's a bit dangerous isn't it thanks dora said daddy pig will you join us for something to eat i'd love to she said [Music] while peppa and george had a shower mummy and daddy pig started the barbecue they all gathered around ready to eat the food and agreed that it had been a really great day despite george's little adventure [Music] today pepper and george are going on a [Music] picnic [Music] hold on guys said thomas i just need to refill my water tank won't be long i think george is more interested in that boat than he is the picnic oh no he's drifting into the middle of the lake [Music] and the paddles are still on the land help i'm stuck cried george [Music] don't worry said thomas i know who can help us ah the minions they're always full of bright ideas [Music] a log not a bad idea [Music] nope uh-oh [Music] ah you can pull the boat in yes another boat good great idea oh no wow sinking [Music] rub run only one idea left let's hope it works ah pirate minion perfect oh well done oh george you are naughty but at least you're safe now [Music] well i think the minions wants to lift too wait wait slow down [Music] george loved his new music player he got for christmas he was always dancing to his very loud [Applause] [Music] music george would you please turn down the music it's giving me a headache shouted mummy pig [Music] okay sure said george as he carried on dancing it wasn't just mummy pig that was getting annoyed with the music but everyone in the village [Music] [Music] his music was so loud he couldn't hear the angry crowd outside his house [Music] they even knocked on his door but he still couldn't hear them [Music] right something needs to be done said queen elsa he needs to learn a lesson let's call in the superheroes they'll know what to do soon the superheroes arrived at the house [Music] we have a plan they said how about we move his house to teach him a lesson so iron man got ready to lift the house [Music] what's happening cry to panic in george quickly turning off his music [Music] and soon the house was sinking underwater [Music] then all of a sudden iron man appeared george do you know why we have done this it's because everyone in the village is annoyed with your loud music so we moved your house away just because you like your music loud doesn't mean everyone else likes it do you understand i do i do i do i will never play music loud again said george george is all right to play loud music but only for a short time otherwise people will get annoyed have you learnt your lesson yes i have that's good said iron man and with that the house was moved back to the village and everything returned to the way it used to be who wants to get some pumpkins for the party ask daddy pig me shouted peppa and me agreed george i'll just get the camper van ready replied daddy pig we'll need more room for all the pumpkins and off he went daddy pig drove the campervan up to the house and peppa and george jumped in don't be too long said mummy pig we still need to decorate the house we'll be quick they all shouted and off they went it didn't take too long to reach the pumpkin patch and pepper and george hopped out eagerly wow exclaimed peppa look at all those pumpkins you pick them and i'll load them into the van replied daddy pig and so pepper and george got to work [Music] careful george quite pepper but it was too late george had fallen into a rotten pumpkin and got it stuck on his head pepper helped to pull it off and they continued [Music] well done said daddy pig i think we have enough now let's go home so they all climbed into the van but when daddy pig tried to start the engine it made a terrible noise he got out to take a closer look i'm afraid the motor needs fixing daddy's side and grandpa dog is a bit tied up at the moment we'll just have to wait for him but we need to get home to help mommy decorate the house cry peppa but just then they heard a familiar whistle it's thomas shouted peppa thomas stopped oh dear are you stuck he asked yes reply peppa we need to get our pumpkins home no problem here replied you can pop them in my empty truck and i'll give you a lift oh thank you smile daddy pig and they unloaded all the pumpkins into thomas's truck you two go with thomas and i'll wait for grandpa dog said daddy pig so pepper and george hopped into thomas's truck see later shout to daddy pig and they wave were nearly home when disaster struck a log slipped off a pile of wood and fell under the pumpkin truck the truck derailed spilling the pumpkins all over the road oh no crowd pepper what are we going to do the truck is too heavy for us to put back on the rails don't worry implied thomas jack is on his way and he'll help us [Music] sure enough jack appeared pepper and george moved the lock away from the track and jack began to heave thomas's truck back onto the rails he also managed to scoop all the pumpkins up and put them back into the truck thanks jack so thomas gratefully no problem said jack and off he went peppa and george climb back into thomas's truck and they continued their journey mummy pig was relieved to see them when they arrived and they unloaded all the pumpkins [Music] mummy pig then thanked thomas for his help you're very welcome he replied and disappeared luckily grandpa dog had fixed the camper van and daddy pig could drive home while mummy pepper and george decorated the house wow he cried the house looks amazing well done everyone we've just got enough time to get changed before the party good morning everybody shouted peppa it was another school day with their teacher madame gazelle peppa loved school they were waiting for their friends zoe and pedro who they went to school with when they arrived mummy pig said goodbye and they started their short walk to school [Music] on the other side of town at the ponyville schoolhouse the teacher cheerily was preparing her classroom for the day's lessons but today was going to be very different from a usual day peppa and her friends arrived at the school but it was closed miss rabbit then appeared and told the children that their teacher madame gazelle wasn't feeling very well and today they were going to be taught at the ponyville schoolhouse by cheerilee miss rabbit then gave all the children an apple to take with them she heard that cheerilee liked apples [Music] [Applause] james arrived to take peppa her friends and their apples on the journey across [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] town [Applause] [Music] when they arrived they said hello to cheerilee and then went to sit down they all gave chili an apple except george who said that he was sorry but he'd lost his apple actually george ate it as they were getting off the train he'd felt hungry cheerilee began her lesson [Music] after a while it was time for a break and they went straight to the slide and swing although they were all a little bit too big for the swing except george [Music] cheerilee had a lovely meal of apples break over and they sit down again for more lessons [Music] then school had finished they all thanked cheerilee for teaching them and george confessed that he hadn't lost his apple he'd actually felt quite hungry and eaten it don't worry said cheerilee i had three apples and i feel quite full [Music] james left for the trip across town and dropped them off at the playground by peppa's house [Music] [Applause] they'd all had a great day but wanted a quick play before returning to their homes [Music] so [Music] once upon a time there was a young boy called george george lived on a small farm with his mother and they were very very poor one day things got so bad that they could not afford a dinner george i'm afraid we'll have to sell our cow said george's mother go to the market and sell him for no less than five gold coins so george left the farm to find a buyer on the way george bumped into someone are you selling your cow the stranger asked i'll swap it for these magic beans i'm sorry i can only sell this cow for five gold coins oh these beans are worth a lot more than five gold coins said the stranger and after a lot of convincing george swapped the cow for the magic beans when george got home he showed his mother the magic beans george how can we eat dinner with magic beans i said no less than five gold coins and with that she threw the beans out of the window and sent george straight to bed with no dinner [Music] the next morning george woke up and noticed a very large plant outside he rushed out and saw a massive beanstalk the beanstalk went right up to the clouds excitedly george began to climb when he reached the clouds he noticed a large castle fit for a giant but giants were not living in the castle it [Music] was [Music] what brings you up here young boy asked the wizard i tried to sell my cow to buy some dinner but i found my way up here instead so you live on a farm yes i do but it's not a very big farm well i'm sure we can help make your farm the best in the world so george and the minions left the castle climbed down the beanstalk and began work on the farm [Music] um what right soon the farm not only had lots more animals but thomas delivered two whole trucks of fruit to the market every day the farm was so successful that george his mother and the minions all became very rich and everyone lived happily ever after it was snowing at the paw patrol lookout rider looked down at the pool patroller covered in snow oh i hope we don't get any calls today on the other side of town pepper and george ran outside snow they said hooray hooray mummy pig told them they could play but not to go too far candy cat turned up to play with peppa as george wandered off candy and peppa rolled around in the snow [Music] at the lookout chase and marshall were playing in the snow as well building a snowman ryder and rubble kept watch meanwhile george was climbing a snowy hill [Music] oh careful george george has always wanted to go snowboarding but he doesn't have a snowboard he's just pulled one of mummy pig's best trays out from under his jumper no george don't even think about it but george didn't think he jumped on the tray and actually started quite well oh watch out george too late george landed at the top of a tree at the lookout georgie's accident had been seen and the alarm raised i'll try and get everest on her pup tag said ryder everest was enjoying the snow but when ryder called she knew there was an emergency she immediately jumped into her snowplow and set off to find george [Music] [Music] oh there you are george i'll just get my ladder out george got down slowly and was relieved to be on the ground again i think you need a proper snowboard and some lessons george said everest come on i'll take you home [Music] mummy pig was wondering where george had gone and was very pleased to see him [Music] here you are said everest and this is your tray mummy pig [Music] so that's where it is said mummy pig can i have a ride in your snowplow said peppa of course said everest who gave peppa a ride [Music] then candy had a go [Music] everybody thanked everest and off she went once upon a time prince george arrived home after a day of exploring hello dear said mummy pig how was your day it was fantastic he replied look what i found and he can fly too so he demonstrated [Music] so mommy can i keep him sorry george he's far too dangerous to keep take him back to somewhere safe so assaulting george flew the dragon away he didn't want to lose his dragon so he hid it nearby [Music] nobody knows you're here so you've got to be quiet and behave and if you hear me whistle come right away understand the dragon nodded and george went home [Applause] [Music] unfortunately the dragon had other ideas [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] pepper then arrived home and noticed the burnt truck [Music] there's a burnt truck out here she said do you know anything about it said george and he whistled [Music] i told you to get rid of the dragon george don't worry i will this time he replied you could take him to dragon island suggested pepper everyone thought this was a good idea [Music] the dragon was really happy there suddenly george woke up [Music] it had all just been a dream he thought or had it george had been playing in the garden and he was just going back into the house when he heard a noise behind him he turned round but saw nothing oh well he thought and carried on there it was again something is following him but he couldn't see what it was this time he turned round really quickly and he could see it the creature flapped its flippers at george hello little fella are you lost asked george i think you better come home with me and the two of them made their way to george's house peppa heard george coming and went outside what's that she cried astonished it's my new friend replied george just then mommy and daddy pig came out to see what was going on is it a tortoise asked peppa to mummy pig no peppa it's a turtle and it must be very lost it needs some water to swim in i've got a great idea said daddy pig and he went off to build a swimming pool while daddy was busy constructing the pool peppa and george watched the turtle he's so cute said peppa there said daddy pig now to add the sea water what shall we call him ask pepper to george crush answered george after crush in finding nemo great idea smile pepper daddy pig filled the pool with the water that will do he smiled peppa looked into the pool it's a bit bare she said and how can you get out of the water hmm i've got another idea smile daddy pig and he went to make a phone call very soon chomper arrived carrying an enormous rock you place it into the water thanks chomper said mummy pig the pool looks great now you're welcome replied chomper and off he went let's get crash into his new home said daddy pig and he carefully eased crush onto the rock crushed slid into the water and began to swim around [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i think he loves his new home smile [Applause] [Music] peppa [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next day peppa woke up early and went outside to see crush but crush did not look very happy at all daddy pig came outside oh dear peppa i think crush is missing his friends he said i think we'll have to take him back to the sea where he belongs so daddy pig went to get the camper van pepper and george were very sad but they knew it was the right thing to do they all got into the camper van and off they went [Music] eventually they arrived at the sea mummy and daddy pig got out first followed by peppa george and crush crush was very excited when he saw the sea look mummy said peppa i can see crush's friend on the rocks i think he's looking for crush [Music] as crush got into the water he gave a little wave to pepper and george and then off he went to join his friend [Music] they were delighted to see each other again and in a blink of an eye they dive down deep into the sea thanks for watching our story which use the robo turtle set from zuru it comes with a plastic collapsible tank a rock formation and a robo turtle the turtle walks on land by gently touching its back and also swims in water [Music] we use an additional turtle to make our story there are four to collect in the set we really like these turtles as extremely lifelike and great for [Music] stories who wants to go for a picnic shouted daddy pig me said peppa and me said george i thought you might say yes said daddy pig the camper van is packed and ready to go i'll just look up said mummy pig and she went in the house while daddy got peppa and george in the van already off they went are we there yet said george george we've only just left the house said daddy pig actually it didn't take them long to get to their favorite picnic spot pepper and george rushed down to the lake to see if they could see any jumping fish i saw one said peppa and they rushed back to tell mummy and daddy had started getting the picnic table out [Music] food will be ready soon said daddy so don't go too far they ran off towards the lake again peppa watched the lake carefully and this time two fish jumped out picnic's ready shouted daddy peppa ran back she was hungry where's george said mummy they all looked around for him there he is said peppa george was at the top of a tree george come down shouted daddy i can't said george i'm stuck [Music] a little distance away a periscope was scanning the area and fixed its gaze on george there's a pig in trouble said ryder seems to be stuck up a tree this was the paw patrol lookout always on standby to carry out a rescue marshall this one's for you and your ladder marshall slid down the chute and got into his fire truck [Music] he sped towards the picnic spot [Applause] it didn't take him long to arrive [Music] marshall here to help said marshall thank you said daddy pig george is stuck don't worry i'll soon have him down said marshall he got his truck in position and started raising the ladder george was now able to reach the ladder and relieved managed to climb down thank you said george i won't climb trees again daddy pig thanked marshall he told him they were just about to eat and would he like to join them he agreed and they sat around the table mummy pig had found a big juicy bone for marshall
Channel: Toy Trains 4u
Views: 16,505,326
Rating: 3.6918046 out of 5
Keywords: juguete, pepa, los minions, doh, pepper, thomas and friends, toys, kids toys, stop motion, naughty george stories, plastilina, toy story, clay, peppa pig episodes, peppa, compilation, peppa toys, peppa pig english episodes, stop motion play doh, thomas, juguetes de peppa, TT4U, paw patrol, fun, george, play, minions, thomas y sus amigos, toy, juguetes, playing, naughty george, pig, family, full episode, peppa pig, play doh, infantil
Id: psyMfoNdVbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 53sec (2573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2016
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