Peppa Pig: Pepa Pig Halloween Adventures with Peppa House Decorating and Peppa Pig Costume Parade

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hi everybody welcome to Princess fun place today we will be playing with Peppa Pig toys Peppa Pig is so excited because they're going to decorate their house for Halloween so let's start playing the story Peppa Pig family is getting ready to decorate their house from Halloween daddy pig do you remember where you put the decorations of course over a number I'm gonna get them no under the bed not in the bathtub on top either oh wait in the toilet right put it in the toilet yesterday not in there okay let's see not underneath the bed or the mirror oh I remember where I put them in the in the Attic okay I gotta move this chair away and the stairs will come down here they are mommy I found them there in the Attic okay daddy pig get them downstairs okay right there okay mommy we can start decorating all decorations are outside yay can we have can we help of course you have to help come on okay I'm gonna put this back right underneath the roof and then put this skeleton on oh no the letters are not high enough I can't reach okay I have to go on the roof then daddy pig be careful on the roof oh don't worry mommy pig it's done okay now how do I get down oh yes just till I got ah Peppa what decoration shall we put on next this skeleton ok Peppa hold on into the ladder I'm almost done finished so what decoration is nuts I can spike the spike Owens okay orders spider doors you have to hold on my ladder ok I'm up here put this spider right there perfect well a decoration next mommy pig do the snake ok this day where to put it where to put it right Oh George East equation I know but that scared me I did not like rats at all Peppa what do you think about the house it's a good house the daddy we forgot the pumpkins the pumpkins everybody hop in the car we have to go get the pumpkins from the farm ok ok daddy pig ok daddy pig there we are Alice asked the farmer for the pumpkins oh excuse me sir yes what do you need umm we're wondering can we get a pump get anywhere around here oh yes they're right behind you right over here millions and thousands of varieties of pumpkins oh that's great that's what we need could we pick two pumpkins of course each is for $1 ok or you don't even need to pay for them thank you kids we can go ahead and get two pumpkins go and pick some okay I'll pick who I really like this big big white one one need two pumpkin ah oh I like this one right behind the market popular it's heavy but I like it you wanna you could just grate your pumpkin at the pump at the pumpkin decorating table yeah yeah I really think like my pumpkin me too okay go ahead and sit down kids oh this is a great idea I'm gonna make this serious one oh no I could not you let's just no me me to doff Smigel and eyes perfect finished okay kids let me see your pumpkins good job kids what about you farmer do you like them oh I love them one of the best pumpkins we ever had this year we don't have space in a car and our car could you deliver them even though it's right next our house but they're pretty happy oh yes we have a special delivery by Thomas yay here special delivery for Peppa George oh thank you thomas for baking it you're welcome there we go but one pumpkin head put another pumpkin and can you take us to I will take this delivery and then I will come back for you yay special delivery mommy pig okay pumpkin and they're already decorated Wow let's see this little one oh so adorable wait what a perfect place for pumpkins what do you think Thomas yep that's a perfect place now I just need to go back to pick up the kids I love what you did with the house and thank you no need to go back yeah oh I'm guys wait wait wait I'm gonna give you some two little pumpkins there is George's and there is Peppa's oh you're so cute hat hop in children okay Thomas can we bring your little pumpkins with us um okay put it for just pumpkin hand peppers pumpkin are you ready yes Thomas and let's go okay there we are here we have two happy little piglets smonny look at my little pumpkin Wow you want to put it next to yours uh-huh there we go there's my pumpkin George you can take out your pumpkin okay yeah oh no my pumpkin stuck can I put it here yes you can George I want my next to my big pumpkin so everybody will know that both of these pumpkins belong to me Thank You Thomas pie oh no problem Thank You farmer now we're going to have the best decorated house ever bye I here we go okay now well this house is awesome oh I think we have the best decorated health and all and and all this straight oh I think it's in all the town actually oh that would be even better the whole entire neighborhood admired Peppa pig's Halloween decoration on our house peppa and George are excited for today because today is a Halloween costume parade kid are you finished eating your breakfast almost mommy we are finished okay let me grab your breakfast okay guy Pig are you ready for the parade yes mummy pig I just have a few more things to do I'm coming what do you think mommy Oh Nathan you look like a king yeah good choice daddy pepper what are you going to be um I don't know yet I wait to change in my room and show you what am I gonna be what am I gonna be Oh let's change into a princess ooh I look good like a real princess now let me go downstairs how do I look mommy how do I love daddy not really you were a princess last year do you remember oh but I was in this princess yeah no you weren't it but you were a different princess so go into a different costume fine Oh fine get it change behind the mirror again what else should I wear what haha perfect awesome how do I look huh like it's really ready terrain let me ask mommy and daddy how does this look Peppa you know that's not a Halloween costume you really need to get a Halloween costume and plus that's not even as costume that's a raincoat okay fine fine and it's not even raining outside okay okay I'll go change again and I hope mommy's gonna like this one this is the last beautiful outfit I have oh that's perfect you are Little Red Riding Hood perfect how about George oh he's gonna go ahead and change okay George go ahead and change fine fine I couldn't change behind meal perfect costume let me see myself I wouldn't go ask mummy and daddys mummy piggy how I like how you write this one you were a knight last year George oh yeah now I would nanba okay can you go behind the middle dad oh yeah this costume is going to be me schools don't even very good mummy daddy how I look look that is not a Halloween costume plus you got a regular shirt on in it and a lifejacket so go and change again five five five perfect costume now I have to ask mummy and daddy and this is the best one I have let's go Stu my hair do I look good let me even show you my ghost oh I'm so scared okay now for Mom now time for mommy pig to go get her costume on mommy are you ready I hope my kids are going to like this costume time to go downstairs how do you guys like this costume well it's actually nice and it matches your dress because you look like you're really a pumpkin now hahaha are we ready to go to the costume parade a-begging kids yes mommy PA your smelly pugilist all the other kids were already there waiting for them for the parade to start okay kids were late we gotta go let's line up everybody tell me your names and then tell me what you're going to be for Halloween as I come through you oh I'm mummy pig and I am a pumpkin and I'm not in a parade just I just dressed up for fun okay what about you daddy pig I'm daddy pig and I am the king just dressed up for fun not really in the parade okay who are you I'm Peppa and I am Little Red Riding Hood very well I like this costume very nice touch who are you I am George and I am a ghost see very impressive and very very scary what about you yeah look look see I'm a dinosaur very impressive and I like the little um plates on your back okay what about you I am Danny dog and I am a pirate because mine my grandfather is a sailor okay very impressive I like all your costume including the flag and who is this and this beautiful questions I am Suzy and I know which I will give you under a spell until a prong if you do not obey my rules okay well I better watch out right yes what about you patch up I am a superhero because I love superheroes okay very impressive now what are you I'm a butterfly but my name is Zoe zebra okay very nice costume Zoe zebra what about you my name is king cat and I am a snowman that would rather be a costume for the winter but I like that Summit's rabbit who won um everybody did because they all had the best costume right costume is broken oh never mind Zoe we are all going to the merry-go-round anyway your costume wouldn't even fit there merry-go-round really really yes oh do I get to go first yep daddy pig is the king he he will play for everybody and how much is it miss rabbit eight dollars for each tick I mean one dollar for each kid so all together that makes eight Oh give me some money Cheers here's eight dollars thank you okay bye daddy pig you could go stand to watch the kids okay kids let's go in the merry-go-round okay so Billy zebra you could go first yay who do you want to ride with you petrol petrol petrol do you want to take off your costume no thanks I'm going to go on this on the merry-go-round with Zoe's death row let's go so much fun this thing is kind of bumpy because of my cape it's so long let's play this day okay I got it a lot of times okay your turn your turn Susie okay so how many more get you got at least three Oh your turn okay my turn at least four three times your turn George yeah I'm gonna get old-time great getting George I won this is the best Halloween parade ever everybody had so much fun and won lots of ten kids it's time to go trick-or-treating yay mommy look at me I wanted to be a dinosaur not a pumpkin well you were a dinosaur last year so you have to be a pumpkin I love my princess just as anyway so I don't care it's when I I want because all of them are my favorite but my favorite princess is Belle but I don't care I was any other princess I still love Rapunzel so can we start going triggers yes yes yes yes as soon as you as George figures out that he can get he wants to be a pumpkin okay but can I go by myself papa do not get lost if you go by yourself you have you have to stay close to your house okay I'm going trick-or-treating Peppa wait I can be a pumpkin okay come on George let's go to miss Nora's house down by mommy we'll see you soon I love miss Nora's house it even has a slide I want to strike I wouldn't go we fell over - spikebat box okay let's tell mommy that when we go home okay and go home now no first you have to see miss Nora I'm scared perfect getting dark George it's okay we're close to our house and we're also close to the door and it's north and miss Nora's in her house so let's go in dong ding dong guys do you wanna watch the Halloween show with me yes yes we do and come along and I love every single Halloween show that's all I do not like any other issues well coming along then Peppa George what about you do you like Halloween shows dinosaur like dinosaur shows but weren't watching a Halloween show okay so you can watch it dinosaurs show I'm the Easter egg hunt when you go hunt for eggs with me okay and I'll just make something for you in the kitchen do you want some apples do you want some watermelon do you want some oranges do you want some pineapple and we would like all the stuff in the fridge okay well that'll be coming right up this show is about to start oh oh why did I just stay back I everybody knows I miss Nora hi miss Nora I also gonna watch TV and while I'm watching TV I can rest that's a good idea so let's watch it [Applause] [Music] what's this are we laughing my up or celebration no just two we need to start things off in a fierce public matter [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm not sure but it seems we're about to have some more [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the show is over yeah that was a great show I loved it loved it Don's getting late and your mama's here I'm here for peppa and George did you have a nice time kid yes mommy we loved the show thank you for picking us up goodbye miss Nora yeah well kids we're going home dirty pink excited to have dinner so I came to pick you up so we can have a dinner together I hope you'll have fun like peppa and George this is all for today thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe bye everybody bye I hope you have a good Halloween and also hope you have liked this Halloween video [Music] [Applause] you stupid PvP [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Princess Fun Place
Views: 3,894,914
Rating: 3.7449579 out of 5
Keywords: Kids, Family, Toys, Costume, Peppa Pig Halloween Parade, Peppa Pig Balloon Ride, Peppa Balloon Ride, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig Family, Peppa Pig Happy Family, Peppa Pig Toys, Peppa Pig Toy Sets, Peppa Pig Story, Peppa Pig Show, Mommy Pig, Daddy Pig, Brother George, Show for Kids, Kids Show, Peppa Pig House, Peppa, Peppa Pig Friends, Peppa Pig Halloween, Halloween, Halloween Pumpkin, Peppa's Halloween House, Peppa Pig Farm, Pumpkin Farm
Id: kfd4SFUIjEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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