Peppa Pig Official Channel | Painting with Hands and Potatoes with Peppa Pig

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[Music] we need some old newspaper to put on the table yes daddy pig is reading his newspaper you can have my newspaper when I finished reading it can I have a potato mummy pig they aren't cooked yet daddy pig are you hungry daddy I'm not going to eat it what's this what is daddy pig doing now who can tell me what this is I loved painting when I was a young biggy now where am i this is my beret it puts me in the mood for painting pictures now what shall I paint well-chosen George I'll paint the old cherry tree it's an easel pepper it holds my canvas it's a bit like paper for very social paintings no pepper these are special paints for grownup artists [Music] I'm afraid we might break it by pressing the wrong button don't worry you can't break it [Music] [Music] perhaps we should keep the computer granny pig shall we do some work on the computer the granny pig yes let's do some numbers and letters peppa and her family are having lunch I've given my old computer to granny and Grandpa that's nice I wonder how they're getting on with it hello Peppa Pig speaking ah Peppa I need to ask a question about the computer it's grandpa he's broken the computer what's the problem with the computer grandpoppy eggs happy mrs. chicken won't let any more eggs turn the computer off now turn it back on again that doesn't sound good maybe it can't be mended we'll come round and pick it up Oh grandpa pig has taken it to his shed yeah that should do it my grandpa is the best at mending things was it very hard to mend not at all I found I had this book how computers work so you don't want us to take the computer away now no I needed for important work for letter and number work no to beat granny pigs happy mrs. chicken score I layed 4020 eggs so I've got some work to do catching up has a favorite Nursery Rhyme my favorite is mary had a little lamb oh yes mary had a little lamb little lamb little lamb mary had a little lamb its piece was white as snow and everywhere that Mary went Mary went Mary went everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go I like that one it had a sheep in it that was lovely pepper thank you who else has a favorite Nursery Rhyme I like Little Bo Peep and can you sing Little Bo Peep yes and it goes like this [Music] I don't like that one it's about sheep getting lost it's too sad yes does anyone know in nursery rhyme that isn't about sheep me me yes Pedro baa baa black sheep oh sorry I know one of us a cat Oh splendid candy can you share it with us hey Dee do Dee do the cat [Music] [Music] anyway with spoons and the cows jumping over moons crazy stuff next I know a rhyme about a mouse very good Freddie hickory dickory dock the mouse ran up the clock the clock struck one the mouse ran down hickory dickory dock [Music] are you ok pepper I'm sad it's a bit of a shock Suzy moving away isn't it yes why don't you make Suzy a going away card ok Suzy and flowers that's a lovely card pepper would you like to talk to Susie on the phone yes please mummy hello hello Susie I'm a bit sad me too are you still coming to play tomorrow yes please okay see you tomorrow it is morning and Suzy sheep has come to play with Peppa you to the next I will really miss you Susie don't miss you Peppa I will even miss you bossing me about what do you mean you are the bossy one no I am NOT yes you are me we are both a bit bossy I'm so happy about this new job in a new country I thought I'd be stuck here forever so you said you're ready to go Susie no wait I made you're going away card thank you papa and you can have this it's my most favorite plastic crown because you are so special and so you don't forget me and you must keep it forever I will never forget you Peppa Suzy hello oh I see right they said I didn't get the new job so you're not moving away no yes yes Daddy Madame gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you while I do some work in another room Suzy is practicing - very good shall we call it a day no Madame gazelle says I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] peppa and her friends would be practicing their recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concept Heidi children [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune and practice practice practice Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder baby Alexander is awake peppa and George are awake [Music] it's the vacuum cleaner [Music] why you vacuuming at night what who knew we fire noise is the best way to get baby Alexander back to sleep he likes noise we're a noisy family everyone is back in their beds the sleep baby Alexander is awake [Applause] [Music] [Music] the noise was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times round the house was it mummy pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house 50 times good baby Alexander is asleep what are you doing it's a noisy night okay pepper let's get you back to bed [Music] mummy daddy's got some very good news what's that pepper new project Oh what is it pepper I need to make a castle okay why don't you use this empty cereal box stick these yogurt pots on the sides and what have you got a box with no daddy it has to be good pepper what exactly did Madame gazelle tell you to do she told us to use our imagination and a fantastic castle is what I am imagining and my castle has to be big enough for me to living I see right it is breakfast at Susie sheeps house Madame gazelle told you to make a real fairy Palace yes the little fiddly bits hello sorry but I can't come in to work today it's a school project yes yes thanks but I should be able to manage this is what my castle looks like but much much bigger if it needs to be big we should use concrete no daddy pig we just need to find a big enough cardboard box have we got a big box no delivery for daddy pig I don't remember ordering anything this large ah it's just a new light bulb why do they use so much packaging for these things shall I take the box away for you oh yes thank you I've got great that's your castle almost done it's not almost done we have to stick things on paint it add the glitter glitter hello hello can I speak to Papa please pepper its Suzy sheep hello Suzy how's your school project going I'm doing very well more pointy mummy and it needs to be taller George has found a ball ah careful George this is my greenhouse it is made out of glass which breaks easily let's throw this ball out of harm's way footballs at my greenhouse ah people who live in glass houses should not throw footballs you threw it first it nearly smashed my greenhouse call that a greenhouse it's a pile of rotten old wind it's good enough for growing tomatoes I'm amazed you can grow anything in that rubbish tip I'll grow more than you do in your fancy glass box grandad dog and Grandpa pig are the very best of friends if glass breaks easily because I grow plants in it let me show you these plants like sunlight and glass lets the light in oh that's just basil granny pig throws the seeds in a pot and he just grows let me show you something that takes real skill to grow my tomatoes very small grandpa eat one and tell me what it tastes like it tastes of nothing well they're not quite ready yet hello my little ones could I have some Tomatoes please grandpa pig no I'm afraid the tomatoes aren't ready maybe in a few weeks but I want to make tomato salad for lunch granddad dog is growing tomatoes yes maybe granddad dog will lend us some I don't think we want granddad dogs busty old tomatoes it is lunch time for baby Alexander cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander baby he keeps turning his head feeding baby Alexander is quite hard watch this here comes the Alexander likes it if you return this Venus an arrow flames you have a go pepper pig can you say aeroplanes I told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first words yet do you remember what your first word was it was me I thought peppers first word was daddy no mommy somebody looks like they had a good lunch yes what do you want to do now Alexandre I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but he can go out in his buggy that's a clever little buggy yes five years mudguards standard [Music] no pepper you were babies you couldn't even walk soon after that you were toddlers he was a baby in my tummy yes you were in my tummy George no pepper this tummy is pure muscle and so George was born and granny and Grandpa gave George a very special present can you guess what it was that's right and you and Suzy were running and jumping around then one day you saw something amazing pepper if you jump in muddy puddles you must wear your boots you loved jumping up and down in muddy puddles I still do let's take a photo now jumping up and down in muddy puddles has always jumping up [Music] good that's all the papers I need yes what would you like to make right here Oh George you always say dinosaur for everything let's make an aeroplane let me George likes aeroplanes yes all we need is some paper paper there is lots of old paper in the workroom mummy pig is going to make a paper airplane fold the paper down the middle and I'll fold the corners in at one end fold those corners in again to make a point then fold the sides back like this let's see if they can fly Ready Steady Go mummy fix aeroplane has flown into a tree [Music] Peppa's aeroplane has landed in a flowerpot George's aeroplane is doing a loop-the-loop and has landed in the duck pond let's make a big aeroplane we'll need a really big piece of paper [Applause] peppa and George have made a big new aeroplane hello everyone shouldn't you be at work yes but I've forgotten some important papers we made a really big Wow fantastic you need someone big and strong to throw it Ready Steady the big blue arrow plane is flying very high and very far it just keeps on going bye-bye airplane George is not sleepy [Music] nighttime is for sleeping not playing I can tell you a bedtime story once upon a time there was a little pig his name was Georgie to make his fortune he came do you like the story George inside the forest there's a little Alice and inside the house was a bowl of porridge Georgie pig was very hungry so he ate it all up yum yum yum just as he finished baby bear walked in and said oh did you read my magic porridge Georgie said yes baby bear said that was magic porridge it will make you go very big and then Georgie Pitts began to grow he grew a negro until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest the end are you sleepy George no not even a little bets none huh okay I'll do a bit more story baby Basset there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world but it's too far for me to go because I'm true little Georgie said I will carry you there so Georgie Pig walked to the end of the world he can heave all times Ewok are you sleepy yet none he walked three forests across mountains across seas to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure oh and a big dragon girl yes a big green dragon with little wings and breathing fire [Music] luckily it was a very friendly dragon and he said you can have the treasure but then Georgie pink began to Shirley he shrunk and his shrink and he's from and jelly was the same little doggie Pig as he was before how will we get back home now said baby bear I can fly you home said the dragon say Georgie pate and baby bear hopped on the Dragons back and flew all the way back home to the little house in the forest I know we can play the rainy day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it you watch this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is exactly daddy it won't always be so easy pepper who wants to go first because that's an easy game George can go first okay you all wait here daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck okay peppers turn I will do the hiding this time mummy pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for pepper to find ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I know where you are you're in the sink the rubber duck is not in the sink the rubber duck is not under the table it's sitting with something else that's hello something yellow that lives in the kitchen bananas [Music] this is what you do freeze like a statue Ready Steady this one is still blinking out your amazing George Richard and Edmund are out so you've got a medal it's made of real plastic gold [Music] / no it's time to pass the parcel hey when the music plays pass the pass around when the music stops take some paper off Edmond has got a medal richard has got a medal George has got a medal [Music] oh dear George isn't passing the parcel [Music] [Music] it's a giant heavy Edmund has one this teapot is too soft real tea sets aren't soft my mummy makes real pots she does pottery can you help us make a tea set please okay come with me this is where mrs. zebra makes her pottery let's make this tea set clay all pottery starts off like that we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little cap on the potter's wheel there one cup would you like to try making a cup on a potter's wheel is not easy there is an easier way to make a cop first roll the clay into a long worm like this [Music] we wrap it round and round like this no I smooth it out with my hands and I utter yes but a tea set needs more than two cups it's my first homemade toy aeroplane love Sara planes can't fly grandpa of course watch this landing is the tricky bit is the base little plane ever grandpa but it could be better if it were bigger so I made this one mark - then plea does it yes like I said landing is the tricky bit lovely grandpa it's good to get these things out of your system and now that you've made a big toy plane there's no need to make another is there no granny Pig you know what I fancy a glass of orange juice good idea grandpa pig is anyone else thirsty yes please then I'll go to the house and get some juice for all of us see you later Peppa remember to take care of Donny I will granny bye granny right now I can show you what I've been working on this is yes it's bigger and better it even has a place for a pilot to sit we can put no I think that might be a bit dangerous Oh maybe dolly would like to be the pilot but granny said I should look after dolly dolly will be fine okay [Music] let's see what it can do it is like a piano but with buttons what did the buttons beep daddy uh I'm not sure oh here's a book that tells you what the buttons do ah it looks a little more complicated than I thought don't worry daddy we'll learn all about it while you're at work Thank You pepper see you later let's sing sighs ah okay first we need to switch it on then we can play it just like a piano can we have a go yes [Music] what do you do we can use the buttons to record sounds what kind of sounds anything you like say something pepper now we can play the sound like a piano can we do some recording of course say something George [Laughter] [Laughter] sounds and surprise daddy what a good idea come on George pepper and George are recording lots of different sounds in the kitchen in the bedroom in the living room daddy will be home soon have you finished recording your sounds what sound can it be it's a very important salad is it going into the bathroom the toilet George [Music] even today we will do drawings for mr. potato find one pineapple I'm drawing a carrot very good what are you drawing Emily lovey and pedal it's a super potato oh I see and George has done a wonderful tomato Peppa what vegetable have you drawn my daddy watching television Oh excellent now we put the toys in an envelope and post them to mr. potato it is morning and time for the mr. potato show please welcome your friend and mine mr. potato we posted some drawings to mr. potato in and out the light did you get the envelope oh yes of course I've received an envelope full of drawings this tomato looks very juicy well done George but this picture from Peppa Pig is my favorite Wow picture it shows daddy pig watching TV hmm looks like daddy pig needs some exercise Hey what come on daddy pig let's do some jumping up and down whoo all right up down Oh daddy pig likes jumping up and down down everyone likes jumping other [Music] everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done by little explorers your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles I can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend that those crocodiles know who's boss go away you know it's a crocodile that's the spirit in Cuba this finger closer cookies our swamp of course I did Scott not just catch a stay world of me [Music] ready don't forget to do the goal [Music] this is jump over it it's a dinosaur egg I was walking in the jungle [Music] did you have a good it's a hedgehog they like to eat slugs and snails yes Peppa he's very shy come on mr. Chuck don't be scared I like hedgehogs they are very good at keeping slugs and snails off my lovely letters yes there are moths butterflies that come out at night they like the torchlight when it goes off they leave when the light goes on they come back can I try okay bye-bye moss and if we leave the torch off we can see another very tiny night animal look up at the sky that is a Firefly it has a lovely but now it's time to say good night to them it's upon a time there was a little boy called yes now Pedro planted that bean and it is when he knew all his Beanstalk that went high into the sky that's right Petro climb to the top of that bean store and find a big I don't want that I want to princess oh yes there he found a beautiful princess Peppa Pig and George brave knight he makes a nice delicious food me pig daddy Pig and Grandpa pig a waiting to eat dinner I'll go and see what's keeping granny pig what's next in the story naughty granny pig you woke the little ones we promised to see when the story ends grandpa I'm good at ending stories granny pig and you go downstairs I won't be long oh well after they ate the lovely dinner everyone fell asleep granny pig mummy pig and Daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working I'm the expert at telling bedtime stories I'll have asleep in no time special delivery for Miss Emma Pig and master George what is it it's a toy cupboard oh it looks a bit flat yes you built it yourself don't worry Peppa it'll be very easy for your mummy and daddy to build good bye now we build your toy cupboard that's strange there aren't any instructions maybe it's so easy to build it doesn't need instructions yes first I need a shelf Thank You Peppa now I need four legs Oh blue legs money lovely I'll have this done in no time here's a red door mummy pig thank you daddy pig they're finished well done mummy pig inside it is a little small maybe that's a spare shelf the cover is tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces we'll just have to take it apart and start again Oh No if only we had the instructions who can that be hello I just found this in my van it's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier the instructions look very complicated it's no good it's nonsense leave it to me daddy pig I quite enjoy putting these things together really oh can we help in any way you can put the kettle on I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars please everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for mr. zebra [Music] mr. zebra has built the toy cupboard my goodness that was quick yes and I'd put all your toys in there too [Music] daddy pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs mean spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello mr. Skippy Lakes where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for mr. skinnylegs mr. skinnylegs is not in the filing cabinet mr. skinnylegs is not under the chair mr. skinnylegs is not on the table oh I wonder where mr. skinnylegs is oh it sounds like mummy has found him don't be scared mummy get rid of it okay we'll take mr. skinnylegs into the garden now mr. skinnylegs has got the whole garden - plane bye-bye mr. skinnylegs it is starting to rain mr. skinnylegs is running back to the house up the waterspout climbed up the waterspout today I don't want mr. skinnylegs in the house daddy pig let's take mr. skinnylegs a bit further into the garden a nice tree for you to live in he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies [Music] yes it's hot that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again bye bye mr. skinnylegs [Music] it wants to be in my path you I'm going to put you in my it's going to be the prettiest smelliest perfume ever here is George George I'm making perfume do you want to watch smelly flower very flowery then I put it in my beaker no George you can't put grass in my perfume it needs the smell of flowers yeah George does not like smelly flowers grandpa pig is in his herb garden [Music] pooey it smells like pond water it's my special perfume I made it with flowers from the garden oh yes it's the most beautiful perfume in the world yes do you like it George George doesn't like the smell of flowers take this bucket George you can make perfume out of something else I have got lots of lovely smelly things in my herb garden this is Rose Marie I like to use it in my cooking this is mint very and this is lavender smells like perfume wow that's a strong smell of lavender ah [Music] granny pig you smell nice the race was almost finished switch it back on wow that was an exciting into a race I'm so glad I didn't miss the finish see it's finished it's such a lovely day you should all go outside and play yes granny pig so what are we going to play a racing cars I know let's build Georgia racing car No the grandpa pig gun what okay I'll make a racing car for George this is grandpa pigs shed when he makes things what have we got here ah an old pram no George isn't a baby grandpa we only need the prams wheels Peppa this bit can be the bonnet what's your favorite number George George's favorite number is two oh this racing car will be super fast grandpa George is only little don't worry Peppa this will be a pedal car not a motor car ah next we need a steering wheel last of all you need racing goggles and here are Danny dog Zoe zebra and Pedro pony mummy can we play happy mrs. chicken on the computer not at the moment pepper I need to finish the important book I'm writing daddy pig is in the kitchen making lunch when mummy has finished writing her book oh that's it after lots and lots of hard work I finally finished writing my book well done mummy pig you did save your work didn't you know I didn't press save [Music] well done George that's the highest school ever there it is quick save close send you is your work alright mummy yes Peppa I've just sent it off to be made into a real storybook Oh a story but not just one book lots and lots of books going to book shops everywhere story yes I'm going to read it to you and your friends at playgroup tomorrow mummy pig has arrived at the playgroup with lots of copies of her new book Thank You mummy pig for coming to read your new book to us today is very exciting these books are so new I haven't even opened one yet children mommy pig has worked hard to write this book so we must listen politely even if it is not very good thank you it's about an onion hmm once upon a time there was an onion called funny onion four seven six eight five nine three Oh fifth the rest of the book is one big long number Susie sheep is using feathers I'm making a magic mask my little brother Richard is a baby carrot we like carrots George has made a dinosaur mask mask is yours Edmund as a planetoid very good Edmund elephant is a clever clogs so are we all finished my tickets everywhere there is no getting rid of it once it comes out it is a menace but it's special magic oh all right but only if you all promise to be very very careful with it okay I will unlock the glitter cabinet Mademoiselle keeps the glitter safely locked away now children you did promise to use this glitter very carefully it is holy time and the parents have come to collect the children glitter don't panic please remain calm there was a glitter leak as we have it under control now today nothing making my [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 46,562,439
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Keywords: peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, peppa pig marble run, funny peppa pig, peppa pig christmas, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig baby piggy, peppa pig halloween
Id: iwfLPYyPSv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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