Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Soft Play | Kids Videos

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[Music] it is morning pepper and her family are having breakfast there's a letter here for George it's an invitation to Richard rabbits party sounds fun I'll take George to the party as long as it's not about oval soft play center it says soft play daddy doesn't like this soft play center last time he got stuck and was rescued by a helicopter and a fire engine and a crane it wasn't exactly like that pepper it was only a helicopter I think soft play sounds lovely I will go with you George it is time for Richard rabbits party you're very welcome to stay if you want it's soft play isn't it no thanks hello you're very welcome to stay if you want see you later hello miss rabbit hello mummy pig I quite understand if you don't want to stay no I'll stay us grown-ups can have a nice quiet chat while the children play oh ok play center where everything is soft children this is great the children are having so much fun yes don't ever get them out of your league the little children have been playing all day home time children that was a lovely party wasn't it fun yeah are you ready to go home now no my goodness we're never going to get them out is only one thing forward I love to go home good luck don't worry I'm coming in oh no I'm stuck to help mr. elephant has come to collect Edmund elephant no problem ladies I'll get you out daddy pig peppa and Suzy have come to collect George what good little children you are where are your parents that usually happens to me that is going to happen to me isn't it I'm going to go in there and get stuck where smaller that's kind of you both but it is my job as a grown-up I must do this don't worry Peppa if I get stuck I will ring for the rescue services ah yes I'm stuck lucky I've got my phone hello Rescue Service oh you're in here too yes I'm a bit tied up at the moment there's no one to rescue us [Music] Thank You pepper and Susie for rescuing us hey now we can all go home the little ones have gone back inside pepper can you bring the little ones out now pepper and Susie love the soft play center everyone loves the Sun play center [Music] pepper and her family are driving home that was a great day out now all I want to do is get home put my feet up and have a lovely cupboard has mr. dinosaur again oh dear George could have lost mr. dinosaur anywhere we've been to so many places today we went to the shops to the playground to the park George cannot remember where he left mr. dinosaur the dinosaur is lost forever then don't worry George somebody will have found mr. dinosaur yes and when people find lost things they take them to the police station so that's where mr. dinosaur will be this is the police station here a police officer squirrel and police officer panda they are doing important police work very good doughnuts these yes doughnuts really are the best policemen like doughnuts hello ello ello ello ello ello that is how the police say hello and how may we help you today Oh George has lost mr. dinosaur don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open actually we were hoping so kind person might have found George's toy dinosaur and brought it here I see we'll need to question George is just routine please describe your dinosaur in your own words take your time use as many words as you like dine-saw excellent description hmm we do have some lost dinosaurs in the back yes it's amazing that things people lose handbags pirate treasure yes pirates are always forgetting where they buried their treasure people dig the treasure up and when they can't find the pirate who legally owns it they bring the treasure here funny thing is not one single pirate has ever walked into our police station to claim their treasure this cement mixer was found in a train the passenger must have forgotten it ooh and this banana was found in a shoe shop how in the world it got there we'll never know I'm sorry young lad what were we looking for again aisel oh yes here we are a box full of plastic dinosaurs is this your Stegosaurus no how about this Triceratops nah this brontosaurus hmm I'm afraid that's all the toy dinosaurs we've got oh don't worry George I'm sure you'll find your dinosaur all you've got to do is keep your ears and eyes open who put that lamp post there yes it's not a safe place to put a lamp post dangerous lamp post on public highway aha so this is your car is it uh yes the very same car you used for your day out when the dinosaur was lost yes why bear we this please madam did you look for George's dinosaur in the car well no we sleaze step away from the car madam nothing in here completely clean mind if we open the boot madam ah go ahead hello hello hello look what we found here yes why didn't we think of looking in the boot thank you so much just doing our job ever and George our visiting world and today you'll both be driving real diggers here is mr. potato welcome food digger world where all your digger dreams come true this is the sand bigger lie peppa and George jump on board mummy and daddy pig you have to pedal buckets and pepper and George have made a big sandcastle this is the wool building ride stack of these soft blocks to make a world okay here comes George with a demolition figure oh dear George has knocked down peppers wall digger world this is the grabber machine how do we play this one let's hope it's not pedal-powered mummy and daddy pig do the peddling Oh pepper and George use the grabber to win is lovely prize there are mr. Potato dolls or toy dinosaurs to be one dinosaur toy is too heavy for the grabber Oh try again mr. potato doll is just the right weight for the grabber aren't you lucky give wash to keep but the best news is you have earned your digger badges you are fully qualified digger drivers thank you for visiting the bigger world where all your digger dreams come true what's the matter mr. bull we're building across the road oh I'm afraid children can't drive diggers but we've been to differ world we've got batches oh that's okay then you can have the important job of pushing the buttons the digger has knocked over the new wall sorry mr. bull building things up they're knocking them down it's all part of the fun with [Music] hospital Peppa George and Suzy are playing in the garden with their favorite toys George has mr. dinosaur Susie has penguin [Music] [Music] you want to jump in muddy puddles - okay pepper has slipped and fallen on Teddy sorry i sat on you Teddy are you all having fun Oh Teddy you look a bit under the weather what do you mean Teddy is a bit muddy oh I took penguin to the doll hospital and now he's as good as new what's a doll hospital it's where does go to get better they get washed filled up with stuffing and even get me voices you are my best friend Susie I love you a lot mummy can we take Teddy to the doll hospital please what a good idea this is the doll hello miss rabbit hello Peppa welcome to the doll hospital where we tend dolls like this into doors like this have you got a sick dolly yes what is it a mouse or a dog it's a bow-wow we have got our work cut out Adam way and a dinosaur are you booking them both in yes please okay so tell me little bear what have you been doing to get so poorly Teddy has been rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles and being sat on it's no wonder you're not looking your best there'll be no more rolling down hills jumping in muddy puddles or being sat on once I finished with you but Teddy likes doing those things you do seem a bit floppy nothing some extra stuffing won't fix well II mean look this elephant is a bit sad but he just needs more stuffing Teddy likes being floppy thank you Miss rabbit what mr. dinosaur like some extra stirrer okay what's how'd you like a new outfit here we have a smart sailor's uniform Teddy the girl girls can be sailors to pepper yes but Teddy doesn't want to be a sailor how about a pilot no deep-sea diver no what about a princess I think Teddy is happy not to have any clothes thank you Miss rabbit what about mr. dinosaur yeah fair enough what's had you like new I know what they say the eyes are the windows to the soul what's the soul it's a bit complicated these eyes you've got green eyes blue eyes or even these googly eyes the small thing he might look a bit wrong but those eyes on Terry's eyes don't need changing thank you Miss rabbit what about mr. dinosaur does he want some new Oh fine one thing I can offer you teddy is a mere voice the voice is coming little plastic boxes which go inside the doll isn't Teddy talks that's not Teddy you are my friend the best penguins voice you are my friend mr. dinosaur do you want a new voice Oh silly question really there is one last thing I can do to you teddy that's give you a wash no Teddy doesn't needle okay I'm finished and it's good news there's nothing wrong with Teddy or mr. dinosaur that's wonderful would you like to pay by cash or credit card Oh teddy I love you just the way you are and I always will [Music] today mr. potato has come to Emma's playgroup children mr. potato is here to talk to you today about eating fruit and vegetables I am going to show you a movie called super potato potato remember kids always eat your five a day [Music] special guests can you guess who it is it's not my daddy is it no it's not my daddy is it no it is nobody's daddy is it my mommy's and no it is no relation of anyone here the special guest coming to see you today is super potato is coming but before he does we must call him hmm super potato very good I'll just go and see if his outside and keep shouting by the power of vegetables I am here wonderful now who has a question they would like to ask super potato ask me anything you like about fruit and vegetables anything what is the tallest building you've ever jumped what's that why do I like carrots so much I'll tell you why because they are so tasty can you roll faster than the Train which vegetable makes you run fast that's a good question I would have to say a Brussels sprout potato fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five a day always remember to eat your bird let's all give super potato a nice big clap for coming to see us today thank you thank you and remember kids eat fruit and vegetables super potato has left the building oh dear did I miss him yes brilliant well it was lovely to see you all but I'd better be going too bye come on children let's wait mr. potato goodbye oh dear mr. potato's car won't start not to get out mr. potato is stuck let me out what shall we do I think he might be busy to come really I do not think that will work this time no I'm Madame gazelle you just need to shout out with us okay hey boss there it didn't work now I think what's that in the sky I am here super potato has come to the rescue using my super vegetable vision I can see that my friend here is in trouble yes you have to get out I will use my fruity strength to lift this roof off tato has rescued mr. potato kids fruit and vegetables keep us alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your grandpa pig is taking pepper and George out for the day on his sailing boat yes Peppa it's another way of saying old friend are they your friends grandpa oh not really we're just members of the same sailing club now where did I leave my boat what does your boat look like grandpa it has a little red flag on top of the mast ah yes oh dear grandpa pig's sailing boat has sunk I'm afraid we can't go sailing today children [Music] here is Grampy rabbit on his hovercraft pepper you look sad what's the matter we can't go son oh dear why don't you hop onto my hovercraft I really don't think this is Grampy rabbit other crafts you can go on land and water I built it myself you never guess would you we don't be damn it you can't drive this thing around here you're not a member of the same Inc love what water member aren't you yes but on it's all right sir nothing like a peaceful gaze TV the columns of the water I say is anybody else thirsty I saw no shared back there telling Jews that's not an oh that's the ceiling crap pate it's for members only let's go and get some true for beakers of juice please I'm afraid you cannot be served here sir unless you're a club member I'm not but years hello for juices please oh yes sir this is the life eh the sea and the sky of the boat sailing by but the boats are not sailing by Grampy rabbit there's no wind without wind sailing boats sail good idea pepper is off toss me a line and I'll tow you back in Randy rabbits other god is telling sailing boats back to shore they train the mostest all the ponies they train the postage doing supposed to be I brought everyone back to the car park that way they don't have so far to walk to their cars but sailing boats don't go on land like hovercrafts oh yes grandpa pig who is this friend of yours so sorry about that sorry we want to thank him for rescuing us oh I see he's called Grampy rabbit til lighted to meet you album nobody welcome Oh Dean three cheers for Grampy rabbit it is playtime at Peppa's playgroup it looks like mr. bull is doing all the work mr. bull just build the playground I do the hard bit planning it all I've worked it all out with science that sounds very interesting daddy pig it is would you like to teach the children some simple science it would be my pleasure let's start by doing an experiment what is an experiment it's a way to find something out the we don't know like how many children does it take to lift Madame gazelle you're all just guessing what's the answer I don't know but we can use an experiment to find out who wants to try and live - madam ghazal Madame gazelle is too heavy for one child to lift let's try two children is too heavy for two children to lick oh let's try three children it takes three children to lift Madame gazelle we just did some simple science let's do another experiment make a tower of blocks very good but the tower looks a bit wobbly how can we make the tower this wobbly fantastic Edmund elephant is a clever clogs can we do more experiments of course who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle pepper please test the puddle let's add some more water please jump again pepper and making muddy puddles is a bit like making concrete or concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off flat and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next exactly it will set as hard as rock daddy pig I think you should step out if they ever probably with you in a moment mr. ball I'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard in thanks to a bit of simple science now mr. bolt what was it you were saying I was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah daddy pig is stuck don't worry daddy pig I'll have you out in a jiffy oh I'll dig up the playground daddy pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug as a concrete pepper and her friends have come to Rebecca rabbit's house for an easter egg are you looking forward to the egg hunt what you can't start the Easter Bunny hasn't been to hide the eggs yet oh when is the Easter Bunny getting here very soon goats will wait but the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if you're looking ok we'll close our eyes no peeking I can hear something is the Easter Bunny no it's not it's just my daddy here is mr. rabbit hello everyone what are you all doing here we've come for the Easter egg hunt oh I hope the Easter Bunny will come soon mr. rabbit oh yes me too oh yeah let's just go and check my carrot patch this is mr. rabbits carrot patch remember children the Easter Bunny is very shy and won't come if we're looking let's wait in door Rebecca rabbit's house is underground no but the Easter Bunny is a rabbit yes and you are a rabbit yes what does it look like I think it looks like me but a bit bigger I think these the bunny has a rocket yes it's a super bunny I think the bunny has a magic wand I see the bunny must be very big to carry all those invisible means you can't see it that's silly Oh somebody's hiding an elf it must be the Easter Bunny I wish we could see the real Easter Bunny maybe we can see it there in the window yes I can't see anything we're never going to see the Easter Bunny uh-huh remember no peeking sorry mommy hello everyone oh hello mr. rabbit how are your carrots what carrots the carrots you went out to check oh they're fine daddy did you see the Easter Bunny no but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will have been by now do you think the children can start looking for the eggs yet oh yes I would say so are you ready to find me the Easter Bunny as you done could be one egg every time don't worry if it takes you a long time to find them Danny dog has found an egg hydroplant Susie sheep as found in a book Peppa has found an egg in a tree wow that was quick and with one egg each great that is not the Easter Bunny that is Rebecca rabbit oh we thought every Easter Bunny no I'm me and an egg I hope skip and jump and play all day I've a fluffy tail I like eating carrots and chocolate eggs [Music] and her family are visiting gazelle everyone meaning now but it was not always this way when did your house start leaving Madame gazelle oh I don't know it's been so long and now I have cracks everywhere - I think your house might need fixing can't I just paper over the cracks and paint it that is what my builder told me to do what does the outside wall look like what's this oh that is my little Christmas tree that's not little that's it was from Christmas a long time ago it was a little baby trail with a fairy on top after Christmas I could not bear to throw it away so I planted it in the garden your baby tree is growing so much it's pushing your house over that's why oh dear what can we do about it I'll call mr. boo hello mr. Poole we have a big tree that needs looking at all these right there [Music] so where's this tree then here it is - um Musti fine tree you have there Madame gazelle strong roots yes but it's pushing the house over oh yes chocolate ice I must take a look before mr. bull chops the tree down he must check that no animals are living in it okay we can watch on the windows I think there's something else I are up the tree look what scared let's see what else there is I say look at this oh I think I see something else onward and upwards Mademoiselle my friends the bats they remind me of the old country decorations I'm a fairy that is the fairy I put on the little trees all those years ago it's a magnificent tree a wonderful home to so many little animals yes this tree should not be chopped down but wait if the taste days what will happen to my house well eventually it will fall over but I need a house to live in I've got an idea we'll put your house in the tree mr. bull the crane please right you are yes it is wonderful I have always wanted to live in a tree house thank you everyone everyone loves treehouses pepper and her family are having breakfast Oh what's the matter daddy pig I need to go on a long journey for work its work pepper and it's a long long way by train it won't be fun I'm testing concrete I need to know the relative density to mass to calculate for voids in the aggregate what does mummy pig think I think it sounds lovely but it's hundreds of miles away in another country please daddy pig all right we can all go this is the train station miss rabbit is the train driver pepper it's a long journey so you'll just have to be patient why not sing a song to pass the time okay oh oh there's still a long way to go pepper we won't get there until tomorrow morning where will we sleep right here this isn't a bedroom daddy watch this here's where we brush our teeth and that's not all I wonder what this button is for hello passports please of course ah you are mr. pig we mr. pig you must be coming to test our concrete yes do you know me oh you're working concrete is famous in our country oh but I have disturbed you good night good night it is bedtime [Music] night-night pepper and George night night my little piggies pepper and George aren't tucked up in their little beds on the train it is morning and time for breakfast on the train good morning miss rabbit out you meant to be driving the train it's bowling trail runs on Rails it can't get lost would you like coffee or orange juice I'd like both please no coffee all orange juice you can't have both I don't think we have to be so strict with the famous mr. pig coffee and orange juice thank you excuse me I am King Alfonso could I have a coffee and orange juice too no that is impossible pepper and her family have arrived at the end of them Lone Ranger we are honored to have your visit mr. pig thank you here is the concrete for you to test daddy pig is an expert at concrete hmm very good hey the trying journey wasn't too long and tiring no it was lovely my job is done so we can take the train back home bone train journeys everyone loves long train journeys [Music] George is still learning how to scooter he is a bit worried [Music] [Music] [Music] George it's time to go to scootering we could do exercise oh now I'm going to have to walk back home what I need are some wheels hang on I've got wheels [Music] Peppa's scooter yes scootering is such fun you should try it sometime today very good peppa and George let's all paint pictures of how we came to school today very good I worked here so nice to get the fresh air in your lungs my granddad brought me in his truck very lovely it is time for mummy and daddy pig to pick up the children from playgroup have you got the car keys daddy pig I don't think we should take the car mummy pig but it's a long way to walk to playgroup we don't have to walk I made that mistake this morning we can scooter okay mummy and daddy pig us entering to playgroup did become pepper and George [Music] that was great I told you we wouldn't have to walk yes that seems to leave us without scooters for the journey home daddy pig you said we wouldn't have to walk we won't have to walk but we will have to run [Music] George scootering everybody loves [Music] holiday everybody this is the beach yeah you'll need life vests for the water you're all good what is that it's a surfboard do you do this you lie on it and the waves push you along I'll teach you easy to flirt because the board is super flirty [Music] [Music] surfing is the best thing ever it's true surfing is the best thing ever [Music] George wants to go surfing sorry George you're a bit too little to go surfing the waves are getting too big for pepper and Kylie oh is it time to go home are you kidding these waves are perfect for grown-ups to surf [Music] [Music] Kylee where's your little brother [Music] your turn to surf guys thank you but I'm quite happy to watch why don't you ever go mr. pig why not it does look fun too bad mr. pig looks like you've missed your chance to surf today oh that's a shame but he's just right for little George to go pattern in no surfing George but you can sit on the instead George likes sitting on top of daddy pig look at that wave coming I think they want us to wave George [Music] George is using daddy pig your natural surfer George maybe you can teach me a few tricks yes what a fantastic holiday we're having so what's planned for tomorrow are you staying another day I could stay here forever well I do have to go to work tomorrow they can come along too okay well I suppose that microwave pepper is having a lovely long holiday with Kylie kangaroo today is Captain dog's birthday [Music] thank you everyone that's a start oh it's nothing son just seeing this year boat reminded me how much I miss the sea captain dog loves the sea why not open your birthday present it's a boat trip a boat trip that's just what I wanted let's go there's nothing better than sailing a boat you could go anywhere you weren't in a sailing boat we could head for the tropics or have an Arctic adventure we might even see Olli it's just a day trip dear this is the canal now where is the sailing boat we going on this canal boat I see we use the canal boat to get to the sailing boat no dear we're going on this boat for your birthday and we're sailing it down the canal Veronica now you can only go this way and that way yes Danny you're right a boat on the water all about oh I wanted to say that oh I'm sorry oh where is the sail canal boats do not have sails you just push this button to make the boat go [Music] faster than our boots want a race to hear mrs. duck full-steam can't this thing go any faster no this is the top speed Oh anyway you want to slow down we're coming to a mountain we're gonna crash straight into it no we're going into the tunnel there is a tunnel through the mountain we sailed straight through the middle of a mountain ha ha this canal boat is actually quite fun and that means another tunnel not this time oh there's no tunnel so we're going uphill there's no way in the world a boat can go uphill there is and it's called a lock watch I'll show you I mean dark is opening the gates to the lock take a ring captain just wait there while I close these blocked gates now I'm letting in the water from the top the rising water is lifting the canal boat up now I open this gate we're saving over bridge yes this bridge means we can sail high above the valley below sailing across the sky what could be a better adventure sailing across the sky fun time today I should say so I've sailed through mountains over hills and across the sky this is my best birthday in dog loves canal boots everyone loves canal boats pepper and George are visiting granny and Grandpa pig hello peppa and George George has found a ball ah careful George this is my greenhouse it is made out of glass which breaks easily ah let's throw this ball out of harm's way footballs at my greenhouse ah people who live in glass houses should not throw footballs you threw it first it nearly smashed my greenhouse call that a greenhouse it's a pile of rotten old windows it's good enough for growing tomatoes I'm amazed you can grow anything in that rubbish tip I'll grow more than you do in your fancy glass box grandad dog and Grandpa pig are the very best of friends if glass breaks easily because I grow plants in it let me show you these plants like sunlight and glass lets the light in oh that's just basil granny pig throws the seeds in a pot and he just grows oh let me show you something that takes real skill to grow my tomatoes very small grandpa eat one and tell me what it tastes like it tastes of nothing well they're not quite ready yet I know my little ones could I have some tomatoes please grandpa pig no I'm afraid the tomatoes aren't ready maybe in a few weeks but I want to make tomato salad lunch granddad dog is growing tomatoes yes maybe granddad dome will lend us some I don't think we want granddad dogs busty old tomatoes granddad dog Oh granny pig lovely to see you this fine morning do you have any tomatoes we might borrow borrow you can take as many tomatoes as you like the tomatoes have done very well this year they look bigger than your Tomatoes grandpa they may be bigger but that doesn't mean they're better would you like to taste one yes ever tasted how did you grow them granddad dog I didn't really mean to grow them I just threw some old tomato seeds down in the corner there and they grew fill your basket there's too many for me to eat thank you we're going to make a lovely tomato salad ah I know a great recipe for a tomato salad lovely can you make it for us the problem is my recipe needs basil and I haven't managed to grow any basil my grandpa lots of lovely basil oh yes grown heaps of the staff let me show you very impressive tell me what's the secret of growing basil well it's quite tricky the first thing you have to do I grow some seeds in a pot and the basil grows you mean it just grows by itself yes granny oh my poor darlings you must be starving let's make that tomato salad first we slice the tomatoes add a little splash of olive oil a shake of pepper a teeny tiny pinch of salt and finish the whole thing off with these lovely basil leaves tuck in everyone [Music] marvelous Tomatoes thanks to my greenhouse hmm beautiful basil thanks to my greenhouse this is the best tomato salad in the world [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 16,316,046
Rating: 3.6679857 out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig english episodes, peppa, peppa pig full episodes, #peppa, #peppapig, #peppapigenglish, pepa pig, peppa pig peppa pig, peppa pig english, peppa pig song, pig, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, papa pig, peppa pig in english, peppa george, pepper pig, peppa pig live, peppapig, pepp, peppa pig english episodes full, pepapig, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, peppa pig live stream, cartoon, peppa pig halloween, peppa pig toys, toys, peppa toys
Id: tzTD87c0yZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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