Peppa Pig Falls Over And Gets A Boo Boo | Peppa Pig Official Channel Family Kids Cartoons

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[Music] it is playtime at school pepper and her friends are running around having fun Peppa I've hurt my knee Madame Gazelle Peppa has fallen over you've just grazed your knee Peppa first Madame Gazelle cleans Peppa's knee then she puts a plaster on it does that feel any better yes children you may have noticed that that pony isn't isn't it today is he late again no Susie Pedro is in hospital and today we are going to visit him this is the hospital pepper and her friends have come to visit Pedro pony remember children stay close to me I don't want you getting lost which way is the children's World down the steps double doors right left right along the corridor up the stairs turn on your left ah or you could just take the lift children's Lord Pedro will be asleep sick people do a lot of sleeping hello everyone hello Pedro why aren't you asleep you don't look sick I broke my leg and they put it in this plaster cast wow the plastic helps Pedro's leg get better I yes please the children are all doing drawings on Pedro's plaster cast I'm drawing a football I've drawn some flowers Mr Potato a carrot and I've drawn a muddy puddle wow thanks everyone you can draw on my plaster too okay I'll draw a little flower thank you Pedro Pedro what's it like being in hospital it's great what are the nurses like like give me stickers wow and they come whenever I press this button who was that I Wonder Could It Be Pedro what do you want Pedro we are very busy I've got a bit of an itch even if your leg is itching we can't take the cast off until your leg is better it's not my leg that's it chin it's my ear is that better yes thank you lunchtime what would you like to eat today Pedro can I have spaghetti and sponge pudding please you get your dinner in bed yes that looks tasty Dr Brown Bear has come to see how Pedro is doing how are we today Pedro my ear is a bit itchy just here [Music] say you're almost better visiting time is over bye Pedro hi everyone get well soon petrol yes Madame Gazelle [Music] it is another school day pepper and her friends are playing in the playground my plaster has fallen off can I have another one you don't need a plaster pepper your knee is better oh yes hello everyone Pedro pony is back oh oh hi Pedro where's your plaster cast they took it off because my leg is better is your legs strong now it's stronger than it was before it's a super leg can you run on it watch this [Music] Pedro likes running around having fun everybody likes running around having fun Pottery Pepper and George are playing at Zoe zebra's house and making a jungle with play clay George has made a dinosaur out of play clay pepper and Zoe are having a doll's picnic hello Mr Monkey would you like a cup of monkey says yes what's the magic word Mr Monkey that means please oh we haven't got a tea set we could make a tea set out of play clay yes George can we use a use a bakery please no girl we need to make a tea set for our tea party no you can help us make it I'll make the teapot and we'll make the cups now monkey can have tea oh this teapot is too soft real tea sets aren't soft my mummy makes real pots she does Pottery [Music] mummy can you help us make a tea set please with tea cups and a teapot that we can put real water in okay come with me This Is Where Mrs zebrum makes her Pottery let's make this tea set what's that clay all Pottery starts off like that so like play clay we need it to be soft so we can shape it but later it won't be soft mummy zebra is making a little cup from The Potter's Wheel there one cup wow that looks easy would you like to try yes please it's all slimy [Music] making a cup on a potter's wheel is not easy there is an easier way to make a cup first we rolled the clay into a long worm like this it's [Music] we wrap it round and round like this it's a bit bumpy no I smooth it out with my hands and I add a handle it's a cup now we have two cups yes but a tea set needs more than two cups make cups yes dinosaur George has made a dinosaur George always makes dinosaurs oh what a scary dinosaur now we need to bake the tea set in a kiln Kiln is an oven Cooks the clay and makes it hard the tea set should be ready now we paint them the children are painting the tea set lovely bright colors the tea set is finished now we can have our tea party there's a cup for everyone oh we forgot to make a teapot I know George's dinosaur can be the teapot yes let's fill it with water this is the best you said in the world everybody knows that all the finest tea sets have a dinosaur in them pot simple science it is playtime at Peppa's playgroup what are you doing to our playground we're digging it up Mr Bull loves digging hello Daddy why are you here I'm working with Mr Bull oh it looks like Mr Bull is doing all the work Mr Bull just builds the playground I do the hard bit planning it all I've worked it all out with science sounds very interesting daddy pig it is would you like to teach the children some simple science it would be my pleasure let's start by doing an experiment what is an experiment it's a way to find something out that we don't know like how many children does it take to lift Madame Gazelle one a hundred ten hundred you're all just guessing what answer I don't know but we can use an experiment to find out who wants to try and lift Madame Gazelle oh I can't lift her Madame Gazelle is too heavy for one child to lift let's try two children is too heavy for two children to live let's try three children it takes three children to lift Madame Gazelle we just did some simple science it was fun let's do another experiment yeah make a tower of blocks [Music] very good but the tower looks a bit wobbly how can we make the tower less wobbly um and the small blocks at the top fantastic Edmund elephant is a clever clogs experiments of course who can tell me their favorite game jumping up and down in muddy puddles and what do we need to make a muddy puddle dirt and water dirt and water mix them together to make a muddy puddle Peppa please test the puddle puddle is too dry let's add some more water please jump again Peppa this puddle is just right nice and muddy and making muddy huddles is a bit like making concrete concrete is what we're using to make your new playground it starts off wet and soft like mud then it sets and goes hard forever right now it is gloopy like custard let me show you you see it's very soft but who can tell me what's going to happen next it will set as hard as rock a daddy pig I think you should step out of there but I'll be with you in a moment Mr Bull I'm just talking to the children yes but you see the concrete is soft still soft and now hard all thanks to a bit of simple science now Mr Paul what was it you were saying I was trying to say you should get out before the concrete goes hard ah Daddy Pig is stuck don't worry Daddy Pig I'll have you out in a jiffy how I'll dig up the playground Daddy Pig loves being dug out of concrete everyone loves being dug out of concrete doll hospital pepper George and Susie are playing in the garden with their favorite toys George has Mr Dinosaur Susie has penguin and whoever has Teddy Teddy what game shall we play you want to roll down Hill oh okay let's jump in muddy puddles what's that Teddy you want to jump in muddy puddles too okay [Music] Peppa has slipped and fallen on Teddy sorry I sat on you teddy are you all having fun yes oh Teddy you look a bit under the weather what do you mean Teddy is a bit muddy oh I took penguin to the doll hospital and now he's as good as new what's a doll hospital it's where dolls go to get better they get washed filled up with stuffing and even get new voices you are my best friend Susie I love you a lot Susie ooh ooh Mommy can we take Teddy to the doll hospital please what a good idea this is the doll hospital hello Miss rabbits hello Peppa welcome to the doll hospital where we tend dolls like this into dolls like this have you got a sick Dolly yes what is it a mouse or a dog it's a bear well we have got our work cut out haven't we ah and a dinosaur are you booking them both in yes please okay so tell me little bear what have you been doing to get so poorly Teddy has been rolling down Hills jumping in muddy puddles and being sat on it's no wonder you're not looking your best there'll be no more rolling down Hills jumping in muddy puddles or being sat on once I've finished with you but Teddy likes doing those things you do seem a bit floppy nothing some extra stuffing won't fix what do you mean look this elephant is a bit sad but he just needs more stuffing [Music] Teddy likes being floppy thank you Miss Rabbit would Mr Dinosaur like some extra stuff okay well Teddy like a new outfit here we have a smart Sailors uniform he's a girl girls can be Sailors too Peppa yes but Teddy doesn't want to be a sailor how about a pilot no pizza diver no what about a princess I think Teddy is happy not to have any clothes thank you Miss Rabbit what about Mr Dinosaur no fair enough would Teddy like new eyes you know what they say the eyes are the windows to the soul what's this Soul uh it's a bit complicated just look at these eyes we've got green eyes blue eyes or even these googly eyes the soul thingy might look a bit wrong with those eyes on Teddy's eyes don't need changing thank you Miss Rabbit what about Mr Dinosaur does he want some new ones no fine one thing I can offer you teddy is a new voice The Voice is coming little plastic boxes which go inside the doll isn't how Teddy talks it's not Teddy you are my best friend but that's penguin's voice you are my best friend Susie Mr Dinosaur do you want a new voice silly question really there is one last thing I can do for you teddy that's give you a wash no Teddy doesn't need a watch okay I'm finished and it's good news there's nothing wrong with Teddy or Mr Dinosaur that's wonderful would you like to pay by cash or credit card oh Teddy I love you just the way you are and I always will [Music] mirrors Mummy Pig is fixing a big mirror onto the bathroom wall lovely George thinks there is another little piggy in the bathroom it's a mirror George mirrors are shiny that's why you can see yourself [Music] George is looking at himself in the Big Shiny mirror it is whiny George you think daddy we're looking for shiny things to see ourselves in have a look in a spoon oh Pepper and George can see their faces in the shiny spoons our faces look funny now turn the spoon around I'm upside down and turn it round again now I'm the right way up does that work Daddy it's simple pepper concave surfaces reflect light waves inversely to their origin and is it magic uh yes it's magic Susie Sheep has come to play with Peppa hello Peppa and George Susie look at that it's a spoon it's a shiny spoon look I can make you go upside down how does that work it's magic my daddy says so ah let's find some more magic shiny things in the garden George has found a muddy puddle oh it's shiny enough to see our face here are Pedro pony and Danny Dog hello looking at the sky look at this spoon that's my face it looks funny whoa now I'm upside down how does that work it's a funny magic mirror spoon I know where there are some big funny mirrors really wobbly mirrors in a tent where are these wobbly mirrors at the fair the parents who brought the children to a fair roll up roll up see my amazing wobbly mirrors the tent is full of big wobbly mirrors what happened to my body [Music] wobble wobble wobble oh how does it do that Daddy it's very simple illusions of optical differentials by convex and concave surfaces generate patterns oh it's magic uh yes it's magic [Music] this mirror looks normal to me Daddy daddy where's your big tummy what tummy it is Mummy Rabbit with her baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello sister how are you today very good sister mustn't chat for long though I've got customers inside the tent on the mirrors amazing daddy pig wow I can see two of you what do you mean I can see you in the mirror but there's no mirror is it magic [Music] Daddy it's Miss Rabbit and Andy rabbits oh I suppose we do look a bit the same well we are sisters [Music] pepper and her family are going for a drive I love our car oh and our car loves us too don't you stop it is Mr Bull and his friends George likes diggers hello Mr Bull what's up we're digging up the road will it take long it will take as long as it takes lads I shot this old boy Mr Bull is good at smashing things wow [Music] Daybreak oh dear now we'll have to wait even longer why don't you join us Mummy Pig plenty of tea to go around that sounds lovely thank you Mr Bull [Music] it's a nice teapot Mr Bill yes Peppa it's made of Delicate China Mr Bull likes Delicate China you have to be very very careful with China why because China can break very easily that's why I always oh dear Mr Bull has smashed the teapot to pieces put it down too hard I don't know my own streaks maybe we can fix it boss oh I've got cement I've got a rivet gun it's not gonna work Lads I know Miss rabbit has a china shop she could mend it good idea Mummy Pig we'll go right now can I two we'll all go Mr Bull is going to the china shop this is Miss Rabbit's china shop there we are hello can I help you a ball in a china shop hello Miss Rabbit I have broken my China teapot oh dear can you can you sit let's have a look hmm that's very broken smashed it to yes but I think I can fix it oh goody don't calls Peppa [Music] together fixing the teapot is a bit like doing a jigsaw puzzle well done Peppa I'll glue those bits together George has also found two pieces that fit well done George nearly finished that's the lid there's just this funny shaped bit left where that go that's the teapot handle Miss Rabbit oh so it is I don't know much about china teapots it's as good as new be careful not to smash it again oh I am very good at smashing things [Music] well done Peppa thank you for mending my teapot Miss Rabbit no trouble Mr Bull [Music] there is a small hole in the road and right outside Miss Rabbit's Shop what do you think ledge can we ever hold that side Miss Rabbit's Shop no you fix my teapot I'll fix your Rogue uh it's not my road Mr Bull how are you going to mend the whole we'll dig up the road Mr Booth is digging up the road Mr Bull likes digging up the road everybody likes digging up the road Aquarium pepper is feeding Goldie the fish dinner time [Music] oh she looks a bit sad I think she is lonely she hasn't got any fish friends maybe Goldie could visit the aquarium what's the the aquarium is a place where there are lots of fish aquarium Goldie [Music] the family have brought Goldie the fish to the aquarium I hope we can find gold to your friends I'm sure we will Peppa the aquarium has every type of fish hello Miss Rabbit hello how many tickets Please two grown-ups and two children please the fish goes free this this aquarium have every type of fish oh yes probably but we're looking for a friend a Goldie well I hope you find one enjoy the aquarium thank you the first room has a tank full of little fish wow there are millions of teeny fish fishy fishy fish fish swimming in the sea who will be a fishy friend for my fish Goldie could any of these be goldish friend hmm no they are too small let's see what fish are in the Next Room okay here is candy cat and her family hello candy [Music] it's better than watching TV we like fish we've come to find a friend for Goldie the fish oh what's in this tank I can't see anything Oh Daddy Pig there's a fish right in front of you wow [Music] it is a very big fish wow do you think this fish could be a friend for Goldie no it is too big never mind let's go to the Next Room what's in this tank dinosaur George thinks he has seen a dinosaur it's not a dinosaur George it's a funny kind of fish called the seahorse you know lots about fish yes I like fish can the seahorse be Goldie's friend uh no it's two dinosaurs one more room to go oh what's in this tank nothing it's just green slime look that green slime is algae there must be some sort of fish in here whoa there's a fish with big long ears it's a rabbitfish it is Miss Rabbit wearing a diving costume oh she is cleaning the fish tank Miss Rabbit is saying hello it is difficult to talk underwater [Music] that was the last fish tank oh we haven't found a friend for Goldie what's in the Next Room foreign this is the aquarium Cafe oh goody my favorite room hello Peppa did you find a friend for Goldie no oh who's that that's just Ginger my pet goldfish he loves the aquarium it looks like Goldies found a friend after all Goldie isn't lonely anymore hooray and Goldie can visit Ginger anytime she wants foreign
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 6,457,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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