Baby Peppa is on TV! 🍼 Peppa Pig Tales

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Peppa pig [Music] tails there there today Peppa has found a video of when she was a baby I was a very loud baby wasn't I Daddy ho yes all babies are sometimes gosh that must have been when I was pregnant with George pregnant what does that mean that means he was still in my tummy oh I have an idea what are you doing Peppa look now there's a baby of my tummy too o very good Peppa now what do people with babies in their tummies do H I used to get lots of funny Cravings which are when you really want to eat certain [Music] foods yum Peppa has decided she has a craving too I really want to eat oh spaghetti Peppa thinks Cravings are delicious ah that was very yummy what else happens when you have a baby in your tummy Mommy well I'd get tired a lot so kind people would offer me their seat so I could sit down when I needed it h Hello Peppa I have a baby on my tmy and I'm very tired so you need to give me your chair please Daddy gosh righto here you go and sometimes my feet would hurt so Daddy Pig would give me foot rubs Peppa likes the sound of foot rubs daddy my feet are hurting so I need to have a foot rub please oh well not a moment to lose a little dear and Daddy Pig's foot rubs are more like foot tickles oh there's one more thing that happened when Mummy Pig was pregnant what was it eventually a baby came Auntie Pig has brought Baby Alexander for a visit hi Baby Alexander I was pretending I had a baby in my tummy but now we can pretend that you're my baby real babies are quite noisy actually so I think I'll keep my cushion instead [Music] oh hello everyone hey h Mummy Pig is dropping pepper off at play but Mummy Pig is also looking after Baby Alexander o my mind if I clean up Alexander's smelly nappy before I go Madame Gazelle I insist Oh Come can we help clean him up please okay can you pass me the nappy cream from the changing bag and a fresh [Music] nappy Everyone likes helping mommy pig change baby Alexander's nappy there fresh as a daisy can Baby Alexander play with us please well I don't see why not hooray Peppa is showing Baby Alexander all her favorite bits of the playgroup these are the books um Baby Alexander likes all the books this is the whole world and he enjoys spinning the globe and this is Madame Gazelle little Alexander but he likes Madame Gazelle most of all Perhaps it is time for some painting everyone is painting pictures of themselves called self-portraits I'm Peppa paint hello hi Peppa I'm Freddy I'm Suzy and I'm Gerald well done Baby Alexander it looks like a tasty apple baby Alexander's painting has reminded Peppa that it's time for lunch it's baby Alexander's lunchtime too he's eating special food for babies here comes the train Alexander choo choo is baby Alexander's food nice mommy he thinks so [Music] oh oh my mind if I clean Alexander up again before we head off it's I'll get the bag go everyone loves having Baby Alexander at playgroup and Baby Alexander loves [Music] visiting Peppa and her family are taking Baby Alexander on the ferris wheel but he isn't very [Music] happy what's that smell yeah H it's Baby Alexander he needs a nappy change but we're at the front of the cube for the ferris [Music] wheel o hold your noses everyone moo this Ferris wheel smells terrible sorry Peppa but it's our job to look after Baby Alexander if we help now we can play later yes Baby Alexander needs our help that's the spirit now let's go and look for a nappy changing [Music] station oh that's better not [Music] here not [Music] here definitely not here ooh here well done Peppa we found the nappy changing [Music] station first we have to take off the dirty nappy and put it in the bin um where is the bin H ooh here is is Daddy [Music] oh now we must wash our hands add a dab of cream whoo whoops sorry Peppa now finally a clean nappy can I do this bit Daddy of course [Music] Peppa there all better that was so fun I've never changed a nappy before you did very well Peppa but do you know what's even more fun than changing a [Music] nappy Baby Alexander and his family have come to say happy Christmas but Baby Alexander isn't happy at all why is Baby Alexander crying Christmas is fun well this is baby Alexander's first Christmas he doesn't know how fun it can be yet then it's got to be extra special I'll show him all my favorite christmy things I love Christmas dinner it has Carrot potato [Music] Sprouts no you're supposed to eat it not throw it let's try something else wrapping present is really fun you can put the bow on [Music] top no we need to wrap them up so other other people can open [Music] [Music] them Baby Alexander thinks unwrapping presents is much more fun than wrapping them [Music] I don't think Alexander likes Christmas at all really he's been having fun with you all day but I wanted it to be extra special for him spending Christmas with his cousin is extra special Peppa but he's doing it all wrong Alexander is just a baby maybe you need to find some some simple things he can do right Christmas for babies Oh I have some [Music] ideas Baby Alexander enjoys passing out the Christmas presents thank you Alexander this one's for Mommy and he really likes Christmas craft well done Alexander and music jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride on a open sleigh [Applause] hooray but he enjoys spending Christmas with Peppa most of all now we'll always remember Alexander's first [Music] Christmas stop today Peppa and her family are walking to the duck pond but there's a big metal barrier in the way sorry folks the path is closed but we're almost at the pond I'm afraid it's much too slippy [Music] who just follow the diversion signs with the bright red arrows won't take you long a diversion is when you have to go a different way come on everyone it'll be an adventure see you soon Ducks here it is Peppa has found the first bright red arrow and another h [Laughter] a and [Music] another but the next sign has fallen down wakey wakey Mr sign nobody knows which way to go H do we go left or right the right way s sounds right ho are we lost we're not lost we just don't know where we are when you don't know where you are you are probably lost um look a duck Hello Duck excuse me Mrs duck do you know where the duck po on is what a spot of luck lead the way [Music] duck this is a duck Trail daddy we must all waddle like ducks we're going to the duck pond big wig whack we're going to see the dogs go quack quack quack we going to the duck pond Wile wiggle whack we're going to see the ducks go quack quack Qui Peppa and her family have made it to the duck pond we did it yay you took your time I bet you're glad you took the diversion yes it was much more fun and much less [Music] slippery [Music] wao today Peppa and her playgroup are on a trip to a bug Museum follow me everyone squeak big box this room is all about ants it even has some big robotic ants to look at don't worry it's not a real ant it's a big robot ooh I love [Music] robots wow ants work together as a team to bring food to their [Music] Queen would you like to try being ants can I be the [Music] queen yay Peppa's friends are racing again against the ants they have to get the foam Leaf to Queen [Music] [Applause] pepper hoay well done everyone you worked as a team just like ants this room is all about bees it even has beak costumes for dressing up you look the bees knees can you find your way through the Beehive like real bees well go everyone loves being bees but the Beehive is very confusing they're [Music] lost bees follow the sun to find their WAYZ we could follow this side G too everyone is following the sun to find their way just like real bees beautiful work everyone y the last room has something very special inside sque it's so pretty but nobody knows what it is inside is something very colorful is it a carrot it has big wings or a dragon and it used to be a caterpillar [Music] h w it's [Music] a [Music] butterfly Peppa and her friends love learning about all the bugs at the big Museum today everyone is playing in Peppa's Garden Emily Elephant has slipped into a big muddy puddle monster no monsters aren't real it's a [Music] hedgehog the Hedgehog has slipped in the muddy puddle too don't worry will help you get out wo the Hedgehog has become a Brickly Ball but Edmund knows what to do we need to get some help from a grownup because the Hedgehog is lost and prickly and we need to be careful oh Mommy Pig Daddy pig mommy pig has come to help everyone out of the muddy puddle and daddy pig is helping the Hedgehog His thick gloves keep keep him safe from the Hedgehog's spiky back you can put the Hedgehog here there's a blanket in there so it's nice and toasty blanky wonderful careful now hedgehogs can be a little bit prickly hooray I'll call you prickles prickles Dr hamster has come to check that prickles is safe and healthy it was very clever to call me for help prickles has rolled up into a ball again why does prickles do that Dr hamster hedgehogs roll into balls when they're scared to keep themselves safe oh so pickles is scared it's just a bit noisy that's all if we keep quiet maybe a little bit of Apple will help prickles feel relaxed Peppa and Emily Elephant have found more than a little bit of Apple ah hoay there some food and rest and we can release prickles into the garden When the Sun Goes Down why can't we do it now hedgehogs are nocturnal which means they like to explore at night and sleep in the day time oh I'm a clever clogs you know oops sorry prickles the Sun is going down which means it's time for prickles to go back home where do hedgehogs live Dr hamster why in Hedges of course bye prickles come and visit us again soon everyone loves spending time with prickles and everyone loves seeing him get home safely found one that's a big one granny Pig has asked Pepper and George to find some fruit and vegetables for lunch first on the list is a fruit that can be red or green what do you think that can be h [Laughter] George we don't have time to eat we have to find fruit for lunch an apple they can be red or green next we have to find a long vegetable that is orange and crunchy I know Rebecca Rabbit always brings carrots to play group they are long and orange and crunchy Grandpa where are the carrot trees not everything grows on trees some vegetables grow in the ground I'll help you [Music] George next up is a vegetable that looks like small trees I can only see Big Trees Grandpa not small ones these stools look like little trees they're [Music] broccoli very good [Music] Peppa last on the list is oranges that's odd I don't think I grow any oranges if there are oranges here George and I will find them Grandpa Pepper and George are searching everywhere for an orange orange that is the right color but not what we are looking for oranges are round but they can't seem to find one anywhere we found the orange that is the right color and it is round but that is a pumpkin oh oranges where did you find those oranges granny we looked everywhere from the supermarket of course today Peppa is enjoying the flowers in Grandpa Pig's Garden bless you Peppa what is all this yellow stuff grandpa that is called Holland bees carry it around the garden and help flowers grow thank you for helping the flowers little bee [Music] careful Peppa you mustn't touch the bubblebee but why Grandpa it's so fuzzy and cute because you're very big and the bee is very small so it might be a bit scared and bees can sometimes sting when they're scared they can yes so you must be very gentle with them and let them have lots of space some people can even be allergic to their stings oh Peppa isn't sure she likes bees anymore but bees are also very helpful and kind to the world they're the reason we have honey I love honey bees make honey in hives just like this one can I see can I see whoo there there's lots of bees in a hive so you'll have to change first Tada I mean buzz buzz Peppa George and Grandpa Pig are wearing special thick clothing that protects their heads hands and bodies from being stunned Splendid Grandpa Pig is showing Peppa and George a part of his beehive all of those bees live in that little house yes this is where they make delicious honey bees all work as a team to gather food and protect each other like me and George we're just like bumblebees buzz buzz buzz buzz what happens to all the honey that the bees make well we put it in jars like this Grandpa Pig is collecting the fresh honey in a glass jar then we make yummy honey sandwiches for our lunch M this is the best sandwich ever thank you little bee Peppa loves honey sandwiches and Peppa loves bees for all the kind things they do it is bin day today so Mr Bull is up early to collect all the bins in the [Music] town but mommy and daddy pig forgot to put the bins out last night don't forget these Mr B for youo not t in time oh you've sorted them into the colored bin bags perfect why are the bin bags different colors Mr Bull well the red bag with the paper symbol is for paper and [Music] cardboard the blue ones with cans on are for metal and the green ones with the glass bottles on oh there for glass that's right and now they're sorted we can clean them and make them into something brand new that's called recycling Peppa and her family are very good at recycling wow I'm off to the recycling center now actually would you like to join me yes please maybe we should get dressed first Peppa now that Peppa and her family are dressed Mr Bull has given them special clothes to wear now you're a proper recycling team let's go Mr Bull has brought everyone to the recycling center to make sure everything gets sorted properly I'll carry the bags and you help me sort them into the right bins okay first is this one it has a green bottle so it goes in that green bottle B [Music] lovely ooh that one goes in the blue metal bin over there right oh paper [Music] brilliant everyone is having lots of fun sorting out the recycling tin can glass [Music] bottles newspapers but Mr Bull is very tired after sorting all the recycling pH all done great work team but there's one thing left there is where there aren't any bags of recycling left to sort this it's glass so that means it goes in this glass bottle bin stop that isn't recycling Peppa it's my reward after a whole day's work refreshing
Channel: Best of Peppa Pig
Views: 4,081,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, cartoon for kids, first day of school, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, my teacher is the best, pappa pig, pep pig, pepa, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, peppa pig tales, peppa tales, pig peppa, pig peppa pig, pippa, preschool, video for kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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