Shopping For Peppa's Halloween Costume 👻 | Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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today Peppa and her family are in the fancy dress shop they're looking for a Halloween costume I hope we haven't left it too late to find a costume next please can I have a spooky vampire costume please Miss Rabbit sorry Peppa I'm afraid we've just sold our last vampire costume oh uh not to worry Peppa we'll find a different costume that's just as good right Miss Rabbit uh of course let's go and look Peppa is trying on different costumes Tada she tries a lemon lemons aren't as spooky as vampires she tries a lovely flower so lovely it's lovely but it isn't spooky and even a w pencil gosh how unusual do you have any spooky costumes left Miss Rabbit I'm afraid we're all sold out but we do have some spooky bits of costume left over maybe you can make a brand new monster Peppa yes let's go yay Peppa and George are looking for things to make a spooky costume what about these monster Keys now my Teo isy look Peppa bat wings very spooky dinosaur tails are very spooky George spooky hat spooky face paint spooky spider web why don't we try these on Peppa is trying on her brand new monster costume ra a my word that's the scariest costume I've ever seen it's perfect Peppa feels very spooky in her Halloween costume Peppa loves making spooky monster costumes but mommy and daddy think the price is quite spooky too [Music] oo today Peppa and her family are making special Halloween treats these monster eyes are tasty why don't you two decorate these cupcakes while I finish making dinner hooray Splendid here you are daddy pig is making the ice for Peppa and George to decorate the cupcakes the colors are changing magic Halloween magic it's not magic I'm afraid just some fruit coloring oh will it still tastes good fruit coloring only changes the color everything else is still delicious M delicious [Music] Peppa is making a spooky pumpkin cupcake while George makes a green dinosaur hello George I'm the spooky pumpkin cake Peppa and George have finished decorating all the cupcakes now we're almost ready to eat I just need to get Mummy Pig from the garden m H I love spaghetti and garlic bread H all the extra fruit coloring has given Peppa an idea should we do a special Halloween trick on mommy and [Music] daddy Peppa and George are using the fruit coloring to make green spaghetti and purple garlic bread goodness what happened to dinner ah you've added fruit coloring Daddy Pig has his own idea for a Halloween Trick and [Music] Treat this spaghetti is green and the bread is purple yes it's a Halloween trick but it's just fruit coloring so the food is still all yummy yummy tweet a Halloween trick brilliant you really got me and you used fruit coloring to turn my water orange too no Mommy that's just orange juice oh Peppa loves Halloween tricks almost as much as she loves Halloween treats it is Halloween night and everyone is busy decorating [Music] pumpkins there has been a power cut which has made all the lights in the house turn off oh dear there must be something wrong with the electricity don't worry I'll get the Torches Oh My Mummy Pig has found the Torches here we go now we can all see [Music] a but I'm afraid the pumpkins will have to wait until we fix the electricity I know we can look for ghosts in the dark yay I'm a bit scared of ghosts can I keep my eyes shut okay I'll help you get around ghost George wants to look for ghosts too sorry George you're too little it will be too scary for you now follow me Peppa and her friends are looking for ghosts in the very spooky living room it's a ghost it's not a ghost it's just Gerald sorry Peppa I can't see with my eye shut this is the spookiest room in the house now everyone is looking for ghosts in Peppa's [Music] bedroom the ghost is not a ghost it is George in a blanket and he wants to help look for ghosts too ghost ghost okay George you can come with us but it will be very spooky in the hallway no George doesn't think it will be spooky at all oh it's extra extra dark here it's dark everywhere oh dear Peppa's torch has gone out it's too dark run away now now there's nothing to be frightened [Music] of the lights are back on but now there is a big mess it was just a fuse oh what happened uh I think we must have a ghost Peppa and her friends love looking for ghosts but they love decorating pumpkins even [Music] more George Tonight George is having a sleepover with Edmund elephant and Richard Rabbit all right everyone time for bed don't worry mommy I'll make sure they all go to sleep thank you Peppa come on then into your sleeping bags quick March Peppa likes being in charge well done Peppa good night everyone only joking you can't go to sleep yet there's lots of fun things you have to do first George has never had a sleepover before he is very excited first we have to have a midnight Feast oh you've turned into ghosts I know a spooky story about ghosts George Richard and Edmund love stories this is a ghost story about a muddy puddle that would wasn't muddy paranormal apparitions or ghosts as they're commonly known do not exist it is scientifically impossible Edmund is a clever clogs he doesn't believe in ghost can I tell a story um okay once upon a time there was a giant pig ra and a a very small rabbit sque sque sque and they chased each other for ever and ever the [Music] end that was a good story oh I've got another one this one is about George Edmund and Richard have turned into ghosts again silly George oh do you know what's next next yay we have to stay up very late until um 100 o00 ready oh I don't think George understands sleepovers how's everything going Peppa they're fast asleep mommy well done I think you've ear turned a midnight Feast [Music] hooray George and his friends like playing sleepover games but they love to sleep today Peppa and George are playing grownups oh gosh oh gosh where is my bag and my hat we're off to work now Mommy oh and what job do you think you'd enjy Joy when you're grown up dinosaur George wants to be a dinosaur H I think I would enjoy being a dentist then I will make sure everyone's teeth are nice and healthy H interesting all right you've got lots of clean teeth mommy here's a stick for being so brave don't forget to brush your teeth who's [Music] next silly George dinosaurs don't go to the dentist they go to Dr hamster the vet but you can have a sticker anyway I think you'd make a very good dentist D [Music] you and you'd be an excellent dinosaur George but I'd also like to be a bus driver then I could take all my friends to the park tickets Please next stop the park stop you forgot us come back room vom you have to stop at all the bus stops if you want to be a bus driver Peppa sorry I think you'd be a brilliant bus driver Peppa but I don't just want to be a dentist and a bus driver I also want to be a teacher oh then I'll teach everybody how to paint you can paint a butterfly using handprints like this dinosaurs don't go to school George perhaps you could open a school for dinosaurs but when I'm grown up I also o want to jump in muddy puddles and George will be a dinosaur and they will always love jumping in muddy puddles even when they are grown up or dinosaurs today Peppa and George are at a funfare hi Peppa have you been in the fun house house yet what's a fun house it's a special fun fair house that has lots of silly rooms and funny hallways can me and George go into the fun house please pee hello Miss Rabbit two for the fun housee to enter the fun housee Mummy Pig must buy tokens from Miss Rabbit but the tokens cost more coins than Mummy Pig thought oh thank you Mummy Pig right this way ooh this is the rickety rackety Bridge pass through to see the rest of the fun housee Peppa is moving very slowly and carefully across the bridge but George thinks it's fun to go very fast your way is much better George Wee congratulations now you need to follow the arrows this way George these mirrors are so wobbly the funh housee mirrors make Peppa and George look very silly indeed this mirror makes me look so tall and and you look like you have a very big head [Music] George that one makes you look really round found and this mirror makes me look like Miss Rabbit that's because I am Miss Rabbit follow me to the twisty turny tunnel the Funhouse tunnel spins round and round ooh and it's very windy look after the tunnel we get to go down the slide slide I'll help you George I wonder what's taking so long I hope they're not lost how was it the fun house was really fun how fitting everyone loves the fun house because the fun house is very Peppa Pig and her friends are at the aquarium today they're all pretending to be fish what's that this is an octopus it has eight long wibbly wobbly legs actually an octopus only has two wibbly wobbly legs the other six are wibbly wobbly arms [Music] wow I wish I had a rainbow tail let's be mermaid Suzy but we don't have mermaid tails but we can pretend hooray Peppa and Susie are pretending they are mermaids with long lovely T hello seahorses we can swim around just like you it's so pretty what is it this is an oyster it has a pearl inside a pearl what's a pearl it's a very lovely shiny object can we open it and see it an oyster only opens when it's ready so we'll just have to be patient I can't see the pole excuse me Mr oyster can you open please we're being really patient can you go ah like at the dentist [Music] um a it's not working it's so tickly let's tickle it open mermaid Peppa and mermaid suszie are trying to tickle the oyster so it'll open they tickle and tickle and tickle but the oysters still won't open it's not working we'll never see the Pearl we'll just have to wait it's the Pearl it's so pretty the oyster has finally opened the Pearl inside is very lovely indeed a whip wub whip wub but I want to see the Pearl can we make it open please no Danny we have to be patient everyone knows that being patient can be tricky but Peppa and Susie know that the very lovely Pearl will be worth the wait [Applause] [Music] hoay today Peppa and her friends have come to a special Adventure Park come on edman you can do it it's really fun H well done Edmund yay this room has a balance beam you have to walk across it without falling into the ball pit if you all keep working as a team you'll get all the way through without falling into the ball pits I'm good at balancing follow me now George Peppa and Edmund elephant must cross the balance beam but Edmund is finding the balance beam a bit difficult try going sideways Edmund we can do it together everyone has made it across the balance beam now they must swing across this room this looks tricky it's just like the swing in the park Emily watch this Peppa is very good at swinging hooray Hold On Tight [Music] George here you go Edmund but Edmund elephant is feeling a little nervous about it why don't we go together Edmund as a team good idea yay hooray we did it thank you Emily everyone has made it across the big swing good teamwork everyone one room to go this is the final room but there is no way across the ball pit we can't jump that far and there's nothing to swing on this room is a bit of a puzzle nobody knows how to solve the puzzle and get across oh I've got it but Edmund elephant is very good at puzzles I'm a clever clo you know everyone has made it through the Adventure Park that was very clever Edmund Edmund and Edmund elephant can't wait to do it all over again oh [Music] dear there there today Peppa has found a video of when she was a baby I was a very loud baby wasn't I daddy yes all babies are sometimes gosh that must have been when I was pregnant with George pregnant what does that mean that means he was still in my tummy oh I have an idea what are you doing Peppa look now there's a baby in my tummy too very good Peppa now what do people with babies in their tummies do H I used to get lots of funny Cravings which are when you really want to eat certain [Music] foods yum Peppa has decided she has a craving too I really want to eat oh spaghetti Peppa thinks Cravings are delicious ah that was very yummy what else happens when you have a baby in your tummy mommy well I'd get tired a lot so kind people would offer me their seat so I could sit down when I needed it hello Peppa I have a baby on my tmy and I'm very tired so you need to give me your chair please Daddy gosh right oh here you go and sometimes my feet would hurt so Daddy Pig would give me foot rubs Peppa likes the sound of foot rubs daddy my feet are hurting so I need to have a foot rub please oh well not a moment to lose a little dear and Daddy Pig's foot rubs are more like foot tickles oh there's one more thing that happened when Mummy Pig was pregnant what was it eventually a baby came Auntie Pig has brought Baby Alexander for a visit hi baby alexanda I was pretending I had a baby in my tummy but now we can pretend that you're my baby real babies are quite noisy actually so I think I'll keep my cushion instead oh [Music] oh Peppa and Susie are pretending to be police officers police we'll help you thanks police officers you're welcome now we must get back to solving crimes oh my what is it Madame Gazelle I think my special pen has gone missing this sounds like a mystery don't worry me and police officer Suzie will solve the case Peppa and Susie are looking for Clues to find the special pen they're using a magnifying glass to make small things look bigger aha purple that's the same color as Danny Dog's t-shirt have you seen the special pen Danny I don't think so well we'd better take you to the police station to ask you some [Music] questions Peppa and Susie have made a pretend police station so they can ask everyone questions about the missing pen it's made from books and pillows this police station doesn't even have doors it's a nice place to read though Peppa and Susie are asking everybody about the special pen they've brought Candy Cat to the pretend police station candy cat can you remember what color the special pen is H red no green green actually pink no uh blue aha you've been very helpful let's take a big look around the special blue pen must be hidden somewhere Peppa and Susie are searching everywhere for the special pen oh but they can't find it anywhere I can't find it anywhere hm H I have an idea now Madame Gazelle is answering questions at the pretend police station when did you last see your pen Madame Gazelle well let's see I used it this morning then I put it behind my ear oh my Madame gazelle's special pen has been behind her ear all along we found it we solved the mystery hooray thank you for helping me Peppa and suie I think you would make very good police officers
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 2,787,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids, flowers, sunflower, gardening, garden
Id: oY31emSQ5b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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