George's Medical Check Up 🩺 | Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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today mommy and Peppa have brought George to the doctors for a checkup hello I'm Dr Peppa Pig hello Dr Peppa Pig I'm nurse Miss Rabbit and this is Dr Brown Bear ready for your checkup George No George has never been to the doctors before he is a little nervous don't worry Geor the doctors just want to make sure you feel good exactly come on in and don't forget your little red [Music] book first Miss Rabbit and Dr Brown Bear need to check George's height step this way please George No but George isn't sure he'll like the height measurer how tall am I miss friend rabbit wow you're getting very tall Peppa you'll be a big grownup soon George wants to know if he is very tall too wow you're so big and tall George now it's time to check George's weight with a special machine called scales H this machine will tell us how much you weigh George and it's really good for bouncing George loves bouncing and freeze and unfreeze W now it's time to listen to George's heart with a special tool called a stethoscope this might be a little cold the stethoscope is very cold oh try this George you can listen to my heartbeat too George likes listening to Peppa's heart yay you did very well today George so you get a sticker D and one for Dr Peppa Pig for being so helpful too hooray today Peppa and George are playing grownups oh gosh oh gosh where is my bag and my hat we're off to work now Mommy oh and what job do you think you'd enjoy when you're grown up dinosaur George wants to be a dinosaur H I think I would enjoy being a dentist then I will make sure everyone's teeth are nice and healthy H interesting all right you've got lots of clean teeth mommy here's a sticker for being so brave don't forget to brush your teeth who's [Music] next [Music] silly George dinosaurs don't go to the dentist they go to Dr hamster the vet but you can have a sticker anyway I think you'd make a very good [Music] dentist and you'd be an excellent dinosaur George but I'd also like to be a bus driver then I could take all my friends to the park tickets Please next stop the park stop you forgot us come back room room you have to stop at all the bus stop stops if you want to be a bus driver Peppa oops sorry I think you'd be a brilliant bus driver Peppa but I don't just want to be a dentist and a bus driver I also want to be a teacher oh then I'll teach everybody how to paint you can paint a butterfly using h prints like this dinosaurs don't go to school George perhaps you could open a school for dinosaurs but when I'm growing up I also want to jump in mudy puddles and George will be a dinosaur and they will always love jumping in muddy puddles even when they are grown up or dinosaurs today Peppa is playing with her toy [Music] blocks oop careful George this is a very small town and you're a very giant dinosaur that gives me an idea do you want to play Giant George George is very excited to play Giants with pepper hello police officer Panda what a lovely quiet normal day in Toyland and definitely no sign of hello I am giant [Music] Peppa a giant two giants Peppa and George are imagining their Giant in a pretend toy Block World hello Birds hello clouds hello everyone our ball is stuck in that very tall tree we can help you with that we are very tall Giants whoopsie oh careful George there you go suszie hooray giant Peppa and Giant George love to help their friends in Toyland they helped the passengers to get on the bus [Applause] [Music] oh and help the boat let go very very fast stop it's the bridge you broke earlier oh don't worry we can fix it Peppa and George are experts with toy blocks they fix the toy bridge in no time at all thanks giant pepper and giant Geor stop uh I mean gooo oh goody hungry I'm hungry too the food in Toyland is too small for giant Peppa and Giant George dinner time so they will have to have real food instead careful George hello everyone I'm Peppa the dentist I'll help you look after your teeth whoa today Miss rabbit has come to teach Peppa's play group about teeth Peppa is pretending she is a dentist got you for you thank you Peppa well now that you've caught your tea who knows what we can do to look after them um go to the dentist that's right who has been to the dentist before Gerald giraffe has not been to the dentist before can I show Gerald what it's like at the dentist Miss Rabbit I've been lots of times what a great idea Peppa is pretending she is the D and Gerald is the patient hello Mr Gerald please sit on this enormous chair thank you Mrs dentist here is your [Music] [Laughter] apron why do I need glasses Mrs Peppa for this big light please open wide like this ah so I can see your teeth a Peppa is using the torch to see Gerald's teeth you have very nice teeth Mr Gerald so you get a sticker thank you well done pepper and Gerald does anyone know a way we can look after our teeth at home we can brush our teeth that's right suszie brushing our teeth keeps them clean shall we practice brushing our teeth Miss Rabbit is giving everyone toothbrushes so they can practice brushing their teeth first we get the brush wet then we put some toothpaste on everyone is adding little dollops of toothpaste to their toothbrush candy has added a big dollop now what do we do class [Music] we remember to brush the front and the sides tops and bottoms well done [Applause] everyone everyone did very well today so everyone gets stickers Peppa likes pretending to be a dentist and Peppa really likes stickers four tickets [Music] Please four popcorns please four drinks [Music] please today Peppa and her family are at the cinema Peppa's favorite book has been made into a [Music] movie silly George we're not seeing that scary ghost movie ours is really fun and not scary scary ghost movies are only for grownups uh excuse me excuse me [Music] sorry the seats in the cinema all fold up when they're not being used but George's seat is folding up when he's sitting in it excuse me coming through watch your toes luckily Miss rabbit has a special booster to hold the seat flat thank you Miss Rabbit no problem me again who Spilled Popcorn George doesn't like it when the cinema gets dark yay it's starting [Music] sorry George doesn't like the loud sound either it's the [Music] body y oh dear George thinks the baddy in the movie is a bit scary maybe we should take George outside but you can't miss the movie oh Peppa has thought of a way to make the baddy less scary for George hello George it's me I'm just pretending to be a buddy for the movie I'm not really scary not scary no and this magic wand will keep you extra [Music] safe plus at the end of the story everyone lives happily ever after oo happy sorry everyone loves going to the cinema and George really loves movies with happy [Music] endings George Tonight George is having a sleepover with Edmund elephant and Richard Rabbit all all right everyone time for bed don't worry mommy I'll make sure they all go to sleep thank you Peppa come on then into your sleeping bags quick March Peppa likes being in charge well done Peppa good night everyone only joking you can't go to sleep yet there's lots of fun things you have to do first George has never had a sleepover before he is very excited first we have to have a midnight Feast oh you've turned into ghosts I know a spooky story about ghosts George Richard and Edmund love stories this is a ghost story about a muddy puddle that wasn't muddy paranormal apparitions or ghosts as they're commonly known do not exist it is scientifically impossible Edmund is a clever clogs he doesn't believe in ghosts can I tell a story um okay once a once upon a time there was a giant pig and a a very small rabbit sque sque sque and they chased each other forever and ever the [Music] end that was a good story oh I've got another one this one is about George Edmund and Richard have turned into ghosts again silly George oh do you know what's next yay we have to stay up very late until um 100: ready oh I don't think George understands sleepovers how's everything going Peppa they're fast as sleep mommy well done I think you've earned a midnight Feast [Music] hooray George and his friends like playing sleepover games but they love to sleep aha there's one ho today Peppa and her family have come to the shopping Center OH perhaps we'll get out here I'll park up and find you soon if I could find a space they've come to the toy shop to find a gift for Baby Alexander there's so many toys yay now what do we think Baby Alexander will like H maybe this basketball or this blaster pop pop all this karaoke machine Cara these are very fun but I'm not sure they're right for a baby then we'll have to keep looking [Music] [Laughter] h Daddy Pig has finally found a space in the car park oh dear but the parking space is so small he can't get out of the car I'll just have to go around again what have you found George it's like the car park we were in car park George loves the toy car park up up Baby Alexander does like cars but I think he is too young for this toy oh what about this ball George nope up up up or maybe this cuddly teddy no George doesn't think any of these toys are right for Baby Alexander what about this noisy rattle no boom boom George only likes the toy carart H look at this George no oo for you what a perfect gift for Baby Alexander we'll take it please Miss Rabbit I wonder where daddy pig parked wee hello everyone everyone loves going toy shopping but Daddy and George really love the car [Music] park pretty cool he Peppa daddy we're getting shoes for George not you oh yes Today George is buying some new shoes hello Miss Rabbit we need some new shoes for George George's shoes are very old well you're in luck the shoe shop has lots of shoes we'll find George the perfect pair hooray first we need to measure your feet pop your foot in the measurer please Miss Rabbit is measuring George's feet to help him find shoes that are the right size your feet are very small that's because George is a baby no George is not a baby follow me oh we keep all our very small shoes over here which shoes do you like George shoes those are bowling shoes George loves to go bowling and he loves bowling shoes are you sure you want those shoes George shoes shoes those are tap dancing shoes ah they're very noisy George loves to make lots of noise maybe too noisy shoes they are clown shoes ah George loves clown shoes they're too big and George is very small shoes shoes George tries on lots of shoes tall ones little ones oh and even silly ones but none of them are quite right shoes D so they are slippers George they are not shoes shoes these are just like your old shoes shoes George would like new shoes that are just like his old shoes jolly good we'll take them please Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit you I'm under here George loves his new shoes and he loves the shoe shop everyone loves the shoe shop today Peppa and George are helping daddy pig tidy some old boxes what's this daddy Ah that's my trusty old camera pepper you press the button to take a picture cheese and it prints the photo out look I can see it can I have a go please say cheese cheese Now Peppa is taking photos with the [Music] camera this camera is really fun camera have fun but there isn't much photo paper left so use it wisely George loves taking lots of [Music] photos oh dear it's run out of photo paper oh but I love taking pictures H why don't we use my phone's camera instead it can even add filters to a photo Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend mustache come on George let's take more photos Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures the phone camera has given Mummy Pig a flowery filter say cheese oh and Grandpa Pig has a very fine hat [Music] Peppa George and daddy pig have come to the park to take even more photos ooh hello Mr and Mrs [Music] bird oh say cheese Mr B cheese what a funny photo daddy pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the Ducks say cheese everybody 1 2 3 cheese Peppa and George are sticking all the photos from the day into a scrapbook look at this one George he but some of the photos are blurry oh the photos don't have to be perfect they just have to remind you of a lovely day everyone loves taking photos and everyone has had a very lovely day [Music] dear there there today Peppa has found a video of when she was a baby I was a very loud baby wasn't I Daddy ho ho yes all babies are some times gosh that must have been when I was pregnant with George pregnant what does that mean that means he was still in my tummy oh I have an idea what are you doing Peppa look now there's a baby of my tummy too very good Peppa now what do people with babies in their tummies do H I used to get lots of funny Cravings which are when you really want to eat certain [Music] foods yum Peppa has decided she has a craving too I really want to eat oh spaghetti pepper F's Cravings are delicious ah ah that was very yummy what else happens when you have a baby in your tummy mommy well I'd get tired a lot so kind people would offer me their seat so I could sit down when I needed it h Hello Peppa I have a baby and my tmy and I'm very tired so you need to give me your chair please daddy gosh righto here you go and sometimes my feet would hurt so Daddy Pig would give me foot rubs Peppa likes the sound of foot rubs daddy my feet are hurting so I need to have a foot rub please oh well not a moment to lose oh a little dear and Daddy Pig's foot rubs are more like foot tickles oh there's one more thing that happened when Mummy Pig was pregnant what was it eventually a baby came Auntie Pig has brought Baby Alexander for a visit hi Baby Alexander I was pretending I had a baby in my tummy but now we could pretend that you're my baby [Applause] real babies are quite noisy actually so I think I'll keep my cushion instead [Music] oh
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 1,635,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids, flowers, sunflower, gardening, garden
Id: AXKmfVlLdjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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