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hey guys it's been a while since I've done one of these video so today we're looking at more weird creepy unusual and appropriate kids toys god I hate something like a reaction channel so what these are really weird and disturbing and it's like what is this they made a toy that does this oh wait no when it's about to clap it opens its mouth so it's basically like let I like it alright that's not so bad do you have problems playing with your poop well well well we have the toy free go looks like the real thing smells much better make your own - well I could just do that in the toilet and flush it and not play with it I never see it again this is for people who want to make poo like there's a mold than everything and they want to be able to play with it I mean seriously though maybe I would have thought this was like cool if I was a kid you know I think it's cool now don't judge me just like as a one type thing like I would like to play with it I would like to feel it maybe even smell it just they say it smells much better than real poo I don't know do kids actually have this problem where they play with their poop yeah okay they do they have this problem bunny popper so that's where bunnies come from the Easter Bunny just pops them out into balls and then they hatch and that's how bunnies are born that doesn't sound right but we'll just go with it okay so growing up we had these trolls then BDI little ugly [ __ ] you look deep into the eyes you see the pits of hell it can aim their soul wait do they even have souls I don't even think they have souls they don't have genitals I can tell you that our nipples but they have belly buttons I don't like them someone needs to take this [ __ ] into a lab and dissect it Wonder Woman she fought for women's rights and all she got was a pair of scissors made to her and when you're about to do this is a ring you spread her legs oh this is so awful okay honey we'll get you some Wonder Woman scissors I just can't see how anyone would think this would be a good idea Neuer spider Wonder Woman's legs I mean to be fair a lot of people would probably want to do that a unicorn no no that's that's not a horn I thought it was a horn I thought he just had some big bushy eyebrows but those I need my eyebrows growing out of his head and the balls are just too heavy and the balls hanging over his face I mean it does this will make him a unicorn or does it have to be a horn or just have could it be like anything growing out of his head or is this just the plain old horse that's the way they call him the Italian stallion this was unfortunate this is why they stopped making beanie babies after this accident so then their babies toys it's okay because it's for babies didn't they don't know they don't get it they don't know what it really means we got a Minnie Mouse she has donut like a hole she literally has a hole now we got Pooh Bear over here he's gonna put hay if you have both of these toys at once this is what you're gonna be doing it looks like it wouldn't fit in that hole that's what she said is that it's supposed to be Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse was supposed to be this and Minnie Mouse was supposed to be this I didn't think it worked with Pooh Bear and Minnie Mouse would that even work she's a mouse he's a bear can I get a pot of honey for my ballet over here we got a Mario oh and a Hello Kitty and what is inside just in case you were wondering it looks like they're both humans with human parts and bones and organs and Hello Kitty was a cat apparently not she's a damn human in a cat suit maybe it is a cat just with a very oddly shaped skull yeah I don't know what is Hello Kitty comment below let me know is she a human or a cat now you know what's inside oh so you know those pregnant dolls this is what it looks like inside what are those pregnant dolls Wow so the whole baby is just chilling in there just waiting to be popped dry it out except he doesn't pop right out you just literally pop the stomach cover out and take him out emergency c-section Barbie that baby look like his eyes about to turn into lasers and kill you daddy you release me from my slumber leave me and leave me be I like that in here baby grew up to be Chucky I don't know what this is do I want to know I don't like that cat with him I want to take that cat take it just take it away from him there's a [ __ ] look like you gonna eat it he better take a bite out of that tail if he gets too hungry I wanna know what happened to was eyebrows though ah is this it oh this is it the clown Pennywise that's his name Pennywise wow it's him oh he's wearing the same thing the same hair I mean you like lost all his baby fat here and it somehow went to his forehead and he he he gelled up his hair and everything but damn this is penny wise be careful you got ugly in middle school cuz she bout to kill you no really be careful what do we have here a totally tubby phone oh no no sorry I mean little animal telephone Teletubbies were actually little animals I still don't know what kind how you look so damn stone like this what happen after Teletubbies he had a little too much cocaine like they murdered all the Tillet up his brain in front of him another one of these weird baby things this is even a baby why I feel like somebody who has never ever seen a baby before made this toy of a baby why is it like a stuffed animal babies are not furry and babies are definitely not pink and they definitely don't look at you like that it looked like a ed Edd and Eddy y'all we could be him as a baby it's got the hair and everything tardy the mad pony he's so majestic man they look confused like why why are we still here just supper why are we just suffer I love a picture of him it's him about to jump off a cliff I didn't choose this life this life chose me please and my suffering I did myself Port Hardy the man Pony he didn't choose to live this miserable life and now he's about to end it all was one last name I can't this is the most depressing thing I've ever seen even if he wanted and he's made of durable plastic he could end even if he tried will have foot fetishes now they grew up with this rubber foot I don't know probably sucking on the toes of [ __ ] I feel like it was a doggy toy look give this to my dogs cuz my dogs like they love biting ankles and if you gave them this maybe they would stop biting my ankles it's a dirty dirty nasty looking baby that has numbers and keys like a piano you play the baby I hope that's it I hope you don't do anything else just oh hello creepy like this some [ __ ] you see in the corner of a room in a horror movie and you in the room alone in the dark I baby give you this lock maybe one bottle yeah yeah you see what my mom like this yeah you stick in it you stick that bottle of real good daddy's saddle where you can ride your daddy's you nasty thoughts is for kids is a saddle you put on your father daddy your favorite game horsey comes to life you turn your father into a real horse for hours of fun you get to ride your dad all right we got this Mickey Mouse microphone they try to make it look like Mickey Mouse but it ended up looking like Mickey Mouse's whoa his shoes look like his shoes duh like him standing off yeah does not come Lisa Frank backpack and it says anus for some reason okay so this was made in another country and they obviously had no idea what anus means in English so yeah I feel bad for the parents that ordered this and the kids gotta wear it to school here we have some day Mickey bag clips there Clips it Mick you've like boy Mickey bag clips yeah that's that's what we'll call them I don't know what this is it's a baby but it looks like a spider octopus crap thing shrimp I'll call it a shrimp a human shrimp a human crustacean babies were crustaceans oh it says Krabby is a baby crab I didn't know crab side human faces man how creepy would that be that was a creature on this world that actually looked like this I don't know what it is but you can't tell me somebody designed this toy and was like oh my god is so like hotcakes lay up in this this is an abomination throw it away abort it bubble game sword oh it's a bubble game sword it makes bubbles it's a sword yeah I don't think that's a sword but it is and you make bubbles out of it yeah $190 for a baby in a bottle baby in love bottle please don't break the glass he's got his bottles he's watching his favorite show but most importantly got $119 you're gonna be in there for a while kid nobody gonna pay $119 to set you free is the old man or is that baby yes what wrinkly baby it reminds me of one of those dogs those hello wrinkly ass dogs I didn't know babies come like that - it's like they tried to make it really realistic with all but yeah I know it didn't work out he looked ugly ain't nobody wants this baby or maybe parents will ugly kids will buy them this baby and be like oh you think you ugly look at this baby he hella ugly just make that kids feel better about themselves damn Barbie what happened what happened to you play nails do you think they look pretty please pretty easily pretty somebody cut your whole body off how are you still talking and you still worried about your nails absolutely good my lipstick is like oh good tell me I'm pretty what Snow White came back from the dead she killed all the door strength a life force they sacrifice themselves for her all right bad anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below which one was your favorite or the creepiest which one would you buy would you buy any of these let me know I make sure you did not like button the hey and subscribe doing the wolfpack why I love you guys so much things are watching bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,047,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, reacting, reaction, funny, kids, toys, kids toys, creepy, creepy toys, scary, toy, worst, creepy dolls, creepy toys thats shouldn't exist
Id: IXm7OWtgJdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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