People Who've Taken A Life, What Happened And Why? (r/AskReddit)

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if you check out my gaming channel and you don't laugh you get your money back guaranteed serious redditers who have taken a person's life whether accidentally or intentionally what were the circumstances and how has it affected you my best friend killed his neighbors neighbor's two-year-old daughter he was driving past her house towards his and she ran into the road after a cat he never returned in fact he just got removal men to empty the house for him and only saw the neighbor at the inquest he was cleared of blame the car was in perfect condition he was sober and only doing 12 miles per hour he never spoke to the parents it haunts him to this day because he knew the little girl so well he just can't bring himself to speak to them it was 18 years ago and we never ever bring it up a car accident it happened to be a little girl decided to run across the road without looking or stopping for a moment even though it was almost 10 years ago i am still haunted by this event and only her mother when everything is in sight saw it a man attacked my wife i killed him we divorced i became a drunk i still am but i am functional it happened 30 years ago but i still don't sleep well was raped in prison whilst on roman was driving to the mall one evening a car made a left turn crossing my lanes causing me to t-bone them teenage boy in their passenger seat and my girlfriend in my passenger seat both passed away this was almost 20 years ago i've since married and i have two sons and mostly i'm just numb it's not that i don't care about things but i don't experience true happiness all that much and just have an ambivalence i never had before that day i've moved in most ways but my emotional range has never really recovered [Music] for context on me at the time i held a black belt in judo and a purple belt in jujutsu i'm a big guy six feet one and at the time around 24 stone 336 pounds i was attacked by a group of men on my way home from the pub it was around two o'clock and they'd been following me for a while shouting abuse etc and eventually they started speeding up to catch up to me i'm not much of a runner so i turned to try and de-escalate things but the nearest one swang a massive full-body haymaker and i just did what i'd been trained to do right-handed seo inauge his neck broke when he hit the pavement his friends all ran and left him i walked off but walked back almost immediately i tried to wake him up not wanting to believe what had happened i called the police i was arrested and i thought my life was over but somehow the reviewing of cctv and a witness account of things showed me doing everything in my power to leave the situation only turning to physically defend myself at the last second naturally i got a lot of praise from a lot of people who saw one scared man defending himself against many and i got a lot of hate from others who i guess knew him claimed i'd murdered their precious boy who wouldn't hurt a fly honestly i sometimes think of who he was before was he a happy child did he do well at school was he loved what did he do for a living what were his children's names what caused him to take the course of action he did that night i don't regret defending myself and i never will i just wish it had never come to it i don't go out alone anymore it was 10 years ago next month and it still hits hard a 12-year-old boy rode his bike in front of my car and died it me up for a long time i definitely had ptsd i did a lot of drugs to compensate i didn't invest in having a good future because i didn't feel like i deserved one i still don't but now i have a family and they deserve a good future so i make an effort when my kid got to 12 i thought about it a lot she's 14 now i know the accident wasn't my fault but it still feels like it was i already had some depression before that happened and after it's been a regular battle there are days where just getting out of bed is a major victory over time the guilt and depression have lessened and i have tools to deal with them but it's still something that haunts me this may or may not make you feel better but a car hit me while i was riding my bicycle when i was exactly that age it was a foggy rainy night and i had ridden through a stop sign without looking it messed me up pretty bad breaking my femur and pelvis and lacerating my femoral artery if i hadn't been within two miles of a hospital i'd have died the point is i never blamed that driver i knew that i was in the wrong and that the last thing he wanted to do that night was hit a kid he came to see me in the hospital and i told him in no uncertain terms that he wasn't to blame i think it made him feel better just know that you can't blame yourself for something you truly couldn't help i know that's easier said than done but keep at it don't let that single moment destroy two lives i promise you that's not what that kid would have wanted my homeless man jumped out from some parked cars and i hit him it was raining and at night and the blood mixed with the water made it looks like a literal blood bath i could smell the mix of booze and blood in the air i had a hard time the first couple of days then thought i was good went back to work but had zero motivation zero energy zero emotions i was just a shell of a person i had a mental breakdown at the office they had to call my parents i was almost thirty i began doing extreme things to get emotions back sabotaging my job vandalizing property at night things like that anything to get some feelings back i knew it wasn't my fault that the dude was drunk and jumped out in front of the car and i couldn't have really done anything different but as others have said if i hadn't been there this wouldn't have happened it's a weird process to go through i should have gone to therapy much much sooner eventually after a couple of years it kind of just went to the back of my head forgotten but whenever some other crisis happened in my life it would be compounded by this i lost a good job some friends eventually compounded with other problems i didn't deal with i lost my wife i finally decided to get help and while i know there's a lot of work to still be done i feel like i'm finally getting somewhere with dealing with this and other issues nobody wants to be on the hook for taking someone else's life but if it does happen make sure you seek professional help don't let one life being taken away cause your own life to be taken too i wasn't the one that killed the person but i was there and i saw it all i was riding in my friend's car and we were on the way to the store it was hailing so we were trying to get some cover and wait it out unfortunately our car got hit on the roof and went through our car ceiling my friend served off the road and we crashed i was out for a second but i woke up quickly and saw the massacre somebody had pulled me out of the car and i got a view of everything our white car looked like it was an unfinished paint job with blood covering most of the front turned out we hit three people who were taking cover in a ditch a lady and her two brothers also in the incident my friend's neck was snapped by the force and he died too i only suffered a broken leg and wrist and i'm haunted to this day that i had to see that i always send messages to the family of the victims and i end up crying when talking to them that's my story i was 19 first apartment i had been moved in a few days and my roommates had gone out of town for the weekend i had just bought a shotgun at a pawn shop because the neighborhood was pretty rough i wake up around 2 30 am to the front door being kicked in i jumped up grabbed the gun and looked down the hall i see a guy walk into the living room my room was straight to the back from the door i yelled to get the hell out because i had a gun he turned raised a pistol i just started shooting as fast as i could pump it fired five rounds and hit him with two or three before he got out the door and took off neighbour heard the shots and called 9-1-1 police followed the blood trail into a backyard about a block away he died on the way to the hospital apparently was high as hell on meth when he broke in it bothered me for a long time but at the end of the day in my eyes it was him or me hope to never be in a situation like that again i have the opposite i regret trying to save a life i'm a nurse and i had a patient who was way into her late 80s had multiple issues had very advanced cancer with mets she was very weak and had advanced dementia couldn't even tell me her name very debilitated and underweight well her family was very conflicted in making her a dnr half her family wanted it the other didn't want any more measures taken unfortunately the daughter with the medical power of attorney was the one wanting everything done it was late in my shift i was working a night shift so daughter was asleep on the couch i had noticed the patient was declining in status very rapidly this poor frail 40 kilograms women should have went peacefully for a split second i told myself to pretend i didn't notice the decline and let her pass in her sleep instead i panicked and began cpr daughter woke up and insisted we do everything i was doing compressions with one hand could hear the snaps and crunch of her ribs her mouth was foaming blood as we intubated her her eyes bloodshot staring blankly at the ceiling her face she white and cold yet we continued to assault this poor soul because we were legally obligated to do so she later passed the next day we had prolonged her suffering by a day forced her under the agony of a ventilator her death haunts me i regret not letting her pass with dignity probably not the answer you're looking for but my mom and twin sister died when i was born my sister was going to struggle they knew that she might not make it but my mom started bleeding and they couldn't stop it my oldest brother said my dad was different before i know my dad loves me but there's always this weird feeling between us [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you
Channel: Reddit Master
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Id: JG5yiXL8_Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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