People Who Got CALLED OUT On the Internet

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hello friends day 43 I'm still sick sucks to suck anyways today's video we're gonna be checking out some people who got called out the first one is Bow Wow y'all remember bow out right the last I remember from Bow Wow he got called out lyin about his private jet so if he posted this picture on his Instagram travel day NYC press run here's the private jet and then somebody actually took a picture of him on a regular airplane this don't even look like first-class so this guy little Bow Wow I was on my flight to New York but on Instagram he was the picture of a private jet captured traveling to New York today shaking my head damn okay you know it could have been somebody else's private jet I just saw it and I took a picture okay that's the last I've heard from him but now he let his daughter go on Instagram live for him and she's spilling all that tea I'm not gonna spill mine she's bonus I'll have to I'm dad this guy said or girls that bow or check your damn I sent you my son dad will you hide it in your DMS I wonder that ain't it oh I don't feel like dancing right now I'm tired and it might throw her - I didn't brush my teeth my hair's not cold so you know no dance fight today okay come we're talking about how cute she is like I need Bush my hair my throat hurt I don't feel like it today I mean all these struggles she was like five years old she's got all these struggles you know sometimes I wake up and try to get out of bed and it's very difficult for me and I'm like how do people do it in the olden days like if I'm feeling like this when I'm 20-some what about when I'm 40 some fifty son will I even be able to get up out of bed how did grandma do it dad he said tell you daddy feast day you know State Police think they don't just stick they stank with an a she gonna call you out and find everybody y'all feet stink they said it I could confirm it he's just looking at her like what oh yeah cuz you're getting on the shower yesterday before I can't have got you you should just see Danny take a shower - yes take a shower everyday which is not love we should do a movie together oh oh no no no no no not with his thank you ass feet I love it so wholesome I got like five year-olds acted like teenagers now they really do grow up so fast you make such a mess and Kiki in hemas house you put the juice on the table at the help tell you put the crust on the floor who are you oh no no no she calling him out putting all of Daddy's dirty laundry on the floor he's one of those hooligans like go finish the pizza take the crust put it on the floor cuz he in a hotel just because you in a hotel doesn't mean you can act like an animal okay yeah I'm one the time but you see all right go on a hotel and I'm saving for a couple of days I don't order room service every day I went to I leave and then they could do it so like for four days they could clean that mess but doesn't mean I pop out like you know buy food on the ground I'll leave towels at the ground okay okay y'all calling me out for this one I can't show this even though it's alright brah Jimmy over here car top buddy snapchatted him take it a picture of the goods the best part the only reason he came to the museum was to see his itty-bitty dad to take a photo of it you know he wanted close-up for his personal collection how to hit up a girl girl why are you sad what's wrong but her name is sad yes my name is Saddam Saddam is a name it's not sad AF you really fired a was sad am I mean go you could be sad AF I'll never know until you let me in and get to know ya if each New York City Taxi carried ten people and every patron agreed to ride share the city wouldn't need eighty-five percent of its taxi fleet oh my god hello this is called the bus bet over fact out here trying to be all smart like you know if there was some sort of vehicle that could carry ten passengers at a time we wouldn't need so many taxis but y'all got so many buses where's the problem uber facts try me smart but it's not aware of the existence of a bus my little brother just dragged the F out of me face masks make me ten times hotter I heard little brother was like head times zero is still zero oh and they got you good also can we talk about Shi snapchat face masks make me ten times hotter got all I'm seeing as a cheek to chin also face masks you making pretty cute unless is one of these I'm literally having KFC why my mom arranged it like she Gordon Ramsay that's so cute though she's trying to be fancy okay you got a respect her you know put the fries and a cup you know I gotta arrange it she gotten ready for culinary school she just gotta learn how to cook first shortest month and you select me this will not be forgotten only 28 days let's put the shortest character yeah I feel personally attack someone's gotta have done that on purpose like mmm I know just the person to poop for February yes don't worry nobody's gonna notice that me I wanna see you go on my Instagram this is me my bomb actually does this she's like when I miss you i watch your videos I'm like oh you want to see me come see me anytime I will literally see you whenever you want to see me but she always like it's not enough and then got our binge watch my videos my mom if you watching this I just have a fried chicken yummy Mia was good so this dude photoshopped himself with Avril Lavigne you know before she died rest in peace and maybe it's her and pasta this picture confuses me cute pic that your new girlfriend hull looks Photoshop and that looks like a bro Lavigne you know it's so obvious look at the cutout on his head and everything he edited himself in the picture and this is what he had to say no Photoshop and yes it is met her through a friend of a friend when I was playing in bands in Phoenix that was taken in an outdoor patio a Phoenix night spot that she rents it out my friend got me in me and nine of her friends after many glasses of chardonnay and cigarettes she smokes a lot I had my guitar in the car and asked if I could get it so if she could sing my favorite song of hers when you're gone she was more than happy to oblige best three and a half minutes of my life so I photoshopped this pic together and we started dating and now she's my wife raaah let me tell you if you ask it's bigger to like sing a song of theirs to you they're not gonna do it they're not they're just not going to do it I don't know which is worse the Photoshop or the story like this whole story is just pulled out of his ass so this guy posted this picture of him in this girl he was like dang that's my girl heart eyes and she got posed the same picture I'd be like a best friend for life that's him oh yeah you're like hold on like you've really thought Wow technical difficulties I almost just threw up meet the grand mum and daughter who claim they get mistaken for sisters who's mistaken of Stevie Wonder bro is that the grandma or the great-grandma bro look at her she's dead acid like a grandma that's a mom and that's the daughter in a rocket science I mean the mom and the daughter might get like mistaken for sisters in this picture specifically but that's definitely a grandma just because you're wearing a black dress and your daughter and your granddaughter happened to be wearing a black dress doesn't mean y'all look exactly the same I mean it's a black dress I have seen it all the that went to prom in an ambulance and acted like she came to life after her date kissed her I am done with this generation I hope my tax dollars ain't paying for that that looks like a real ambulance like did this girl just like fake passing out to like go to prom like this thank you that just make you look stupid go and cop the attitude when I ask for a picture because I thought she was jay-z tell me that look like jay-z though yeah that's jay-z now ask how many problems she got do you like what that's not you must be a khalifa i can't explain i got explain kills play what i google the picture and I sent it to you and I thought you would think that I was musically fun I guess I never miss huh so this girl's looking like budget misty from Pokemon pregnant no but I wish Oh bless ya just the way the photo has been taken and your fella holding your belly like that it's like a pregnant photo people do loll I know but I'm not pregnant Oh bless maybe soon Congrats babe best of luck doesn't look like long oh sorry babe hmm yeah people only take these pictures with that pregnant otherwise what's the point get you a man like this who appreciate your belly also this is what happens when you try to cut your own bangs hints don't do it cooking at its Bass putt toast in a toaster and now the toaster is our fire congratulations I love that you've taken a photo rather than putting it out straight away if you feel like that's as generations first instinct is to take a photo like something horrible happens you get into a car accident yes set on fire take a picture make sure your friend takes a picture before you fix the problem okay you gotta have proof you got to get those likes if you're still alive today this old man came into my work asking if I could help him activate this phone he found hole up is that a ti-84 oh my god let's do a savage like a bunch of fighting a phone but this case a calculator and just taking it to like AT&T like could you activate this for me on my account like it's mine now Finders Keepers poor guy why is there Kyle on the bus probably because I can't freaking Drive Karen I like how she just took that picture while she was sitting next to the coyote and it was like why is there a coyote on the bus like asking the important questions here how many likes could I get for being the most awesome person ever this dude guy he ain't like wow that is gonna be like contrary to popular belief my head is not up my own ass thanks for the likes kids but I was hacked PS somebody severed it likes it's kind of impressive this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen when people pretend their account was hacked then post a status about themselves please stop F man there are some clingy ass girls in this world like damn then not one not two three female hosted their GM's with this dude why he just spammed them hey hey hey none of them replied Oh No delete your account pack your bags and any dignity you have left and leave the Internet this is so sad it's the girls who are clingy huh yesterday I learned my mom has no idea what our dog looks like it's Dewey huh oh no I'm at Guitar Center okay I saw a picture on Facebook that said these two dogs are picked up by the warden and Grafton and it looked like him what do you think that's not do we do each face is brown okay just checking that looks nothing like their dog there's a dog missing it could be my dog it's my god home I don't know what we both fall asleep so the bed bugs taking pics hot twists when y'all ain't asleep but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we should like that like button the comment below a random number and I will give you a random heart and make sure you subscribe here the wolf pack we just hit 14 million I love you guys so much thanks rachac bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 6,101,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, people, lying, caught lying, social media, people caught lying, people lying, people who got called out, internet, caught
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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