People Share The Most Satisfying Times They Caught Someone Lying (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most satisfying time you've caught someone in a lie one time my family's company was throwing a company Christmas party at an upscale restaurant in New York City we were in a private room upstairs but it wasn't like there was security or anything like that so anyone could and eventually did come upstairs to much anyway I'm there with several members of my family having a good time enjoying some food and drinks and getting to know people in the company I'm sitting at a table with several employees I had just met and two of my cousins who worked with him when two guys come up to our table and introduce themselves they were professionally dressed were quite friendly they start asking people what they do flirting with several of the girls at the table and trying to act pretty Alfa they ask me what I did which was graphic design at the time and kind of laughed at my career choice so being a few drinks in I asked what they do at the company and they say that their family owns the business I take a long look at the two of them take a sip off my drink and say oh really I must have missed you at the last family reunion by the way I'm Theodore company's name nice to meet you the look on their faces was priceless they put down their drinks and just walked out my boyfriend used to work third shift at a popular gas station on the East Coast he worked with one of those notoriously terrible co-workers that calls in all the time with tons of excuses well one night she called out saying that she was sick that she was vomiting and feverish couldn't come in sorry the only person available to work her shift was the district manager who happened to be in the area for a meeting district manager comes in and works cashier with my boyfriend around 3:00 a.m. who should walk in but the called out co-worker wasted beyond belief she bought two rolls of Thompson date one while waiting in line waiting in line for the district manager to ring her up and fire her on the spot TLE our co-worker fakes being sick only to return to place of employment wasted and find her boss waiting on her this isn't someone else but a lie I told when I was a kid I played hooky from school once and I call them to tell them I was sick I pretended to be my father and used my best impression of him and it worked I had duped the school secretary so anyway I spent that whole day in town just messing around with some friends who left school during study halls and I went to get some ice cream while I was eating my ice cream when I got a call from one of my classmates I place my cone in my shirt pocket which was secure enough to carry and picked up she sounded a bit worried she told me that my uncle had recently come back from military duty for two years in Afghanistan and that he had showed up during my English class to surprise me he had gotten the news that I was sick so he had left to visit the house I panicked and ran to get on my bike forgetting that my ice cream was still in my shirt pocket if he had just left I could meet him at my house before he got there I pedaled my hardest going faster on my bike than ever before I rounded the last block and was almost home-free when I saw him walk out of the house disappointedly I thought maybe I could fit my way out of this situation so as I approached I was prepared to tell him I was out getting orange juice but who steps out of the house but my mother and father both ready to surprise their sixth son and wondering how he managed to get melted ice cream all over his nice collared shirt on a school day we used to know this girl who compulsively lied about the littlest things so we always wondered if she was lying about other things mainly we wondered if she was lying about having epilepsy well she faked her fit in front of a group of us once at a party she started pretending to shake fell to the floor and so on she then stopped confirmed that people were looking and paying attention and then continued we told her to stop and that she was obviously faking she left I once had a graphic designer apply for a post using my artwork in his portfolio asked him all about the work and the thinking behind the designs before I showed him the originals and the door when I was in college I had just gotten to new front ours from my car a week later my back tire was punctured by now so I went to the local tire shop to have it replaced later that day they gave me a call tire shop the estimate to fix the puncture is X would you like us to repair it me yes please it was a reasonable price tire shop also I noticed that the treads on your front tires look dangerously low me my two front tires tire shop yes they are at two thirty seconds of an inch low this is legally worn down and they should be replaced I can do it today for X dollars me so you are telling me that my two front tires are dangerously worn down tire shop yes me my brand new tires that I bought last week tire shop Oh me forget fixing the puncture I'll be buying a minute to pick up my car my 13 year old daughter and away from her mother's home and appeared at my doorstep with a bruise on her face she informed me her mother had backhanded her and bounced her face off the refrigerator door handle a year later while in court to gain sole custody of my daughter and representing myself the court justice asked what is this abuse about I told him of how my daughter showed up with bruises on her face my ex stood up and shouted that she would never do such a thing to her child I couldn't as a mother ever strike my child knowing my xscape ass up an opportunity to correct me I told the justice when my daughter showed up she informed me that her mom had backhanded her and bounced her face off the liquor cabinet without missing a beat my ex said it wasn't the liquor cabinet it was the refrigerator sweet justice I once knew a girl who claimed to have brain cancer she was always using it to get sympathy from others and her boyfriend and free things while at the same time drinking and doing drugs she would go to a party do lines of cocaine and drink all night and the next day complain on Facebook that hakima was making her really sick that day she would always use the chemo excuse to mooch pot off of people as well basically whenever she wanted a free bar tab or to get out of something her boyfriend wanted to do brain cancer was her excuse so one night I am at a Halloween party and she is there using her fake brain cancer to get sympathy slash free things from guys she is sitting in the corner smoking weed crying about how hard it is to have this kind of cancer and how much the bast radiation makes her sick and how each day is a struggle anyway she gets up to walk to the bathroom and in her high drunken state trips and falls immediately a bunch of guys and her boyfriend rushed to her aid sorry a side effect of the radiation is loss of balance this was the last straw for me I rushed over to her side and told her to stay on the ground I have first responder training you've just fallen and your brain is in a very delicate state right now due to the blast radiation do I have your permission to help you yes please help me I feel funny she lies loving the attention she is getting from the entire party I point to her boyfriend call 9-1-1 we need an ambulance here now explain to them that she is undergoing blast radiation for brain cancer she has taken a hard fall and could have suffered a head injury at this point she starts to panic why are you calling 911 to do that here let me call my personal doctor instead don't call 9-1-1 i calmly tell her boyfriend and the group of bystanders our mutual friends that she really should go to the ER of course he insists long story short the paramedics show up we tell them what's going on and they take her to the hospital in the ambulance we all get rides to the hospital and because we are such a large group are asked to sit in the waiting room when the nurse finally comes out to the waiting room after her nr to let us know that she's fine her boyfriend mentions the brain cancer the nurse of course is completely confused by this question the boyfriend prods for more info from the nurse and basically finds out in front of the entire group that she does not have brain cancer everyone want the duck and leaves including her boyfriend TLE our girl pretends to have brain cancer ends up with huge medical bill Lube Takata Jiffy Lube tried to convince me that I needed a radiator service on a car that didn't have a radiator he even showed me a pH strip to prove that the fluid had gone acidic I told him if he could show me the radiator cheerfully pay for the service he's faced when he opened my car's trunk where most cars keep their hoods was pretty priceless I changed my own air filter and went to a Jiffy Lube to get an oil change because convenience the guy came back with Maya filter and claimed that it needed to be changed he had put pebbles grass and dirt in it and told me it was dirty I think he went out back and sprinkled whatever he found out there on it I showed the manager the receipt and opened air filter package that was still on the front passenger seat of my car I spent the rest of the oil change standing next to my car and watched them take another air filter out of the package and replace the dirty one I did not pay for the air filter or the oil change I do IT for a construction firm we were rolling out 78 iPhones in one day to a bunch of our superintendents and corporate people everybody had to sign up in advance for a 15 minute time slot and I mean sign up like weeks beforehand after the deadline two weeks before the rollout day we cut off the signups and ordered one phone per person that signed up the phones were set up so that they'd already be attached to that person's name number etc the signup sheet was just a document with write-only permissions nobody could remove or change anybody else's name they could only add their own on the day of the rollout we have one of our higher-ups that's a little pretentious walk into the room where we are doing the deployment there are lines and lines of people he strolls in claps his hands together and says all right who's got my iPhone well we don't have one for you you didn't sign up we ordered exactly enough it's only 10 a.m. and we're already behind and there are lines of people who signed up that are waiting to get theirs no I definitely signed up I have it right here in my calendar this is the event that got also added to my calendar look literally every person in that room knew that there was no automatically added calendar event because the signup only consisted of you writing your name on a page sorry the invitations didn't work like that you made that event yourself he started fuming turned red began several sentences then gave up turned on his heel and walked straight back out that door our non corporate superintendents and all the other field people really appreciated us that day don't act like you're important if you can't even follow the simple instructions we send you people come on oh man there was a mechanic in my hometown one of my friends goes in and gets something done the mechanic says he needs new radiator hoses so this kid pays for new hoses a few months later his mom takes the car back in for an oil change and guess what the same mechanic says she needs new radiator hoses she tells her husband and her husband drops by this is where it gets good husband you said I needed new radiator hoses right mechanic yeah husband how long are those supposed to last mechanic a few years then they get rigid and run the risk of leaking husband I got my radiator hoses changed out a few months ago would you sign an affidavit saying that the last mechanic to work on my car charged me for work he didn't do mechanic sure the husband then used the affidavit to sue the mechanic for three times the cost of the work standard in Texas and split it with his son edit for those who are confused there is only one mechanic in this story the paper he signed was testimony against himself [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 1,038,436
Rating: 4.9179902 out of 5
Keywords: r/ askreddit, r/ ask reddit, r/ask reddit, best posts and comments, askreddit stories, reddit stories
Id: Z6gdUqHbZVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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