Penn & Teller, Anca & Lucca REVEAL their method - Fool Us Season 6, Episode 9 - Full Performance HD

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let's take a look at tonight's first act we are married couple from Vienna Austria together we perform the mind-reading revolution I did not know magic exists before I met Luka when I saw her the first time I couldn't read him and read my own thoughts let alone her so our first date Luka showed me a magic trick I wanted to prepare her because as a wife of magician I would be your wife well I was impressed with so we are now two times Austrian champions twice twice world champions we're trying to be the first Fuller's who reveal our method in advance and hope that it will fool them nevertheless [Music] [Applause] concentrate on this next out Mentalist duo unka and Luca we want to show you tonight our mind-reading revolution and in a fullest first we are going to reveal our methods even before we start pen I know you understand if you tell teller first because he has a quality that I'm striving for which is talking as little as possible teller will you please join us on stage [Applause] what a pleasure to finally meet you in the meantime let me tell you about our 1 million dollar promise we don't use any pre-arrangements or secret assistance and no hidden electronic device and our secret lies not in these blackened swimming goggles either can you please check them if you want absolute darkness this is what you want to go for Thank You Now Talent now that you know our most treasured secret would you tell everybody else thank you tell her I want to guess an object but I would like to revolutionize the choice from the usual 2030 objects to one of a thousand just imagine any object anyone could have brought with them today take your pen write down the name of the object on the board [Music] and teller in your mind [Music] now cover it with your hands yes good thanks alright and try to bring it here on this stage imagine the last time you've seen it your thoughts make me think of wanting to eat something is it a kumquat [Applause] okay now tenor I want you to create a random 12 digit number on the board [Music] and faster [Music] wonderful huh now look at the numbers the first figures seven thanks yes but read the remaining positions to one eight four five six six six eight two and one [Applause] I want you to think of a person we cannot know but whose birthday to you now I wanna guess their star sign their zodiac but this time we won't show the audience please take your pen start writing and tell her in your mind darling please look at the zodiac sign think of this person's character a Libra or a Scorpio yes it's caught between the two signs towards the end of October I'd say on the 21st on the 22nd of October 1956 if I'm correct please raise your hand but wait a second can you please think of this person's name I want to try something else fine yes okay come close to me and give me your hand [Music] Tim were you thinking of Tim thank you very much thank you very much hello my greeting must be very difficult well if I have to read his mind it's easy for me right cuz you guys know each other but it's not mind-reading that's marriage and so when you met were you both magicians no no I had a completely different life I changed my life 180 degrees for and because of Luca he has been a magician for over 20 years and I used to be a business Kassadin initial analysis yeah Wow so you really turned her world upside down she did mine suey yeah yeah we have two little boys now and they together they're working on turning our world upside down everyday and it seems like you told tell her how you did the trick exactly exactly so teller knows and now Penn knows and the only question is does it feel for them as impossible as it sometimes feels for us when we watch our performances afterwards that they feel amazed and even fooled maybe a little bit despite of knowing how the method works oh hey look tell us got your goggles on guys well we're raw we're working on it you know Wow great act just so classy so nice so uh so pleasant you know we got to tell you the sign to get up there no electronics no hidden assistance never that some tricky bastards might put that sign up and then use those things you know some tricky bastards might tell tell they're one method and do it by a different method you didn't do that either what you did was a wonderful wonderful act but you have to remember you're at a real disadvantage because you're doing this in front of two people who have done stuff like this for over 40 years so you I took a really big chance that was really really interesting to tell teller ahead of time but I'm gonna try to do a little bit of mentalism myself and as you know teller cannot see he cannot see at all and I want to tell you right now mentally I'm sending this to you tell her did they fool us I don't think you did there's a great act thank you so much [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Anca & Lucca The Mind-Reading Revolution
Views: 48,636
Rating: 4.7513323 out of 5
Keywords: magic, mentalism, fool us, penn & teller, mental magic, mind-reading, mind-reader, illusionist, the mind-reading revolution, Anca & Lucca
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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