Vitaly Beckman: Penn & Teller Fool US First Appearance

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let's meet our first potential fooler i'm vitaly Backman I'm an illusionist I was born in the Soviet Union everybody was admiring culture and art and I always looked at magic as an art form magic is very old they say that in the pyramids there are paintings of somebody's doing the cups and balls I used to paint as a kid my act is about bringing art to life sometimes I'm being inspired from nature like leaves falling off a tree as simple as that I think that not only that magic can be art I think that art is magic ladies and gentlemen please welcome Vitali Beckman thank you my name is Vitaly and although that name sounds Italian I was actually born in Soviet Union and since they speak English but talk Russian I sound like Borat and I look like Seinfeld but hey speaking of celebrities um Allison would you help me out Allison thank you very much Allison we haven't pre-arranged anything right no good because I've got here a deck of playing cards oh let's get a hold onto the box for me thank you and they're all different and you know how a lot of times a magician would have you select the card usually like so right yes we're gonna try something different I'll ask you to look at me stands facing the audience this way I'm gonna hold the cards like this okay now you're going to say stop any time as I'm gonna go through the cards one by one okay now remember they're all different so I don't care which one you stop yet stop right here yes or do you want me to go a few more it's up to you hello right here yes okay could you remember this card yes you remember it yes okay don't forget it because I'm gonna lose it in the deck so make sure you do not forget it I'll take the box back okay we're gonna place it in the box and I'll ask you to hold on to it like this okay okay okay now you know since I was a kid I was trying to guess people's playing cards before I even got into magic and I've got a picture to show you when it's about three four years old with a playing card in my hands now wouldn't it be amazing if that card would be the one you're thinking of now yeah right well here's my family photo album and here is me as a kid I was very small in Russia cards are very big listen yeah is that you look the support is that the card no but you're really cute huh so it's not that no but you serious it's not the cards you know I wasn't into magic I was very small but when I was eight years old my parents they bought me a magic set and I did my first card trick is that the one oh still no but very cute so you like my cuteness but it's not the card right okay but you know what um I got better a few years later I I became bigger too I started to travel Here I am in Paris Oh Jack of Clubs Alison no no I've got a lot more photographs here TJ yeah I traveled to 52 places great get comfortable we have time right Alison okay for the first time what card you're thinking of Telus eight of clubs eight of clubs okay since I got better with the years I'm gonna show you a recent photo you see on my way to the show I stopped over in London and I took a picture for all of you here tonight it's the last photo here of me in London with the eight of clubs oh there was a lot of traffic right do you see me Alison no IDs daughter I don't and the card you don't see eight of clubs no no of Alison let's have a look at it a little closer okay did you hear that I heard that listen one words on ilysm thank you actually you know Allison let me take this out for you I want you to see this up close so have a look Allison is this irregular photograph yes yes yes that is so cool you can keep this as a souvenir began to Allison everybody so incredible um and you came up with that yourself yes I actually invent all of the illusions that I do in my shows and this one I developed about six seven years ago and I actually do a lot of different things with photographs so that was just one I make people disappear from their photograph appear in another picture in one show I had people bring their home photographs to the show and I removed them from their own photographs that could be very useful when you you know have a great photo of you and your friends and like an ex-boyfriend and you're like oh I wish you weren't in the photo just magically disappear in I could do you think you have a shot at fooling them what to be honest I don't know all right but let's check in with Penn & Teller and see if you did fool them all right boys ah vitaly it's so good so good to see an act that has animation in it animation where things move and you see them and then it's not an iPad it's not a screen there's something so magical you know 30 years ago if you did a trick and had a flat screen where something moved that'd be the most magical thing you could have seen now in the 21st century the most magical thing you can do is pull out a good old printed picture and show that to people is a miracle I want to appraise you on that and I want to also weird you Savior from how are you born in Russia and how much you know about baseball not much well you know that there's nine early spit but yeah they spit they spit and they throw a ball I'll spit on you I know that there's not just one out there's not just two out but there's multiple outs you know that about baseball right I think you're trying to give me a code with multiple outs yeah and that's not true it's not true no there's no multiple oh no oh boy one way I can go yes and there's no limited in there could she really pick any one of 52 cards well she did you have a free choice so I want to say if we can't welcome you by saying baseball has multiple outs we can welcome you to America by saying you fool pennant Ellie teller have been fooled let's see if it can happen again when we come back
Channel: Vitaly Beckman
Views: 254,091
Rating: 4.8939028 out of 5
Keywords: fool us, Penn & teller, Vitaly Beckman, vitaly magician, vancouver magic, evening of wonders, magic show, illusionist, magician, Penn & Teller Fool Us, Vitaly Fool Us, fool us vitaly beckman, vitaly, beckman, magic, magic tricks, teller, Vitaly, fooled penn & Teller, Vitaly Bekman, vitali beckman, vitaly beckham, illusion, fool us season 3, fool us season
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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