Can quantum physics fool them? - Till Haunschild on Penn & Teller: Fool Us

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back we showcase magicians from all over the world look where we found this next guy being born in the same town as albert einstein definitely had an impact on me it inspired me to become a physicist against the will of my father because he is a professional magician my father definitely wanted me to follow in his footsteps he actually said to me son i thought you wanted to do something real with your life not science the truth is magic and science are not that different today i use magic to teach people about innovation and problem solving and i'm working on a few science books for children including one called the science of magic pen and teller tonight i will teach you a lesson in science and to please my father i will use magic to do so with two randomly selected members of our studio audience here's the inventive till houshin hi please look at these cards check them out okay just look at them go through them shuffle and give them a mix or two i'm here tonight to show you a magical scientific phenomenon called quantum entanglement now quantum entanglement works like this if you have one elemental particle and you use a laser to split it into two those two particles still behave as if they were one particle no matter how far they are apart if you do something to one it automatically happens to the other now if you think that sounds impossible you are not alone even einstein thought it wasn't real calling it spooky action at a distance but he was wrong and i will prove it now every great experiment starts with an empty box which one do you like red red yep here you go now i want you to take the top card don't show it to anyone but fold it up twice and put it in the box okay yes take the card i don't look fold it up twice and put it in a box yes and then please close the box great now we need to create an entangled second deck all we need is of course the shuffled cards they go like here and a powerful laser and some raw material now watch and now we have created a second entangled deck now remember everything that happens here or has happened will automatically happen to this deck now please give those cards another cut just like this and complete yes and complete the cut now let's check which card you cut to it's the five of hearts now in theory that should mean that here is also five hearts yes but this could be a coincidence and i'm a scientist so we need to test more this time can you cut the cards yes and even you can an another cut so mixing them up really good now this time i want you to take the top card don't look at it okay yeah just take the top card and we put it face down in this face up deck now just in the middle somewhere yes now to find out which card you turned over in this deck we can of course look here or let's check and there is already one card face up here and when we check here yes it's of course the same now i wonder is it magic or science wait in the beginning you chose one card yes yes and we put it in this box with quantum entanglement that means if you have a second box there must be a identical card materialized in this box can you take the boxes please open them and drop the cards in my hands [Music] now you chose the two of spades now if this is also the two of spades that means that einstein was wrong and we have proof of quantum entanglement and i will definitely win the nobel prize and maybe maybe even the fullest trophy [Applause] nice to meet you wow is your dad happy you kind of got back into magic yeah yeah and you have sons yes i have twin identical twin uh boys oh you can have a lot of fun with that yeah but it's tricky to raise children with magic because every time they they are looking for something they point to their ear because for them their father always pulled stuff from their ears so that was the normal story my pencils gotta be here somewhere so they're always running around ball so what's the similarity between science and magic the only difference is that in the end as a scientist or an entrepreneur you get paid for the secret and as a magician you get paid to keep the secret that's a good difference yes all right let's see if penn and teller have figured out the theory behind your trick ah till once you're doing a magic trick and you mention einstein spooky action a distance i just love you i just love that and uh when you first came out and we knew you were a scientist we thought we could take a breather wouldn't have to worry about it but you kept us on our toes for the whole thing i mean i'm not a scientist certainly but i love reading about multiple universes and multiple dimensions and multiple outs and how all different things can happen at different times to make that spooky action distance happen we loved it all the way through we loved your laser my voice is cracking with emotion over how much i love this act with all that we said there we do think sincerely there's a good chance you win the nobel prize but we do not think you're going to win the fullest trophy maybe next time maybe next time all right thank you we're taking a quick timeout we'll get our next magician into the game when fullest returns
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Views: 187,743
Rating: 4.8771172 out of 5
Id: WxB0HqHdowM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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