"Hydro Dipping" is MIND BLOWING!!

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in this video i play with hydro dipping to see how it's done and if it really is as simple and as cool as it looks this video is sponsored by blackmagic design check out davinci resolve for free links in the description more on them later in the video hello everyone i'm jazza and we're going to try hydro dipping today this has been on the list for a while gareth has requested this for a long time for so long we finally got here everything we looked up as far as like what we need is just like water spray paint a primer slash color so it like grabs like it's a good base coat and then you just dip stuff we're going to do a couple without instructions what's this orange let's dip something with a bit of orange let's keep it simple we'll start small red i mean look at that look at the way it sort of spreads into the paint and patterns that's kind of cool we have a bunch of things we're going to dip and what better to dip than a candle i'm just going to go whoa and go and go whoop that's sort of it's sort of it sort of worked ish did i anyway there's my first step check it out [Music] how does one clean the surface of the water between dips do you just like wipe it like like it's a table top i guess so i guess you do i'm hydro dipping paper towel custom paper towel [Music] let's do another double let's muck around let's go blue now if everything we've looked up rust-oleum apparently is the the best sort of paint as far as adhering in the dip [Music] it's going for some cool splotchy patterns i mean look at even even that's pretty cool i think this one might turn out cool you ready [Music] that's pretty cool it's pretty cool i gotta get better at it i gotta i gotta learn a thing or two but hey i think that's cooler than what it was before [Music] all right off to a good start but i'm jumping in a little too blind so let's look at some work people who actually know what they're doing so you get the it's tricky because the pattern sort of moves as you spray down that sort of pushes the pattern away but then they must let it rest so it sort of centers i mean that's cool that is such a clean result they they're being much more slow and careful than i was well that is such a like a clean flat coverage and then moving forward into the pattern oh my god all right go on what look at that so cool now that won't have been with aerosol that would have been printed and dipped onto the print but still like very cool i want to feel confident that i know what i'm doing before i start getting experimental so let's do at least a couple really solid hydro dips and then we'll amp up the uh the level add some intensity i thought i'd start off pretty simple with black plain gum boots i thought i'd go for a camo look a mixture of green black and a touch of yellow swirled in together we can get a little bit more of an army slash forest d-vibe [Music] next you can't hydro dip if you're not dipping a hydro flask it's sort of a rule i think probably i was working with the foundation colors of whatever it is that i was dipping in in this case i worked with a mid blue and a light sharp blue and white created some swells and tried to push the pattern and the paint around with itself to create a satisfying dip [Music] next i wanted to see if i could turn a plain glass bowl into one that you could put a light or a candle in that sort of emanates a different colored light but i didn't know if the hydro dipping paint would stick to the the glass bowl on its own if it was it's too slippery and given that in a lot of the examples i looked at people pre-primed shoes i just thought i'd give it a crack to gently mist and pre-prime the glass bowl and then mix in some orange and red to get a bit of a lava look [Music] speaking of playing with some changes to light i thought i'd try and dip a lamp shade no idea if this would work but again the idea being if you cast light through a bit of pigment or color maybe it'll take on the properties of the color i don't know i'm just dipping everything i'm going dip crazy some might call me a little bit dippy they do call me dippy i'm not sure that this is what they mean [Music] in real life if i don't quite like the mix of colors or how it goes down on the hydro dip i can't really change it after especially with oil-based enamel spray paint unless you do it in post-production with davinci resolve like this or this or this or this davinci resolve has sponsored this video and also made this video possible because it's free editing software that makes well it runs our entire studio and runs millions of people's production pipelines for people making their first vlogs and streams and edits to massive hollywood studios it's got everything you could want and more from industry standard color grading and color correcting to video effects that could rival anything you could do in after effects to the fairlight tab which is an entire music and audio balancing mastering and compositioning software and of course all the way to the edit tab where you cut everything up and optimize your process and if all of that sounds a bit overwhelming you really can just get started using the cut tab which takes all of the most crucial components of all the different awesome features of davinci resolve and simplifies it makes it really approachable to cut your first vlog or edit your first live stream check it out links in the description huge thank you to davinci resolve and blackmagic for sponsoring this video and making our videos look cool even if the artworks you know if even if i'm learning and it's my first time they always make me look like a pro but let's see how pro i can get i have some things prepared that we're gonna try that i think could be cool but we should look around and see if there's anything cool in the building hey rob can i dip this can i dip this we're on a dip adventure oh glasses could be cool yeah i'm gonna do some custom glasses [Music] i like it this is a good dip candidate and we're ready we went on a little adventure to find a few extra things that are unique to this workplace that i think we could have some fun with all right it's time for my dip rage mode to activate this time i did a little bit of pre-prep which i didn't do for any of the other items masking off some areas of the shoes that i wanted to keep white separating elements of the plastic cup so that i could put it back together and have a you know a product you might actually use and that would function then you get the idea going through each of these materials and breaking them apart or protecting certain areas to make sure that the dips came out as clean and satisfying as possible start off with the pink cup with a lot of the other elements of the cup being removed i just wanted to get a really solid application of the paint again working with the base color of the pink of the cup i worked with white and red with the idea that if any other pink peeped through it would just look like it's part of the design and i think it actually turned out surprisingly awesome [Music] next the phone case this one's a little challenging because the phone case itself has a gradient of the orange to like a turquoise so i decided to try and create a pattern between an orange and a blue that had an interesting texture between them but that would also work again with the gradient of the actual plastic color underneath but being the butterfingers that i am i immediately dropped a phone and accidentally applied a not very great dip but you know what shook and wiped it off gave it another crack and it actually turned out all right [Music] next it was time to try the shoes out these always look the most satisfying a lot of the hydra dipping stuff i've watched i wanted to make sure to have thick coverage on the surface of the water so i went pretty crazy with the spray paint but also wanted to make sure i had a cool pattern so i layered in different modes of the black green turquoise and a little bit of white here and there and really tried to work those textures and colors into each other not too much but enough that it had some interest and contrast then when it came to the dip i just went for both at once with my hands inside the shoe and took it really slow making sure that it had contact at every point with the surface of the shoe as i dipped and you know what it's not perfect there are some little patches missing but they're unique and actually works overall really well and i think with some practice you could do some pretty kick-ass kicks [Music] next time for the helmet and this is another one of those ones that is done quite a lot in hydrated pit videos working with a dark blue base i mucked around with a metallic silver as well as the different blues and a touch of black and when it applies well it's hard to beat that satisfaction [Music] by this point i'd built up a bit of confidence so i was ready for the ultimate test gareth's ps4 remote he'd been suggesting this video for well over a year he loves his gaming trusted me enough to give it a crack and i wanted to make it special working with a really fiery mix of yellow orange and red and adding in a base of gold that i hoped would shine through after the dip and then the dip happened and it it did it it's gross it's absolutely gross and my problem was the gold spray paint and actually the yellow were not the same kind of spray paint that i'd use with all the other dips they were graffiti spray paints i had from other videos and they just were gloopy and stuck together and didn't adhere to the remote as well as the it just it just wasn't working so in desperation i tried to scrape off the surface and and wipe it and and make another dip with just the the colors that i knew i could rely on i dipped a total of three times all of them progressively looking more like cheeto dust and spew gareth i'm sorry i tried really hard and i wanted it to be special for you but it looks like i dug it up from davy jones's grave actually you know what the end result looks a little lavery it's kind of cool if lumpy i hope he likes it but if it disappointed him at least i knew that immortalizing his picture of friendship with rob would put a smile on his face not the picture itself just the frame and i was silly enough to make the same mistake twice in a row again on gareth's thing i'm so sorry gareth i used the gold and it's just blotchy and it doesn't work so i guess the lesson is stick to the paints that definitely work with this sort of medium look at the end of the day it doesn't look awful it just is blotchy and isn't a clean coverage but overall at least it's an even uneven coverage and it looks intentional and evenly textured in a bad way i tried gareth i really tried [Music] and then the glasses frames this i didn't trust would work perfectly well because it's a very small surface for the paint to adhere to but with the lenses popped out gave it a dip in a blue mix and it worked alright with the lenses back in i reckon this could look pretty cool [Music] i had another helmet to do uh this time a less conventional one this was a costume piece made by amy i went with a mix of black and red to work with that brown but i didn't go too heavy because i wanted the brown to show through and it actually worked really well [Music] and then the skateboard surface this time with a vibrant bright fluro pink this was another one of those paints that wasn't the same brand as the one that was working but i was just hopeful that it might work i'm mixing the fluoro pink with black and white and trying to create a swirl texture in the end and after the dip it actually looked alright [Music] and last but certainly not least after all that dipping these gloves were sticky and tacky and gross so i thought surely there's no better way to improve and fix them than to dip them i dipped my over dipped gloves and they were the worst absolute worst regret and these are going straight in the bid good lord i look like i shoved my hand up the bottom you know what i'm just gonna stop myself right there as you can see some of them worked really cool some of them bit underwhelming my favorites absolute favorites are the helmets like this looks great and so actually does our little costume helmet it just turns out that spherical shape just really takes to the to the dip even the hydro flask really quite happy with that even though it was a couple of dips and it's a bit spotty in places you know it's unique and it looks kind of cool so this stuff is fun it works really well some of this stuff however gareth's playstation remote which is the absolute worst of everything i do he's like i just want you to do a cool hydro dipping thing and this is what i did for him so just in the nick of time gareth just walked in this it's not unprompted close your eyes open your hands all right open your eyes check it out how cool do you feel everything else looks great how did that one end up so bad thank you i think this could be pretty satisfying that's actually pretty sick i think when the shoelaces are in there that's sharp that is good i hope you found this video satisfying and please let me know in the comments which is your favorite where did i most succeed and maybe uh be gentle but let me know where i most need work otherwise thank you so much for watching subscribe for more fun with art and creativity of all sorts you'll never know what to expect and until next time i'll see you later told you you wouldn't know what to expect
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,648,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: CYFv19gLepM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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