Peggy’s answer SHUTS UP Steve Harvey in Fast Money!!

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[Applause] Steve: Welcome back to the "Feud," everybody. The Voron family won the game! And now it's time to play-- Audience: Fast Money! Steve: You ready? Peggy: I'm ready. Steve: All right, 20 seconds on the clock, please. If your waiter is ignoring you, name something, you'll get up and get yourself. Peggy: A glass of water. Steve: Name something people cram into the car for a trip to the beach. Peggy: Towels. Steve: Fill in the blank with a specific word--dirty "blank." Peggy: Laundry. Steve: Tell me how much reward you'd offer for your lost dog. Peggy: $1 million. Steve: Name-- [Laughter] [Buzzer] I'm sorry. [Laughter] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Peggy: It's OK. Steve: All right, we gotta ask that question over. Name something a baby does that would be embarrassing for an adult to do. Peggy: Fart. Woman: Good answer, Peg. You've got this. Steve: Come on now, Miss Peggy. All right, Let's see--if your waiter's ignoring you, name something you'll get up and get yourself. You said... glass of water. Survey said... Name something people cram into the car for a trip to the beach. You said... towels. Survey said... Fill in the blank with a specific word--dirty "blank." You said... laundry. Survey said... Peggy: Oh, this one again. Steve: Tell me how much reward you'd offer for your lost dog. You said... [Laughter] You--you one of them sweet people with they animals. Survey said... Audience: Aww... Peggy: I knew it. I don't know why I said that. Woman: It's OK, Peg. Steve: All right, name something a baby does that would be embarrassing for an adult to do. You said... fart. Survey said... All right, you go ahead. Peggy: Come on. Woman: Woo! All right, Kevin! Steve: Kev, how you doing? Kevin: I'm not sure. [Laughter] Steve: Well, Kev, I'ma tell you, you ain't doing bad. She didn't do bad at all. She got you 97. Kevin: OK. Steve: That's about halfway there. You need 103 to win. You ready? Kevin: Yes, sir. Steve: All right, let's remind everybody of Peggy's answers. 25 seconds on the clock, please. Come on, man. Let's focus, Kevin. Let's win this money. If your waiter is ignoring you, name something you will get up and get yourself. Kevin: A glass of water. [Buzzer] Steve: Try again. Kevin: Soda. Steve: Name something people cram into the car for a trip to the beach. Kevin: Suitcases. Steve: Fill in the blank with a specific word--dirty "blank." Kevin: Dirty laundry. [Buzzer] Steve: Try again. Kevin: Dirty clothes. Steve: Tell me how much reward you'd offer for your lost dog. Kevin: $10,000. Steve: Name something a baby does that would be embarrassing for an adult to do. Kevin: Throw up. [Buzzer] Steve: Uh, number 1, you can't say any form of a drink. Kevin: No liquid? Steve: So, yeah--if your waiter is ignoring you, name something you'll get up and get yourself. Kevin: Silverware. Steve: All right, let's go. Come on, buddy. All right, We need 103. Let's see what we got. If your waiter is ignoring you, name something you'll get up and get yourself. You said... silverware. Survey said... Nick: Good answer. Steve: Water or drink was the number-one answer. Name something people cram into the car for a trip to the beach. You said... suitcases. Survey said... Nick: It's all right. It's OK, it's OK. Steve: Beach chairs. Beach chairs. Fill in the blank with a specific word--dirty "blank." You said... dirty clothes. Survey said... Woman: That's all right. That's all right. Steve: Dirty laundry was the number-one answer. Tell me how much reward you would offer for your lost dog. You said... 10,000. What relationship are you to Peggy? Kevin: After $1 million, I'm not sure. [Laughter] Steve: Survey said... Nick: That's all right. Peggy: That's OK, That's all right. Steve: Number-one answer, $100. Kevin: Wow. Steve: Yup. So much for loving your pets. [Laughter] Name something a baby does that would be embarrassing for an adult to do. You said... throw up. Survey said... Soil themselves. Soil themselves. Well, $5.00 a point, 670 bucks. But hey, folks, they're coming right back on "Family Feud." I'm Steve Harvey. We'll see you next time, folks.
Channel: Family Feud
Views: 93,507
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Keywords: family feud, family fued, steve harvey, steve harvey on family feud, family feud funny moments, celebrity family feud, funny family feud answers, family feud steve harvey funny moments, steve harvey family feud funny moments, funny answer on family feud, funny Steve Harvey reaction on family feud, dumb answer on family feud, steve harvey cracks up on family feud, steve harvey makes fun of family feud contestant, it's already up on the family feud board, dumb family feud answers
Id: zaxdici9shc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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