Peep and the Big Wide World: Flower Shower

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flower shower after a long icy winter spring had finally arrived the warm weather made everyone well Ducks wanna jump for joy for peep spring meant making new friends Wow I used to have one rabbit friend and now I have [Music] for sure the nicest thing about spring was all the flowers and bloom then one bright blue morning white by accident chirp discovered the best thing of all about spring the most beautiful place I've ever seen it's like a flower shower Chirk couldn't wait to show people what she had found don't look okay no why did I tell you bring this thing ever it is it's amazing let's keep it a secret beep if everyone knows about it it won't be beautiful anymore what about quack we have to tell quack okay just quack flowers trees that doesn't sound springy I'll show you springy but it is spring equal to it and I drowned it next and you'd be the first duck to find it oh oh first duck you say tell you what I'll go to your secret place if you take diving lessons you'll be studying with the master what master oh boy that's funny what master rant as if you didn't know you're a funny bird chirp very funny bird [Music] so what do you think isn't it springy yeah very pretty and what do you do in here nothing we just look at it well here's something we can do don't tell anyone else about this place okay it's a secret secret I never fear when it comes to secrets when you can always trust a deck that's right you can always trust a duck unless that duck happens to be quack how are you I've been really busy lately wow you're not sure yeah this winter I spent a lot of time in a lodge eating and you know fee for stuff top secret I have a secret too ducks have secrets I thought only beavers had secrets our duck secrets any good are you kidding they're the best you want to hear it okay [Music] Wow the springy thing in the whole world that is a good secret yeah I know hmm all right that's enough excitement run along now okay and remember hush-hush gosh what first duck secret I can't wait to tell the squirrels beaver boy didn't really understand about hush-hush by the next afternoon when peep chirp and quack returned to the orchard the secret was definitely out [Music] oh boy I don't know how this could have happened oh I know you're telling me about dog secrets and I said our duck super-city good and you said nevertheless as a duck it's my duty to make things right hey I know maybe now is the time for diving lessons diving lessons you told my secret and you think diving lessons will make it better well yeah what about flower diving lessons flower diving oh good one peep see we bunch up all the flowers like this and make it nice and soft and perfect for diving what do you say chirp said yes all that spring and into summer she stayed in the orchard and practice diving into flowers into leaves and grass into anything that was soft look at this there are little green bumps where the flowers used to be uh-huh okay back to listening to me now you've got to stick the landing or the judges will take points off am ia good teacher or what and then one day late in the summer it hit her ouch a cherry that is hey these must be cherry trees isn't that great the flowers turned into bumps and the bumps turned into cherries and in case you were thinking why would a bird like chirp need diving lessons well watch [Music] not bad a few more lessons you'll be ready for the pond [Music]
Channel: Peep and the Big Wide World
Views: 6,063,828
Rating: 4.149106 out of 5
Keywords: preschool science, WGBH, Flower Shower, Peep And The Big Wide World (TV Program), Animated Cartoon (TV Genre), Television Program (Media Genre), preschool show, Peep, Chirp, Quack, flowers, spring
Id: tSP8hyzenF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2011
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