LARGEST 3024wh Solar Generator! 2000w Pecron Q3000S Portable Solar Power Station Review

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greetings i'm professor hobo and i'm coming at you with another exciting product review now there's many of you out there that say a thousand watt hours of power is mere child's play and you want more power well today we debut the largest solar generator in the history of hobo tech it's the pecaron q3000s with watt hours of lithium ion power at your disposal that's like having five 100 amp hour lead acid batteries on wheels and check this out it even has its own built-in handle but is it any good let's find out so you might be asking what comes in the box with the pec run well it's not really a box at all it's a bag that even has its own little shoulder strap i mean they're really thinking ahead that you're gonna have to take this bag with you as you're rolling this thing down the street hey battery capacity which is of course the only reason you're watching this 3024 watt hour lithium ion battery it's actually rated at 1 000 cycles to 70 for those new to the channel that means that you can fully charge and discharge this 1 000 times before you lose the top 30 percent of the battery capacity it does not mean you have to throw this thing in the trash or replace the battery just means you'll lose the top 30 percent even then you'd still have two kilowatt hours of power to deal with so you're really not going to have any issues with capacity on this thing for a very long time so it's 40 by 25 by 27 centimeters or 16 by 10 by 11 inches at just under 62 pounds of course i weighed it myself to verify the weight and that weight does not include the accessories and accessory bag of course the upside to all this size and heft is the fact it does have a pull rod and wheels so you can roll it around anywhere you need to inside or outside and this is designed to be laid down or left upright so it's really your decision as to how you want to use this and what i mean by you can use it in any position you like the actual fans are down here by these legs so even if you put this up against the wall these legs are going to prevent you from covering these two fans underneath so you can lay it on any side including upright and use it any way you like as for build quality this is one of the very few metal power stations out there and that means it's very durable in fact this is a very industrial looking design this thing looks like it is going to go on a very long road trip somewhere and whoever really designed this did a very good job because there's only some plastic in the bottom but most of this is metal it's metal case i believe this front area here is probably plastic this little door that's metal it's actually got a little window in there i'm not sure why you'd really need to see the display through the tinted glass there but i found this interesting to use a little velcro strip to hold this handle up so you can just tell by the look and feel of this thing it's heavy duty i mean even the buttons they're metal they got a nice solid clicky feel to them and that's something you don't necessarily get in other power stations and this metal door by the way has little magnets on it so actually hold the door closed while you're driving around you don't have to worry about it banging around or nothing it's actually held together with magnets now as for the display this is very unique as an actual led display not lcd not liquid crystal display led it's actually the old school like something you'd see on an old watch from the 80s that's the kind of display on here again a very industrial very cool look it does display the actual battery percentage which is great for something in this size you want to know exactly how many percent of the battery you have left it does have a battery icon as well and a combo input output wattage meter so this doesn't have a separate in or out wattage it's a combined so if you're putting in 300 and taking out 200 it'll say 100 on here so just be aware of that whenever you look at this meter don't think it's reading incorrectly they just kind of have it as a combo input output meter so basically telling you the amount coming in total or the amount coming out total but not individual input and output like you find on some other power stations i didn't find this to be any issue whatsoever as for the inverter in this it is a 2 000 watt puresight inverter with a 4000 watt peak and they offer three 15 amp outlets that are three prong now as for the solar controller in this they do not specify anywhere on their website on amazon and i couldn't confirm anything from the company themselves this does not have an mppt controller in it i'm pretty sure it's pwm and i'll show you why in a bit as for the various ways to charge it we need to go into the secret pec run baggie and pull some of these things out now here is your ac wall charger it actually looks like a one of those little inverters that has a little fan in it a little metal box again it's metal and it's got a decently long cord on it and they are using an aviation style cable on here this seems to be a more popular thing with higher end power stations nowadays is to use these aviation cables because they do lock on you can stick them in there and screw them on and they are not coming off so as for the three ways to charge the first is of course by ac wall lit now you can plug this into any 110 120 volt ac power source and that includes a gasoline diesel or propane generator if you want to charge that way it is going to take up to 12 hours to charge the thing from dead remember this is a 3 000 watt hour battery this thing is massive so you can expect it's going to take quite a while to charge it even from ac power and interestingly this is their 12 24 volt charger so they actually have a power converter in here and this is what made me suspect this is not an mppt inside but a pwm because this accepts on here it says on the back 11 to 40 volts dc so you can put 11 to 40 volts in through the cigarette lighter port and then here's your aviation input cable so you just hook that up plug this into your vehicle anywhere from 11 to 40 volts and it will charge this from a 12 volt vehicle charging is from dead it's going to take 30 hours i know that's incredibly long but think of it as like a trickle charge while you're driving now if you're charging for a 24 volt vehicle you can knock that down to 21 hours now strangely the fastest way to charge the pekron q3000s and they give you the mc4 cable to the aviation adapter it's going to be in as little as 10 hours because this does support up to 300 watts of solar and we'll go over those details in a bit they give you a an actual give you a couple extra fuses in here which i thought was neat and then he gave you this book which is so small i'm not even going to bother going over it all right as for outputs we have the 12 volt cigarette lighter output is the only 12 volt output on this and it's regulated at 12.0 volts and it does provide up to 10 amps of power as for usb this only has two usb ports but they are a pair of 18 watt quick charge ports so this does not have the regular usb and it doesn't have a usbc but if you're going to choose to have only two usb ports on your power station i agree make sure they're quick charge ports now besides the three outputs for the inverter that's really it for the outputs on this it's a very minimalistic design now the warranty on the pec run is 12 months but it also is a ul listed device so you don't have to worry about safety and it does have built-in short-circuit overload and overheating protections now my usual battery capacity test i usually plug my meter into the 12 volt output and i do a long term discharge out of 12 volts however that was problematic with this not only is the battery on this thing incredibly large but i also found out that the 10 amp port on this doesn't allow you to pull 10 amps indefinitely so at the max rate that i could determine that i could pull out of here at 7 amps it would have taken 40 hours to do the discharge test now i didn't want to spend two entire days doing this discharge test so i decided to go ahead and skip this test because i don't think most people buying this are gonna buy it for the 12 volt output most are going to get it for the inverter so instead i decide to do the discharge test using the ac inverter on it and that was able to go a lot quicker [Music] [Music] [Applause] final results of the ac discharge test 2740 watt hours and for the results of the ac inverter efficiency test we're able to pull a whopping 2 740 watt hours out of 3024 or an impressive 91 percent that means the inverter on this is probably 95 efficient because as most of you know all these power stations reserve five to ten percent of the bottom end of the battery to prevent damage so that means if it's reserving only five percent and the inverter efficiency is 95 you'd get somewhere around 90 91 total output so that means you can expect a huge amount of usable power out of the inverter in this which is of course what it's designed for this is not really a dc output device it's mainly designed to use the ac inverter so if you're going to compare this to the brand new blue eddy ac200p this provides more than a thousand watt hours of extra power than that top of the line power station that's like getting an extra jackery 1000 thrown in for free as for the dc output rate check there's only one output on this that's dc 12 volts dc through the cigarette lighter and it is rated at 10 amps but i found something interesting in my preliminary testing and i'm going to show you that right now now the voltage is regulated at 12.0 exactly so it is a regulated 12 volt output which is good but let's show you what's going on here so let's go ahead and pull 10 amps from the 12 volt output and i'll show you what i'm talking about now if you try to go over 10 amps at all the voltage immediately drops so it is definitely eliminating you now at 10 amps is still pulling 11.2 volts that could be better but i've seen a lot worse almost like clockwork after two minutes just after two minutes two minutes 10 seconds or so we lose the 12 volt output completely there's no warnings no blinking no beats now what i assume is happening here with the pekron is that it could run the full 10 amps for two minutes and then it cuts you off and it keeps trying to restart if i actually turn the amps down on this you can see that it actually it actually restarts by itself you don't have to turn this off and back on again for it to actually start outputting 12 volts i think what they have inside of here is a circuit that detects overheating so when it detects the 12 volt regulation circuits we're getting too hot it just it just completely cuts the output on this that's one way to handle regulation circuitry but the problem with this is that i think they maybe went a little too overboard because if i shut this off and let it cool down for a couple of minutes and turn it back on i'm going to save you all the time because i've done this test took me about an hour at 8 amps it'll run for about 5 minutes before overheating and at 7 amps it'll run indefinitely so i actually ran this for 20 straight minutes at 7 amps and it had no problem so i'd actually say that this 12 volt puts closer to 7 amps than 10 amps but it will allow you to pull 10 amps or about 128 watts for no problem for a couple of minutes but just be aware if you plan on pulling really high loads off this 12 volt port it's going to shut down on you if you exceed 7 amps this is still plenty of power to run a 12 volt refrigerator or pretty much any other 12 volt appliance because most of them aren't gonna draw more than seven or eight amps anyway and do remember it's regulated at 12.0 volts so no matter how much you charge or discharge the battery it's always going to put out a constant 12.0 volts so for this next test is the max charge rate test one of the things i was not able to confirm by going to pekron's website or their amazon page as if this thing has a pwm or mppt controller in it i'm guessing since they don't mention it it's probably a pwm and also the fact that it's a very narrow range of voltage to actually run solar into this thing i'm going to show you how they kind of have the setup so that if you're charging for a 12 or 24 volt vehicle you actually have to use this which is this little conversion box it says right on here it takes 11 to 40 volts in and puts 30 volts out with 5 amps so that actually allows you to charge from a car but if you want to charge from solar then they give you these mc4 cables that you hook directly into a solar panel then they tell you that the voltage range for your solar needs to be between 30 volts and 40 volts it's a pretty narrow range now i found it there's actually some play in there so let's go ahead and see what happens when we apply certain voltages directly to the solar input on this so over here is the variable voltage input this is from a power supply and then we can watch over here the amount of watts that come in so you can watch up here when you see that number change from zero 26 volts at 26 volts we immediately get 128 watts so let's go ahead and turn it up to 30 volts which is what they say is the minimum for solar but as soon as i try to do that it locks my voltage at 27.5 and now i'm putting 290 watts in now this is actually the maximum 300 watts is the maximum solar input on this regardless of the voltage okay i've unplugged the connection here so you can see my variable voltage charger is putting out 51.3 volts nothing come in of course now they're saying that 40 volts is the maximum input but let's see what happens if i hook this up at 51 volts immediately drops it to 27 volts and then we get our 290 watts of solar this is still putting out 52 volts so it looks like they will actually bring the voltage down to whatever the power station needs to charge so it looks like it would be safe enough to run a couple of solar panels in series and actually exceed that 40 volts because this will automatically adjust as you can see so what are the solar options for the pec run here well since that range they suggest is 30 volts to 40 volts you should actually run two 12 volt solar panels in series and that should keep you right around that range now it looks like you can exceed 40 volts and it looks like it'll actually charge as low as 26 volts so there's some play room in there you got some wiggle room with solar panels you might even be able to run three 12 volt panels in series although they don't recommend that they're saying two solar panels in series uh maximum input of 10 amps so it's kind of a narrow range you're gonna need at least two solar panels to charge this thing so what about this little conversion box that you use to plug into your cigarette lighter and your vehicle what can you expect to get out of this because this is a really weird solution usually you just get a cigarette lighter on one side and an input on the other and then the power station takes care of it this is what makes me definitely think this is a pwm controller because they're using worker rounds like this to allow you to charge it with 12 volts so it does say the range on this is 11 to 40 volts so that's good it allows you to pretty much charge it from anything that you could run out of a vehicle so i'll just save the time and give you the results of my testing at 12 volts it'll charge at 100 watts that's pretty typical at 24 volts it'll charge at 140 watts and then anything above that i actually tried it all the way up to 51 volts and it gave me 144 watts so basically it's going to be 100 watts or a 12 volt car or 140 watts for a 24 volt vehicle so how fast does it charge from the ac wall charger well let's see it's a little fan and it's not very loud at all this light stays red until the unit fully charges once the unit fully charges this will turn green it'll also show on here 100 percent so with the ac wall charger we can charge at 222 watts so 220 watts my handy dandy calculator says it's going to be 13 and a half hours to charge this completely from dead using the ac wall outlet and or generator power okay usb output rate checked i have my little converter on here so we're at the maximum of 12 volts for these quick charge ports these are only 18 watt quick charge ports they only support up to 12 volts let's see how many amps we can pull usually i should be able to pull about one and a half amps before shuts down we're only able to pull 20 watts total out of these ports so that's about normal for an 18 watt port so as for a pure sine wave check we have a pretty pure sine wave here with no load let's go ahead and add a little solar degenerator to that and see if it changes the sine wave so it doesn't look like it changed now under a whole load of the solar degenerator it's still providing 107.4 volts so it's still in the tolerance range okay here's the moment we've all been waiting for we're going to do the inverter capacity test now this has a 2000 watt pure sine inverter so we're gonna have to run both the hair dryer and the solar degenerator at the same time to max it out so let's start with the hair dryer on high so that's pulling 1412 watts 18 well that shut down pretty quickly so let's try to repeat that test again so i'm adding power by turning the knob back here i'm going to try to get this to 2000 watts and see how long it lasts at 1900 watts i was hearing some beeping in the background i think that was the pec run but i'm not sure let's try that again okay i was able to push about 22 2300 watts in for about two seconds so it does have a surge ability so if you're running an air conditioner or a residential refrigerator or something like that and it kicks up this shouldn't have any problem handling it but do note that over 1600 watts it starts to beep which is warning you that it's going to shut down so at 110 volts 15 amps takes us up to 1600 watts so it seems like once you exceed about 15 amps on this it starts to beep and then it will actually shut down so 15 amps will still run any household appliance anything you can plug into a wall a typical household can be ran off with us with no problem okay i was curious so i decided to go ahead and run this test again this time using my two electric heaters and the solar degenerator i have facility generator on a very low setting but i'm able to hold without any problems 1700 watts that's a better result than i had with the hair dryer and the storage generator so it seems like these more resistive loads the inverter can handle a little bit more i notice around 1750 i start hearing the beep here we're at 17 30 now we're here in the beep so it's going to shut down here in a few seconds and what's kind of nice is that it'll actually just turn itself back on you don't have to reset anything it just waits a few seconds and then it restarts the inverter by itself there's no there's no resetting necessary manually so we're using this to power a refrigerator or something that's great because you don't have to go back and push the button or whatever it just resets automatically it seems to do that with the dc circuits as well so i do kind of like that feature where it just automatically resets but again it seems like it handles just over 1700 watts indefinitely i've been running this for probably been five minutes and no problem at all no beeping no shutting down it's running over 1700 watts constantly without any problem just once you get over 1750 that's about it now another thing to note is when you get down to 10 battery the little battery icon here blinks to let you know that hey you better start recharging this thing pretty soon so here's something very fascinating about the pec run which i didn't expect whatsoever now the pec run has fans in the back that apparently would draw the heat out but i have yet to get them to come on one time i'm currently pulling 1552 watts basically 15 amps of the ac inverter but the fans aren't kicking on this pequeron seems to be completely silent at least i haven't been able to get the fans to kick on yet maybe i have to run it for a really really long time but i've been doing this for about 10 minutes his fans still haven't kicked on yet so the fans on the pec run are right here there's two of them and they're not drawing any air in they're not running at all so right now this thing is totally silent which i didn't expect at all i expected this to be pretty noisy when you're pulling that kind of power out of an inverter well how about that as soon as i complained they kicked on so let's see how loud they are they don't sound very loud so about 58 decibels it sounds like a computer like running full rendering on a video or something so it's not unpleasant but 58 decibels isn't necessarily silent either but it did take quite a while for these to kick on so if you're running any kind of low loads i would expect you may never even hear the fans on this thing so what do i like about the pec run well i really like this overall industrial design this thing is a beast by far the biggest battery capacity of any solar generator to date on this channel it makes the blue eddy ac200 look almost inadequate of course the blue eddy has way more features cost significantly less than this and it's probably a lot more state of the art however many of you in the comments often tell me that 2 000 watt hours just isn't enough for you and you want something truly massive well here you go now even though this thing's a monster and it's got 3 000 watt hours of power it's still very portable unit especially when you consider it's got a handle and wheels built into it so let me give you another example you see how large this product is and yeah it's somewhat large and it weighs 62 pounds but let's put this into perspective if you wanted the same amount of power in lead acid batteries like batteries you'd buy at walmart or somewhere else off the shelf it's going to take five of those batteries to be the equivalent of what's in here and five of those batteries are going to weigh around 340 pounds then of course you have to factor in adding a 2000 watt inverter a solar controller the display the case the wheels all the other stuff that you get with it the 12 volt regulated output that's a lot of stuff and a lot of power crammed into a nice little metal box that you can easily move around so you can quickly see this is a pretty crazy deal for those of you who really need a ton of power in a small space the fact that you can store and use this thing upright means it uses very small square footage inside of your vehicle or van or trailer or whatever and unlike a big lead acid battery system you can take this with you if you change vehicles heck you can take it into a cabin with you use it in a cabin off-grid then move it into your rv use it in your rv move it into your work truck and then use it in your work truck so what else do i like well i found this feature by accident it's not something they even advertise but i think it's very cool because it allows you to use the power that you need and only the power that you need and that's the fact that you see it's off right now this is the inverter button it actually turns on just turning on the inverter button the dc circuitry is actually off so if you try to plug anything to the usb or the dc output it's not going to work so these circuits are not powered you can put just the dc circuit on just like this and now just the usb and 12 volt outputs are powered and not the inverter pretty cool and here's another big benefit to this over the blu-80 ac200p the fact is that this dc circuitry uses very little power this is only a technically a 7 amp output for running a refrigerator so if you're looking to run a 12 volt refrigerator for a very long period of time with very little loss this is actually more efficient than any of the blue eddy line because it outputs so little power out of the dc port and it's still regulated and you can turn the inverter off separately so you're just running the dc circuitry you'd be able to run a refrigerator off of this much longer than you could an ac200 all right what don't i like about the pec run well the main feature of this power station the inverter is actually a little bit on the weaker side it shuts down prematurely although i was able to get well under the 2300 watt range before it actually shut down on the upside the fans on this thing rarely kick in you have to really be pulling a lot of power out of this to get those fans to kick on otherwise it's completely silent it's silent while it's charging it's silent while you're pulling small loads out of the inverter it's silent while you're pulling stuff out of the dc ports it actually took quite a bit of juice pulling out of this before those fans kicked on in the back and even when they did it wasn't really that loud and i'm really not super impressed by the dc output on this yeah it's regulated at 12 volts but i was only able to pull seven amps out of it not the rated 10 amps it would have really been nice if i would have been able to pull 10 amps out of it and definitely it would have allowed me to actually do my dc discharge test on this which i was unable to do it would have just taken too long now obviously because this thing's ul listed they are taking safety very seriously so i think they're cutting everything off much earlier than they should be so soon as the inverter starts getting a little bit warm you know it's going to back it off as soon as a dc output gets a little bit warm they're going to back it off it looks like they went a little too far on the safety but if you're a person that is hardcore in the safety you're probably not going to find anything this large that's ul listed with all the safety built in that actually works now do note i don't think most consumers are ever going to really push more than 1700 watts out of this inverter i mean that's 15 amps so pretty much any household appliance is going to run on this without any problems whatsoever just remember once you exceed 1700 watts it'll start beeping at you it gives you a little bit of time now the lack of power delivery ports or other 12 volt outputs on this is a bummer with only a pair of 18 watt quick charge ports don't expect to charge a lot of high-end usb devices then again this really isn't a product designed to charge your tablet or your phone which of course you can do but there are a lot of smaller power stations that are more designed around those kind of things this is more about running big appliances now if you really need a power delivery port or additional quick charge ports you can buy little 12-volt adapters you can stick one right in here in the cigarette lighter socket and it gives you power delivery and quick charge ports so you can really expand this and do a lot of more dc outputs on this if you desire so if you're looking for something like that just go to amazon go down to the solar adapter section and you can find the 12-volt adapter for that the final bummer about the packron is the 300 watt solar limit this is a 3 000 watt hour battery and at 300 watts you do the math the fastest you can charge this is 10 hours now at least if it had faster ac charging or dual ac and dc charging it could compensate for some of those slower times but the fact that the absolute fastest you can charge this under the best circumstances is 10 hours is gonna make that no bueno for some now others won't care so much because they're getting it for backup emergency power so they're just going to plug it into the wall leave it plugged in all the time and probably run some appliances off of it or just leave it stored and then when you have a blackout wheel it out plug your refrigerator and you're good to go now while this doesn't have a ups feature built in since it does offer pass-through charging at 225 watts that means you can plug it into ac wall power and as long as you don't draw more than watts from the pec rod the battery will stay at 100 charge at all times that's enough power to run a modern energy star refrigerator 24 7 without ever discharging the battery so yes you can actually use this to run a refrigerator or freezer during a blackout okay so the big question everyone has on their mind how much is this monster well for a limited time through hobotech using my discount code below in the description along with the link to this product the final price as of right now recording in this video is wait wait wait hold up hold up future professor here i am now editing this video out in the quartzite desert and i contacted pekron and they said oh wait hobo we're going to give you an additional discount so not only do you get an exclusive 10 off discount code from hobotech but they have a 5 coupon on top of that on amazon so it actually is knocking the price down to 18.69 that's i don't know how long they're gonna keep this price going it's probably a very limited time but that puts it in the same price range the same ballpark as the blue eddy ac200p which is only 2000 watt hours so if you want a huge huge battery and you don't need all the extra features of the ac 200p oh now the pec run q3000s looks like a significantly better deal in 1869. don't forget you have to clip that coupon on amazon to get that extra five percent off now they don't sell this product directly off their website so unfortunately the only way to get it right now with that discount is through amazon and say you don't actually need all three thousand watt hours out of this if you want to save some money pecron does have a q 2000 s with a 2 000 watt hour battery for only 1444 with hobo discount if you watch this video weeks months or years later don't expect that price if you want to be notified in the future of smoking deals like this be sure to subscribe to the channel you can also go to blog put in your email address and every time i post a video you'll get an email you don't have to worry about youtube notifications anymore so what's the market for this product well this is designed for those of you out there that require a massive amount of power in a small footprint i immediately think of van lifers and rvers those in tiny homes that have very low square footage it requires very little floor space in fact far less floor space than any of the blue eddy products so that leaves us with what can the pec run actually power well anything that is anything in your house that is powered by 110 120 volts ac up to 1700 watts or 15 amps that's going to cover pretty much every appliance in your house except for maybe water heaters stove possibly furnaces that run on 220. note this only puts out 110 it does not have a 220 option as for recommended solar panels for the pekron well the funky requirement of it needing to be between 30 and 40 volts with a max of 10 amps limits you somewhat that means you need to either run two 12 volt panels in series or a single 24 volt residential panel up to 300 watts now my tests show that there is some leeway in there with the voltage so you can go a little less or a little bit more and it's not going to damage the pec run that means if you want a very easy way to charge this as its 300 watt maximum rate with only two solar panels i'm going to recommend something like the 180 watt boost rv or 200 watt boujarvi panels which i have linked in the description below otherwise you're going to have to find panels in the 150 to 200 watt range and run a pair of those if you really want to max this out at 300 watts so if you're interested in the pekron q3000s or the smaller q2000s the link to both of those products is in the description below along with the discount code you're going to need to get 15 off the price on amazon thanks for watching if you learned something today don't forget to give me a thumbs up below and if you're not a subscriber already you know what to do that's it for now till next [Music] you time like and subscribe and clean my litter box thanks for watching if you learned something today don't forget to give me a thumbs up below and if you're not a subscriber already of course [Music] [Music] you
Views: 457,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hobotech, solar generator, portable power station, portable generator, largest generator, bang for the buck, pecron, pecron q3000s, pecron q2000s, patron generator, pecron solar generator, pecron portable power station, pecron solar power, biggest solar generator, largest solar generator, lowest kwh, lower kwh, power station lowest cost, solar generator lowest price kwh, biggest generator lowest cost, best bang for the buck generator, pecron coupon, pecron promo
Id: Jp9ofdbqnUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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