10 Best Portable Lithium-Ion Power Stations!

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hello YouTube it is Chris here and in today's episode we're gonna be discussing my top 10 survival power stations for when the grid goes down [Applause] [Music] welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me like I said today we're gonna be discussing my top 10 survival power stations for when the grid goes down and before we get started we want to give a major shout out to the sponsor of today's episode which is sharp pal for those of you who follow my channel regularly you'll know that we take power stations out on our survival adventures if you saw our survival stockpile video which will be up in the right hand corner of the screen you will see that that in that episode we showcase some of the ones we had and we've gotten some new additions since then but with that said we wanted to discuss our top 10 and now we're actually gonna break those down in two sub categories to make it a little bit easier the first is going to be on the move day hiking bug out bag power stations and extended life batteries the next size up from there will be single person power stations and then finally we're gonna be jumping up into the big Bertha's which are kind of the household and family size power units now jumping into the first section these are the kind of the day hiking on the move kind of an adventure setting these are the ones you bring in your camping backpacking scenarios your bug out bag and or you keep them in your glove box there's a ton of different ways to extort very small high power batteries all over the place and these are some of my go-to s this is the outdoor extreme energy as a solar panel built inside 10,000 milliamps really really tough these things have flashlights are usually pretty durable I try to stick to the durable you know tough build ones just because they tend to be a little bit more robust one of my favorites is the zerolemon tough juice battery this is a thirty thousand milliamp battery they have like USBC type 2 and type 3 USB ports they're pretty much anything you need but these are some of my go-to that I like to bring I have several of these this is just a small little sampling I have a five or six of them just because I can bring two of these out with me for a short seven day trip or shorter and I can pretty much keep my cameras charged the entire time that's how much juice these things are packing and then something that I can bring with them or my all powers my 80 watt solar panel I can let this charge up one of these for about two days and we're good to go as with my current power consumption when I'm out in the bush or the wild this thing will can last me up to about four days if I have to recharge my cameras by two to three times a day so it's plenty of power usage some other convenient types of models which is a kind of a newer one from a company called novo if you want any information on these well don't have these linked in the video description but this one actually has a 110 volt outlet for something so small that's kind of like a soda can it's pretty friggin cool because they have USB type-c normal USB and the 110 outlet which is super awesome now we move on to personal or single person power stations this is my personal category and as you can tell compared to a external battery even though these are really really small got handles easy to pick up they usually weigh anywhere between 4 to 17 pounds they're pretty easy they're pretty portable but they are substantially bigger usually because they have a higher capacity now these range anywhere between a hundred and fifty watt hours all the way up to about 300 watt hours which is the average for what I call personal use once you jump into the 500 watt hours or higher I started putting that into a family or a household size unit I can start powering more things because of the inverters that they usually place in the larger units now because these can't really power things like refrigerators and really big appliances these are definitely for personal use but they are very very potent especially if you want these for something you can grab and go stick it in your vehicle during a bug-out or in a hurricane evacuation just in-home preparedness if you're a single person an apartment these are a really good place to start with now I've actually had most of these for anywhere between one year to six months and why you haven't really seen them before is because I would typically charge them up and let them sit on a shelf literally for five or six months because I wanted to see how they hold their charge and all of these perform pretty darn well this one which is the rock pals is an interesting one the power station did the worst as far as its ability to hold a charge it still did very well is about 65 percent overall after sitting on shelf for six months the one that actually is one of my favorites it is a lot less powerful as far as its wattage this is a 300 watt hour this is only a 200 watt hour this is the anchor powerhouse but this one held its charge like a champ after six months it had a 97% charge this is the boss watt solar actually has two 110 volt AC outlets which I like I thought it was super super convenient there are certain situations like on my 30 day survival challenge last year I actually had this with me and it was using it was charging up my iPads my GoPros on my other cameras and because I had those two outlets it was a lifesaver this was probably my biggest godsend it's been through hell and back with me and it's done really really well I'd love the fact that I've got the four USB outlets this one has the best inverter and also has the most options for a personal size that I've seen so far especially for the money like I said if you guys want to get any more info about about these I'll definitely have those links in the video description and then last but not least this is a newer one from novo and it has a lot of good options it has because these are newer they have USB type-c which is really nice since that's becoming a lot more prevalent in tech and electronics which is going to be kind of a concern for most people moving forward and if you're really behind on tech and you don't care about what types of USB ports they've got go for it just pick whichever one you want one up but if you are kind of in the techie realm you've got newer laptops and things like that for your power stations to keep things charged this is gonna do you the best and last but not least we move on to household or family size power stations now you see three massive units and I don't look that big because we've got a big huge ultra wide lens on but these are the mack daddy's these are big big big dudes now I know you guys are very familiar with the energy line because they're on every single survival Channel and we're there even on our channel about a year ago we tested this thing through and through built a actual foundation for a survival shelter and did full-on construction projects with it and it held it like a champ now as far as the best of the best for home and household use it pretty much boils down to the ego and Nexus power station which is a 3000 watt unit and this is the energy which is a 1100 watt unit and we're gonna be going over the pros and cons of why I think these two are the best in a Y and then we've got the jakhary which is a 500 watt hour Explorer that get is kind of just a juiced up super amped kind of single person unit or it could be a family unit however as a family unit I think it's lacking drastically because of the fact it only has one outlet for 110 volts I think that is completely unacceptable for that being a full it's a big unit 500 watt hour unit and it's literally only has to pull one plug in which i think is unacceptable it's also lacking in the USB ports it's it's like the very minimal output for its size given the fact that a lot of the personal units that are much much much smaller in size and scale and are drastically lower in watt hour wattage capacity in size have just as many outlets and ports than all the other ones now keep in mind with it being a 500 unit it is about 500 bucks still a solid price point to jump into but overall I think that I would like to see maybe one more USB port and definitely at least at a minimum one additional one - in volt outlet now that we've got the jack right away for the people who want to take it seriously and jump up to the big guns for a power station these are the two they're gonna be my biggest recommendations and for several reasons one I've thoroughly vetted and tested this bad boy is that the energy power station I absolutely love it with it only weighing 25 pounds it's got more outlets and more versatility than any inverter / power station of ever used in my entire life it's a little lacking on the USB portion now because they've kind of swapped between USBC and USB 3.0 but in the 110 outlets is just staggering the amount of stuff that you can charge with this is crazy and at having a 90 amp hour battery built in its just asinine it is awesome but with that said let's jump over to the Nexus Power Station this is also a 3,000 watt unit which has 3000 peak wattage in a container mm sustained this is one of my favorites and typically this is actually used for like cordless lawn mowers and whatnot but the reason why this is actually going to be one of my favorite picks for a grid down power station is ego just announced that they're gonna be incorporating solar panel compatibility oh they can basically and be building their own hundred watt solar panels and two hundred watt solar panels in making where you can charge us on the go for people who are affected by hurricanes floodings and whatnot which I'm super impressed with given the fact that this is a very tough robust weather resistant power station so if you have to take it out and not the best weather or transport it into a vehicle when it's raining and there's not in optimal conditions this is gonna be one of my best choices so the ego has a peak output it can handle peak of 3000 watts continuous at 2,000 watts the awesome thing is the starting price to prices places like Amazon or Home Depot you can jump into this for about a thousand dollars which is amazing when I kind of further explain what ego is kind of known for it also has three 120 volts AC outlets four USB ports that's pretty much all it's rocking but for the average person that would be using this particular unit this was pretty perfect and another thing I love of fact is you can hop swap these batteries on the fly they are designed to actually pop right out and you actually these are the batteries that help charge the power station this is just one giant huge inverter if you are in the ego ecosystem which is you are a homeowner you own things like their push their push mower their weed whacker their blower the cordless chainsaw pole saws hedge trimmers this thing is gonna be perfect for you because when most people buy a new house they usually kind of revamp their lawn equipment and all that stuff when they move or they buy it maybe it's your first home and you take that extra little bit of money you got from your home loan and you just go and buy those things that you need you buy your shed you go get all those things you fill up your garage and if you go this route this thing is perfect in my opinion you can hot-swap the batteries you usually get these high-capacity batteries in stuff like your weed whacker your blower in your push mower like I said if you're in the ecosystem it's going to be great because you can kind of prep low key you don't look crazy neighbors people are gonna see you hot swapping those batteries and putting them in your lawnmower and do all that stuff day in and day out anyway but then you've got a power station with all these batteries I mean oh and then once they do the solar panel support you're gonna be you're gonna be setting ready to go because you're gonna be using those lawn landscaping tools day in and day out but then when it comes time for natural disasters or something bad in your stuff goes south you lose power you've got to jump into using a power station you've got it ready to go finally we move to the energy power station it has a also has a 3000 watt surge but it also can handle 1500 watts continuous now on the manufacturer suggested they do suggest 550 continuous watts but that's only for like optimal conditions it's kind of like if you're in a u-haul and they have that little fuel gauge I don't know if you guys have moved refills recently but you I know you have seen it it has like the green fuel gauge if you keep it like you know you don't ramp the the motor too hard and you're kind of not going uphill you get off that you'll get the best gas mileage that's what they're saying you'll get the best gas mileage it's a 1500 watt inverter you need to use it you're good they're also both of these are expandable you can get additional batteries for this you can also attach lead-acid batteries and whatnot to this thing they're both gonna offer solar support this one is gonna be one of my favorites and here's why 2,000 cycles meaning dead to life 2,000 cycles a good 10 year lifespan that's insane for the energy not to mention that all the different ports on this thing have made it a godsend and it's already ready to go for solar panel support well I'm not gonna lie this is like fifteen sixteen hundred dollars but I've had mine for a very long time and I absolutely love it and the fact that it's only 25 pounds makes it very easy to pick up it's not heavy at all given the fact that it is a big big beast unit this is a 90 amp hour battery for these being portable units that you can take on the fly and use them in emergencies for those casual Preppers who don't want to go full like homesteading and off-grid living these tours so my best like I said if you're gonna jump into an eco system you are going to be using electronic you know go green for your landscaping your lawns because the average per who lives in suburbia does that stuff so if you kind of jumped into the ecosystem this is one of the best options you could ever use but if you're looking for a standalone unit you live in an apartment you're a single person who just wants to be bunker prep ready you can throw this on one of your liked bunkers or bomb Nadeau's so you just have it that can be mobile but offer just nasty substantial amount of power and if you want a further deep dive onto the energy power station I do have a video right there in the right hand corner you can just see that bad boy in action on all these are my top 10 survival power stations for when the grid goes down if you wanna learn more about any of these links will be down in the video description and also if you got any questions definitely check out some of the videos that we'll have linked down in the video description so you can learn more about the ones we've actually already tested and stay tuned for the ones that we have done testing on we're gonna do videos on in the future but like I said if you enjoy this video therefore this video a big thumbs up and share this out with your friends and family in your social media networks serene keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but that is supposed for now hope you guys have an absolute wonderful day [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 328,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Survival, #Bushcraft, 10 Portable Lithium Ion Power Stations, Lithium Ion Generator, Grid Down Portable Down, Grid Down Emergency Power, Portable Lithium Ion Power Stations
Id: Q9BoN6xHQvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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