PEAKY BLINDERS Full Series Recap | Season 1-6 Ending Explained

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pey blinders begins in Birmingham in 1919 following the first world war and tells the story of the pey blinders gang consisting mostly of the Shelby family decorated veteran Thomas Shelby is the leader of the gang which also includes his brothers Arthur John and Finn and their aunt paully when Tommy comes across an assortment of guns that he thinks he can use to his Advantage Winston Church Hill sends inspector Campbell to retrieve them to help with his mission Campbell assigns Grace Burgess to go undercover working at The Garrison a pub owned by the peaky blinders to gain Intel of course as Grace gets closer to Tommy the two begin to actually fall in love this leads to Grace eventually going to Campbell to resign from her position and trade information on the guns for Tommy's safety but this is slightly complicated when Campbell professes his own desire to marry Grace and it's not just the guns that cause trouble for the peaky blinders Tommy begins fixing horse races putting him in in opposition with Billy Kimber leader of the Birmingham boys gang that runs the horse tracks elsewhere in season 1 the Shelby sister adaa marries and has a son with Freddy Thorne Tommy's best friend the Shelby's Father Arthur senior returns to town after abandoning his family a decade prior and tricks Arthur Jr into loaning him a large sum of money before running off once again sending Arthur Jr into a bout of depression John announces his intentions to marry former prostitute Lizzie but when Tommy hires her for himself to prove she wasn't actually retired from that line of work Jon calls off the wedding Tommy then arranges for JN to Mary Esme daughter of the Rival Lee family to secure an alliance between the Shel and Le and their fight against Billy Kimber in the final confrontation between the peeky blinders and Billy Kimber the peeky blinders win with Tommy putting a bullet in Billy kimber's head as series 1 comes to a close Grace professes her true love for Tommy but he's unsure sure if he can trust her as he flips a coin to decide whether or not he should be with her grace is confronted by Campbell at gunpoint I want to cut in real quick and tell you about this video sponsor Babel Babel is one of the top language learning apps in the world and it has helped me massively in my goal of learning a second language my wife and I went on our honeymoon in Paris and completely fell in love with the city and planned to go back one day the first time around we didn't really do any preparation on learning even the simplest of French phrases which made communication and travel pretty difficult but now I'm using Babble to learn French to not only help with some basic communication but to also help better immerse myself in the people and culture of a city that I love I can take Babble courses on my computer or anywhere when I'm on the go through their app on my phone jel morce their lessons are designed by real language professionals and are scientifically proven to help you 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sabini Tommy also begins working with the Irish Republican Army or IRA which wants to unite Ireland under one state not under British control in Tommy's attempts to expand operations in London and and take down Darby sabini the pey blinders forcefully take control of Darby's Club the Eden and form an alliance with Alfie Solomon leader of a Jewish gang elsewhere Arthur's PTSD from the war sends him spiraling into addiction leading to erratic and sometimes violent Behavior Lizzie is hired by Tommy to serve as his secretary Paulie's long-lost son Michael taken from her at the age of five returns home and joins the family business and Tommy strikes up a relationship with horse trainer May which is complicated when Grace returns to town with her husband and falls back into bed with Tommy and gets pregnant to combat the peaky blinders expansion Darby sabini offers Alfie Solomon his own deal to align causing the Jewish gangster to backstab the Shel bees this results in both Arthur and Michael being arrested Campbell forces pully to sleep with him in exchange for the release of Michael Tommy returns to Alfie Solomon to try once again to form an alliance Alfie has become dissatisfied with Darby's deal and agrees to once again Unite with the peaky blinders Alfie manages to get Arthur out of prison as Tommy sets his sight on taking down Darby he sends the peaky blinders to the derby day horse races where they collect and burn the licenses of Darby's bookies and steal all of the bet money Tommy is then kidnapped on the order of Campbell and taken into a field for execution fortunately one of Tommy's kidnappers turns on the others killing them and informing Tommy that Winston Church Hill would soon be in touch meanwhile paully gets her revenge on Campbell by killing him in series 3 two years have passed and Tommy has continued a partnership with Winston Churchill to have the pey blinders orchestrate illegal moves to advance Churchill's more benevolent plans as Tommy and Grace rais their infant son Charlie and prepare to get married the gang tries to prevent Lizzie from bringing her Shady new boyfriend angel to the wedding and so the peaky blinders burned down Angel's restaurant when Angel's father vent vows to enact revenge on the Shelby family a hot-headed JN threatens vente and beats up angel in his own Act of Revenge vente orders his men to attack the Shelby family resulting in the tragic death of Grace the loss of his wife sends Tommy into a violent spiral leading to the deaths of Angel and vente Tommy also finds himself in a business partnership with Arch Duke romanof who has fled to England after the Russian Revolution and the Shady father Hughes who threatens Tommy and Grace's infant Son charlie to keep Tommy in line the Russians want the peaky blinders to steal guns from a train to Aid in their rebellion and then blow up the train to cause an international incident the Russians would then pay the peaky blinders in Jewels fearing the Russians will betray them Tommy also plans on breaking into their vault to steal the jewels for themselves to assist in the heist Tommy brings in Frenemy Alfie Solomon Michael also reveals to Tommy that he had been molested by father Hughes as a child and as asks permission to kill him paully not wanting her son to commit murder warns Tommy to not let him go through with it unfortunately for Tommy Alfie alerts father Hughes of the pey Blinder plan Hughes kidnaps Charlie and demands Tommy go through with both the train Heist and the Jewel Heist delivering the jewels to Hughes as Ransom Michael tracks down Hughes and kills him saving Charlie Jon and Arthur blow up the train and Tommy leads a team to steal the jewels and so in the end the pey blinders plan is pulled off successfully meanwhile Arthur marries and has a child with a woman named Linda and AA is made head of the pey Blinder future office in America as the series comes to a close Tommy begins Distributing the loot to his family but then drops a massive bombshell on the all warrants have been made out for the arrest of the entire family Tommy assures the allall that he has made a deal with someone more powerful than their enemies that would ensure their release but that obviously does little to comfort the Shelby family as the police arrest them and Tommy looks on in series four of peaky blinders just as the Shelby family are about to be hanged for their crimes Tommy secures their release by agreeing to destroy evidence of his working relationship with Winston Church Hill after the family are rewarded their freedom the Shelby's become estranged and go their separate ways one year later each member of the Shelby family receives a letter from Luca changretta marking them for death as retribution for the murders of his father and brother vente and Angel proving the seriousness of the threat JN and Michael are gunned down at Jon's home Michael barely survives his injuries while Jon tragically succumbs to his wounds the peaky blinders agreed to set aside their differences and come together once again to enact their revenge on Luca and his Sicilian mafia they hire professional killer abama gold to help in their quest for revenge and gold agrees to help in exchange for his boxer son Bonnie being inducted into the peaky blinders gang Tommy accepts the arrangement and sets up a boxing match for Bonnie to fight Alfie Solomon's nephew Goliath Luca then goes to Alfie to strike a deal in killing Thomas Shelby with the hit planned to occur at the upcoming boxing match during the fight Tommy avoids murder but Luca's men seemingly kill Arthur defeated Tommy calls for a meeting with Luca in his Distillery and agrees to sign over his assets to the Sicilian Mafia but of course this was all a trap set up by Tommy and in alive and well Arthur shows up and kills Luca Tommy then pays a visit to Alfie confronting him for yet another betrayal Alfie reveals he has cancer and only took Luca's deal in the hopes that Tommy would seek revenge and put him out of his misery Tommy obliges shooting Alfie and leaving as the peaky blinders resolve their business problems the Shelby family also make progress in their personal lives Paulie and abama gold develop a romantic relationship as do Tommy and Lizzy who have have a daughter Ruby together as the series comes to a close Tommy decides to change up his lifestyle and seek power in a much safer way winning an election to become an official Member of Parliament in series 5 several years have passed and Thomas Shelby is trying to focus on being a member of Parliament and his legitimate businesses over the business dealings of the peaky blinders he begins meeting with fellow MP Oswald Mosley but a warns Tommy that Mosley is moving toward fascism Tom decides to join Mosley's fascist movement with the intent of taking them down from the inside meanwhile Michael has been placed in charge of the Shel business operations in America and gotten married to a woman named Gina when Wall Street crashes losing most of the Shelby Fortune Michael and Gina head back home to Birmingham rumors begin to circulate that Michael is trying to overthrow Tommy to take over his head of the Shelby family but Michael proclaims his innocence and that a rival gang known as the Billy boys were the real danger and Michael is right to fear the Billy boys as they shoot aaram gold and kill his son Bonnie to send a message to Tommy that they were taking over the area with their finances in a very precarious place the shelbi's and the peaky blinders are in no position to go to war with the Billy boys and instead call a truce with their leader Jimmy mccavern this angers the vengeful gold but Tommy offers The Grieving father Paulie's hand in marriage to appease him and so gold proposes to ply who accepts to generate more income for the Shelby Family Tommy strikes up a deal with a Chinese Triad businessman named Chang to help him smuggle opium at a Shelby family meeting Michael reveals himself to be the schemer that Tommy suspected him of being and proposes taking full control of the family business pushing Tommy into a more background role Tommy rejects this proposal and banishes Michael for his attempted coup with her son out of the family business paully decides to resign as she departs she reveals a prophecy she has seen to Tommy in which the Shelby family would go to war and one of Tommy or Michael would die meanwhile Arthur and Linda's marriage begins to fracture leading them to divorce AA begins an affair with an Army intelligence officer Ben younger who tries to Aid Tommy in taking down Mosley unfortunately Ben is then murdered for his involvement with Tommy before ever learning that aah is pregnant with his child when Mosley's fascist agenda begins receiving support from the government Tommy realizes the political leader needs to be assassinated so he recruits his old army buddy Barney to do the job Tommy then pays a visit to a very much alive Alfie Solomon who survived being shot in the face and asks his men to Stage a riot that would serve as a cover for Mosley's assassination the assassination attempt at Mosley's fascist rally turns into a complete disaster new pey blinders member and close friend to fin Shelby Billy grade tips off an unknown person to Tommy's plans this leads to Barney being killed by an unknown assassin before he can kill Mosley and when abama gold tries to kill Jimmy mccavern to avenge Bonnie He Is tragically stabbed to death Oswald Mosley leaves his successful rally alive and well while Tommy is left defeated at his lowest point and losing against his toughest enemy yet Tommy falls into a deep depression in series six of pey blinders Tommy learns that his former allies in the Irish Republican Army had been the ones to thwart Mosley's assassination and not only had they killed Barney and abama gold but also tragically Paulie as the Shelby family mourned their losses Michael vows Vengeance on Tommy for inadvertently leading his mother to her death for years later Tommy has sobered up and lives in seclusion on an island off the coast of France all the while plotting his revenge Tommy sets up a meeting with Michael who has been living in America with Gina and working with her Uncle Jack Nelson Tommy wants to use the island as a harbor to smuggle opium to Jack's gang in America as Michael agrees to take the proposal to Jack Tommy betrays his cousin and rats him out to the police leading to Michael's arrest when Lizzy calls Tommy and informs him that their daughter Ruby is sick he finally returns home to England to reunite with his family where Tommy promises Lizzy that he just needs to complete this one final plan before they can all live happily in peace Jack Nelson then arrives in England with Gina by his side to finalize the Opium deal and Forge an alliance with Oswald Mosley and the fascist party in response Tommy strikes up one final Alliance of his own with Alfie Solomon's whose uncle was killed in America by Jack's gang Tommy offers to give the Solomon's gang in America enough opium to rebuild their operation and overthrow Jack's power as Ruby's condition worsens she is diagnosed with tuberculoma Tommy asked John's gypsy Widow Esme to heal her but to no avail and Ruby tragically dies when Tommy is diagnosed with the same incurable disease he goes about getting his Affairs in order before he succumbs to his inevitable death Esme then reveals to Tommy that she has discover that he has a secret illegitimate adult son named Duke Tommy Embraces Duke into the Shelby family and hopes that Duke will take over the family's criminal Enterprise in his absence while hoping that his other son Charlie can leave lead a peaceful life away from crime Tommy arranges for a meeting with himself Jack Oswald Mosley and Mosley's fiance Diana midford where the group discussed the merits of Hitler much to Tommy's hidden disgust Tommy secretly relays the details of the meeting to Winston Churchill in the hopes of helping him eradicate the fascist from Parliament Arthur has fallen hard into an opium addiction following Paulie's death but Tommy helps him sober up and pays Linda to look after him on his Road to Redemption Tommy is then coerced into sleeping with Diana to secure financing for charitable housing but when the affair is revealed to Lizzy she leaves Tommy and takes their son Charlie with her as Tommy continues to plot his enemy's demise and set up the pey blinders for success in his absence everything begins coming to a head Michael is busted out of prison by Jack on the condition that Michael murder Tommy the vengeful Michael agrees and attempts to blow up his cousin with a car bomb Tom Tommy uncovers Michael's plot and survives then murders Michael for his betrayal fulfilling the late Paulie's prophecy Tommy then gives Duke the order to task Finn Shelby with finally bringing Billy grade to justice as duke gives Finn the order to kill his friend Finn refuses and turns on his family's gang in response Duke kills Billy himself and kicks Finn out of the peaky blinders for good continuing their alliance with the fascists the IRA attempts to kill Arthur Shelby the newly sober Arthur manages to turn the tables on his attackers and kill their leader Captain swing finally avenging his Aunt Polly knowing his diagnosis would soon kill him Tommy bids farewell to his family who other than Arthur remain unaware of his imminent demise as he departs Tommy encourages his headstrong sister aah to run for office one day one month later Tommy is living in seclusion awaiting his demise as he contemplates taking matters into his own hands he is stopped by the ghost of Ruby Tommy discovers that the doctor that diagnosed him with tuberculoma is actually close friends with Oswald Mosley and the fascist party Tommy seeks out the doctor looking for Revenge after realizing his death sentence was just a scam to trick him into accepting death but Tommy is a changed man and Spares the doctor's life Burns all of his ties to his former life of crime and then chooses to ride off in peace [Music]
Channel: Recap & Chill
Views: 66,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peaky blinders, peaky blinders series, peaky blinders recap, peaky blinders full series recap, peaky blinders season 1 recap, peaky blinders season 2 recap, peaky blinders season 3 recap, peaky blinders season 4 recap, peaky blinders season 5 recap, peaky blinders season 6 recap, peaky blinders ending explained, peaky blinders ending, peaky blinders tommy and grace, peaky blinders season 1-6 recap, peaky blinders series 1-6 recap, peaky blinders best scenes, peaky blinders edit
Id: NMeViaAgct8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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