Every Character in Peaky Blinders Ranked

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to celebrate the upcoming 10-year anniversary of peaky blinders I thought I would rank every single character pertaining to perhaps one of the greatest TV series ever made and a personal favorite of mine being peaky blinders now just to clear some vital info up I will only be ranking the main characters whom are vitally important to the show I will not be ranking little side characters whom appear briefly here and there also our quick disclaimer these are solely my opinions and you may very well disagree leave a comment in the description if you do and let me know what your rankings would be now to get started coming in at 35 is Darby zabini zabini at first seemed like it could be a fantastic intimidating villain in season 2. in season 1 he was name dropped as being one of the big London players and in season 2 episode 1 everyone in the club seemed to work for or be in relation to zabini it should be noted as well that this was of course his Club but his power and influence could be sensed in the air furthermore zabini had some great moments like the initial torture and beating of Tommy and the plan he concocted to get Alfie to betray Tommy which funnily enough was entirely undone in the final episode unfortunately however his character didn't really eventuate into anything substantial nor were there any real threat to Tommy or the peaky blinders it is even embarrassingly stated in season four that sabini's gang was taken over very easily by Lika trendgretta's Mafia along the same line of embarrassment Tommy also tells his new Italian chef that after he's dealt with Luca he will be coming for sabini showing that zabini's gang really has no power anymore and has dwarfed completely by the peaky blinders and their power however despite all his shortcomings as a character he was always entertaining on screen having some incredibly funny moments intended or not and always bringing life to the screen with his extreme paranoia rage and heavily emotional reactions to the people around him and situations which he found himself in coming in at the first bonus spot of three is inspector Moss now not much can really be said about inspector Moss he is present in every season besides season 6 to which he is still name dropped but nonetheless his character whom initially started off as a good straight cop quickly became corrupted by the peaky blinders and now he happily works with them he is always interesting to see on screen and I just felt like including him so yeah here's uh my bonus spot number one coming in at number 34 is Reuben Oliver now I'm guessing a lot of you completely forgot this character even existed but his role can't really be forgotten for reference Reuben Oliver was in season three of peaky blinders and acted as Polly's first real love interest and now although he wasn't in any other season his role in season 3 was felt hard and really aided in Polly's character development he helped her incredibly get over her horrific rape in this season before and also Reuben was the first person Polly seemed to be genuinely happy or in love with and for that alone he comes in ranked at 34. at 33 Billy Kimber at first Kimber came off as a seemingly powerful individual with greater reaches and men and capabilities however upon their first meeting it was quickly shown that he was not the brains behind his operation and did not seem all that intelligent being far too emotionally reactive and controlled it seemed as if his accountant actually handled the logistics and inner workings of the organization however it should be noted that he was willing to and Damrak nearly did kill Tommy Shelby and the peaky blinders gang shooting Tommy in the chest and killing Danny whizbang his only downfall was his Supreme arrogant to which it got him killed as his bullet did not kill Tommy although he was the TV series's first ever villain he was decent and always entertaining on screen to watch 32 Finn Shelby Finn is there from the start appearing as a little boy in season 1 and his biggest moment in this season is nearly blowing up Tommy's car with a rigged grenade so from the beginning we knew what type of role Finn would play from there he ages up rather fast into season two and then more consistently throughout the rest of the seasons growing as a character in season one to three he really is just there as a background character the youngest brother the one who didn't go to war and doesn't share the same Bond as Tommy Arthur and John however in season 4 after John's death you can see both Arthur and Tommy are trying to age and mature Finn making him suitable for the life they lead this can be seen from such as Tommy talking to him about his experiences with the women and then advising him to take revenge on one of the Italian gangsters after Arthur is presumed dead Finn understands these lessons and adapts this further into season 5 and season 6. in which during season five Finn is a bit of a wild gun being very arrogant oblivious and hot-headed running irrationally and interrupting the meeting with Chang Tommy and Arthur and then foolishly telling Billy that they were shooting a fascist on the night of Mosley's speech even after Arthur has told him not to risk Billy's life with Secrets he'd not need not know further into season six Finn gets married to a woman called Mary and is finally kicked out of the family after citing his loyalties with Billy over his own blood being Duke Tommy's new son so overall his character is decent but is entirely incomprehensible and oblivious to the dedication and duties he was required to carry out as a member of the Shelby family and the broader peaky blinders there is a chance he will return in the movie but it is unlikely saying that the actor him plays Finn has stated he wants to break away from peaky blinders 31 Laura McKee her gang and more responsibly the IRA were responsible for killing Polly Eber armor and bani and throating Tommy's plan at the end of season five which is why he failed to assassinate Mosley yes she tries to kill Arthur in the final episode of season six but besides that she's seen to be really working with Tommy the whole season and she really only gets ranked above Billy Kimber and sabini because she manages to kill Paulie abarama and Barney which are all vital characters and I truthfully believe that pulley wasn't even meant to be killed as unfortunately the actor Helen mccrow who played her in real life passed away so originally I believe the IRA was just meant to have killed abarama and bani so besides that she's also killed quite easily in season six she's our maneuvered and outsmarted by Arthur and the peaky Blinder gang with help from Tommy obviously at 30 is Bonnie gold now what can I say about Bonnie abramba's son and a true boxer boy it was always a pleasure to watch on screen and his Cockiness with regards to boxing was entertaining and really sold his character well he overall however didn't really have much development throughout the series and died in a rather quick fashion being shot in the head by Jimmy mccaven and then crucified so yeah it would have been great to see more of Bonnie and that's why he comes in at rank 30. bonus spot number two Jeremiah Jesus quickly in between born and gold and the next spot is Jeremiah Jesus overall he didn't really contribute much but he had a killer scene in the final episode of season six when he reigns from heaven above with his machine gun as well as this he was one of the original War boys alongside Tommy and Arthur furthermore he has been there since the start and is one of the gang's most trusted and loyal allies coming in at number 28 Gina Gray what can I say about Gina Gray she was a slight antagonist in season five and then a full-on villain in season six not hesitating to kill the Shelby's kids in the final episode she was Michael's wife and niece to Uncle Jack her character albeit really doesn't or didn't do all that much in peaky blinders she had a few good scenes with Tommy specifically in season six where he catches her sleeping with Mosley and in episode 1 where he confronts her over arresting Michael her character ultimately fell a bit flat now for the final bonus spot being number three we have Francis Tommy's Chief maid now what can I say Francis is nearly as reliable as Johnny dogs nearly she's always shown to be on Tommy's side offering to help whenever she can even finally earning her right to sit at the table with the family in season six final episode during their final meal she is a wonderful kind-hearted character whom genuinely has the best interests at heart for Tommy and his family coming in at 28 is Jesse Eden now Jesse Eden played quite a minor role in the whole series being really another love interest for Tommy and perhaps his first actual legitimate business opposition with reference to the following of strikes to put him out of business but besides a few decent scenes with Tommy such as their first meeting and their other scenes in season 4 like the dinner and the meeting in her apartment where Tommy explains that he's a constable for the police she has never really seen again in season five she makes two brief appearances and then in season six she is nowhere to be found which I admit was a little disappointing however nonetheless the scenes she did have were enjoyable and that is why she is ranked at 28. coming in at 27 is a complete newcomer really Hayden stag Hayden's stag was only in season six of peaky blinders but his impact was felt throughout the whole series he acted as the manager of the Liverpool docks and shared a great scene with Arthur in season six where he talks him through his addiction and helps him to get over his addiction it is really a wonderful scene acted beautifully and scored beautifully he as well shares another great scene with Tommy in season six where they both challenge each other's ideologies once again and have a deep conversation I would have loved to see more of his character he is hoping he will once again be in the movie as last time we left off with him he had acquired a lucrative weapon importing deal with the peaky blinders 26 is Esme Shelby now Esme really didn't have a whole lot to do throughout peaky blinders and for the most part she was seen as a confidant for Jon being also his wife she does have some noticeable scenes such as inciting Tommy to run away with her and start a new life as well as in general confronting John about Tommy and his decisions in season 4 this is specifically so as after John is nearly hung she is very rude to Ada and it dismisses any idea of communicating or seeing Tommy with her even insulting the Shelby company when Ada arrives at their house furthermore after John's death she vows to leave the family and doesn't reappear until season six in which it's probably her most prominent role in the series Tommy approaches her family's Camp to which she now seems to be the leader and then goes on a treasure-like hunt with Tommy to find the source of his daughter's illness once finding the source she gets payment from Tommy and then in The Following episode reveals that he has a son and that is the last time we see him she shared character development through the initial transitioning from quiet wife to a wife who questions the morality and actions of both her husband and their gang finally resulting in a departure and becoming her own leader away from the peaky blinders at 25 Jack Nelson I actually really like Jack Nelson's character he is purely ranked this low because he had such a small amount of screen time in season 6 of peaky blinders however on the contrary if this was our ranking of the most powerful peaky blinders villains he could most possibly be the most powerful villain Tommy has ever come into contact with Nelson is depicted to be an American Gangster whom has vast networks of power even including the president of the United States he's the uncle of Gina gray Michael's wife and more important has many similarities to Tommy such as the fact that both men started from obscurity and eventually Rose to very high social standings and obtained satiable power on top of his power and pure intelligence which was conveyed with his manipulative conversations with Tommy and Mosley he's also not afraid to get his hands dirty this can be seen when he intimately torches Billy in the shower room since season 6 of episode 5 and forces him to do his bidding to betray the peaky blinders overall the screen time which Jack Nelson had in season six was great I enjoyed every scene he was in and he portrayed a powerful American Gangster well coming in at 24 is the Forgotten Shelby Tommy's long-lost son Duke now Duke like Hayden was only in season six but wow his impact was felt Duke was literally in two episodes and somehow he was already better as well as more liked than Finn Duke had this Charisma to him which was amazing and every scene he is in was amazing from the first confrontational scene with Arthur in the Garrison to one of his final scenes in which he basically tells Finn to [ __ ] off it's great and I really wish to see more in the movie 23 is Jimmy mccappen now mckevin is simply above Nelson because he actually manages to kill a member of the peaky blinders as well as leaving live landmines literally on Tommy's front lawn the first time we see a more accurately here Jimmy mckevin he is singing a Sinister theme song like he's making a goddamn WWE it should then it goes on to shoot abarama break his son Bonnie's jaw crucify him and then shoot him in the head and it makes for some great TV however Beyond these acts he isn't really expanded upon and he doesn't seem overly intelligent like the villains are ranked above him he's more like Arthur than Tommy and unfortunately seeing that he is not in season 6 at all his character had a very unfulfilling ending although in history by the Time season 6 takes place the Billy boys are technically disbanded and over all he was a decent villain whose main motive was controlling in gang expansion possibly if the character had more screen time and had a greater impact on the story he could have managed to being ranked higher coming in at 22 is Colonel Ben younger now Ben younger played a minor yet major role in the show being a colonel and secretly in relationship with Tommy to help him bring down Communists and the fascists Etc as well as this he was Aida's daughter's father and shared a special relationship with Ada he was honestly one of the only true good people in peaky blinders genuinely trying to contribute to a good cause and change the world for better he is seen as a good Soul as far back as his initial appearance in season 4 when Ada is forced to undress and the men watch younger than genuinely apologizes after he learns of this and feels genuinely bad Tommy as well States on multiple occasions that he is a good bloke he died in a very unfortunate way being a car bomb and I wish we had got to see more of his character but nonetheless he was always interesting to watch and contributed to the show very well coming in at 21 is Tatiana petrovna now Tatiana was one of the main characters in season three and boy was she entertaining to watch be it from playing Russian roulette in Tommy's house or simply just being a smart ass or Tommy her scenes were always interesting entertaining and enjoyable she played a key role in basically helping Tommy get over Grace and also played a key role in helping the peaky blenders Advance their business and ultimately survive it would have been great to see her in one of the later Seasons as a nice little callback because she said she was moving to Venice at the end of season three however she did not appear but there was always a chance for the movie though at 20 years curly what can I say curly is literally the best always reliable funny and down to earth you really couldn't ask for a kinderman as well as this it's worth noting the exceptional amount of weight his actor Ian Peck lost between season five and six congratulations Mateen well done on playing a great character coming in at 19 is Isaiah Jesus now Isaiah is one of those characters who has been around since day one son of Jeremiah Jesus and the true peaky Blinder in the earlier Seasons he didn't really get up to much he had an amazing scene in season 2 however where a man in a bar is racist to him so him and Michael bash him and get into a pub role furthermore in season five and six he has got some great moments season six in particular comes to mind uh for me this is where Isaiah shined the most going from a relatively small character to someone who appears prominent in season six having great dialogue exchanges with Ada and Arthur as well as a killer Warehouse interrogation scene at London docks his character growth was exceptional and I can easily say him becoming one of the main characters in the movie it is deserved and his character is just great Freddie Thorne comes in at number 18. some of you probably forgot about Freddie right back in season one uh Freddy was played a rather vital role in both Tommy and Ada's lives being Ada's first husband and Tommy's childhood best friend the history was rich and you could tell all his scenes with both Tommy and Ada are amazing and always leaves you wanting more unfortunately in season two the actor who played Freddy left the show for another and his character was subsequently killed off due to the flu he has ranked this High just purely based on how vital his role was in season one and the Charisma his character had being a real adversary to Tommy as well as a real Ally in the end also his Dynamic with Tommy and the scenes they share were honestly some of the best in this whole show it is a shame that his character is dead but the time we had with him was phenomenal and that is why he has ranked this High coming in at number 17 is May Carlton now may Carlton was really the third main love interest for Tommy besides Lizzie and Grace and if I'm honest I honestly could say Tommy enjoyed being with me more than Lizzy Ford from what we saw in season two he had some genuine happy moments with her and in season four he genuinely wanted to spend time with her furthermore their dynamic in season two and four was great and their chemistry really worked well together with May wanting Tommy to change and become more normal and Tommy not wanting to but also wanting to spend time with me it was just great and she played a vital role in filling Tommy's heart after his departure from Grayson season 2. if I'm honest most people say that Tommy should have actually married me instead of Grace do I agree I'm not sure I'll leave it to you guys to discuss in the comments 16. Lizzie Shelby now Lizzie Shelby started off as a working lady who was originally going to marry John but her Unfaithful nature which was revealed when Tommy propositioned her with money led to the demise of this marriage from there Tommy continued to entertain his casual relationship with her employing her as his personal secretary and offering her a role in a more prominent and respectable life she has a great scene in season two where Tommy requires her to play up her previous life's gestures in order to kill a military General this shows the length at which Lizzie was willing to risk her life for Tommy furthermore in season three she is quite legitimately the cause of both Graces and John's eventual death at the hands of the Italians if you remember she was going out with Luca's brother to which the piggy blinders did not approve whether John eventually cutting Angel changrata and thus leading to Grace being shot Vincente being killed by Arthur and then Luca killing Jon furthermore in season 4 she becomes pregnant with Tommy's child Ruby and becomes Tommy's wife by the end in the final two seasons five and six she arguably has the most prominent role so far in season 5 she constantly has conflict with Tommy and schemes with Linda to leave the Shelby life forever to which she does eventually do and in season six Tommy and Lizzy's relationship at first seems to be much better than in season five but eventually starts to deteriorate with the death of Ruby and Tommy's physical betrayal with Diana all equating to her leaving in the finale overall Lizzie had an amazing character development throughout the show and evolved arguably the most out of any character at 15 Linda Shelby now I understand Linda is largely disliked by the show's fan base yet she was a pivotal character with regards to Arthur and his story and for the and for that reason alone she is above those who came before she was a crucial element of the show's later seasons she is first introduced in season three as Arthur's new wife whom genuinely wants to help him go on the straight and narrow path he accepts God to a great degree and in the eyes of Tommy and John he becomes softer unwilling to so willingly commit a violent ax at the drop of a hat thanks to Linda and her enlightenment her control over Arthur is established from the first episode she is in with Linda being the only person who has more control over Arthur than Tommy at first Linda starts off as a good wife him genuinely wants to help Arthur throughout season 3 this relationship is strained as Arthur continues to commit violent gang-related acts for his gang and broader family however at the end of season 3 Linda does in fact persuade Arthur to move to America with her to which is eventually swindled by Tommy and Arthur is arrested during season four Linda is living her ideal life with Arthur showing how she had indeed been able to reverse the trauma to an extent and live a solitarily solitary peaceful life she however starts snorting cocaine near the finale and by the time season 5 comes around she is completely over Arthur and their peaky blinders lifestyle she is shown to have transitioned from a loving wife who wants the best for a troubled husband to a woman who wants to rid herself of her last name and relationships with those around this all eventuates and Linda actually attempting to shoot Arthur herself and was only saved by Polly when she shoots Linda in the shoulder Linda then leaves Arthur and doesn't return to the final two episodes of season six in which she plays a very minor yet majorly impactful role in helping to reform Arthur and help cure his drug addiction overall Linda played a pivotal role in peaky blinders and is truthfully a second side to Arthur as a character with her being responsible for a lot of his actions from season 3 onwards such as him becoming re-addicted to drugs and his overall emotional state throughout these latter seasons coming in at 14 is Luca chengreta played by Adrian Brody now Luca for me was an okay antagonist who was amazing at certain times and would have been higher if not for the sometimes over the top performance and overall sloppiness of his writing firstly his motive is great to avenge the death of his father and brother a classic Revenge tale and his presence was definitely felt in the first episode when by his order Jon was killed and Tommy infiltrated the whole dynamic between the Italian mafia and peaky blinders fell flat however especially considering the stakes which were set up in the earlier episodes of season 4. and the sheer amount of tension suspense and anticipation in which it left the viewers failing Tommy's Chef is a black hand a member of Lucas's Entourage how deep does this organization go does Tommy have people in his gang who are Lucas people in his businesses how infiltrated was Tommy's gang really he also happens to deliver one of my favorite interactions in all of peaky blinders being the meeting between him and Tommy in episode 2 of season 4. where he genuinely comes off as an intimidating antagonist with a real power as well as coming off as evil vowing to kill Tommy's whole family before his eyes to inflict the most pain possible he even has some great scenes with Alfie in his Brewery in spite of this intimidation its show throughout the season due to bad or writing that liquor was not nearly as smart or intelligent as Tommy being outplayed simply by Tommy contacting Al Capone and bartering a deal to overthrow Lucas again whilst also literally buying off his men in the end Luca and his organization just fell flat and went out with a whimper contrastingly to how they entered with a bang coming in at number 13 is abarama gold AMA gold what a character he might be one of my personal favorites actually especially in season 5 with his new Sleek cotton mustache in season four and five abrama gold is exceptional being first introduced as another Gypsy gang to help fight off the Italian mafia and then transitioning into becoming a peaky Blinder marrying polian becoming a member of the Shelby family has this Cockiness and arrogance to him which is so appealing and inviting to watch from his initial confrontation with Tommy and Charlie's yard to his comedic jokes in the final episode of season five during the family meeting his Dynamic with pulley as well was really nice they were Gypsy King and Queen really perfect for each other and showed genuine interest in each other he was just a pleasure to watch really and it was unfortunate that he died rather soon and in such a shocking way being killed at the hands of the IRA during a failed assassination attempt on Mosley during his speech nonetheless the scenes which he shared with everyone were fantastic and in my opinion he was easily one of the greatest characters on the show at number 12 is Grace Shelby now like Linda Grace played a pivotal role in Tommy's life being the motivation to go legit and with her eventual death leading to the consolidation of organizations such as the grace Shelby orphanage Etc Grace is first introduced as a spy working with inspector Campbell to undermine the peaky blinders but more importantly find the missing guns she falls in love with Tommy and Tommy with her she however is outed as a traitor and she leaves Tommy at the end of season one after Tommy confesses no more feelings for her she doesn't reappear until season two to which Tommy is still caught caught up on her and her him they have a nightly excavator meeting Charlie Chaplin Etc and then she falls pregnant to Tommy we then get to season three where Tommy and gray seem to finally be happy and together having a great wedding and raising Charlie their son as a quick side note season 3 episode 1 might be one of my most favorite episodes within the whole series furthermore Tommy even spoils over the sapphire as a present unfortunately however she ends up being killed in episode 3 of season 3 and does not return until season five in which she is a mental illusion of Thomas whilst he is on opium constantly urging Tommy to kill himself and join her in the afterlife his Guild essentially building up Grace for me was always entertaining on screen and definitely had an interesting Dynamic during season one with Tommy she was more or less a side character in season two and finally in season three I did enjoy her scenes with Tommy quite a lot I also liked her largely in season five as an almost ghost representing Tommy's guilt regarding his actions and how he usurped his power and the consequences of overall I enjoyed her character and her importance within the show was heavily noted at number 11 Charlie Strong now what can I say besides the fact that this is the man that is the most reliable member of the Shelby family always there when you need him even offering words of wisdom to Tommy throughout all of the seasons he is I believe Tommy's mother's brother so Charlie is always a pleasure on screen and offers some of the funniest moments the show has to offer as well as all this his final shootout in season 6 episode 6 is Sensational and shows he's still got it at his old age also providing a nice scene in which Charlie actually gets in on the action and benefits the peaky blinders exponentially he is simply a great reliable and charismatic character coming in at number 10 Johnny dogs Johnny dogs what can I say an absolutely Legend and a living example of what a best made him is reliable trustworthy and just perfect really looks like Johnny from season one always had Tommy's back as well as the peaky blinders helping whenever he could be it with Alfy's cargo packing in Camden town the tunneling in season three or even in season six when he literally saves Tommy's Life by switching the car bomb what a legend not to mention he shares easily the funniest scene in the whole show always creating entertaining and funny scenes he is genuinely one of the only characters whom is universally loved by all the fan base really and their reasons explained just previously tell you why also for a quick funny throwback does anyone remember when peaky when people actually thought Johnny was the traitor in peaky blinders after season five hell I thought he was a traitor for a moment especially when in the season 6 trailer it looked like Tommy was fighting him in the bar anyways Johnny was and is a phenomenal character and I hope he does indeed make an appearance in the upcoming movie coming in at number nine Michael Gray now Michael's character is a mixed bag for me I've always thought he was decent yet his role in the final season really dampens his impact from Seasons two to four he is shown to be a valuable asset to the company perhaps even being the second most intelligent after Tommy even being the company's Financial Manager in season 2 Michael is largely innocent although he does have a sense of arrogance and ambition as Tommy this can be seen when he refuses to go back to his original orphan home wanting to stay with Tommy Polly and the peaky blinders initially Michael doesn't really do anything in the family and is merely there at Polly's request although after Tommy promises Polly then Michael will deal with solely the legitimate business he's allowed to convene more with his cousins being Tommy Arthur and John Etc and for the most part this is Michael's role being an ambitious sometimes entitled Second Tommy him handles solely the legitimate aspect of the Shelby company he has some great scenes especially in season three with Arthur and Jon and he slowly is becoming more and more corrupt such as when they are shooting guns during the night and Michael finally killing father Hughes then in season 4 he chooses to make a deal with Luka to spare Polly over Tommy a completely understandable thing to do for example would you rather save your mother or your boss this essentially exiled Michael to America to which he meets Gina and his down spiral begins during season five Michael has caused the Shelby company to lose a lot of money through the stock market on top of this he is constantly in strife and conflict with Tommy aiding in Tommy's paranoia concerning his throne Michael makes a play to become the leader of the peaky blinders which is funnily rebuffed by Tommy and Mike was completely kicked out of the family business now this would actually be great if Michael had a satisfying ending however he does not and spends basically the entire season six inside a prison cell to then be shot in the head by Tommy in the season finale he literally does nothing of any consequence to Tommy throughout the whole of season six as he is simply outsmarted by Tommy in the literal first episode of this final season Michael had the potential to be one of the greatest characters however his conflict and final stage concerning his character Arc fell flat at eight is abethorne now Ada might actually have my favorite character development out of the whole show she is first shown as the vulnerable younger sister who is in love with Tommy's childhood best friend turned enemy Freddie Thorne throughout season 1 Ada constantly argues with Tommy and even Freddie eventually de-escalating the conflict between Kimber and Tommy which doesn't work out as Tommy is shot and Kimber eventually killed furthermore in season two she is shown to be becoming slowly more independent living by herself in London she is still disagreeing with Tommy but they are becoming closer and closer by the Time season 3 rolls around she is becoming more prominently involved in the family's business both legally and illegally with her becoming the head of property and Acquisitions for the Shelby Company Limited when Tommy is injured by father Hughes she as well takes a pivotal role in avoiding the killings of all the Shelby gang members due to the Russian's backstabbing Etc and by season 4 she is almost entirely a new character being much more confident and proud of her role in the Shelby company as well as being more willing to defend Tommy and think analytically as well such as Tommy this can be seen when she walks Linda home after John's funeral putting aside her personal biases and grudges to look out for the broader family then in season 5 she is even more prominent within the company as well as Tommy's life she constantly discusses and confines within Tommy as well as Finn with her in the first episode instructing Finn to take it easy and relax and later on essentially being a therapist-like figure for Tommy tarante and then finally Season Six Ada becomes a top player and is arguably my favorite her character has ever been in any of the seasons from the beginning she is shown to be very confident and almost like a second leader to the gang looking after Arthur Etc then throughout the remainder of the Season she becomes the boss of the peaky blinders for a day bossing around Isaiah and dictating the gang's actions as well as taking Tommy's place in the meeting with Mosley Diana and Jack Nelson to which she does hold our own very well however this must be stated after the passing of Polly's actor Helen McCrory I'm not sure whether or not Ada was actually supposed to be this pivotal in the final season or if Paulie was actually instead meant to be the character in these previously mentioned scenes such as with Jack Nelson nonetheless Ada throughout peaky blinders has been phenomenal and had possibly my favorite character progression throughout the whole show all her scenes are great and her role in the peaky blinders is undeniable seven is John Shelby John is an amazing character being the youngest out of the pivotal Trio he is often hot-headed and impulsive yet innocent and kind-hearted from season 1 John has been shown as the most vulnerable brother with his love for Lizzy eventual marriage to Esme and further down the line his impulsive actions against Angel chain Greta and many more things an amazing scene in which depicts John's nature is that when Tommy instructs him to kill lucach and Greta's mother in season three John and Arthur simply refuse with the John being much more adamant and engaging in a full-blown argument with Tommy even becoming very emotional when it actually comes time to capture Vincente John and Arthur do indeed spare the mother against Tommy's order which does lead to Jon's death but still it shows Jon's kind nature and inability to completely become ruthless and violent Polly even States in season 4 by stating that Jon was a good boy there isn't really much else to say and those who have watched the show would know why he's an essential and valuable character to peaky blinders and shares so many great scenes within the show that there's just too many to list he's always a pleasure to watch on screen and has a great degree of humor within each season and he is one of the main characters of the show so it's just undeniable that he should be wrecked as high six is Major Campbell Campbell is arguably the main antagonist in both season 1 and season 2 of peaky blinders first off with Campbell his motivations as a character were very clear and understandable initially he is just employed to do his job after all in our modern world technically Campbell in season 1 and arguably in season 2 is just doing his job and trying to protect Society just such as looking for and acquiring the guns in season one Etc what makes him a great villain however is his ability to be devastatingly ruthless and extremely manipulative to those around him such as threatening Arthur and Tommy on multiple occasions and guilt-tripping the police commissioner ultimately using his authoritative power to proceed and Carry Out corrupt actions a lot of his motivations and hatred towards Tommy are also drawn from his failure to successfully Bond and have a relationship with Grace his initial partner and Tommy's eventual wife Grace's inability to appreciate and love Campbell in place for Tommy in rages Campbell and furthest his hatred for Tommy and the peaky blinders gang pushing a lot of his actions taken in season two on top of all this he commits arguably the most disgusting act on the whole show being the Hostile manipulative rape of Polly in return for the release of Michael to which Michael finds disappointing in the sense that Campbell manipulated Polly to such a degree and finally the performance by Sam nil was fantastic Campbell really couldn't have been a played by anyone else Mill's ability to add a Sinister undertone to the character was appreciated and should be commended five comes in is Father Hughes now father Hughes could potentially be the most dangerous adversary Tommy and the peaky blinders have ever faced he had an exceptional degree of power being a part of section D he had access to politicians judges police literally everyone the organization he was a part of and infiltrated every single aspect of society very similar to the court of owls in Batman he literally just arrested Tommy to display the power he had over him he had the Sinister arrogance to him he literally played as if he was a God to the extent that he would literally order Tommy to do as he asked one of the most uncomfortable requests consisted of Tommy designating him in office at his new orphanage so he could play with the kids and not play in a good way there are some more brilliant scenes in which he depicts the Sinister arrogance such as forcing Tommy to recite a prayer and replace god with his name whilst Tommy is about to pass out from a cracked skull and serious brain injury which was also inflicted earlier by father hughes's thugs furthermore it is also alluded to that father who sexually abused Michael when he was an orphan child just to add another atrocity to his list also two notable things should be that this is the only antagonist that was capable of damaging Tommy to such a severe degree physically and emotionally his men broke and destroyed Tommy's skull and he damaged me emotionally by kidnapping his son which by the way is possibly the most we have ever seen Tommy genuinely worried Patty Constantine was the actor who played him you may also know him from the house of the dragon as king viserys most recently and what a role he played he was Sensational and genuinely successful in making father Hughes the child molester one of the most hated villains an absolutely brilliant performance four is Sir Oswald Mosley Mosley is arguably the smartest and has the potential to be the most dangerous villain within the peaky blinders much like Father Hughes Mosley has a great degree of power however the only difference being that Hughes is so powerful because of section D he is more or less a member of the organization whereas Mosley is more or less like the leader of section D he is the leader of his political party with no one above him to dictate his actions or plans furthermore mostly definitely had the best conversational skills out of all the villains and potentially had even a higher intelligence than Tommy Shelby himself also possibly being better at planning strategies Mosley constantly depicted in this season that he was always one step ahead of Tommy as well as being more powerful such can be seen in the scenes within his office the four-way meeting between Tommy Arthur Michael and Mosley as well as the shooting scene where mostly straight up dictates what Tommy will do furthermore to add to his credibility Tommy literally did not beat him in this season his assassination attempt failed and mostly survived the first time ever in the series that an antagonist survived and bested Tommy also his pure wit and intellect when facing off against Tommy was well known he didn't necessarily present himself as a very masculine man yet he used power and authority even intimidating Tommy on numerous occasions this power is finally displayed in season six when he does in fact survive unscathed even in threatening Tommy that he will have him killed if we were to look at his wife Diana in the wrong way causing Tommy to be physically shaken Oswald Mosley was portrayed By the Fantastic Sam Claflin he portrayed the character brilliantly and added an almost upper-class snobby arrogance to the character which Aiden in his representation as a seemingly authoritative intellect and perfect for a pivotal antagonist for the peaky blinders and Tommy Shelby so somehow whilst I was in the midst of writing this script I completely forgot to include Alfie Solomons one of my literal favorite characters from the show so in the post edit I am putting Alfie at this in between spot between Oswald Mosley and Polly gray but I couldn't be changing all the other rankings so um that's what I see so Alfie in my opinion is easily one of the greatest characters on the show he is phenomenal and nearly every way and manages to be extremely intimidating as well as extremely funny easily having both some of the funniest and greatest scenes in the show for example his scene in season 6 episode 2 when he talks to Tommy about the Irishman is just classic Alfie and a classic rambling scene which is both funny and entertaining furthermore one of my favorite funny scenes is in season three where Alfie is reunited with Arthur and Tommy's home this this scene is excellent and easily one of my favorites it's intense funny and just brilliant speaking of brilliant another scene which is fantastic and depicts what exactly Alfie is ranked so high for me is once again season 3 episode 6 where Alfie and Tommy argue about someone stealing Tommy's child in this scene Tom Hardy as Alfie gives my favorite performance arguably of the whole show being the pivotal cross the line speech this speech alone and the reason it is said by Alfie and what it means to his character as well as his relationship with Tommy is easily represented over this spot Alfie truly is one of my all-time favorite TV characters and is an exceptional addition to the peaky blender series quite simply it wouldn't be the same without him and that is why he comes in at this in between spot but regardless of very high spot three is poly gray I see a lot of people claim that the show is as much police as it is Tommy's and whilst I may slightly disagree Polly still has a colossal role within peaky blinders and is arguably the second most important character after Tommy she's shown to be more or less Tommy's second in command more like a confidant or conciliary very similar to Tom Hagen and The Godfather for Michael Tommy confides his plans in poly and always seeks her advice when it comes to his schemes and Ambitions she calls Tommy out when he's wrong and even goes against Tommy in certain cases such as the finale of season 3 when she wishes to hear a different V about the company furthermore her character experience is a great degree of tragedy and Redemption throughout the series in season two she is raped by inspector Campbell and from there she becomes vulnerable and traumatized which leads to some great television in season three which shows Polly recovering from her abuse with her new lover aslay starts regaining complete control of herself that is until the finale of season three where she is nearly hanged leading to a complete mental breakdown during the beginning of season four in which she has become a crazy recluse however this All Passes and she once again proves to be a fundamental character within the gang so scheming with Tomita outsmart Luca and Craig concocto great plan to actually see the end of Malika's gang furthermore in season five she is once again a main player helping Tommy with his plans and facing trouble with him Michael and his Ambitions grow and conflicts arise this all accumulates to pulley in the end finding love with abarama and completely retiring from the peaky blinders gang and Company unfortunately and tragically the actor for Polly Helen McCrory passed away before season six was filmed thus she is absent physically but is still definitely felt emotionally and spiritually with callback's direct character constantly being made I can't help but think in season 6 that Polly would have perhaps helped Michael take on Tommy or alternatively helped her both have physical sun and spiritual son in different ways playing both sides as she loves them both dearly we will never know and the times and scenes which probably did in fact have were among some of the greatest and her performance within the show will be forever cherished and discussed at second place is Arthur Shelby Arthur Shelby is a phenomenal character depicting grief guilt addiction and love he's constantly shown throughout the show to struggle with mental health problems caused by the war no doubt in season one he is angry aggressive and depressed even attempting to hang himself during season two he is equally angry and unhinged killing a poor boy and is yet still trying to take a more prominent role within the family business such as taking over the sabinis London club and refurbishing his Garrison Pub for a grand opening however he still struggles with his trauma from the war and resorts to cocaine which he becomes hooked on this is basically Arthur in a nutshell for the first two seasons Tommy's right hand man and will do any necessary act no matter how violent for their reputation and power of the peaky blinders that is until season three when he meets Linda his new wife as previously stated Linda puts Arthur on the seemingly straight path introducing him once again to God and attempting to right the wrong he has committed and help him settle into a solitary peaceful family life however this is not the case as Arthur continues to operate within the peaky blinders an amazing scene which depicts Arthur's complex contradictions is in season 3 episode 1 where he is informed to kill the Russian agent who has attended Tommy's wedding he literally pauses just before he shoots the Russian in the head arguing with himself and banging his head violently against the wall in conflict with her right or wrong light and dark side of himself eventually giving in to this darker older Natural Instinct side killing the Russian it is a great scene furthermore in season four it begins with Arthur and Linda living happily and peaceful on a farm they are raising chickens Arthur is fixing cars and helping old people Etc it is a happy calm life that is until Jon is killed and Arthur is pulled back to The Fray vowing to kill Luka chengritta he slowly breaks out of this peaceful cocoon and begins man begins killing Italians and resorting back to his old life this once again culminates an Arthur killing Luca and avenging John season 5 and 6 argue with the Arthur at his lowest in season five he constantly argues with Linda and virtually attacks one of Linda's male friends for simply talking to her forcing Linda to leave Arthur but not before attempting to kill him after this happens Arthur goes off the deep end once again falling into addiction both heavily drinking and snorting cocaine then in season six he is constantly high on opium and for the most of this season is high on any forms of drugs depicting his methods of dealing with uncomfortable difficulties such as Polly's death and Linda leaving him throughout the whole season he struggles until Tommy gets Linda back into his life and he is seemingly finally redeemed and clean of any drugs a full circle really the Arthur's complex nature and struggles with addiction Redemption love and betrayal all allow for some amazing television and promote Arthur as a troubled Angel truly a Monumental character and arguably as poppiest popularized Tommy himself with also to be mentioned all his scenes are phenomenal and all scenes really which three brothers shared together even with Polly Etc they're just phenomenal scenes and they really make the show what it is and as I'm sure you all guessed by now or even before you even clicked on the video coming in at number one is Tommy Shelby now seeing Tommy Shelby is number one there's not much that I can say that I haven't already said so basically why I love him so much and I'm sure why oh you guys love him so much and possible reasons are oh I'm gonna play now the section from another video I recently did called why Tommy Shelby is so popular so you can either watch the rest of this video to see why Tommy and shall be so popular or you can simply click on the other video why is Tommy shopping so popular and tomorrow that's going to be the same thing but in that video I explained it perfectly and that explains it perfectly as well in this ranking as to why he's my number one spot Tommy Shelby is the main pivotal character in The Gangster TV drama known as peaky blinders he is arguably one of the most popular characters in all of TV even being named the most popular male character within the TV media by lad Bible today we analyze and more importantly discuss what exactly makes Tommy Shelby so attractive and popular to viewers of both men and women around the world it should be said initially as a disclaimer that Tommy Shelby is arguably so attractive and popular as a character because he is played by an exceptional actor in Killian Murphy he is both attractive to men and women depicting physical Beauty and masculine Drive which is extrapolated through Killian's great performance now we must first begin with the Benchmark for popularity that most often entailing likability concerning characters their relatability this is why such characters as Spider-Man first became so popular a regular dude who was experiencing the same teenage dramas as the readers of the time Tommy is relatable in the sense that deep down he is a good man who happens to do bad things to a good end as the Creator Stephen Knight has stated thus for the viewers Tommy depicts the unacted upon evil that lays deep within all of us the only difference being that Tommy exploits this evil and readily uses it in situations to benefit not only him but his family and even the broader Society in some cases most people are in regular life feel lost to watch and endure with Tommy as he rises the gangster and later political ladder is almost cathartic comparable to such emotional feelings we would have as watching someone like Frank Underwood wrote from House of Cards claimed the political ladder furthermore the reasons to wish Tommy is exploiting this evil and deciding to willingly and almost sacrificially claim the ladder of power reveals the deeper DNA within the show family you see peaky blinders is far more than your average run-of-the-mill mob drama this deep down is a story about family a lower class underdog-like family whom rise from the depths of Filth and immorality to the heights of power and wealth in a world which is drastically changing For Better or For Worse this is seen through each season which takes place in a new later year with arguably a greater threat each time but whilst also showing that the peaky blinded themselves and Tommy have accumulated a greater wealth this all continues until the final threat is Tommy himself and thus this rise further adds another string of DNA into the concoction which is peaky blinders that being how this rise to power and through social classes in an unrelenting World affects the pivotal characters how it changes them this can be seen through the PTSD characters experience from the show due to World War one and even through events which occur in the show like Polly's rape and her PTSD and vulnerability gained from such a horrific experience most prominently however this can be seen in season 5 and season 6 with Tommy he begins to feel guilt for the actions which he has committed and believes the spirits are punishing him for the Deeds he has done allowing for the viewer just to feel sympathy for him and almost a sense of sadness even though considering the life he has lived has been very violent and arguably very immoral compared to how the average person would live to add on further Tommy makes you question these morals almost inciting this darker element within yourself it makes you question truly and puts yourself in his shoes what would you do if you were Tommy would you condemned the evil and punish the wicked would you partake in the same activities the same actions what would you do differently his actions are arguably so attractive because they are so dangerous he commits violent acts and devious plans which we would think unfathomable in our modern everyday lives and he does it all for the noble cause being the betterment of his family and even in season six the betterment of his community he also represents to men the culmination of masculinity and error bygone now depicting a drive and ambition to achieve great things in relation to business women and family this combination of masculinity is not only valid for males however this also makes him popular amongst females his drive and ambition to achieve great things for those he cares about and look after those he cares about by providing a prosperous future is an attractive trait it obviously helps that Killian Murphy is also considered an attractive man by many of the fan base to say the least it should be stated that he is a good man doing bad things to a good end he has constantly shown that the evil which he harnesses is usually in most cases used for good and people enjoy seeing good people do great things for the communities he cares for children building them orphanages and representing their interests as he has no racial or cultural Prejudice to anyone this is even further seen in season 5 when he withdraws friendly funding completely from an orphanage as the nuns had abused the children now this is hardly the only criteria needed to be a good person but it is a start a start which Tommy Shelby had made even before the first season had begun from a young pre-war lad he knew the system was broken even signing himself up for what he believed to be the best cause at the time being communism he has always had this fire to fight for what he believed was right not only for him but for everyone he cares for he came to understand what royalty politicians businessmen and gangsters really are Tommy fought in World War One For What him and his comrades receive no benefits a little thanks nothing really merely they were forgotten and tossed aside as Pawns in a game realizing this he tosses his medals in the cut and begins his Underdog rise to power realizing he needs to be as bad as his enemies if he wants to achieve a suitable reliable and most importantly safe future for his family this is evident and adventurate as Ada sister Finn in season 5 episode 1. Tommy has given us this opportunity relating to a good honest influential role in society to do good deep down Tommy Shelby is essentially an anti-hero the symbol of a working-class man whom achieved greatness through arguably evil ways to secure a prosperous future for his family and a potential better future for his community once again evidence in the final episode ever of peaky blinders in which the big mean powerful gangster Tommy Shelby states that he is planning to build houses for good ordinary working people for no better reason as simply being a good thing to do and that I believe sums it up rather beautifully but yeah anyway that was the end of the video I enjoyed ranking every single character in peaky blinders as a little homage for the upcoming 10-year anniversary I hope you guys enjoyed the video and thought my decisions for the rankings were fair and yeah accurate if you had any other oppositions or different rankings please feel free to comment them in the description I always love reading your lists and comparing them with my own but yeah if you enjoyed the video consider subscribing leave a like and a comment share it even to your friends or on Twitter or Reddit wherever I share it to anyone that really helps and yeah thank you so much for watching and I hope you have a great day or night Wherever You Are [Music]
Channel: PowerHub
Views: 17,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peaky blinders, peaky blinders season 6, peakyblinders, tommyshelby, peakyblindersedit, peaky blinders montage, tommy shelby, tommy shelby edit, peaky blinders season 6 recap, peaky blinders season 6 reaction, peaky blinders season 6 review, tommy shelby best moments, tommy shelby death, michael grey weekend, peaky blinders intro, peaky blinders arthur shelby, tom hardy, tom hardy edit, legend, legend bar fight, gangster, gangster edit, mafia edit, legend 2015, alfie solomons
Id: lTSBeN1Ps58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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