House of the Dragon RECAP: Season 1

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welcome to the man of Recaps this is House of the Dragon season one welcome back to Westeros for the Game of Thrones prequel Series where 200 years earlier so multiple Generations back by the time of Game of Thrones Dragons Were thought to be extinct but right now we're in the dragon Golden Age the targaryens have like a dozen of them one of the Dragon Riders is our main character princess raniera Targaryen who's a cool willful young girl a lot like Daenerys her father is the king of vaserus Targaryen and right now it's a time of peace and prosperity everything's chill except there's some concerns about the line of succession because he has no Sons Ranier is his only child there's precedent right now to skip over female heirs and go to the next male one which would be the king's brother Damon Targaryen now Damon is a complicated character he's not like a bad bad guy but he does things his own way for example they just put him in charge of the city watch so on night one he rounds up every criminal in King's Landing and executes him you're welcome guys I ended crime but the queen is pregnant right now so in honor of their hopefully new son they host a grand tournament Prince Damon of course is the favorite but it's this random night Sir Kristen Cole who actually wins the day more on him later but tragically childbirth is extremely dangerous and mother and babe both do not survive sad times for House Targaryen but everyone Grieves in their own way like Damon for example goes to a brothel and makes dead baby jokes now remember the hand of the king is second in command and this one's Otto Hightower who really likes King viserys that listens to his counsel he does not want King Damon who will do whatever he wants and probably fire it so Otto's all too happy to report what Damon said so King viserys is real mad at his brother names him specifically not the heir and kicks him out of the city and in a grand public ceremony in front of all the Lords of the realm names his daughter raniera heir to the Iron Throne now Damon kind of ignores this he's still acting like he's going to be king sovereignera has to fly in on Dragon back to put her uncle in his place now Damon has no problem killing people but he doesn't want to fight his niece in fact he really likes his niece so it's like all right fine you're the heir now King viserys is still a relatively young guy and it's like hey you should remarry to make more backup targaryens the best marriage proposal comes from his master of ships Corliss Valerian the sea snake in fact he's married to the king's cousin Randy Targaryen the female Heir that was passed over in favor of viserys so marrying their daughter is a little incestual but for the targaryens that's a good thing keep the bloodline strong only problem is their daughter is still way too young to get married in medieval politics you gotta lock down that Patrol Bowl early but viserys isn't feeling it but there's another surprise candidate Allison tightower daughter of hand of the king Auto Hightower and incidentally ranier's best friend her dad is like hey the king is real sad about his wife's death you should go comfort him gross man but Allison's a dutiful daughter she starts helping the king build his model City and these two strike up a friendship and so it's a two-year time Jump as the King married Allison and instantly had a son aegon everyone assumes he is now the heir which is awkward for Ranier but her dad's like now girl you're my Heir I'm sticking to it now what does Damon think of this well he's been at war in the stepstones fighting a pirate called the crabbeater and he gets an epic action sequence where he basically solos the entire crab feeder Army now he comes home to King's Landing with a haircut and an apology so his brother instantly forgives him happy Targaryen family again and turanera he's the cool Uncle who sneaks her out of the castle for a night on the town but their pub crawl ends in a brothel uncle where are you taking me and it wouldn't be Game of Thrones without a little bit of incest but for targaryens it's not weird it's normal and they're both feeling it so more power to you but for one reason or another Damon decides not to go through with it leaves her near I hanging so when she gets home she's all hot and bothered makes a move on her bodyguard sir Kristen Cole yes Kristin Cole who won the tournament trinera named him to the King's Guard because he's the best fighter and the hottest now banging your bodyguard is against the rules but these two are feeling it so they get it on but the city of King's Landing is full of spies that report to the hand Otto Hightower and he would much prefer his grandson to be King instead of raniera so he's happy to stir the pot again your daughter and brother were caught in a brothel together and so after one day of Brothers being friends again viserys has to re-banish him now he sends Allison to talk to renera like yo girl did you bone your uncle renira denies like yeah we went into the brothel together but not together I swear I did not bone my uncle which is of course technically the truth but it's a pretty big lie of a mission because she almost did and She Bangs her Kristen later that night but even if they didn't do it just the rumor would ruin her because they still have that archaic moral system where girls having sex before marriage spoils them but Ranier is like yo dad check your sources where'd this rumor come from and the King's like you know what you're right Otto man no hard feelings but you're gonna be biased towards your grandson I gotta fire you as hand of the king Allison's real sad to see her father go like why would my friend raniera get you fired but her dad's like yo raniera is not your friend anymore she's a rival for the throne and when you play the game of thrones you win or you die now to quash any rumors it's time renera gets married and they go back to the valerians their son Lenor is about Rainier's age and these two get along but she's like yo cuz I know you're gay that's fine this is a political marriage we can love whoever we want so Lenor gets to keep his secret boyfriend while renira keeps her secret boyfriend Kristen Cole you're okay with being my secret lover right but Kristen Cole is not okay with that he's got that archaic moral system and now feels like he's a terrible person but now it's time for a Game of Thrones wedding which you know never ends well the first drama is when Queen Alison shows up late to upstage renira with the grand entrance in a bright green dress and maybe it's a coincidence but green is the color the high tower is like the flame when they call the Banners To War yes tragically she's taken her father's advice to heart and is now real mad at her former friend ranera and she's been influenced by another schemer Laris strong son of the new hand of the king and he's happy to Spill the tea about raniera drinking the morning after tea Allison investigates and Kristen Cole feeling guilty confesses instantly and Allison feels it's wildly unfair that Ranier gets to do whatever she wants while she's been dutifully banging her gross Old King now the wedding gets worse when lane or secret boyfriend ghost Mr Kristen like hey guess we're both Royal paramours but this just makes her Kristen mad and no he beats this guy to death for no good reason dudes got serious anger management issues now boom 10-year time Jump we've got grown-up actors playing the characters it's a joyous day as raniera gives birth to her third son but looking at their kids they don't much look like Lenor they look a lot like new commander of the city watch Harwin strong yes she and Lane ore have their happy open marriage and she and Harwin strong have a happy secret family but one person's not happy Queen Allison who's apparently dedicated the last decade to Mean Girls ingranera but King viserys is happy to meet his new grandson and oh dude you're not that old what's wrong with you yeah unfortunately the King has some bad disease and the only thing that slows it down is cutting off parts of your body Allison tries to tell her husband that we're near his kids aren't Lane org but he doesn't want to hear it because of course if it were true he'd have to execute the whole lot and so for now there's a bunch of Targaryen princes growing up together learning important Targaryen things like How to Train Your Dragon sir Kristen Cole is the boy's swords Coach and he's now BFFs with Queen Allison because they're both nursing their grudges against raniera so he hugely favors Allison's kids Harwin Strong's gotta bust in to protect him and Sir Kristen finally says it out loud wow you protect those boys as if you're their father so boom marwin clocks that douche but unfortunately that brings a lot of unwanted attention on their situation it's best if Harwin leaves town now harwin's dad is like look with all these rumors it's best if I resign his hand to the king but viserys is like hey they're just rumors resignation deny and this rubs Alice into the wrong way she has dinner with her new gossip buddy lyrics wrong she thinks it's unfair that he fired her dad for the same thing having Royal grandsons she's like I wish my dad was back and layers is like well Queen your wish is Mac a man so it's his dad drives Harwin home to their Castle Harren Hall which is said to be cursed and maybe it is because that night his father and brother die in a fire he's like oh no what a tragedy it's like bro did you just murder your family he's like did I over the years he continues to be Allison's unofficial spymaster and their relationship evolves from friendly gossip over dinner to I'll give you information in exchange for looking at your feet now what has Damon been up to well remember he's technically married but now he's single again after her unfortunate riding accident so now he goes after none other than his brother's almost fiance Elena Valerian and she can handle his stuff she's a dragon rider too these two have a happy thing but tragically childbirth strikes again and Lena goes out in a blaze of glory Targaryen style dracarises herself so at the funeral it's a big Targaryen Family Reunion where Damon and raniera are both grieving the losses of their loved ones and like Will Ferrell says in wedding crash sure's grief is Nature's Most Powerful aphrodisiac cause ten years after their youthful almost fleeing these two finally get it on elsewhere on the beach another Targaryen is up to no good this is Alison's Second Son Eamon Targaryen and he's got a chip on his shoulder because he's been bullied by the other princes for being the only one without a dragon but with his aunt's death he figures her dragon is up for grabs to the first person to claim it and her dragons are real old model it's vegar one of the original Three and an absolute unit but aemond with balls of steel like yo girl I'm gonna ride ya yip yip and oh it's Dragon flight time oh this kid's a maniac and dragon's bond with the first person who rides him so eamonn's got a dragon now Elena's daughters are real mad that he scooped their mom's Dragon but he's like hey you snooze you lose losers and so it turns into a kid's cousin fight which is a fun time until someone loses an eye their respective Mama bears didn't like each other anyway and now Allison's real pissed grabs the knife goes to cut out one of their eyes after this it's like yo screw Allison and her kids you and me we're the real targaryens it's like you know what if we were married people wouldn't challenge my rule for being a woman because you know you'd be King next to me Damon's 100 in but he's like yo you're still technically married there's no divorce in Westeros Leonor is gonna have to die so Damon Targaryen puts back on his murder hoodie he makes a deal with Leonard's current boyfriend these two start fighting and when the guards get there oh lane or has been pushed into the fire I knew Damon was kind of a bad guy but raniera I expected better from you but wait what's this who's that throwing the Escape boat it is Lenor Valerian yes they faked his death staged it so these two got to go live a quiet life which leaves Damon into an era free to marry each other yeah after all these years the timing finally was right and it's a really sweet slightly incestuous love story and so for a quiet six years Rainier and Damon live happily on Dragonstone but the sea snake cordless Valerian has been grievously wounded and his brothers like yo or near his kids aren't lenors I should inherit so renera comes back to King's Landing where her father the King was barely hanging on he can't have made it another six years oh but he did he's still hanging in there barely with the King out of Commish the real rulers are the high Towers Alice and dinner father Otto and they can't fully say that raniera's kids are not Lane ores but casting the doubt is good for their eventual plan to put Allison's kids on the iron throne but what's this who's busting in now it is Old King viserys it's just an old man walking across a room but it's an epic scene as you can see how much he's putting into it so with him now ruling in raniera's son's favor this guy's got no option left but to go all in drops a b-bomb bastards which oh let's Damon cut his head in half uh yeah once he said it out loud it was slander and like he's legally allowed to kill him I guess so with his whole family in town Grandpa viserys makes the effort to stay up for dinner where they're celebrating a double betrothal they're Brady bunching it to both Rainier's Sons to both Damon's daughters and at this point the Targaryen and Valerian family trees have become a circle anyway for the old King's sake everyone squashes the beef for the night and it's a nice happy Targaryen family dinner until grandpa goes to bed because the Family Feud is passed down to the new generation these Sons don't get along and it's the younger brother Eamon who sets things off puberty hit this guy like a truck he's grown up into an epic fighter and looks real cool in his badass eye patch he makes a speech complimenting his nephews which is a nice gesture until he calls them a strong of course the surname of their real father it sets off a whole fight again Damon's like yo you're just a cheap knockoff of me but eamon's like oh no I'm the upgrade a short time later the day finally comes when Old King viserys dies his dutiful wife Allison was with him at the end where he was rambling incoherently but did say aegon should be king he was talking about his ancestor aegon the Conqueror but that's what you get for naming all the kids aegons and now she's like hey it was his dying wish that my son aegon becomes king and the rest of the small council is like well that's convenient because we were gonna do it anyway except this one guy who's like well that seems very suspicious he always was adamant that renira be his Heir so Kristen Cole comes up like sit down old man and oh he sat him down a little too hard he killed this guy yeah he's a repeat offender now it's like bro I gotta take your gun and badge but it's actually the Lord commander of the King's Guard who takes off his white cloak like yo y'all clearly up to some shady stuff I want no part of it so who is this aegon is he at least a good guy that'll be a good King well not really at his best he's kind of a douchey party boy and that is worst he likes sexually assaulting Castle servants and going to underground children fighting rings so they round up all the Lords like hey Rainier is out aegon's in Bend the knee or you know die one of the VIPs here is rainey's Targaryen who's basically a hostage but one of the Kings guard busts in like yo I'm getting you out of here but they don't make it very far because all of King's Landing is being herded in for King aegon's coronation and aegon didn't want to be king he's like oh man it's gonna be nothing but work but now that the crowds are cheering for him he's like you know maybe I do want to be king but rainy sneaks downstairs because this building big enough to house all these people is the dragon pit yeah she busts on out of there her Dragon was parked right under him badass Grandma moment she flies on over to Dragonstone with the bad news your dad's dead and the crowned egg on immediately and this is pretty stressful for pregnant rhaenyra in fact oh no something's wrong and it's a third tragic graphic childbirth scene but this one raniera does survive now the kingsguard who helped rhaenys arrives incidentally their twin brothers Eric and Eric but this Eric is choosing rhaenyra in fact he smuggled out to her father's crown and so here in front of a small group of friends and family raniera gets her coronation finally officially Queen but before they start warring Otto Hightower comes to try to make peace like look this doesn't have to get bloody if you bend the knee to aegon or announce all claim to the throne you and your family can live happily inherit their other castles and stuff and the realm isn't plunged into Civil War Demons of the mind they should kill Otto right now but Rainier is like well let's give it a thought if we're gonna do a Targaryen Civil War the targaryens aren't the only house involved Stark Tully Lannister Baratheon names you know from Game of Thrones which sides would they fight on gets one strong Ally right away because Corliss Valerian the sea snake survived his mortal wounds at this point in history they're one of the strongest houses in Westeros and definitely have the most powerful navy but maybe even more important than other allies is the fact that this side has more dragons and her nearest Sons Jace and Luke are like yo instead of letters let us go as envoys flying on our dragons to remind everyone you know we targaryens the younger one Luke they give the shorter flight to Storm's end the seat of house Baratheon he flies in on his Dragon super impressive unless there's another bigger dragon already parked here yes Eamonn beats him here fully decked out like an anime villain this Lord baratheon's like yeah kid you're not really impressive I already decided decide with Team Green so Luke's going home empty-handed but eamon's not letting him off that easy he really doesn't like Luke because he's the one who cut his eye in fact he pulls his eye patch off to show oh he's got like a blue put a sapphire in there so it looks like no I'm out of here he starts flying off through the storm but what's this massive Shadow all Eamon followed him here on his mom monster Dragon yeah aimand is an absolute mad lad war is not even officially declared yet but he's ready to get it going Luke's little dragon manages to blast this one with some fire but now Veigar is real mad flying after him out of control and as Luke flies above the storm seems like he made it to safety but oh the big truck can eats him Eamon didn't mean for this to happen it seems like he was just trying to give him a scare but uh now he knows he done messed up because when Rainer gets the news her son's been murdered any hope of peace is out the window and that's where season one comes to an end if you liked this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the best Recaps of TV and movies [Music]
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 527,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6LAxnO7B7U4
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Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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