Peaceful Challenge #10: Digging Out The Spawn Chunks

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to another peaceful challenge episode today we're gonna work towards a string form i'm not quite sure if you can finish it in one episode because there's a lot to do and the plan is also really silly i just love the idea of actually doing it you're gonna make a cat-based string form but probably not the one you would expect all right more about that later first let's actually check out a bit more the progress of the bone meal system we have here it's been running another day and we have around 12 stacks of bone blocks yeah that's actually quite decent we can use this for an upcoming project so at first we could maybe use it for tree from but actually we want to expand the honey form as well and instead of breeding the bees again which wasn't that fun i thought about generating bee ness again and yeah i use the bees that generate with it to expand the bee form for later that obviously requires making birch trees bone milling the saplings etc so that's what i'm probably going to use it for but um it's probably going to be content one of the upcoming episodes all right now let's work on that um cat farm so why do we even need a cat from the string in the first place mostly for making dispensers it seems like because you need to craft one bow using three string to craft a dispenser and at the moment we don't have a lot of that stuff so sometimes we find some cobwebs so you can also find it it's loot in chess but we only have 36 string at the moment it definitely needs some kind of form for that normal minecraft for stem obviously would definitely make a spider form eventually in this world we also plan to make a strider form to get string but that would require a lot of effort and it's definitely an end game goal so cats seem like the next best alternative but they don't sport as frequently as the striders do there are also various ways how we can utilize cats to gather string two of the concepts require killing their cats while one keeps them alive but don't worry we're gonna try all of them the non-lethal way to get string using cats would be to use them as gift givers apparently if you have them as a pet and you sleep in a bed you would bring your gifts in the morning but i've never experimented around with that myself and i've actually also never seen it but definitely gonna try it eventually because you also get some other items from that like phantom membrane and that's actually the only way to get this item so at some point we're also gonna try that out but i want to make a cat spawning based home first there's actually two ways the first one would be to use villagers there's certain requirements i think having four or five villages in an area no other cats nearby and a plane nearby is actually important and then again tries to spawn a cat every i think it was one minute uh it's not very fast but it should definitely give a decent amount of string but i actually have even another way in mind it might not even be as efficient as the villager based one but i just love the idea it was so crazy we could actually also use witch shots as a cat form because cats spawn in the witchshot bouting box not sure how many people knew this i knew about it for years but it was never really an opportunity to try that out because in a normal way it's just so much easier to use a spider spawner for example and yeah i think the peaceful series is a perfect opportunity to actually do that use a witch shirt as a cat spawner but it's definitely something new we already found a white shirt about 2 000 blocks in that direction on the first stake then i was exploring that area and i came across one so that's already taken care of you know better build it but yeah we need to compare the area quite a bit building the actual cat form will not require a lot of effort but yeah preparing will be a lot of effort because cats should only spawn if the mob cap for animals is not filled so you can see it here at the moment using carpet mod 387 is the amount of animals right now it fractures a little bit of the beast exiting and entering the hives back there but yeah in order to make the cats spawn we need to be below the mob cap it's actually the moment the second number 28 because we have three players online usually if we only have one player it would be ten so we need to make sure basically that there are no animals in the spawn chunks that would include turtles as well and also make sure that no new mobs can spawn in the spawn chunks that would then require to remove all grass blocks that's what all the other animals usually spawn on like cows pigs on certain biomes also yamas for example and then even remove dirt and sand on the beaches to make sure the turtles can't spawn so luckily on this seat um it's not a lot of effort because there's only a couple of islands and we can for example convert the grass into path blocks etc and just shovel the sand away or flooded in order to prevent the other mobs spawning there also we have to kill all the animals like the turtles and then also the same in the area where we built um the other witch hut bomb data area is obviously just a swamp biome and just a normal plane spying around etc and forest there we also need to kill all the animals in a complete render distance so this would be a 500 by 500 area and make sure no new mobs can spawn inside of that area so also remove all the crossblocks etc um what we probably gonna try to do there is flood the area to do that let's check out spawn real quick in spectator mode i got a copy of the ct and single player this is the main island here in the middle where we get the iron form on i'm using masters mini hud mod to indicate where the spawn chunks are so the green wall here i think is the border of the entity processing chunks and then we still got the other chunks here but uh mobs still count towards the mob cap then we also want to remove um a couple of islands so this big one and here think the edges this island and the mushroom island over there actually it's not much i think we also picked a seed to reduce the work by the way we're not just doing this for a cat form eventually you would need to do that if you want to make any other passive mob form so this is something we knew from the start we'll have to do at some point sand is so annoying i was hoping don't have to do it but yeah it's for the turtles i think the turtles also can only spawn at a certain height so we don't need to worry about sand that is think lower than ocean level yeah if everything is under the oxygen you shouldn't have to worry about that to just flood everything just take the top layer off yeah yeah i think it's easier to look it looks nice but yeah we can float the basement here let's should be safe it looks bad it looks bad are you talking about the sponge i think no if you thought just let the water go into the basement here should we just make walls i really wish i had to talk for affinity you want me to make walls around here for the spawn it could be spawning spaces also wondering traders could still spawn on the llamas that is a player oh yeah flooding only works if you make sure there are no holes i just noticed that i mean we're removing the spawning spaces in the spawn chunks but in the spawn chunks if no players close by nothing can spawn anyways yeah but then you go here and all of a sudden or spawn but but they could also spawn like here and go here yeah so it also worries me i should fix it but kind of stupid might not be a huge problem for me one turtle wonders i mean i doubt that the the chunks right next to the the chunks around the spawn trunks will be loaded often anyways yep i think the edge of the mushroom island is also inside right yeah looks like it looks tiny etched not much oh yeah i don't i think that's the last one that's the last one yeah it wasn't too bad oh yes item swimming noises nice sit all right um should we turn off the two forms and test it if we actually have no animals anymore okay let's see well i can see from here that we are loading that island wait where's the exact spawn point is it over at the ship i can see islands all around so is it uh is rain distance morton's spawn chunks oh yeah 17. yeah it's actually more but look i mean look at it it's already six out of ten so even despite loading some of the islands we are below so it's already fine yeah all right so mobs would already spawn if they could here's what the spawn chunks now look like so no more animals around and also no possibility for new ones to spawn technically they could still wander in from the outside but i don't think it'd be worth it not try to build a wall around or something like that i think it's fine so here is the witch shot where i want to build the cat farm the location here is ideal because there's no mountain biome nearby the water could freeze because that would actually be detrimental for my plants the idea was that we completely flood this whole area some smokes can't spawn on grass blocks we have this water above and also i think the grass will be converted into dirt later so this will look actually quite interesting once we're done here i was a bit worried about the water not spreading under the trees because the leaves would obviously block the water sources but i'm quite sure the water would actually juice the water or the light level so much that it's too dark for mobs to spawn if there's um like a 15 high layer of water above then mobs won't be able to spawn there regardless if they're scrawls or not all right how we're going to flood this whole area this is quite quite a challenge so you could do it the static way just make a huge dirt platform up in the sky spread some water up there and then remove the dark platform again everything flows down but this would be so much work placing a quarter million dirt blocks we don't have at the moment then removing them later again we don't even have the tools for that so way too much work at the moment but i think a flying machine could do the job for us so i already have a system in mind um that hopefully will work but deciding that in survival would be quite tedious because of flying machines you often have to redesign everything and then launch it again it's so much easier to do it and creative just do it there and then carry over the work here so the challenge is basically to create a lot of water sources in a large area in order to create a water source you can obviously use the spread mechanic so if you have two water sources it would form a new source in the middle but only if there's a supporting block below just again as you can see nothing's in the middle i place a block there then we've got a new water source so in order to create new water sources we need to move the water source around our flying machine in the first place so it would be always easy if you can just do it with the water lock blocks but as you can see here if you try to move the water locked slab or any other block then the water source is destroyed and obviously you also can't push water so one way to actually move the water would be to freeze it and then move the ice block around but there's actually also a way to move waterlogged blocks during the 1.3 teen snapshots by the way it was also possible just to move normal water lock blocks around and this was first introduced just with normal pistons but this was later removed might have been a coincidence or not but i remember a certain mambo video titled griefing machine in all caps um that also showcased this mechanic and showed how he could flatten a flooded whole area using this water mechanic so i'm quite sure mambo is a soul whose intentions are good just wanted to warn people yeah from this potential harm to bases or giving griefers in your tools don't let them be misunderstood but we kind of lost the nice mechanic there so no blame for mumbo it was just uh yeah bit sad in my eyes that it actually got removed but the developers actually overlooked one case you can move the water lock block using a sticky piston and a short pulse so just need to push this segment here forward then the sticky piston gets a short pulse and pushes the water lock block forward this has been always been the case from 1.30 onwards up to now so being able to move water sources around and flood hole areas wasn't the end of minecraft we were actually already able to do so before using the frosted ice mechanic and creepers definitely didn't go wild because of this so i really don't see a point why this got removed in the first place because if somebody wants to grieve minecraft service there's hundreds of ways this is not even the easiest all right so by the way here you can see what happens if you power the piston the normal pulse the yeah the water source also gets removed so we need to short pulse it using an or theoretics anything shorter or equal to two game ticks so in order to create water sources we always have to push the water locked blocks which is a bit of a shame because then the piston the end also removes the water source again this would be so much easier if you just can pull everything i have everything behind and then the water source will form between and would never get touched again so what we probably need to do is push it make sure that the water can spread between the two water log blocks so we would have the water source there this one would get removed but if you have blocks under that then it could spread again so let's quickly indicate the lapis block we would make the water sources here in between on both sides and if we in the end of the flying machine have another block there the water can spread and then basically we got it fully covered just need to make sure um here we have some blocks below there all right so the easiest probably would be to actually make a one directional machine we could chain like that but there's actually quite a lot of um slime blocks or honey blocks that we would need for that i don't think we have that right now so maybe we can actually make a three directional machine we only move one single water log block so basically move it one direction then push it one over go this way etc to cover a whole area downstairs would take a lot longer but would be a lot cheaper so covering a 500 something the 500 area will probably take around one and a half to two days but it's still reasonable you probably also need extra blocks under the water sources there so in front and in the back in order to make sure that the water also would spread to the side always tries to flow towards where there's a gap that could flow into so we would need to cover everything here with blocks and then it could actually also spread to the side like that so my idea was to have a two-way flying machine that pushes a water logged block back and forth probably also need um an extra block here and then we would create a water source next to an existing line of water so this would be the two-way flying machine i can launch it really quick oh this was always fine and this would eventually get stopped and then pushed into this direction so one block over and then goes the other way and then we already have to the next line of water and yeah just need to make this work somehow oh i see so here's a water source on top of the piston right next this one as well and that's why it was spreading to the side so we have actually also water sourcing on top of the glass block if you move this one over then yeah then just create a new water source immediately on top of the grass block they take a sponge and punch everything out just place it one water so speck should actually work immediately try it real quick so we just need a water source here like actually on the glass block this should actually be enough [Music] so still yep sit in again yeah this would already work seems like the next thing all i have to worry about is pushing this wooden block over so it will be interesting to see if you maybe lose the water source because some of those pistons fire when they shouldn't so i'm just gonna try to use my usual setup first yep that's what i was worried about next try maybe we need to push over the water locked block a little bit later so let's try that with some extra delay in there see oh yeah seems like it's working now so i added a whole station now on this side that should push the main flying machine one forward so it's getting activated but this observer added here on both sides right now we need to launch the flying machine unfortunately this is a couple versions you can't use flint and steel anymore and now also lately no more fire charges just to activate an observer so what he can also do is make a repeating command block that sets itself to air immediately oopsie seems like we've got something here so the issue is fixed it's important to not use a sticky piston to be normal okay let's try that again okay pushing forward work but we somehow lost the water source again bounty issue the sticky piston here pulled in the water locked block and that's why we lost the water source this was caused by the way the whole contraption works so the observer triggers this little segment there and this moves uh forward twice and then everything else gets pulled and yeah actually pistons to push the main flying machine forward also now two blocks away only on the second pull they would push forward here if you already would do it on the first so if you want closer then obviously um you would push forward twice that's what we don't want we only want to move this over one block but on both ends that's why this segment needs to move over twice and the same on the other side basically i hope you can still follow the way to fix this is to not trigger this piston on the first push to just add some kind of t flip flop system so the way you usually do this is quite simple we have another sticky piston there and this just moves an observer around so if you push this forward now the first time doesn't trigger push forward again triggers again etc this time i'm hopeful it's gonna work yes all right i added the same on the other side so let's see how it goes i'm also going to place down the water source here now so hopefully the water will also start spreading okay here we go oopsie that wasn't good i rewatched the footage and what happens is that the observer here gets updated from the water flowing to the side was afraid of this from the very beginning so the way to fix this is probably to cover up the observer but i'm not quite sure if you have enough push limit left we're gonna maybe a quick count so this person needs to push four blocks five six seven eight nine ten we could even add two more blocks um if you maybe move this here add one two three no we can't cover it up like that yeah oh 13 for some reason i'm not sure what moving just the observer to the side would do in the long run the water is also going to activate at the wrong moment but we can just try it out maybe that would actually the simplest solution so let's try it out also slow down the game a little bit so you can maybe see what's happening it's a bit too slow if you like okay so far this is working oh the glass block got lost it's a bit unfortunate oh i still have an issue with that a couple attempts later i got rid of all the issues so let's check it out it's moved forward properly here and also spreads the water and same happens on the other side there we go i can also run this a bit quicker to create 500 so 25 times as fast and see this covers the whole area at some point so obviously one of the stations would just be in australia it's a couple hundred blocks first out in direction but everything will be covered and it's just a waiting game and what would also be nice is if you maybe could attach um yeah a minecart so we can ride the machine it should also be possible to stop this machine at any point just by place by placing an unmovable block so try it out and then let's try to get in something to ride the machine i was hoping that we could maybe use a honey block somewhere so we have two blocks left how do we get a honey block in there so we can write that turns out i can only attach a single block when pushing this whole thing forward and two pistols are attached to the slime block structure here replacing it with honey is also obviously not possible because we probably hear the slime block directly if you had two blocks i'm quite sure this would have worked the honey in between we can only attach a single block so maybe conditions just stand in a cauldron it's always a possibility i think if the minecart is in the cauldron sooner or later it will glitch out um i still have my command block let's try it out we're gonna minecraft in there i think the offset always increases by one centimeter the more you push this over yeah it's definitely gonna happen so eventually the minecart will glitch out a bit unfortunate i think for shorter distances this would work fine if this is getting too long michael is going to glitch out yeah that's quite a shame uh the michael is not really necessary this would only be necessary if you would use a normal account because there's always this client server d-sync happening and the normal player would actually sooner or later glitch out of the caldron but if you maybe use the server-side carpetbots then standing just in a cauldron is also enough that's all for today next episode will probably all about flooding the area around the wood shirt thanks for watching and see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ilmango
Views: 176,784
Rating: 4.9779148 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Redstone, Flooding, Water Maker, Automation
Id: wH_CKsbi-VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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