Payday 2 is not how I remember it

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so we decided to rob a bank and that went about exactly how you would expect it to go what the killer eli oh my god there's blood on the wall i finally went back and played payday 2 again and my god this game is not the same way i left it like look at our characters in the lobby screen does this look right to you nevertheless we had an absolute blast playing this game so if you want to see more payday 2 we're probably going to play it more but just leave a like on the video if you enjoy it okay that and also if you are new to the channel and you aren't subscribed but find yourself coming back on the regular why not hit subscribe you're already coming back thank you so much for all the support on the videos recently i really do appreciate it and hopefully you enjoy the rest of this one [Music] oh no way take the mo [ __ ] skull trooper from fortnite okay i've created a lobby and i look absolutely terrifying i think i joined you ew you look like bog would you [ __ ] me look at that neck on tucker holy [ __ ] i look like i look like i look like uh h3h3 okay time out apparently ethan does have a character in this game oh yeah oh editor cut to my screen at 87 editor quick jump cut for no reason jump cut to a random point in the video smitty i'm gonna fart in the ac and then come back to this after that don't it's not interesting zoom in on tucker's face when he's saying that no overly uh dumbass meme that you got from tick tock [ __ ] show uh showroom toilet floor funny moments what just give me a picture of a showroom toilet top 10 showroom toilets number one ikea toilet top 10 games i want to eat the ass of number one minecraft oh tom you thought we were being honest i didn't know we were doing a bit number nine marcus from gears of war no not the person the game you just eat the ass in the game oh you just eating the back of the box yeah hottest back of the box hottest game cases i'm like leatherface but it's like smooth so i'd be mm-hmm i beat my face maybe you're just like poured concrete top 10 fall downstairs mom yeah number one tucker you were gonna do top ten fall downstairs moment number ten all right we're starting easy we're robbing a jewelry stealth is an option that's perfect that's what we're gonna do everyone take a look at the assets and the plan and i don't know what any of this means uh oh guys we need six bags we need six bags i repeat six bags yo don't catch my car dude why do you look like john ralphia no i'm uh yeah me too all right let's go to the back you are just oh bro you got hella coke on your nose oh wait why is he here wait how do you feel it's fine it's too late i got it i got it uh yeah we had a blaster malfunction how do i pull out my weapon i'm gonna bag him okay beautiful what did you guys just sniff did you you already tucker did you shoot this dude yeah i tried to kill this guy a while ago why did you just uh all right looks like we're just going in huh oh man i'm gonna stop shooting something you're just killing people holy [ __ ] [Music] while we're all [ __ ] into it he's gonna have he didn't hear the guy in the chair stop shoot well that guy hurt we're done we're done again great work guys i can't know if i want to rob anymore what am i supposed to do steal the jewelry wait a minute i can lock pick this can i be here tucker can you stop man tucker oh i'm getting what that guy's [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] you guys didn't even break the sides dynamite for some reason how do you break that email you shoot it this [ __ ] guy i swear holy [ __ ] i'm out of bullets boys i'm going down there are so many people oh my god bro why what is this loss of life is not worth it for sixty thousand dollars city i'm gonna be honest i don't know why saying [Music] i uh i saw your shirt ooh that's a little expensive wait i think we're on the wrong side i think we're getting some thinking about maybe you a few words huh that's fine come here but [Music] it talks to women right there okay that doesn't work it doesn't work i got it i got it we're good we're good chill chill chill chill chill chill chill yeah it's gonna take five minutes um oh my [ __ ] god dude [ __ ] escape vehicle son of a [ __ ] okay tucker i just want to say you walking through the streets with a mask in a bag it looks like you're robbing something we have to prep everything have six bags ready to go throw it towards that direction you just ran out on the street we didn't even have it we didn't even we didn't even have an escape vehicle yet and you were just already out with this [ __ ] radio oh my god anyways um what time do you get off are you hitting on women again no where's that tucker damn it [ __ ] e e why did you what why did you put your mask on there's cops out here that saw these people nonsense it's fun all right well okay smash and grab get all the [ __ ] we should actually run some of these bags now i'm gonna throw them across wait he left where are you going son of a [ __ ] we gotta wait till the cops are gone i brought some looney tunes dynamite with me oh [ __ ] it's just like the movies vehicles [Music] oh [ __ ] there's a car chase we're in a car chase oh no half the [ __ ] police force is on for sixty thousand dollars in jewelry by the way we still have to flip it it's not like it's by the way by the way three cop cars worth we are not saving the taxpayers money at all oh [ __ ] boys we crashed statements vehicle arrives let's go rob this bank can we get heals right here i got an ammo bag and smack your ass not what i asked for it's kind of like heels it's like reverse it's reverse heels if you shoot yourself no it's not we're fine ow i got days i'm coming tucker all right let's get back in the game they're advancing look out oh god this is bad well done we did it we just killed like an entire population nice look at that where does that get somebody coming from because got we got 60 000 shut up i'm trying to explain we got 60 000 to do it shut up i'm trying to explain we got 60 000 maul crasher this one sounds fun wait a minute shut the [ __ ] up this isn't the game wow what that ball gag do yo what what what what you got what i explained i actually think this is the best mask this is this is one of the best i swear the best mask i have ever worn what is that titan looking [ __ ] bow that's the [ __ ] that ate aaron's mom right there bro spoilers first episode so shut up how big is this beanie guys oh my gosh look like i got bonked in the head in a cartoon [ __ ] flop are you seriously bringing a double barrel to i might join you on the double barrel machine tucker put the mask put the beady back on we're beanie boys plus you're scaring the [ __ ] out of me with that mess please reminds me of happy tree friends uh reminds me of my nightmares when i fall asleep guys hold on let me handle this let me handle this let me let i got that i got no i got this i got this i got this oh you were going to do that sorry y'all mind if i have y'all mind if i have a scoop of ice cream there's a lot of [ __ ] somebody's calling somebody's calling no damn they called from far away oh we're supposed to destroy we're not supposed to steal yeah i am coming the shotgun holy [ __ ] imagine renting a helicopter to rob a mall nice work we have to rob a bank at one point i feel like we should take a normal one that normal just popped up yeah okay there is so many levels to this bank holy [ __ ] we're doing it go to pre-planning makes heist easier you're not speaking our language there yeah literally no clue what you said nice try madden oh my god tucker did you get what happened to your fur face are you okay holy [ __ ] tuckered what you're ugly oh my god i just love a crackdown elias [Laughter] like this looks like this all right guys let's go rob a bank let's go down three let's go down i'm an employee right here oh no okay never mind it's just like [ __ ] be careful the guard oh you're killing nice two microphones oh no oh no oh no well you're just [Music] need to get to the servers you know where it is yeah downstairs let's go follow it on the map i was looking at the drawings you have so much cocaine on your face it is that a problem [Music] now we've committed and there's a lady here tell her to get down all right the lady is hidden come on tucker it says i need a key card oh this is awkward oh [ __ ] do we need to get it from a guard probably look up huh oh how'd you get up there what the [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] he like what the [ __ ] kind of float down [ __ ] was that i know where the key card is what's in here these keys right here guys guys there's keys in this room huh i'll give you a guess right here i got him how did wait that's here we go it's my time give me like two minutes less i use your ecm on the door i was trying to it wasn't letting me are you [ __ ] kidding me what what [ __ ] wait what i was a toast are you [ __ ] serious right now how do we get the key card right here it's over here we just have to drill it we just have to drill no we don't i can see the key card guys what do you see [Music] well get in there big man you're the one with that guys i can see the key card go flirt with her or something i will okay okay okay okay you've traded this entire video for this i will shoot you get in there how do i grab it no do you have to have your mask on no way i'll kill him oh close why what the killer whoa my god there's blood on the wall i think i could sneak over there and grab it do you guys trust me i'm gonna no this whole time we could have done the drill i'm doing the drill what's sleeping i think that was a it's a camera there's a camera i'm going back i'm hiding do you want to keep drilling wait auto drills yes and i upgraded it to the silent drill wow robbing things is so easy why don't people do this did you imagine walking down a hallway in seeing us three with the beanies just yes hiding here isn't that effective is it with this thing off it looks like you've got a 10 gallon problem oh is somebody coming up the stairs tucker tucker dude where are you going do not tucker you're actually an ape brain oh what the [ __ ] we have to go over there okay all right how do i take my shoot the camera shoot the camera right uh yeah i don't know can we go around this way okay how do i take my mask off you can't dance he's no shock there's one you can hack right here too yeah yeah there's a like one or two more oh nice nice [ __ ] oh we start to go down don't have to go downstairs okay we can do this we can do this guys there's [ __ ] lasers there's lasers on this um that's it one time at band camp watch there'll be a whole like group of people in there just wheeling a cart of money out and we're just like well then luckily i broke what no no no no no what go is it client side it's client side it's client side it's client side it's client side hello oh he's [ __ ] [ __ ] the top all right i'm good i'm good i'm in i'm in him oh no so they found the hostages holy [ __ ] we're going loud at this point we got this far what is you zipline to get to the crane i have to uh oh guys they're in here they are [ __ ] in here holy [ __ ] i'm gonna go do the zipline stuff guys good luck we're going loud at this point anyway so where do we come from uh the uh elevator oh there's an elevator that is upstairs that they can just come in i think i'm just abandoning the mission currently no no no no no no you're getting you're getting the drill rotate the crane [Music] probably yeah big piggy guys i'm going to be dropping a big piggy through the skylight in a minute here it's just taking a while all right guys if you just want to look in the main lobby if you're interested yeah i'm looking at it now roger drop in sweden jesus christ dude assemble the beast wait what i'm gonna get the drill it's gotta be a drilling did you guys not read the pre-planned oh that's not good spoon time i hope there's so many sandwiches in here oh my god it's just it's it's a vault full of krabby patties holy [ __ ] this thing is dark requires keychain heroes this absolute murder over here throwing away your life just for some money yeah okay okay we gotta go we gotta go now because the the police assault is over it'll be easier to move stuff come on boys i'm coming is that it i think that's it hide holy get in here we're rich as [ __ ] let's go [Music] let's go normal difficulty let's go body count 196. i killed 100 196 people to make a million dollars but how many civilians did you guys kill one one zero let's go we stay clean i'm gonna plead guilty and [ __ ] sell all you guys out because i didn't kill any civilians killed cops you killed guys please think you'll get away with it [Music] is this a tesla dealership no it's too loud damn that's a lamborghini and a lamborghini and a lamborghini and a lamborghini oh my god what do you mean dude no sorry my bad it's a fault that's a falco key we need a storage room storage if i was storage where would i be no you're good oh mama oh he's coming he's coming hide behind the counter hide behind the counter i don't know if we really need it i mean it won't make it anymore all right interesting interesting play just chilling this looks like storage this looks like storage is it yeah you can wait which way staff only that's not storage move wait oh [ __ ] oh my god let's look for storage offices oh man downstairs manager staff only it doesn't exist guys running i'm going to kill this guy [Music] oh my god jesus plant the c4 wait we're playing c4 the vision is garbage okay now we need to go back to the storage room look they don't see us i got the keys wait i'll get a key are we grabbing keys or is it just like do we just grab it on the middle oh oh they're all the same color boys we all get our own cars let's go oh we're drunk that was some fast and furious [ __ ] right there i'm driving safely okay these cars are multi hurry up idiot that one's not fully in the well i mean i can't drive it anymore okay all right you guys really could have made it look cooler though let's go that was cool hipster dude that was cool [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Yplus
Views: 3,319,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: payday 2, payday 2 gameplay, payday, payday 2 funny moments, payday 2 stealth, payday 2 game, payday 2 big bank, payday gameplay, payday 2 pc, payday pc, payday 2 heist, payday 2 pc gameplay, smii7y, smii7yplus, smii7y+, smii7y plus
Id: p5lw6ouv-HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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