Pay Attention Part 6

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in hebrews ii chapter he said in verse 1 Hebrews 2:1 so therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip put up the amplified please said since all this is true we ought to pay much closer attention than ever to the truths which we have heard lest in any way we drift past them and slip away the new American says for this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard lest we drift away from it now the Lord's not leaving us but you can leave him his word won't fail you but you can leave his word there are no God ordained failures I know people try to make stuff out to be but if you look at the whole thing and you can say categorically it was a failure it wasn't God it wasn't God our title of the series has been pay attention pay attention and why do we need to put this a Bible tell us to pay attention it does and why would we need to we went into some detail last Friday about how it's not that God is hiding things from us and withholding things from it's not that his things are so complicated and hard to understand and we're so dull and dumb that we can't get it it it's where we are we're in a dark place spiritually now we we don't realize it because we were born into this and this is all we've ever known but this is a curse dark oppressive existence I know people try to talk about you know this this is heaven it is not people saw people are searching for heaven and here it is right here on earth you can experience days of heaven on the earth but no honey child this ain't heaven not even close God created the heavens and the earth perfect he when he beheld his creation brand-new still the steam still coming off of it he looked at everything and said behold it is very good can you look at cancer and AIDS and say behold it is very good you came there was none of that in God's original creation can you look at the cruelty and atrocities that men committed against each other and the crimes and say behold that's very good there was no sin there was no curse there was no death there was no sorrow there was no depression there was no crying and we don't know a world like that because it was it had changed by the time we got here when Adam and Eve sinned the earth was cursed and death permeates this place and Satan second Corinthians 4:4 says is now the god of this world when during the temptation in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 when he told Jesus he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time he said if you'll bow down and worship me I'll give all this to you because it's mine it was delivered to me and I can give it to whoever I want to the devil said that some of said he's lying he couldn't have been lying about all of it or it wouldn't have been a temptation wouldn't the lord have known hmm wouldn't the father have revealed to him if it was a lie no Jesus is the king of kings and Lord of lords and all these kingdoms are to become his that's what that's who he is and the enemy is trying to get him to take a shortcut don't need to go to the cross don't need to do all that just worship me and Zappo it's all yours he said you get behind me you worship the Lord your guys quoting scripture worship the Lord your God and him only show you sir but I'm just elaborating that the earth now even in its fallen cursed state you still see remnants of its beauty how amazing it must have been we really don't know the Bible said the waters were above and below the firmament you wouldn't have even got radiation from the Sun like you do today there there's a reason why in the beginning people are living seven eight nine hundred years before they died because we were never we were not designed to die but because the sin death entered in and death passed upon all men for that all is sin Romans said oh but thank God sin has been dealt with hallelujah Jesus took it he bore it and all that believe on him received the power and authority to become the sons of God and if you read the back of the book there's coming a time very soon when it's all gonna be restored this one can't be fixed people say well you know you know let's save the planet ultimately the planet cannot be saved the elements are going to melt with fervent heat the the crust of this planet is gonna melt something's gonna happen to our Sun you can read about it in Revelation and it's going to be gone and the Lord is gonna create new heavens that's a new atmosphere our atmosphere is gonna be gone but he's going to create new heavens and new earth and in this new heavens and earth there is no curse we've never been in a place like that that means you can run through the jungle barefoot and never get a Brier or a tick and if you see a lion you can grab him and wrestle with it or tell him to do a trick for you we never been in a place like that and originally animals were not supposed to rip each other apart that's part of the curse it's all part of the curse but being in this environment there is this pressure to prevent us from receiving the Word of God and understanding it and in order to get it you have to develop powers of concentration and you have to make up your mind that you're not going to be distracted by what you're seeing and hearing and feelings and emotions and everybody else's stuff that's going on with them and you have to do what the Bible said in Proverbs 4 he said proverbs 4 1 this is the NIV listen my sons to a father's instruction pay attention and gain understanding verse 20 my son pay attention to what I say this closely to my words do not let them out of your sight keep them within your heart why would he need to tell you that why would it need to say repeatedly pay attention pay close attention listen closely keep it in front of your work in front of your eyes keep it in your heart don't let it get away from why would he want me to say that because there are forces at work where we live right now to keep you from getting it this is true with all ministry but I'll just I don't know about everybody else's Minister I can tell you about mine a little bit I've there been places every time I minister to me I take it very seriously it's very important to me then there are times you can tell this this is a body of Christ changing word this is a chub if I'm out on the road this is a church changing word this is a future for these people changing word now something I came up with and there have been times when I've been in my hotel room and if I'm ministers somewhere out on the road I don't sightsee usually don't even go out to eat I stay in there all day and wait on the Lord and pray and get quiet and study and focus on me focus on him and there have been times the Lord start giving me something and I can tell this is a church changing word this is and it tuns like that I can if I let let my attention and focus those you know trail off the least little bit it's gone from me now have you have you ever had the Lord tell you something and it was so good and it was so real - and you thought you'd never forget it and 15 minutes later couldn't remember what it was I don't not to ask you I know it's true with every one of you there why well it's not because God took it away from me it's not because you can't understand it it's because when the sower souls the word the enemy comes immediately to steal it to take it how can he do that if he can get you to turn it loose to focus on something else even for a second or two can you see this and so and there have been times I've been speaking to a group of ministers or to a you know conference I'm thinking the one right now it was a bunch of people and it was a it was a doctrinal issue and people were churches were splitting over it and I I don't wait off into that on my own I'd rather leave it alone but if the Lord this we see to do it lives are in the bounds and so as I was doing it I could tell men I was having to so concentrate because if I would really felt relaxed my concentration a little bit I wouldn't know what I was talking about why it's not because I was having a bad day it's because the enemy does not want these people to hear this and get this and understand why because the truth will make you free it will make you free it will show up his lies it will reveal his tactics and his activities and it will set you free well that works on both sides not only on the ministering side but on the hearing side if the Lord's talking to you about something and it's an answer and you know it is brace up make up your mind I'm getting this and do not let yourself be distracted or deterred or pulled off does that make sense friends why else would he keep saying pay attention keep keep this in front of your eyes keep it in your heart hold fast what you have why all these statements why because in the world we live in all kind of stuff around us is trying to steal it from us trying to keep enemy can rule over and dominate those who are ignorant and in darkness and he wants to dominate this whole planet and the more ignorant you are of God's Word I'm not talking about you may have several degrees but if you're ignorant of God's Word he can dominate you you'll believe all kind of stuff he can control you all but once the entrance of his word gives light and you lay hold of it make up your mind you're gonna believe this you gonna do this you don't care what anybody else does the enemy loses his grip he loses his hold just like that said out loud the truth will make you free thank you Lord go with me please to Hebrews the third chapter and I want us to to get into some tonight why many don't pay attention if you should okay that's good but many don't there have been times you have it there's been times I have it why didn't we why don't people pay attention you don't talk about that so I think we're going to whether you want to or not so bear with me Hebrews 3 and verse 7 Hebrews 3 and 7 wherefore he said as the Holy Ghost says today if you're what if you will hear his voice so who's it up to whether you hear his voice or not the if comes back to us if you'll hear it verse 8 harden not your hearts as in the provocation in the day of temptation in the wilderness skip down to verse 15 verse 15 while it is said today if you will hear his voice harden not your hearts as in the provocation somebody said that loud harden not your hearts go to the fourth chapter in the seventh verse he brings it up again for seven Hebrews he said saying in David today after so long the time as it is said today if your what if you will hear his voice what harden not your hearts why don't folks pay attention one reason not the only reason one reason that people don't pay attention is because they don't consider it important right they don't consider it important you and I in here tonight and in Branson and those joining us online we are compared to the billions of people on the planet a very small minority that are here in church on a Friday night wanting to hear the word of God right what percentage of the billions on the planet are we because there are millions of Christians who could be here with us and in places like this churches and ministries like this all over the world tonight but they're not why they don't see it as that important something else is more important in their life and they don't realize it but if the Lord didn't deal with them to do it it's vain well they might get a little pleasure out of it they might get a little money out of it but if he told you to go to church or he told you to get in the meeting in probably hours or days or weeks or months nobody's gonna know about it nobody's gonna care and then what's going to happen something's gonna come up or already is in their life you're gonna need that faith you're gonna need that word and you're not gonna have it but it'll be their fault that they don't have it because the Lord dealt with them to get it and they had the opportunity to get it but did not and people will suffer because of ignorance but it will be their fault because if they'd had done what he said they wouldn't be ignorant are y'all with me or not you know we we say it there by last but when we say there's a saying around here no cost means no excuse no excuse for not knowing you can't say I couldn't afford it so if you knew about it and you didn't the answer was in there we spent the time we spent the money everybody involved in the ministry other everybody on the teams did their part we had to service the word came out the anointing was there and it was your answer but you had something more important to do and you didn't do it and so you didn't know it you think well I didn't know it yeah but if you listen if you're to pay attention right you'd have been now no need to yield any condemnation all of us have made some mistakes in these areas and then the more you do it the more it cost you but could you make a change and begin to put his things first priority's his word should be priority you know like what he says about everything should take the preeminence above what we our family our friends our co-workers think or say or do true enough if Jesus is your Lord his word his first place in your life this simply is not the case with millions of Christians and we talk about it in just a moment further uh where are you yeah just put up on the screen for us please Hosea for and for Hosea for for he said well let's just look at verse 6 for times sake this is a much quoted verse my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge have you heard that verse quoted before and I this was a strong when I quoted in the early days of my ministry and I stopped right there people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and I thought the biggest problem is people don't know that's the biggest problem is all this ignorance lack of knowledge of God lack of knowledge of Jesus like a knowledge of Salva oh no no that's the big problem and several years later I realize that ain't the biggest problem and I read the rest of the verse What did he say my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have what you have rejected not the the biggest problem is not that people have never heard many have heard they didn't hear it all but they heard enough to get started if they're to receive that and endeavored to walk in the light of that what would happen anybody know what would happen he'd have given him more here's a guy I don't care if you grew up in a house that was 20 generations idol worship and none of them ever heard the gospel preached makes no difference God's good and he's fair and even as a child there would be a spark in you as you looked up in the night sky or you looked at the majestic mountains or the ocean as you breathed the breath of life there would be a spark in you that realized there is a Creator God and he cares about you and if you don't just knock that down and go now but this is our religion if you say I believe that you know what's gonna happen next he's going to show you a little bit more a little bit more he will lead that person I don't care where you are lead them the full salvation in Jesus and if they keep going he'll get filled with the spirit they'll learn about the gifts of the Spirit they'll learn about healing they'll learn about all these other things they'll just keep going and going and going but the moment it's no longer important to you or you turn to the side well that's when darkness starts coming over your mind and you don't see anymore go with me please to proverbs why don't many pay attention do you remember not important not important that's why people get mad you know a lot of folks get mad about people like us you know having nice buildings and having nice TV stuff and especially an airplane or something like that they think that's such a way such a waste such a waste because they put no value on the Word of God knowing you know helping somebody this poor would be a good thing but this this they consider it junk people would be better off not hearing it they don't realize they're disrespecting God himself Jesus is the word isn't he he's the word made flesh I know the change in Phyllis in my life came I know exactly when it happened when we got revelation through brother Kenneth Hagins ministry and through brother Kenneth Copeland's ministry about the significance of the Word of God I grew up in church and if you'd asked me to do we respect the Bible I just said oh yeah yeah yeah but it was not your standard for life it was not the final answer for everything and I didn't realize that until I started hearing it and seeing the what these ministers were saying in in proverbs 1 in 7 proverbs 1 in 7 it says the fear of the Lord is what the beginning of knowledge but what else fools do what they despise wisdom and instruction so why don't they pay it why aren't they paid attention to it they despise it when I despise another term is to lightly esteem treat it people hear the word despise they think that you you you hate it well that could be despising but it can despising the thing can be as simple as ignoring it you're treating it like it's nothing but you don't even begin to have the knowledge of God until you show some respect sir by listening which would cause you to see why the world is such a disrespectful place the god of this world is working overtime to get people to be anything but respectful it's not just so you know he can say goody-goody I got you to come down a notch lot more is going on before you will know there is a God who he is what he is what he has said what is real what's not what's true what's not before you'll see any of that the beginning of knowledge that's quite a phrase the beginning of knowing anything huh it's what it's not University because well I've got an extensive education in what in what there's some messed up people behind podiums in classrooms in universities their lives are a disaster and they're bitter and they're lost and darkened oh they can use big words but what does that mean will they have a hardcover book and I got letters after their name may or may not be worth a thing according to the Bible if you believe the Bible the fooled has said in their heart there is no God what makes them a fool not that they're not intelligent what makes them a fool because you don't begin to know anything until you show God some respect you will blunder along in darkness and ignorance and waste your life if you don't show him some respect he will not make you show him respect he will let you blaspheme him he will let you ignore him and have no time for him you short little life all but if you got any wisdom about you if you got any understanding about you you show him respect you come to him you acknowledge that the planet you're standing on is because of him reason you exist is because of him any hope you can have any good thing you can have is because him and show him respect and don't act like you're talking to somebody who's nothing act like you're talking to the creator of the universe hmm I'm not talking about being stuffy in ritualistically dead I'm just talking about showing respect showing honor hmm he is your father but who is he he awesome doesn't begin to tell it what kind of being can do what he has done what kind of being we we have very little idea would you like to know more how does it come come on help me on how's it coming people think they're waiting on God well if he wants me to know anything why don't he show me you just told us you have no respect Carrie listen you talk like that you act like that you act like ain't even real there y'all with me jesus said come learn about me and what's the thing you brought up I am meek he didn't say weak Niq and lowly of heart why when you realize who he is you will be too you plod along talk the way the world talks you know you don't know who he is I don't claim to know much about him but there's a few times I've been in his presence I felt like a pebble at the base of Mount Everest I felt like a water bubble on top of a blue whale and that don't describe it I'm trying for four words one he is so great he is so big he could overwhelm us so easily he could put his face in the sky and everybody had see it from here to China and top to bottom and he could just yell I am and the ones that didn't die from fright would have their nose pasted to the ground and he wouldn't ain't I let's do anything why didn't he do it he didn't want to do it he's not into scaring anybody that's the enemy who wants to put fear in he is light and he is life and he is love and he really does care about you wouldn't you care about somebody you don't want to scare them out of their wit's right you don't want to frighten the breath out of him you you want to have a conversation with him right you want fellowship with him and you can see that's exactly what was going on when he made his man he made his woman what did he do came visited with him talked to fellowship with him until they disrespected him and ignored what he said so should they have paid attention of what he said and listened to the enemy who's lying to him well you and I face that same dilemma every day there's a lion devil and all his cohorts and people that are influenced by him and we live in an ungodly dark cruel blaspheming place where disrespect it's gotten worse last 50 years anybody been around but would agree with me it's God I mean you used to wouldn't heard some things relative to God and Jesus you people would not have said such things but it's become acceptable and commonplace but we must not be conformed to this world when we talked about that last Friday this is what what's the result of not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can what prove and discern know what is that good acceptable perfect will of God people are bumping along don't know that that they think they're so brilliant because they say why are we here the mystical question and the implication is nobody can know the most brilliant minds the simplest child that'll show God some respect can no no you don't have to live in darkness and confusion and it's not just knowledge it's experience the presence of God if you would respect him and love him he will come into you and come on you in such a way Shh people can say the junk they want to say but you know different you don't think different you don't hope different you know you know different I'm in one of the first times I ever experienced his presence in a strong way he's he's everywhere all the time but he's not in manifestation you you you don't detect his presence everywhere the same there's some places you can step off the plane and go man this feels like a God forsaken place it's like God you've been here in centuries he's there what's the problem no respect no faith nobody's yielding to it and then there are other places like our places like your places is that right people pull in the driveway and sense presence of god is that right come in the building since the anointing since the hole is becoming your house that was weak I said come come in your house hmm get in your car why cuz you've been praying in there you've been praising God in their presence of God is in there right thank you Lord but I was a little boy and my grandmother who's in heaven that wonderful woman of God sister Lena pearl more down south we have double name good name back up name case this one network you can use element and sister Lena pearl she was the secretary treasurer and Sunday school teacher at the Pentecostal church at Cherry Chapel for 40-something years 50 years solved like three generations you know anyway we'd like to go to her house because she made outstanding tea cakes and rice pudding and other nice things and was just fun to be around heard my grandpa and we lived we weren't that far from a big portion of our life and and so uh one winter night we were staying over there she gave me a book I was just old enough to start reading good about a man of God actually a man of God she was healed in his meeting and her mother was - my grandmother my and my great-grandmother were healed in his meetings and it was a book about miracles that had happened in his ministry and I don't know how old I was I was I wasn't a teenager I was young and we I she sent me back to the Blue Room to go to bed and it was cold in there but she had a fix for it she piled about eight quilts on top of me you couldn't hardly turn but you were warned you know you could when you breathe you could see your breath up here but but you ain't go freeze when the fire went out it got cold because those old houses had cracks in them and all that kinda stir but anyway I'm sitting up reading this book and I got to a place where this man the Lord told him a certain thing was going to happen and it didn't happen for years but then he was at a certain place and time just like he saw when the Lord showed him and it happened and a boy was raised from the dead and I'm reading this story and this is not fiction now this is an account of the minute and when I got to that point the Holy Spirit got into bed with me just as a boy got into bed with me what do you mean brother kid his presence I sensed his presence and I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry or to shout out loud or be real quiet be still I didn't know what to do I knew this is something I never experienced us like this before little ones are aware of his presence they get old enough to know right from wrong and choose wrong and they lose that awareness but I knew it was him I knew it was him and I praised him and there by myself and up in the Blue Room under all the quilts and worshiped him why would I talk about it now it's very real to me now just like it happened a few days ago why I could have ignored what grandma said I'm a kid right I could have pitched that book somewhere right played going to bed or or whatever she told me this was important I respected her she showed respect for God so I thought this must be important where were you here a few weeks ago brother Doug he's talking about how we need to talk about God in front of our children and our grandchildren if you love God and it's strong enough people are gonna see it and hear it you're not gonna be ashamed to talk about it if you respect God you don't you're not trying to push it down people's throat but you don't hide it either I said you don't hide it either I said you don't hide it either if if anybody ought to be hiding something it's folks hide and evil right they don't believe in God not us hide and God he's real he's right I suppose well everybody has a right to their their religion actually they don't I know people say that politically correct well they're all worshiping the same guy with different names no they are not no Jesus told the Jewish leaders of his day you are of your father the devil the most religious people around there there's two spiritual families in there not three not five nine ten to two there's the family of God there's a family of the devil not my words no people try to be politically correct don't realize they're believing doctrines of demons that's comforting people in their unbelief there's a way that seems right to me and the end of its destruction don't be ashamed of you God I said don't be ashamed of your God it sends the wrong message when you fold and you're I'm sorry I didn't mean to say hallelujah where you could hear it oh I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to catch me prayer no now don't be obnoxious how many stolen fun you can go too far the other way but just be you right and be real and you're not ashamed of what everybody should be doing I know people they they have a problem with that well there everybody has their different beliefs if you believe the Bible you can't believe all that hmm if you're a real Christian a Christian is a Christ in and the Christ said nobody comes to the Father except by me he said if you don't believe I'm the one the one you'll die in your sins now people can sell the stuff they want to say but if you believe the Bible and you don't want to comfort somebody believe in a lie Oh being lost you not to be mean about it but you got what people imagine and you got what it is and God is and he's real hallelujah and his word is true he turneth he is real life after death is real heaven and hell is real I just don't believe in a God who'd have a hell well you're just ignorant you go find out right I just blew you believe all you want to but in a few days you're gonna quit breathing and you gonna find out don't think it's going to be much comfort to go oh I was wrong hmm I know some of this thing's strong but it either is this way or it is not this way and people just believe in whatever they want to believe it's not okay because life after death is real eternity is real heaven and earth heaven and hell is real God and the devil is real it's real what's the beginning we saw that verse look at another verse here proverbs nine and eight still talk about the same thing why don't people pay attention hmm don't see it that's important don't have time for while I'm talking about this are you as glad as I am that you're saved oh mama you and I could be out somewhere tonight lost is that right just as messed up as anybody else might be right it is the mercy of God it is His grace oh thank God we don't claim to have arrived but we lost we're not lost some so will you hope so no I know so we can know so I'm not lost thank you lord oh thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah be kind but don't comfort people in their lives tell people the truth if they want to hear this says reproved not a scorner lest he hate you numerous times in the scriptures it tells not it tells us don't try to talk to people who in their act in certain ways don't try to reprove and correct somebody who's what's a scorned doing there despising there be live there showing disrespect you need to back up why because you just keeps going they're gonna say worse and worse things they're just gonna get in worse shape they're not in a frame of heart and mind to hear time to change the subject time to back off but rebuke a wise man and he will hug your neck why he has enough respect for God to recognize this is what I needed and it comes in truth in love and thank you very much right keep reading give instruction to a wise man he'll use it he'll be yet wiser teach a just man he'll increase in learning and then he says it again the fear of the Lord is the beginning here he says wisdom the other places said knowledge is the beginning of both and the knowledge of the holy is understanding for by me your days will be multiplied and the years of your life shall be increased Oh hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord we're not just talking theoretical things tonight we're not just adding to your knowledge right now right where you are in your chair at this moment you begin to respect and reference God more Yuli immediately begin to experience his presence stronger this is that works the reason there's so many people in the world who think there is no God I have no proof of God to me who is God what is there's no proof of God simply because they have no reverence for him don't believe him in any men are they showing no respect act like they got here on their own Act are making their self breathe they're making their heart beat they're making the world spin around they're making gravity work they're making the galaxy work and and people have been so rebellious about accepting him the reality of him they've created other beliefs like all of this is self generated self where did the universe come come from now they'll go around the world to tell you but the bottom line is it just created itself out of what out of itself from where from itself that's not science that's a belief I said that's a belief that's not science but what it is is a pitiful attempt to eliminate God because if I acknowledge God is real what comes next my responsibility to my Creator he and if you want to be rebellious you don't want to believe that you want to believe there isn't if there's no God there's no right there's no wrong there's no morals it's just whatever you sides you want to believe which is pitiful I'm glad I believe in him do you think this belief is going to be vindicated as centuries go by and as high as life goes by do you believe what you've read in the back of this book if there's going to come a day when he sits on the great throne all beings have come before him hmm thank you lord thank you for knowing you thank you for knowing you thank you for knowing you go with me to mark 7 what's the beginning of knowing anything understanding anything having any what what is the start of it reverence the fear of God reverence respect and yeah the the fear in being on the wrong side of him being without him you don't have to be terrified of him but if you reject him it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God without not knowing him having rejected him thank god you're not gonna find out about that are you me neither respect reference he said those that honor me what will happen but those that despise me shall be lightly esteemed you treat me like nothing he said that's how you're gonna be treated but you show me respect and honor I'm gonna honor you one of the greatest ways he honors us is with his presence huh let's see you having a birthday party and an internationally-known person just comes to your party just shows up did they honor you why because they just showed up didn't have to do a thing they just showed up who's that so-and-so so on so yeah your birthday party yep what's the greatest honor we can have God showing up showing up is that right showing up in our meetings and our praise in our offerings and our messages writing oh thank God thank God thank God when we're saying in our hearts and mind Lord you I worship you he what you were real you were real I worship you he that comes to God must believe that he is and you gotta believe something about his character he's a rewarder of good those that diligently seek Him you you reach up he's gonna reach back he's gonna do something good for you brother all Roberts you know popularized the phrase something good it's gonna happen to you today huh brother Hagin my father in the faith said you know he was contemporary a brother or a minister at the same time and he said he'd go to places and churches and pastors would just be mad about there this guy I wish he'd quit saying it we're saying what what something Goods gonna happen dude yeah how does he know he said well is God good or not yeah yeah what does he want something go ahead well if you cooperate with him why wouldn't something good happen to you today well why would a preacher have a problem with that darkness lack of respect did you find mark mark 7 did you find it can you give me just a couple of more minutes here you give me 2 or 3 I'll take 2 or 3 mm you got time for this we're believing God together mark 7 and 1 they came to they came together to him the Pharisees certain of the scribes which came from Jerusalem of the others these are the most religious people in the area when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled that's their their word which means unwashen hands they found fault for the Pharisees and all the Jews except they washed their hands off eaten at holding the tradition of the elders and when they come from the market except they wash they eat not and many other things there be which they have received to hold as the washing of cups and pots and and brazen vessels and of tables so they were the first Church of washing and their key phrase was cleanliness is next to God I'm joking I'm joking keep going the disciples and scribes asked Jesus they are indignant why because they noticed they didn't wash now when we talk about washing it's not just something water it was a specific one said they washed with a clenched fist and a certain motion and certainly I don't know what it was this is religious ritual it's not about germs and there are no microscopes yet it's about spiritual whatever they think why don't you disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders but they eat bread with unwashen hands this is a major problem now you're laughing but it was it was a major big deal it's like this is unacceptable these people are not of God this ministry is not right quiet because everybody knows if you're of God you do the wash you do the hand wash and you do it when you go and you do when you come back and you do it when you sit down you do when you get up and you do it for the pot you do it for the plate you do the wash and he answered yeah you know maybe they're thinking he's going to say oh sorry sorry we let it slip we forgot we will wash okay he said Isaiah prophesied about you hypocrites it's written remember this first this people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me they talk God God God God but they don't know God and their heart is far from him keep going howbeit in vain do they worship Me teaching for doctrines the what the commandments of men Oh friends this is such a major problem that people are rejecting the Word of God because of ideas they got growing up in church through groups through denominations through other things as preaching the message some years ago and lady came up back to the service and you could tell she was really unhappy she said that's not right that's not right I said what and she said something it was the verse it was a scripture I had just read I said what it why do you Wayne said she said because it's just like the song says I said the what she said you know the song in the hymnal the song and she quoted some unbelieving verse in an unscriptural song and she's rejecting the scriptures we just read now this is not unusual this is not unusual have you ever met anybody that you started tell about the word and they said well no I just believe no respect for the word we need to be ready all the time that when the word contradicts something we believe what happens we change immediately we go well I'm I believe that all of my life but it can't be right look at there and that's what it says if that's what it says that's what it says but millions of church-going people do not do that won't do it you cross one of their traditions they'll get mad they'll fight you when you say well where's the scripture in huh it's the church the church is always the church the church is not God and men are not God he said laying aside the commandment of God you hold the tradition of men verse 9 for well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition why do people not pay attention when the answer is right there why because they think this is more important than the Word of God and they assume it is the Word of God can't find it anywhere but yeah it must be us god yeah yeah one fellow was taking brother Hagin to task about something one time and he said well where's it he said oh you won't find that in there but it's right another fella told him we've gone out beyond that well you're too far out from me brother you've gone on out beyond the Bible that would be laughable if it wasn't so pitiful he said keep reading he said full well you reject the commandment of God that you may keep your own tradition don't you to pray it out loud everybody everybody in Branson everybody on watching all I said out loud like you mean it father god help me not to do that Jesus name help me enough to do that help me to see it sit further say help me to discern between men's ideas religious tradition and your Holy Word and not respect traditions like it's the word and not treat your word like it's ideas of men keep reading verse 10 Moses said honor your father and mother whoever curses father or mother let him die the death but you say they had they changed it if a man shall say to his father our mother it's Corbin means dedicated that's to say a gift a gift to God but whatever you might be profited by me he shall be free he Jesus translated honoring your father and mother as doing things for them financially and materially and they had come up with a way around that to say yeah but everything I have dedicated to God so that don't apply anymore verse the verse 12 you suffer him no more to do out for his father or mother making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition which you've delivered and meaning he said this is just one example many such like things you do friends this is not something that just happened centuries ago how many have been around church and people church people enough to know I'm telling you it's with us all over the place people got their formulas they got their concepts they got their ideas and it's what mama believed and it's what grandma believed and it's what you know our pastors preached and where is that where is the scripture friends I want to challenge you ask questions in yourself don't don't be combative with people but when you hear something do not I don't care who's saying it I don't care if it's me saying it I don't care who's saying it where's the scripture come on help me out I want he said where's the scripture where's the scripture where is it the Lord did this was me the first the first couple of months I went to school at Rhema he knew I needed it still do I was hearing some things I've never heard before I'm learning I'm excited and the Lord said to me in a time of prayer I don't mean an audible voice but it said he said Keith examine everything you believe find it in the word I knew it was him he said everything when you when you realize I believe this okay where is it where's it at so it wasn't that very next day something came up I thought y'all believe that okay where is it that maybe I didn't have time to look it up breath in but I'd write it down and when I got home to the apartment I'd start looking for it this one o month after month and year after year and I see when he said it so much stuff I believed I thought was right some of the things yeah you find it pretty quick you think yep yep that's it that's right and now you're stronger than ever meaning what you believe there were some other things I thought oh yeah yeah yeah that's in the Bible where where's it at I'll look couldn't find it I look well I know it's in there I'm just missing it somewhere after weeks not one found several verses that contradicted it and yet I was sure what was it a tradition of men one thing I heard I heard a preacher preach when I was a boy another thing I heard my granddaddy say he always said it well such and such as such and such don't make it a verse huh doesn't make it a verse help me out where's Claire's the scripture in closing go to 1st Peter 1 in closing I think thank you for being patient 1st Peter 1 verse 18 he said for as much as you know do we know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation that means lifestyle received by what tradition from your father's but you are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot read this in the amplified place verse 18 verse 18 amplified you must know and recognize that you were redeemed from the useless way of living inherited by tradition from your forefathers what what have we been redeemed from not just the curse of the law we've been redeemed from living a wasted life by believing men's ideas about God and that's something we ought to shout about the rest of the year and into the near hmm because there are millions who their religion is taking them away from God and then fights you over some of them to die over it got not one verse to back it up and 20 to contradict it but this is what they believe I believe what I believe you got a right to your beliefs I got a right to my beliefs actually you don't if Jesus is your Lord you don't have a right to just make up what you want to believe you believe what he told you to believe right you believe its word you don't just make up stuff as you go along somebody say I know I've been redeemed from the useless fruitless way of living inherited by tradition from my forefathers how are you redeemed we've been redeemed verse 19 by the precious blood of the Christ the lamb without blemish without spot Oh hallelujah can anybody say I've been delivered have you can you stop and delivered from some junk I've been delivered from bleeding stuff that just boxed me up in bondage and when Phyllis and I first started getting serious about serving the Lord we've been married I don't know two months three months and thank God by the mercy of God we went to a little church and and she got you heard testimony she got filled with the spirit and I didn't and and well we got some friends that were about our age and we would hang out after service and and and they were dyed-in-the-wool their group and denomination and that's all we needed - this is before we found anything about about brother Hagin and brother Copeland or any of that kind of thing and so we'd go to church and then we'd go out afterwards and certain to our house of their house and have sandwiches and we were good friends and as time went on they kept trying to adhere to the rules that were very strict in this group in this denomination and good-hearted guy and a good-hearted woman and they it was pressure to them and and they were coming short of it and and as months went by it wore him down and they decided you know we begin to get some things from the word about faith and being redeemed so we started going to different directions we begin to get free anybody had been set free by the Word of God we begin to get free get free they didn't go with us on it they didn't want to hear cassette tapes of preaching they didn't want to go to a copeland meeting that was contrary to their traditional beliefs and so we after as after a while lost touch eventually they're not like not long after that we left the state and went to brother Hagins ministry in school and all that well what happened within just the next two or three years they eventually quit going to church at all and then their marriage failed and I don't I don't I lost track I don't know what happened but I know it was said it was painful to hear it was painful to watch and I know what happened they could they could they felt like they couldn't live what was they were being told was the way to live and truth they they they did it for a while they thought but it wasn't working and it was just kept getting harder and harder do you know why do you know why because it wasn't it wasn't the Word of God I said it wasn't the Word of God it was men's ideas about being holy it was men's ideas about pleasing God and and they believed if you if you come short of some of it well you had to go get saved again and after months of that and years of that they the enemy convinced them you can't do this and they believed it and so they just quit and then they quit each other I said that's what you've been redeemed from confusion darkness burdens come on we have with me now I'm not saying go out and see how worldly you can be if you love God and you draw closer to him you'll be holy like he's holy but it won't be because you're trying to adhere to somebody's list it's because of your walking with him and he's showing you things come on can you see this set out now thank God thank I stand up on your feet set out let thank God for thank you Lord for redeeming me from worthless traditions thank you thank you thank you thank you for delivering me Oh hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you come on just lift your hands praise Him son I'll just lift your voice give glory to God give thanks unto Him oh we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you we worship you thank you thank you thank you thank you hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 1,080
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: O3YdI0iLFtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 53sec (4553 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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