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hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of the minecraft survival challenges today i am joined with uh by stacy and we are doing the new kitty challenge i always mess that up every time i can't help it okay it's just whatever hello everyone and welcome back to mineclash i am here with grazer hey grazer are you ready to lose i'm ready to be disconnected from you so stacy you want to explain the back story of what is going on here why are we doing this challenge and why is there a white ginormous cat with blue eyes in the background no grazer i something bad happened oh oh no what happens stacey i got a cat i got a cat and this probably isn't news to any of my subscribers because there's probably been like a vlog and a dog craft episode about it by now but uh to grazer subscribers yes i know that my subscribers are the cat fans i have joined the dark side the dark side has been joined by stacy she's finally fulfilled her destiny and got a cat but she didn't purchase it she didn't go to the store yeah so the quick rundown because i'm sure that other people on social media have heard the story i pulled into a grocery store parking lot late at night i almost hit this cat and uh the cat was very very scared of people i got some cat treats from the store and i threw it and i lured the cat closer and closer to me until i was able to grab it and put it in my car with with bystanders who were watching her there was a guy in a car that didn't want to start his car to scare off the cat and he was very very anxious and so i got the cat it didn't put up a fight at all but it was terrified of me uh it took about 25 minutes to get it out of the front seat of my car like it was wedged it wedged itself underneath yeah uh the hood of my car uh and then it moved to underneath the front seat and i had to like keep moving it back and forth and like push it out i i thought the cat would have had a tag it didn't but i guess that that's a normal thing for cats to not have tags i don't have mine wear collars but they have microchips inside so i took it to the vet the next day to see if it had a microchip so we could call its owners it didn't have a microchip it also wasn't neutered it also had an eye injury and it also had worms pretty bad conditions so it wasn't in the greatest condition um and i actually am not even sure since it was at a grocery store it might have just been dropped off there could have been someone didn't want it yeah anything could have happened to the cat all we know now though is that stacy is in possession of i'm in position of a cat i i was gonna put up flyers um but i the owner that it had definitely wasn't a very good owner yeah i would not return and i knew if i put up flyers i might get a lot of calls because it is actually a quite beautiful cat it is a yes a lilac lynx point siamese exactly and i don't know what any of this means no i don't know what that means either i'm a cat person and i've never understood breeds of animals so you're not alone there all i'm cool with is that you have a cat i have a cat i mean so far i'm playing it by ear right like luckily i have you're gonna keep it yet no but like i i have the you know i have like the the space and the time and the financial ability to like get it vaccinated and make sure that it's healthy um and get it everything it needs and so i'm just waiting to introduce it to my dogs and see if i can actually keep it yeah your dogs will will reach the verdict for you let's say you keep it what are you gonna name it oh i'm gonna name it the name that i have in dog craft which is milk toast milk toast milk toast which actually you might think is just milk plus toast yeah milk it's an actual adjective grazer it means timid or shy wait how do you spell it it's like this right no what it's like that what yeah it's an actual word that's french it's an action it's okay and replace it with cut it's an actual word that means timid or shy which is actually quite perfect for this cat cause the cat is timid and shy but it also has milk in it and it's a white cat so it's kind of a cool name so we thought we'd celebrate this occurrence by doing an entire mind about it why why don't you go ahead since you are are very happy about having owned this new cat what do we need to get well i've learned that you have to buy a lot for a cat yeah but i to my understanding they're not as hard to take care of as dogs but i've never owned that it's just different for me i've always owned dogs i've never owned a cat so this is like just the concept of a litter box is just like really weird wait what do you oh yeah you walk a dog yeah you don't watch cats get used to this so okay what you have to get for this challenge is a litter box which is this purple boat didn't didn't really make that one look like a litter box but that's okay uh you have to get litter which is this brown sugar which looks like sugar but don't be fooled it's not sugar it's flips like you have to like gravel you know like litter box litter reminds me of gravity look at how much this guy wants to escape he really does you have to get this adorable this is my favorite texture of the whole challenge this adorable little toy mouse on a string which is actually a carrot on a stick yes uh you also have to get a ball of string which is just a piece of string uh for the cat to play with and then this is a scratching post it looks like a cyan colored wool stair but there's a story behind this grazer there's a story behind this grazer in my world of dog craft i have built a giant uh cat scratching post and it's made out of cyan wool oh there we go that is actually appropriate okay there we go just so we can extend our little time a little bit and what is the last item that we oh yeah the last item is that you actually have to uh tame a white cat and name it milk toast no you're gonna need to get the level you're gonna need to get the fish and you're going to need to get the white cat so once you get the white cat there's no clear indication on where you put it so you just have to have it and that's it you're done it'll it'll be loyal to you and then you push the button so that means you have the fish and it can't be any other color but but white it has to be white because honestly that's exactly what the cat looks like the color yeah exactly with the gray what the cat looks like and also did you say it had to be a specific name or we could name it whatever milk toast oh so you have to name it milk toast so yeah the name's gotta be right and you have to have the white cat so that's the challenge in a nutshell stacy i am the cat person here we always do this dog versus cat stuff i don't know it just doesn't feel right with you owning a cat you know i feel like you're you're like a dog owner so i feel like i should be the credible winner in this channel i feel like i am the one that should take it out on top what do you think no it's milk toast it's not shadow or marley or what's your other cat's name uh see uh shadow marley and max max that's what it was there you go uh no i should win because it's my new kitty do you do you think i should be a cat owner do you think i cut out he would make a great cat owner honestly you would make a great category and i believe that by the time i don't think paige thinks so i think i think in a couple months time you'll be coming to me and saying grades are i'm buying another cat i love cats no i will never get another cat this is a beautiful cat i would have given this cat away in a heartbeat i kept telling the cat like please please bite me please scratch me please make me hate you so that i can just find you a nice loving home but he just he just snuggles you and purrs i'm so cute it's a really affectionate cat are you ready to start stacinator you can count it down because it's your cat i'm nervous i haven't really made a list of items oh by the way we didn't mention that this is birchwood it is birchwood we are right next to a lovely village because we need that carrot for the stick so that is why the village is that you can't take all the carrots no you cannot take all the carrots it's a rule okay and first person that's done it clicks the button wins you ready i am ready on your mark all right count it down get set go no no no no uh here we go so we need okay uh so do we need anything that has to do with the cow i didn't kill it so i don't know i know exactly where the carrots are that they're over some carrots i got carrots already you only need one like you only need one carrot and these are ocelots that got out of the uh the pen by the way so if you see random ocelots traveling about that is what happened before we fix that error enough in there still oh there should be others more than enough now my biggest concern is they might be spawn so if they do respawn uh okay so you name tag them so they probably won't despawn but in the case that they end up escaping some way or another we'll just put more in it's not a big deal first person to get the catwins or first person to get all the items so weird okay what is weird we'll make a crafting table using birchwood oh no i'm not because it's probably gonna be blue isn't it is it oh man that's weird okay so this i'm not doing too bad i may or may not already have the litter box i may or may not already have the litter box and the scratching post i may or may not have the litter box and the nothing else and the uh the uh the litter sorry you already have the litter yeah i've completed my litter journey i think i already have the layer boxes are weird like the cat just knew what to do he was like oh yeah i'm gonna go to the bathroom there i mean if you go into a washroom don't you know what to do like i would assume that you know what to do when you're that's a good point exactly there we go got some litter now we need those oh my gosh i just realized this challenge could be the shortest thing in the world not really we need to wait for it to get night exactly but we could find a cave what am i forgetting i have three of the items oh we need string now are you ready what do you mean making a crafting table with birchwood it's the same thing it's just weird because it's wool oh i mean the crafting table itself is the same though you just have to make it out of wool you get out little kitten the widow kitty got out so stacy's at the spawn which means she is putting something up right now yeah litter litter box wait you know what scratching do they have to be renamed or no i don't think they have to be named perfect awesome oh wow this is uh okay so now i have to get okay so now it's all string it's all string states it's the string game crazy and then the fishing and all that okay let's see what we got down here we need to find spiders other than spiders though do you need a cave for anything where's that is oh yeah that's it honestly i'm gonna just look in the cage then right now oh i almost got so lucky what i found a spawner but it's not a spider it's a zombie spawner can you imagine if i just walked in it's so lucky oh my god oh my gosh there are four name tags in this chest oh my god no string no oh yeah there's always string and dungeon chests i know but that just gave me a thought what's the thought well the thought is i could wait for a spider or i could try to find a mine shaft good plan why did i say that i don't know why you said anything because i don't even thank you why do i talk but no i mean like the chances of finding one is so slim no you did not just kidding okay i was gonna say oh my gosh you scared me a little bit i will not lie okay oh i found a spider though so she found a spider but she's not gonna get stream from it thank you for the string she got string from it she got like two string no string she didn't get lucky what is it did you get it or not you got two strings i've lost i'm gonna have to pull her up oh i don't think i have the blocks to fill her up and i knew you were gonna forget those two okay i can just um i'll just do the yeah i'll just do a pillar and there's a pillar oh i was hoping to just find wait a minute do i need hold on what i don't need to make two fishing rods do i oh you only need one well i have two string then you need one you need one fishing rod you oh my gosh you're closer than i thought to winning yes oh no wait does it need to okay i don't know if it needs to be a full durability fishing i don't know either i feel like it will need to be a full day i think so too to be able to craft because the way a dispenser is made it needs to be a full duration our uh bow for full durability sorry all right uh are you at the surface no okay cool then you don't know if it's night or day uh a bunch of gold i made a clock and it tells me that it's night are you serious you can read those i can never read those clocks but it's daytime it's daytime how could you possibly mix that up oh grazer this kind of looks like night does it does it really stays it really does what gives you that hint now wait a minute i just was going to look for spiders again no stacy make the fishing rod wait oh yeah i forgot you're like i should i should find a spider just in case i'm uh it's not even nighttime yet i'm sure the spider will find me oh it's raining oh yeah the cloud like the sky just went really dark yeah it's raining for sure right so let's do would you like to use your magical genie wish to remove the rain sure i'll use the genie wish all right your wish has been granted the rain is gone here we go all right let's do a little bit of this right now okay i killed a spider and didn't get one piece of string oh hey oh gosh no nothing i just i found a spider and i also found two creepers okay good luck with that let's do this and this perfect and just some more spiders please can we we find the spider spiders coming once coming twice please where are thou one two three to have any more blocks i'm getting i'm getting attacked a lot by these baby zombies by the way good for you baby zombies really zombie why yeah a lot of babies on spiders over there you guys stay there for a minute i'm gonna just do oh bye creeper going down the ravine okay so you're in a ravine uh okay so you're not in a ravine uh come on come on come on but what is that over there come on what have you built over here what have i built where what is this i haven't built anything you made like a pillar and you're standing on it oh yeah hi grace and you're fishing on the pillar and there's a spider over there which i so dearly oh hey no no those are my spiders i was watching no i'm gonna go there were two of them there's one left thank you and i got the string i needed perfect where'd you go i went you got a string hey why because i think it is going to be full durability like you said i'm just guessing well i don't want to be sorry i kind of wanted you to guess it like gamble it i don't know for sure if that's the case okay why are you going back to spawn i was putting stuff back oh okay come here creeps come on fish fish fish fish fish so i'm like last week what the heck oh that's the skeleton i thought i ran into the evil bunny i was getting attacked uh unlike last week we don't have to do that horrifying teleportation experience there's a button this time there is a button all right why are you next to me why not you could have gone anywhere else you're going to compete for my fish yup i see all these sprinkles in the water but none of them are coming no come on do you think that if we put our things up no do you think if we put them close to each other that it limits the ch oh here we go i didn't get it because of you i guess you didn't break a rule you didn't necessarily kill me but daisy sorry grace okay so yours is all the way over there mine's over here come on how many do you think this could be i know i know what way i'm gonna i have a strategy okay i have a stretch okay so what is that strategy i'm not going to tell it why not where oh here you come crazy i can't see my rod i missed it did you get it you didn't get it did you did you get the fish yes i got a fish no way from me no i just i just ran oh i gotta i got that fish from before space it was a puffer fish the one you blocked me out of getting oh it was a puffer let's see if i can if i can tame a white cat with one fish let's see you know what if you're getting that i'm going back too oh my gosh i didn't know you were gonna just do that well i just want to take the risk oh man come up to me come up to me come on come here it's so difficult come on just hold it out be very still kick both my fish can it be a baby yeah it can be a baby all right dang it he took it i'm so glad that there's like a little lake here though makes it easier come on fishy come to papa come to me you don't tell me you like salmon you love salmon oh yeah does it i'm not telling him you mean i'm right next to you i don't care grazer what are you doing right now i'm crafting more oh i don't have another stick go away did you get more fish nope just monitoring what you're doing making sure that you're not up to anything no good there's creepers over there i have more than enough string to make multiple fishing rods what are you doing no yes you didn't get it why didn't i get that this is so is it coming down to this for you too is this the last for both of us well pretty much i mean i have to make the carrot on the stick still oh but you got enough string to cover that right i have enough string but i don't have enough wood oh no i wonder where you're going to get wood from stace well it's just going to take time to go over and get a tree well and i didn't i didn't test the durability thing no stace stace nope creeper creeper's next to me take take him take him creeper what are the variables that go into fishing i don't know that's really unlucky i gave that cat three fish and it didn't do anything i i have one more fish i'm gonna go try see if we can get it you're just gonna keep trying with one fish eventually it'll work right yeah but you might get a black cat or an orange cat i thought yeah the chances are so okay i got two fish now maybe one more for good luck i'm definitely gonna get a different color before i get the white cat i know that i hope so because that's just my bad luck coming in handy what i reeled in too late come on one more one more fish and then i'll go no i can't believe you're on this step too oh i got a puffer fish what you should give that to the cat i'm gonna see what happens let's see here crouch let it come to you no i can't if he's going back i've got to try it with just this one fish you never know no it took two fish are you serious all right buddy you get it right now i'm gonna be pretty cheesed no yes you just took the fish perfect okay i'm gonna do this though come on fishy come on come on oh oh i see it i see it no i reeled in too early oh greaser i'm nervous i really really really want to win this is my cat that i got you won last week give someone else a chance yeah but i got the cat come on come on come on come on cute cat toy on a stick hey welcome to that last spot what have i and i made i want a viewer i didn't even put that what there's a ball of yarn you got it uh you know what i want to do one day i want to look up a video on how fishing works become a pro at it are you really going to do this get away from me grazer that was so act like you're so close let's see no you get it no wait who got it no one got it okay get away from me see here why do you have two creepers over there i don't know they're just kind of chilling there we go if they're in the water their explosive power is so minimal thank you grazer tell me more oh got one uh so salmon did it work or not i'm not telling i saw you it didn't work i was just seeing if you were gonna be honest about it admit it doesn't work or not i didn't see you i didn't see you i was hoping you'd admit it it's a kitty not a bunny go away all right there's got to be some over here that like have already almost been tamed i know do you think that has anything to do with it do you think they reset after a while no i got an orange yes come on fishy fishy come here buddy oh i'm getting every fish i don't want puffer fish no i got a black fish a black fish i mean a black cat oh i was gonna say wait how many fish did you just bring back i got all of those on one try oh i got another orange cat on one try that is so luck unlucky i just had three fish and i got three cats and none of them were one wow i have a normal fish i'm gonna go test the salmon i'm going through then i'm going to this because i got all those fish or all those cats on one try so oh yeah you get them all over here too all right come on cats which one is going to be the chosen one one try yes no yes milk just why no i need another fish i need another fish i need another fish where are they where are they and then how do you spell it it's like milk fish fish you have to spell it right grazer you have to spell it right i'm just gonna look at the chat milk toast perfect milk toast come on fish come on one fish is one fish just one fish and uh unfortunately stacy scratching post yarn cat toy on a stick and where is that's how i remember it's good in french so that's how i knew it yeah so stacy unfortunately it is other cats and now that i have won i feel like i am in charge of the decision on whether you keep the cat and i say you keep the cat oh i guess it's okay that you won since you are the cat master yeah congratulations i'm graser proud of you i hope that you're proud of his days i just gave you a nice meal all fine and dandy for your new cat have a nice taste of it it'll be great it'll be an amazing thank you for time hey jamali love you oh poor stacey go rescue a cat oh that's a new one
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 952,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, MIlquetoast, Mineclash, Stacyplays
Id: iL8l3wtjKjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2015
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