Pawn Stars: TOUGH NEGOTIATION for RARE Civil War Revolver (Season 6) | History

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hello hey you're back back let me guess you have  a gun you want to sell you're right rob's a gun   guy he comes in the shop a lot and he always  has some sort of interesting firearm to sell   all right what do we got this time what  i've got is a savage navy 36 caliber okay um   savage navy that is one ugly gun no that's  not an ugly gun rick that's a navy gun and   it's pretty to me this is because it has something  to do with the damn navy that'll work i came to   the pawn shop today to try to sell my savage  navy revolver from the civil war it's extremely   unusual design i keep coming back here because  hey they keep buying my guns what am i to do   yeah this is really cool i've never actually seen  one of these things in person i've never even had   one in the store they started making these in like  1862 1861 they're making them right the height   of the war as long as they can make it different  they could make it and sell it and the government   would buy it because the government would buy any  gun at this point well like any entrepreneur if   there's money to be made they found a way to make  it yeah that's the gun that resulted so basically   [ __ ] it with your middle finger and then fire  with your index finger the thought was that was   a good mechanism because you could fire them a  little quicker i really don't see the advantage   more of a pain in the ass than it's worth i  mean it's it's heavy it's awkward feeling it   just wants to tilt down one of the goofiest  designs that's why i love it these two fools   don't know what they're talking about anything  to do with the u.s navy is high class so i'm   assuming you want to sell this like the rest of  them that's what i'm looking to do that's right   i don't know how important this screw is  right here there's just too much too many   questions i have about this thing let me  call someone in let them look at it um   and get an idea what i can pay for it yes that's  all right you bet all right i'll be right back you   bet i can understand him bringing in an expert  he doesn't know how much i know and how much of   mine is just smoke so he needs to bring someone  in to make sure he knows what he's getting greg   how's it going man greetings pawn shop brokers how  are you today yeah the guys call me down when they   get an antique firearm that they want to know uh  more about they want me to evaluate its condition   a value estimation that sort of thing this is what  i would call a proto-double action it's one of the   first uh double action revolvers and the concept  was that you could shoot a lot more quickly   in reality not so much the gun was very complex  so there was plenty of room for mechanical error   and failure not very popular they sold about  11 000 out of the 20 000 made to the government   the rest went to the civilian market why  because the gun sucked so this is civilian   it's definitely not a government-issued weapon  the interesting follow on though is that the   civilians often transported them south uh and they  became used by the confederacy as well and for   that reason it's a neat collectible the savage  navy is an interesting firearm because it's a   technology that while it led to the double action  revolver the idea did not work very well it looks   all there i mean um there isn't any major damage  to it besides the finish more or less being gone   there's a screw missing on the bottom yup you're  right i know what your next question is yeah how   much is it worth yeah um you know the good  news is it's not restored in any way shape   or form uh you know usually when you get a gun  that's in this type of condition someone will   have made an attempt to restore it you know it's  going to be a civilian model and that's going to   be the primary driving force behind its price of  course condition being the other driving force so   i would say uh in its condition as it  sits the gun's probably worth retail   eighteen hundred to two thousand dollars okay  thanks man thank you take care a bad idea means   they don't make very many and that's one of the  ingredients for something being very collectible   if you've got a civil war collection you have to  have one of these guns eight hundred dollars rick   uh no no that's not gonna happen no i'm thinking  more like 12.50 though i really am uh uh what uh   you know i was hoping to get about 1800  for the gun okay i think we're gonna   i think you do a little better they're  really hard to find i i know they're a   hard gun to find but they sit around  a long time it's a weird gun so 16.50   i'll go 1300 bucks 15.75 i go 1300 bucks 15.50  1300 bucks i mean i can't do 300. sure you can't   no i can't 14 and a half that's really the best  i can do i'll go 1350. 1400 and i'll do that and   we'll shake hands and i'll walk away and you know  i'm going to come back with some more cool stuff yeah i'll do 1400 all right i'll do 1400.  touchdown okay you got to us again now that i got   hundred dollars i'm just gonna find  another gun and do it all over again you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 683,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars season 6, Pawn stars s6, pawn stars se6, Cool As Ike, RARE Civil War Revolver, Say It Aint So
Id: v3Nrju6fHD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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