Counting Cars: Full Restored 1957 T-Bird is Ready to Roll (S6, E10) | Full Episode

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<i> - On this episode of "Counting Cars"...</i> - DeLorean? - Oh! Wow! - A flux capacitor! - Look at the mass amount of wiring back here. - This is an insane amount of work. This thing's sweet. - That's a fresh build. - Yeah, it was one of those things I offered to Danny. - How much is it now? - Out of respect for your boss I'm gonna leave that alone. - Some Torq Thrust with the street slicks on there, it'd get the ass down a little bit and raise the front end up a little bit. - That's the disappointed look of, "You're not listening and you're talking too much and you should shut up." <i> - Vegas is a gambling town.</i> <i> Most people bet with chips.</i> <i> I bet with rides...</i> <i> Look at this.</i> <i> And I always go all in.</i> <i> Wow. What would you take for this?</i> [tires squealing] <i> I'm Danny, aka The Count,</i> <i> and this is my all-star team.</i> <i> We find 'em...</i> <i> - Where's the rest of the car at?</i> <i> - Fix 'em, flip 'em,</i> <i> and sometimes I keep 'em.</i> <i> This thing is sick.</i> [laughs] <i> I want this car.</i> <i> For my crew, every job's high stakes,</i> <i> and we can't afford to lose.</i> <i> This is "Counting Cars."</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - What's up, brother? How you doing? - I'm great, how are you? - Good, good. - I have Jim and his brother Ty here. - What's happening, Jim? How are you? Ty? Nice to meet you guys. <i> Kevin just called.</i> Said he's got a couple of clients who have a really cool project they want to talk about. Kevin sounds pretty excited about it and he doesn't get excited about much, so if he's into it, it's bound to at least be interesting. - These guys have a '57 T-Bird and they want to restore it for their father. - Already love it. - Yeah, and it's the E-- - E-code. - Yeah. - They call 'em E-Birds. That was like, the factory high-performance version. That's a really rare thing. It makes this car that much more valuable. - They want to re-do it. - Yes. - And they want to keep it all original-- - Perfect. - And then surprise their father. - Dude, first off, gentlemen, that's extremely cool that you guys are doing this for your dad. What's the background on this car? - I've been hearing about this car since I was about five years old. <i> Uh, it's a family car.</i> <i> It was owned I believe by my dad's father's cousin,</i> <i> and they bought it original in '57</i> <i> and actually was able to buy it from still family.</i> - Really? So this car's been in the family since new? - Right. - This is something my dad has wanted to have done. He's wanted to re-build it himself and he's been talking about it for a lot of years, so this is, uh, this is going to be something real cool for him. - Is your dad gonna have any clue of where is this car? Because, I mean, it's gonna take some time. - He's in Alaska right now and gon' be up there for a while, so we just used that and said, "Here we go." - What kind of shape is she in? - It's pretty rough. We--we pulled it out of a pasture for him, so it's been sitting in the pasture for a few years. - [laughs] Oh, boy. Yay. [laughter] - I know. I worry because of the rust. - Well, it's gon-- it's bound to have some if it's been sitting in a pasture, number one, number two it's a convertible car, so they just--even if it has the top up on it, it--they take on water. - Yeah. - Hide--hide the story from him as long as you can and we will do our best to try to get 'er done in as timely a manner as we can with a car like this. - Gonna be a challenge but I think we can do it. - I love it. Well, I got my challenge. You guys got your challenge. - Yep, yep. - Let's get this ball rolling. - All right. - You know man, even though our name is Count's Kustoms, there's nothing like doing a proper nut and bolt restoration on a true American classic. <i> But I tell you what,</i> it could be a potential challenge and possibly a total rust bucket, and I won't know until the car gets here, but I'm really hoping that this project goes super smooth, 'cause I cannot wait to surprise their dad with a beautiful ride. I dig it. I dig it. - All right. Do your thing. Thank you guys. - Thank you, Danny. - I'll see you guys later. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - Just go straight to the end of the street. - You got that right. Straight. - Man, I got this. - I know. <i> Dumb luck got you this far, man.</i> - That's right. I'm the best at dumb luck. -<i> Danny's really been pushing usto try</i> and bring in more interesting products to the shop, so Mike and I are gonna circle back around to a guy named Brent. <i> He actually had one of the last Pintos, I think,</i> that didn't have the exploding gas tank, so I went ahead and bought it. Now he says his buddy down the street has way crazier stuff than he does, and we're gonna see if we can't pick some stuff up for the shop. - This is the DeLorean? Oh, wow. He's got a stock one. - Oh, no, not really. - Oh, it's not stock? - The front one's electric. - Holy-- - 100%. 100% electric. - Oh, wow. - That's a lot of batteries. - That's only half of them. - That's crazy. - How fast she go? - 130. - That's impressive for an electric car. - Very. - Yeah, that really smokes yours. I mean, really smokes yours. That's almost twice as fast. - We're not comparing electric cars at this point, so shut up. - But enough of that one, man. This thing is cool. - I mean, don't get me wrong. That's cool. But that one looks like it's right out of the movie. - This one came out of a junkyard. - Wow. - Mr. Fusion on it. <i> - The DMC-12 or DeLorean as most people knowit</i> <i> was manufactured for the American market in 1981.</i> <i> While the release was plagued from the start,</i> <i> the DeLorean became engrained in American culture</i> <i> thanks to its role as the time-traveling ride</i> <i> in the "Back to the Future" movies.</i> <i> Its appearance in the '80s trilogy</i> <i> forever secured its place in history,</i> <i> unlike Ford's Edsel, Yugo Unique,</i> <i> cars that didn't have classic films</i> <i> to preserve their legacies.</i> <i> The car conjures up such nostalgia today</i> <i> that the DeLorean Motor Company plans on releasing replicas</i> <i> in early 2017.</i> <i> The going price? Nearly $100,000.</i> <i> Not too bad for a car that's been out of production</i> <i> for almost 35 years.</i> - Rick, can I look-- can I open the door, man? - Yes, please. Open the door. - Best part. This is the best part. This is insane amount of work. - This one came out of a junkyard. - This guy Brent is some kind of a car collector mad scientist all rolled into one, <i> so I ended up buying a pinto off of Brent for $200.</i> <i> And now we're at his buddy's house</i> <i> to see some more crazy cars.</i> <i> Maybe we can pick something up for the shop.</i> <i> One of these DeLoreans</i> <i> runs completely off of yacht batteries.</i> The other one wouldn't surprise me one bit if it actually runs off of the flux capacitor and garbage. <i> ♪</i> ♪ Rick, can I look-- can I open the door, man? - Yes, please. Open the door. - Best part. This is the best part. - I'm still confused why they don't make cars like that, though. 'Cause that's just too much fun. - The flux capacitor. - Look at the mass amount of wiring back here. - This is insane amount of work. - Took us a total of eight years, you know, after work. <i> Guaranteed there's not one like this.</i> - Look, I look pretty normal against you guys. - There's a lot of strange projects around here. <i> - This is awesome, Rick.</i> <i> Thanks for showing us this.</i> <i> Man, these cars are nuts,</i> but I really think they're a little too far outside Count Kustom's realm. <i> I think if I rolled back to the shop</i> with these two cars in tow, Danny would send me back in time to figure out where I lost my brain. Wow. - Once again, thank you. - That's so cool. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - So how's it going on that damn bike? - The same way it goes every time it comes back. It's an aggravation. - Hey, Ryan, what's going on? Figured I would just jump in. Since Mike was talking, I know it was nothing important. [laughter] Got a car coming in. - What do you got? - The car's not here yet. - Okay. - Customer sent me photos. This--it's actually a really cool story. This--this gentleman and his family are surprising the father. This is the father's car. It's been in storage forever. - That is somebody's surprise? - Yeah. 1957 T-Bird. - My kids aren't that nice, man. What the-- - [laughs] - It's--I want to see. - Really cool ride. - I've been dying to do one of these things. The--rear--radius, the rear wheel well? Some Torq Thrust with the street slicks on there, get the ass down a little bit, raise the front end up a little bit? Do, like, a show bar. You know, kind of like a street-- - All right, let me help you out some. That look--that's the disappointed look of, "You're not listening, and you're talking too much and you should shut the [bleep] up." - Bro, I would love to see a car just-- just like you described-- I would love it. Not this one. This one's too valuable. This is a challenge. When you customize a car, you've got leeways. You come up to an obstacle somewhere along the customization-- - Cut it, chop it. - There's no rules. Got to chop it, change it, flake it, panel it, whatever you want to do. It's a valuable car, and the fact that it's all original and numbers matching makes it only all the more valuable so to do this car justice, to do the family's investment justice, and even though it's a surprise for the father, I guarantee you he's gonna want to see it like it came out of the factory in 1957. - Like he remembers it. - So, yeah, man, that's the story on it. - That's a lot of work right there. - What's left of the floor? - Mm- hmm. - These are the worst pictures, right? - That's all I have. - That did not sound good. - That's all I have. Ryan, thank you very much. Mike. - Thanks for the lesson. - Just so hard for me to say thank you to you. I just don't know why. It gets caught. Now, I know this isn't the kind of creative project that we're used to doing, but sometimes you have to get creative to make sure that you do a car exactly like it was when it came out of the factory. <i> I know it's not gonna be easy.</i> Just finding the right parts is gonna be a challenge, but when this baby is done and gorgeous and their father gets to lay his eyes on his T-Bird, <i> this will be all worth it.</i> - Here, you ponder on those. I'll get back to painting. That really doesn't require me at all. <i> [rock music]</i> <i> ♪</i> ♪ - What's up, Kevin Mack? - Hey, fellas. -<i> This T-bird finally came in</i> <i> and the guys have been cranking on her non-stop.</i> Everything seems to be going pretty smooth, but Kevin said that they hit a bit of a roadblock. I don't know exactly what that is, but I know it can't be good. - Just had some questions for you on this '57 T-Bird that we're doing. - Yes. What a beautiful car. - Yeah, and so they want it all original. - Absolutely. - And all these parts are just done. - Oh, dude, it's just rotted. Dude, it's just corroded all to pieces, dude. That's toast. - The steering wheel's in here and it's bad. Got the radiator that's bad. - Oh, boy. - Yeah. - And this they can't use? The intake manifold? Bro. - Yeah. - The intake manifold, this is, like, one of the most crucial pieces. - If it's that bad there, it's way worse everywhere else. That's everything though. - Yeah, I mean, you know, being an E-code Thunderbird, the E-Bird, came factory with the dual quad setup. - Right. - And this is the intake manifold for a '57 T-Bird 312 dual quad. - But that doesn't affect the numbers matching part of this, right, if we replace it? - No, because--because the numbers we're talking engine block matching to the car. - Okay. - And this is basically--you could call it an accessory or a part on the engine, but the problem is, uh, these are kind of some rare parts, especially this intake manifold. - Yeah, who should we call, or who do you know who can help us with this stuff? - You know what, man, for something bizarre like this, my first call'd be Big Ryan. Big Ryan out in Boulder. But it's not gonna affect the numbers or the value or anything like that. It's really about the engine block itself. - Okay. - To make sure that that stays with the car in that space. - And I hope that's okay. Nobody said anything about it. - I mean, it would be tragic to have to change the block. - Okay. - It would be tragic. - Also, if we change the block then it's not really an E-Bird anymore and we could do, you know, the gas or the rear wheel wells and we can do the lettering down the side and straight axle the front in, put the roll bar in. - Call Big Ryan. Just call Big Ryan. Stop it. Just stop it. Call Big Ryan. - We can have--I mean-- - It might be shot. - No, no, it ain't. It ain't. Just call Big Ryan. Man, if we don't find these rare parts for this T-Bird we're gonna run into all kinds of problems. <i> As much as I know Ryan would like to turn this vehicle</i> into his personal project, I know that our clients would not like that, so I'm praying that Big Ryan has the parts we need <i> and he comes through for us.</i> - My fingers are crossed that the motor's shot. We have fun with this car. <i> ♪</i> ♪ - I go two streets or one? - One. Two. - Is this two? - Here, make right. <i> Park right here.</i> Mike and I are headed out to pick up some rare parts for the '57 T-Bird from Big Ryan. <i> Hopefully I can keep Mike from getting sidetracked.</i> There's still a ton of work to be done on this T-Bird and I'm talking about every nut and bolt, every inch of wire. Done. Knock on the door. - Is this Ryan's? - I don't know. 1950 Chevy Deluxe. <i> If you actually knew cars, you would know that.</i> - Yeah. Where's the doorbell? Here's the doorbell. - Don't beat on it like that. You beat on Big Ryan's door nice and soft. [tapping] - What's goin' on, fellas? - What's goin' on, brother? - What's goin' down? - Good to see you. - Good to see you. - 'Sup, man? - We're here to pick up some parts for an E-Bird. The intake and a water pump housing. - Screw the parts, though. Whose is that? - What about the '50? - This yours? - That's my buddy Terry's. - This thing's sweet. - This thing is like Mr. Clean. - I just finished it. - Really? It's a fresh build. - It's borderline frame-on because it was completely apart. - Yeah. <i> - But he did a beautiful, beautiful job.</i> <i> - Yeah.</i> <i> When the 1950 Chevy Deluxe rolled off the production line,</i> <i> it commanded respect.</i> <i> The car was sleek and stylish</i> <i> and covered with beautiful stainless trim</i> <i> along the sides and the fenders.</i> <i> Even a fresh face grill.</i> <i> Top it off, the deluxe lettering on the front finish.</i> <i> But the car didn't just have the looks.</i> <i> It was also innovative.</i> <i> It was the first model that Chevy debuted</i> <i> their new Powerglide transmission.</i> <i> The first automatic ever offered in a low-price car,</i> <i> and with the looks and options like this,</i> <i> it's no wonder Chevy out-sold the competition this year</i> <i> and was named America's top-selling manufacturer.</i> - This is too pretty for me. - Yeah, it's way too nice for me too. - I feel uncomfortable. <i> - She took the 216 out.</i> <i> It's got a fresh 235 dual carbed split manifold,</i> dual exhaust, tires, wheels, tranny, radiator, interior paint--you want to know the funniest thing about this? This car--this car I showed your employer. - Danny? - And you don't even want to know what he could have had it for. - Is it still for sale right now? - You didn't even say how much it was in the beginning, what he offered it to Danny for. - Out of respect for your boss I'm gonna leave that alone, but uh-- - How much is it now? - 25 grand. - All right, before I lose my mind, let's get those parts, man. - You got it. You got it. Give me a minute, man. Let me get 'em out of the shop. - Oh. 25,000 for this. I would have loved to get my hands on that '50 Deluxe. That thing was perfect as is. 25 grand may sound like a lot of money, but I know he's got more into it than that. <i> Danny rarely passes up a good deal,</i> so apparently he thought there was more work into it than there really was. Regardless, time to get what we came here for <i> and get back to that E-Bird.</i> - All right. - Nice. - Once again his favors are answered, man. - Cool. - Bro, these, extremely rare. Very rare. - Impossible to replace? - I don't know about impossible, but extremely difficult, so you might want to hold it from the bottom. - There you go. - Hug 'em. Hug 'em. - All right? <i> - Jim and his brother Ty decided</i> <i> to do something really cool for their dad.</i> <i> They got a 1957 Thunderbird that's been in the family</i> <i> since new.</i> <i> Their dad hasn't been able to restore it</i> <i> the way he's wanted to,</i> <i> so they brought it to us</i> <i> and we took this baby completely apart</i> <i> and restored it to perfection down to every last nut and bolt</i> <i> just like the factory.</i> <i> And Big Ryan, he came through for us big time,</i> <i> finding that rare intake manifold</i> <i> that keeps this car that way-cool E-Bird.</i> <i> Talk about saving us big time.</i> <i> Well, the car is done</i> <i> and today we're going to give Jim and Ty's dad Herschel</i> <i> the surprise of his life.</i> <i> He thinks he's here getting a special VIP tour</i> <i> of Count's Kustoms</i> <i> and that there's some local news crew here</i> <i> covering that event as well.</i> <i> He has no idea, man,</i> <i> that at the end of this tour</i> <i> he's going to see this gorgeous T-Bird that's actually his.</i> Being car guys, do you guys have cars? Do you guys do-- - Well, I do. - What do you got? - '57 T-Bird. - Oh, seriously? - Yeah. Dude, I just finished mine. You'll dig that. It's around the corner. You'll like that. This is something I'm really proud of. '71 Cadillac El Dorado convertible but it is a real genuine Dunham Superfly Coach. Most of them owned by pimps. [laughter] You guys got to see inside of this thing. Hey, Ryan, what's up? Ryan, this is Herschel. - Nice to meet you, Herschel. - Ty. - Ty, nice to meet you, Ty. - And Jim. Good. Herschel, you said you got a T-Bird, so you'll probably know some of the things about this car. You got a '57. Tell me about it. - It was actually my, uh, my dad's cousin's car. - Really? - Family car? - Yeah. Hopefully one day it'll look like this. - Well, it's a challenge, I can tell you. Uh, there's a lot of unusual parts on these cars. Like, almost every piece and part, it's not like they cross-referenced a lot of the other Fords. She was a real challenge. What kind of shape is yours in? - One to ten? - One. - Is it white? - It used to be. [laughter] - What is it now? - It's got a little rust on it. - I'm kind of smelling that the car probably is not a one or a two or a three, it's probably a straight-up ten. - Straight ten. - Yeah, I mean, the bottom line is, I've been lying to you the whole time. This is your car, Herschel. Your family is a beautiful, beautiful group of people. - I like your family. - That's your car. - I wish I had family like that. - You can drive it now. - [sniffles] - You're not mad? - We're not messing with you. - I always have to say, no joke, this is your ride. <i> I tell you, when this little bird finally got to us</i> <i> she was in worse shape than I thought</i> <i> and had some of the worst rust problems I've seen in a while,</i> <i> but I've got to say, our team completely blew me away</i> <i> and left no detail untouched.</i> <i> Now because this baby is a numbers-matching car,</i> <i> it was important that we kept</i> <i> that same original engine block,</i> <i> so we got her all cleaned up, re-built, re-wired,</i> <i> kept the runner on that same beautiful engine</i> <i> that's kept her alive since 1957.</i> <i> And Paulie worked his magic on her interior,</i> <i> restoring her to look like she just came</i> <i> off the showroom floor.</i> <i> Finally, Ryan finished her off with a fresh new paint job</i> <i> that'll make anyone stop and look twice.</i> - I think she's a ten. - I think it's a 12. - I think you're right, bro. We went nuts. Uh, we really did. It happens to be a two-top car, so it's got the convertible top tucked away behind the seat and the removable hard top which is a great option. Look at the interior of this thing, and under the hood, every nut and bolt was re-done on this car. All the wiring, every little bit is exactly as it was. This whole car is just awesome, you know? Just let 'em shut. Hop on in, man. Try her on. Duck! - Yeah. - [laughs] They're low. - I was a lot younger the last time that I started one. [engine turns over] Wow. Wow. Gosh. Sweet. - Purrs like a kitten. - Yeah, and the clock works. [laughter] - How did you notice that? <i> - Man, seeing that look on Herschel's face</i> <i> when he found out that this beautiful little T-Bird was his</i> <i> made the project all worthwhile.</i> Tell you what, man, it made me so happy that we could make Herschel and his family's day. But pretending that this T-Bird was mine got me thinking that I might need one of these in my collection. I better get on that. Ryan, why don't we head out the front door, my man? - Works for me. - All right. - So we'll have to get 'er out and get her ready to ship her to Texas. - Yeah.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 174,184
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Counting Cars, Counting Cars clips, Counting Cars full episodes, cars, counts kustoms, car restoration, auto restoration, customized cars, classic cars, counting cars danny, danny koker, All Charged Up, season 9, episode 8, 1959 Harley Davidson Panhead Chopper, watch counting cars, counting cars full episodes, counting cars episodes, counting cars scenes, counting cars clips, counting cars episode clips, custom
Id: bvrZd05IEHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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