Pawn Stars: TOP 5 DANGEROUS GUNS (Season 6) | History

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hey how you doing man good i've got uh this winchester rifle that i'm looking to sell looks like a pea shooter to me man i came to the pawn shop today to sell my winchester rifle from the 1800s i'd like to set up just to help out my grandmother i'd like somewhere in the 3000 range so you're not from around here no a little further south okay so where'd you get this at man it's actually been passed down from generation to generation this has wound up in my hands i'm looking to sell it and get some money for it so what can you tell me about it man it's from the late 1800s that's what i've been told anyway it doesn't surprise me i mean that's kind of when these octagon barrels and stuff are really popular okay i mean one of the cool things about winchester is they're an american company at one point we're probably one of the greatest gun makers in the world right like uh they've got a huge huge history one of the most important things about winchester is this mechanism right here okay they can get however many shots off and a rifle as opposed to the whole dropping the ball down there packing it up you could actually shoot a shot at a guy and by the time he was able to load up his musket you could shoot it five or six times sure winchester is a huge name in firearms the winchester repeater is known as the gun that won the west it played a huge role in the hands of western settlers now this particular gun on the other hand isn't a repeating rifle this was a single shot you'd load the bullet in there close it up shoot the gun kick it back out throw another one in so it's kind of an earlier stage gun but it's still way faster than the old muskets okay um it's a 22 long caliber which is really small i mean it's one of the smallest bullets they make and it's made by winchester there's just tons of people out there that love them and have to have them it's great so i mean generally it's a pretty easy sale okay that's good any idea what you're looking to get out of it 2500 bucks all right i got a few concerns man i don't know how old it is i really have no idea what something like this was worth if you don't mind man let me grab my dad real quick and see if he knows anything more sure hey pops come here real quick i'm not too worried at all if someone's expertise is on the rifle and i'm a better chance of possibly getting more money out of it then that's great come look at this gun for me 22 caliber winchester what do you know about it um sometimes corey calls me over for a little help especially with guns i've tried teaching him but just goes in one ear and out the other down right there is a model 1885 winchester it was designed by john browning he designed the best hunting rifles in the world the first large machine guns the united states army had he designed well odd thing about him this is a million guns named after him but he was never successful in making guns john browning had over a hundred different gun patents but most of his designs were actually manufactured by different gun companies even though brownie designed this 22 it was built by winchester so what's up i mean it's a 22. it's such a small caliber i mean what are you going to hunt with it or kill with it it's not really a hunting caliber what this is made for is target shooting when you're competition shooting and you're practicing all day long there's two things you want a really accurate gun and really cheap ammo how accurate was it with a good shooter and good ammo you could shoot quarters at 50 yards wow are you sure man yeah this particular rifle extremely accurate gun the really super rare thing about this is it has an octagon barrel okay it was more money so hardly anyone bought them like that which makes it a lot rarer and a lot more collectible okay cool and it's in really really good condition i mean it's still the original stock the original butt plates the blueing's really really good i mean it's just in really good shape old is it they're easy to date it's a low five digit serial number so early 1890s how much is it worth um [Music] three or four thousand dollars we can get out of it well all right nice talking to you yeah thanks all right you guys figure it out make sure we make money i love winchester rifles this one's in great shape so i hope corey makes the right decision so you heard what he said i mean what do you think you want for it i'm looking for 2 500 for it i'll go a thousand man your father's just said that it's worth three or four thousand dollars i'm sure you can do better than that you know as far as i'm concerned with winchester's people want the bigger calibers they want the guns that wyatt are abused 1500 if you wanted me okay i'll take it all right dude jump all right i'm glad my dad was around to look at this gun because i wouldn't have guessed it was worth so much now i'm dying to take it out and fire it to see if it's really as accurate as he says it is at 50 yards this gun is just as accurate if not more accurate than your ar-15s and everything else really i'm telling you i can put it within the size of a half dollar anywhere on that target all right pops you've been talking all day like you're annie oakley so i brought an old man coin see if you can hit it we sell those for 60 bucks yeah and i know you're not gonna hit it so that's the point if you do i'll pay for it all right fine i hope you got 60 bucks cash on you plus tax come on rick three shots if you win i'll even buy you lunch but if you miss you're buying me lunch i'm fine with that go put the coin out there [Music] to be able to hit a half dollar at 50 yards that's stuff people do in movies there's no way my dad could do it i mean it isn't like this guy's out practicing with a gun every day dead center no problem i don't think you're going to be able to hit it pops not from this far away i don't know i just got to sight it in that's all i got to really do strike one all right i'm just getting dialed in i'll get it this time oh strike two i kind of feel bad for you right now pops you can't hit with your cool gun watch this [Laughter] i don't believe it damn it you got lucky there there was no luck involved whatsoever 60 bucks and i like mexican i don't got any money on me you just said you'd buy me lunch if i hit it well today sometimes i can't stand these kids i know i'm not gonna get the 60 bucks for corey and chum's never gonna buy me lunch what do we got here i got an old steven shotgun three triggers it's been in the family for about 60 years i travel around the country with my line of work and i've been toting the shotgun around for the last 15 years what do you do for a living i'm an insurance adjuster sounds like you should have a briefcase not a shotgun i came to the pawn shop today to see what kind of money i can get out of my rare three-trigger 12-gauge shotgun i hope today i get a check for a hundred thousand dollars one thing that i think is really cool about the shotgun is because of the third trigger here's the one that opens up the breach okay so instead of the little lever on the side they use that okay and i believe it was made for somebody special that's all hand engraved right there oh absolutely stevens they made good rifles they made excellent shotguns we get steven's guns in here every now and again but this three trigger model shotgun is something you only hear about it's rumored wyatt earp had one it's definitely badass how old is this shotgun i would put that at about 150 years old it's in really good shape what you have here is you got a barrel that's made out of damascus steel i mean damascus steel comes from damascus syria and there's a few things with the steel there that just made it better you can see kind of like the wavy lines in the barrel pretty much what they would do is they would take wire wrap it around a solid piece of steel and heat it up and hammer it till it became one solid piece of steel real expensive process at the time the best steel in the world so do you have any idea what you're looking to get out of it 100 000 are we just shooting in the dark there nobody's ever seen one before i've never seen a three trigger shotgun in all my life for all i know the thing could be worth tens of thousands on the flip side of that coin it could be worth absolutely nothing would you mind if i called a buddy of mine down to have him take a look at it that'd be fantastic all right man appreciate it i really want this thing but when you're dealing with a gun that's this old lots of things can affect value and the last thing i want to do is make an offer and find that i'm way off jefferson how you doing man hey big holes how's it going going good i've been a gun appraiser for approximately 16 years and specialize in antique firearms particularly western firearms like colts and winchesters well corey i have to say this is one of the rarest shotguns that i've ever seen i've only seen maybe four or five in about 16 years of doing this and most of them they're unengraved it's all on the frame and also on the trigger guard very nice scroll engraving i mean i kind of figured that to engrave it and make it look that good i'm assuming you had to be kind of a wealthy guy to own it back then well reasonably wealthy i think people back then appreciated firearms more than they do now in a way because they were a sense of livelihood this shotgun was used for hunting primarily it does capture your attention with the three triggers other than having the front trigger unlatch the barrels it's pretty much a standard hammer shotgun they were very good quality for that period this gun's seen a lot of wear a lot of use this might be a repair you can see where the grain doesn't quite match so it might be a little splice right here you can see the butt is really worn like it's been used quite a bit it does have pitting on the barrels this gun would classify to me in fair condition well hold on there how would you rate that because not being in excellent condition it's 150 years old how many have you seen yeah it doesn't matter sir you know in the gun trade it has to be in really really mint condition i think there's a misconception out there that rarity is always worth money most of the time it needs to be old and in excellent condition i just don't know what it's worth that's to be expected it's unusual most people wouldn't know what it's worth this gun and the condition that it's in now would be worth about seven to a thousand dollars how much 700 to a thousand dollars there's no way if it were in much better condition it would be worth a lot more money how much more if it were in really nice shape maybe two to three thousand and i'm saying that maybe jamison thanks for coming in thanks a lot sir i don't think he will get a better price if he sells it to anyone who knows firearms they're not going to give me much more than that for it if you're going to hold me to make you an offer i'm going to offer you around 500 bucks there's no way i've done turned down 2 500. i honestly would like 10 000 if i were you i would chase down the guy that offered to 2 500 and shake him down for i think maybe the three trigger thing it might have just not been practical which could have been why they stopped making the three trigger models uh so you want the 500 bucks no i can't take the 500. it's worth more than that just to show the people my friends when they come to visit you know man it's been in your family this long you might as well treat it for another 60 years i'm going to continue doing my research in my own heart i know it's worth more money how can i help you well what i've got is a late 1700s tap action over under flintlock four-barrel pistol that's a mouthful yeah it was wasn't it i came to the pawn shop today to try to sell my four-barrel pistol my uncle had it and then he gave it to my father who then gave it to me i really don't know how much the gun is worth but i'm hoping that they can shed some light for me it is neat the reason i think this gun is so cool is because of all the engraving that is done on it on the sides here it says r clark the other side has got london so it was manufactured in london okay and i don't know what number 102 means that was probably the gun makers serial number he put on it he might have made a few hundred of these and this was number 102. i i don't know and each barrel is clearly numbered one two three four well let's shoot all four barrels at the same time i mean it could shoot four at a time it was designed though you'd pull the hammer back which is broken and this right here should be spring-loaded you can make it a two-shot pistol when it's like this you only have the two holes for the barrels exposed okay so when you shoot it just these top two barrels would go off and then you could black this back down [Music] turn this and now there's that extra powder you had hidden away in there right [ __ ] the hammer back and shoot it again now the bottom two barrels would go off so it was one of the original multi shotguns uh maybe you actually shoot it twice i got you for the 1700s this was a pretty high-tech gun but this is some of my problems with it okay um you're missing the top half of this bolt that would normally hold the flat right and we have the spring is broken there's a piece of spring steel that holds that down it's in rough shape what'd you want to do with it i want to sell it okay and how much did you want for it i don't know because i don't know the value of that gun at all you know um i'm thinking it's probably worth probably five six hundred bucks okay but it could be a lot more okay i would like to get an estimate on how much it would be to fix it to make it actually functional because if it's functional people are going to want to buy it it'll make it worth more money right okay okay so let me call a buddy of mine in here get a little bit better idea on the gun and then i'll give you a price okay thank you even though it's beat up i'm still interested because it's an unusual and cool old gun jemison how you doing how's it going corey always good rick how's thanks what do you got today um an old four-barreled pistol by some dude named clark well that's about sums it up the guys usually call me down here for antique weapons everything for world war ii prior to that pretty much is what i do i've been in the antique gun business for about 16 years and i can tell you that you do not see many of these come up and it is by our clark you know clark was in business with his son from 1790 to 1820 and because it doesn't say our clark and son i suspect it means it was probably done before his son was in the business and right around that time period uh the english guns were the best in the world right that's correct and i would say a day somewhere to 1785 to 1790 you know during the 17th 18th centuries everybody wanted some kind of weapon you know to defend themselves with and they wanted something that would be ready to shoot if they got robbed so the barrels would have been loaded prior to putting onto the gun so that they would be actually ready to shoot four barrel lint locks are very rare at the time it was the top type of gun that was made gave you a backup if you missed the first one and hopefully keep you from being robbed it has the maker's name on the side here and this side has his address on it which is 102 cheap side london so that's not a cereal no no no that's not a serial number it's a matter of advertising you know if you made a fancy gun or a really nice gun they would know where to go okay do you have any idea what that would cost back in 1780 probably paid three or four pounds for it back okay back then it was a pound in england was literally a pound of silver really that's a lot of money nowadays yeah okay okay rick what are your concerns about this weapon what's it worth and it would it be worth it to get it fixed this gun has obviously seen better days the upper half of the [ __ ] is missing which makes it unoperable and it's supposed to be spring loaded so that when the flint strikes it it goes back in its original position so that is an issue i've seen guns like this in really nice condition go for three to five thousand dollars in the case but this gun and the condition it's in i'd say it's worth about 700 to a thousand dollars if you're lucky [Music] and to spend the money to have a rebuilt wouldn't bring back that money in any form okay well thanks for coming in you're the best thanks yeah this gun did not have collector condition there were parts missing parts replaced so it's not the kind of gun a collector would pursue so how much would you be willing to pay for it okay i mean the problem is it's a non-operable gun it's just not worth fixing it it's what i originally thought i'd give you 500 bucks for it um but it's it's a pretty gun though it's a pretty gun but it's also pretty beat up and i mean it doesn't work 600 what do you think how many old english guns have we bought over the years and how many do we have in the case now i don't have any right now i mean they all sell eventually right all right 600 bucks deal okay all right come with me let's do some paperwork i was hoping i'd get more but you know 600 i can live with how can i help you i've got a rifle i'd like to show you this is a rifle that was involved in the hatfield mccoy feud you're talking about the hatfield mcgregor we have phil mccoy feud one in the history books really yes whoa i came to the pawn shop today to try and sell my winchester rifle it was involved in the hatfield mccoy feud i'd like to sell the rifle to help my son with a down payment on a house i'd be asking 19 000 today and the least i would take is 12 000. where did you get this thing this was passed down from my great grandfather to my dad to myself cap hatfield the owner of this gun was running across the land being chased by the mccoys horse went lame my great-grandfather traded the gun for a fresh horse that's cool literally i mean it's like one of the most famous feuds in american history i mean they've made movies about it it's been in television series it's just just about everything the hatfields and mccoys lived right along the west virginia kentucky border and fought against each other during the civil war while no one knows exactly how the feud got started we do know a lot of people got killed what's that right there this is the provenance on this gun okay this is from my grandfather notarized with the kentucky notary and signed by uh your grandfather yes so you're saying this belong to cap hatfield cap hatfield yep devil lance's second eldest son now devil ants hatfield he was the ringleader he was in charge of let's go get some mccoy's cap was definitely involved in the feud he actually killed some of the mccoys and some of the other people cap hatfield killed seven people and hence we have the notches on the barrel really yes okay or it could just be a coincidence that there's seven marks on the barrel there a 92 winchester is pretty rare and just two years later they came out with a winchester 94 which most people consider like the best lever action they ever invented if this gun was really part of the hatfield mccoy feud it could be worth a ton of money i'll probably have to hire some extra security to keep collectors from mobbing this place just to get at it so i really hope we can authenticate it to confirm it's legit this is in rough rough shape the action's broken the hammer's supposed to stay back obviously there was a whittling contest of some sort we've got grind marks right here all the bluing's gone yeah it's patina there's no doubt about it so what do you want to do with it well i'm considering selling it if the price is right and how much were you looking to get out of it 19 grand um if the story is true you're talking some good money here let me have someone come down and take a look at it okay all right i feel it's a good idea that we bring in a second opinion i think it would help verify some of the information we're trying to prove hey craig how's it going man rick how you been all right this is what i called you about a rifle supposedly belonging to one of the hatfields from the hatfields and mccoys may i go right ahead all right the guys call me down here when they have a question about a firearm or military antique that has the potential to be historically significant so you're familiar with the hatfield mccoy feud right absolutely i understand he started over a pig and then just sort of escalated from there i don't think the pig story's true i heard civil war feud there were a lot of theories some of these guys didn't even know why they were shooting each other they just knew that's a mccoy i gotta shoot him the hatfield mccoy feud started after the civil war and went through the 1890s some say it continued beyond that no one really knows so mark tell me how you got this gun it was passed down through my family from my great-grandfather cap hatfield was being chased across his land his horse went lame my great-grandfather traded his lame horse for the gun and uh has been in the family ever since rick what are your concerns do you think it's legit the letters got the serial number one three four six three seven and we have one three four six three seven this is a real 1892 winchester all right i don't see a lot wrong with it other than it's in fairly rough condition to be kind um is the proper dance enough for you rick the provenance is good but it's not a hundred percent if it went to 100 you'd be talking big money so what do you think what i'm looking at here is a gamble listen al capone's pistol just sold at auction for a hundred thousand dollars okay and i will tell you the provenance was not quite as good as this but the reason it's a big gamble is because stand alone the rifle's worth a thousand dollars 1500 bucks i mean just take this away for a moment yeah okay if you are into the gamble the risk and reward in other words if you buy the story you have potential for a lot of reward because if it checks out and the provenance improves for example maybe you're getting lucky enough and find cap hatfield you know posing with the gun it could be worth 20 30 000 bucks okay but say you pay five grand for it if it doesn't check out you're out four grand because this is about a thousand dollar rifle he wants 19 000 for it would you pay that no i would not what would you pay for it [Music] if i was a gambling man with the story as it sits do i think it's worth five to ten thousand [Music] yes okay again it depends on whether i want to gamble that's what it comes down to all right well thanks man rick it's really hard to say how much do you value the story it's a very subjective question it's worth more than a winchester model 1892 that you'd find at a gun show how much more that's the big question so i guess the question now is are you a gambling man when the odds are in my favor that's what i'm a gambling man okay you know in this business your reputation is everything sure no reputation i don't have a business so i'm not gonna risk it i appreciate you looking at it all right have a nice day we weren't able to make a deal today so i think we'll just keep the gun in the family for now and we'll work on some more documentation see if there's something out there we've missed potentially with a museum or going back to the uh through the family archives a little further hey how's it going good i've got this colt patterson that i'm interested in selling i think this might be a prototype that's really really cool i came to the pawn shop today to try to sell my colt patterson prototype i'd like to buy a house closer to my son who lives in california i would hope to get somewhere and then close to a hundred thousand dollars where did you get this the auction company had this on the internet and when they were advertising it they called it a colt built model and from the picture it just didn't look like a belt model because of the location of these two screws in the center of the frame which tells me that it maybe was not one of the guns that was a production model an actual colt prototype would be a big deal this is the gun that started it all this was the first reliable revolver for hundreds of years they were trying to make multi-shot guns but the problem was they were terrible there was the pepper boxes it was five or six barrels and you had to hand rotate them after every shot which by the sixth shot the entire thing was like blazing hot and if you touched it you would burn your hand and they just never got the design right until this came along samuel colt is one of the biggest names and guns his multiple shot revolver first got big with the texas rangers they used them to conquer the last remaining sections of the wild west i mean it's a neat design it was made to just fit in your pocket without getting hung up that's why the uh trigger tucked in and once you pulled it back you're ready to go i can tell you what it's got very little use on it generally these things were beat to death i've never seen a colt patterson prototype before this would be like a holy grail item for gun collectors how much did you pay for it about four thousand dollars okay um my big concern is it's not real the wear pattern right here should be just as bad as it is over here i think it's a prototype because of the position of those screws if it's a prototype it could be worth anywhere between 50 and 100 000 let me get someone down here to take a look at this thing okay i'm really anxious to see what he can tell me about the gun hopefully it is a good one uh we'll find out hey rick jameson how's it going all right here you might have a colt patterson there um maybe but this guy right here is absolutely convinced it's a prototype okay i'm an antique firearms appraiser and i appraised firearms that were made before 1898. well there's probably no gun company in the world is more recognizable than samuel colt basically he made his fame by developing the colt revolver yeah cope had a factory in patterson new jersey and basically that's where these guns were made and that's why they're called a patterson you know sam cole was one of the people that helped create the idea that every family every person should have a gun for self-defense i'm sure you don't see these that often what are your main concerns about it my big concern is the wear on this pistol is completely wrong but i know if it's a genuine prototype it could be worth some ridiculous money that's correct let me take this book out here and let's make some comparison now this book is the patterson colt book it's written by arnold wilson this is the definitive book on cole patterson's let's just lay that gun down there and make some observations look at the angle of the back strap here on this gun and look at the angle here this is much more severe the lug on this barrel is much bigger than the one here you lay it on look where the lug comes out on this now if you look at all the models in this book none of them look like this to me it still looks like it's a prototype because of the position of those screws um this screw right here appears to be a modern screw you know all these screws back then were handmade so is it real in my opinion it's not real everybody has those pipe dreams of finding something that's one of a kind in the bushes so to speak but that's pretty much a myth i would have loved for this thing to be real let me give you 50 000 for it but unfortunately it's not gonna happen today thanks okay well of course i'm disappointed i wish it was the real thing i was telling myself continually don't get over enthused about it it may be a fake you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,147,998
Rating: 4.8348475 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, gun, guns, antique guns, dangerous guns, weapons, weapon, firearm
Id: eYjcqNL5FH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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