Pawn Stars: TOP 5 PIRATE TREASURES | History

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hey how's it going what do we have here it's a little rifle i picked up in a state sale what is it a musket it's a musketoon does it play a song [Music] [Laughter] i'm coming down to the pawn shop today to try and sell my muskatoon that i picked up in an estate sale it's just something that i haven't really seen before i paid 200 for it just hoping maybe i'll get a big payday okay it definitely looks cool do you know anything about it looks like it maybe from london i really don't know any history of it at all these were really popular in the 1700s especially with the english navy they're a really effective weapon when they boarded a ship i mean look how many pieces of glass or nails could shoot out the end of this thing it was made for clearing decks so heavy you know that it saw metal it would make an incredibly good club like this and that's what they used for it one shot turn it around start beating people with it a musketoon is just what it sounds like a shorter higher caliber musket they were designed for maximum damage at short range as you can expect pirates loved them there's definitely a few problems with it the spring that holds down the frisom is missing and we have a busted stock here the whole lock mechanism looks in a rough shape do you think it's old um i think it is but then again they fake things and put them in rough shape so they can resell them antique gun collectors love rare weapons but there's a lot i don't know about it i need to know if it's real and i need to know how this condition affects its value i wish there was a way i could prove these cracks actually happened in battle that would really raise the price so did you want to pawn this sell it i want to sell it my problem is i just don't know enough about this thing to even make you an offer at the moment okay so if you don't mind i'd like to make a phone call get someone down here have them check it out and we can go from there sure okay all right let me give him a call great thanks well i think it's cool he's called an expert in that way we really know what i have if it's just a reproduction or a fake or if it's the real thing right how you been right how are you this is what i called you about oh cool my name is sean rich i own tortuga trading and i specialize in antique arms and armor this is pretty good looking blunderbuss that's a blunderbuster not a muskatoon the muskatoons were the earlier forms of the blunderbuss you know as time went on they got more refined they use these things for almost any practical application they would use them for ship-to-ship combat but more importantly as a personal defense weapon on the coaches wealthy people always traveled in a coach not on a horseback so they needed guns like this for protection how old is the gun i would say this would date to about 1750. sweet what's really nice is the side plate because it depicts a panoply of arms that's very ornate this was made for somebody wealthy okay there are some issues i want to point out though the restoration process on this would be very difficult for this reason the wood has started to warp okay so it's now bowing out so to try to put this back is going to be very very difficult okay the hammer is a replacement of the period it's not the original no the average gunsmith is going to have a very difficult time trying to restore this gun sometimes these parts have to be handmade in the same way that they were made back in the day okay so with all that what's it worth as is it's worth probably a thousand to maybe 1500. thanks sean absolutely okay pleasure to meet you all right take care um what are you looking to get out of it well i'm thinking 12.50 think again how about a thousand no because i'm probably gonna sell it for a thousand i'll give you 600 bucks 750. i don't like things like this walking out the door but any more than seven i'm gonna let it walk [Music] okay that's more than i got in it so all right chummy you want to write them up yeah let's do this meet you over there okay we settled on 700 so i'm walking away with 500 bucks profit so i i'm loving it hey fellas what do we have here i have a four or 500 year old pirates chefs this could be johnny depp's [Laughter] i would like to sell his chest today because i have absolutely no room in my house for it i think it could be four or five hundred years old if it's in very good condition and maybe worth a ton of money damn it's big [Laughter] where'd you get this i got it from a friend of mine down on the gulf coast pirates was in that area extensively [Music] there's probably been pirates for as long as there's been ships and famous pirates like john lafitte did operate along the gulf coast of the united states at one time that said the whole idea of a pirate's chest is sort of a myth there basically isn't such thing as a pirate chest there's a sea chest okay i guess it could be a pirate's chest if a pirate owned it okay but there's no real way to tell that this is wood you can open this up with a hammer right okay so it wouldn't be something for treasure well it could be off a pirate's boat because it's got this little hidden compartment down here it has several secret compartments well that's where they kept all our duty that's cool have you searched those secret compartments for gold yes and unfortunately i found none way back in the day there was no banks there was no safety deposit boxes so it doesn't surprise me but it does make it neater i don't know exactly what it's for i mean usually a chest is for traveling what are you looking to do with it well i've got to get rid of this thing because we've got to make some room how much you looking to get at least a couple of grand i know someone will probably know how old this is and where it's from do you mind if i give him a call and get him down here oh please do every once in a while i get a seat chest in the store but i've never seen one quite like this before so i want to get it checked out before i make an offer do you have any idea what you think this is well i know it's an old chest it's alphabet and it could be four or five hundred years old okay in the 18th and 19th century you were on a ship you didn't have closets so you would have a sea chest a sea chest normally is wider at the base because it needs to sit flat on the deck and not move around as the deck is moving they are made out of wood and brass because iron rusts you know that's not a good thing to have on board ship one of the things you have here is a lot of iron strapping that's not normal for a sea chest oh yeah oh and the secret compartments this is all real typical of this kind of chest but [Music] it's not a sea chest these were used in homes and this comes from india those leaf-shaped latches are very typical of dowry chests and so they would come as part of a marriage the wife would have all of her goods in here the secret compartments you'd have jewelry that sort of thing kept in this thing's probably at least 400 years old though right no no no the manufacturing style is is what you would have seen in the 19th century you know it's a hundred to maybe 130 or 40 years old well this year is almost half as old as i said it was there you go all right thanks mark i would have loved for this to have been a 400 year old sea chest but an indian dowry chest still pretty cool it makes a great decorative piece and people will love the secret compartments you know i told you two grand you know uh half the age half the price grand first off a sea chest is much cooler than a dowry chest how about 400 bucks uh give me 500 i'll walk away smiling we'll all be happy done to you how about i give you 450 and you walk away with a grin 500 big smile all right 500 bucks deal all right write them up jump i'm walking out of here today with a big smile on my face because i got 500 bucks and i don't have to lug this big thing all the way back home so awesome earlier a guy brought in a black powder peg-leg gun that he says is from the early 1800s corey thinks it's some kind of movie prom but i'm hoping it's legit so i brought in my buddy alex to help me out with this thing i mean i'm looking at this thing and frankly i'm stumped we have the swiss army knife of pirate legs i mean intrigues is an understatement let me see this thing so this is a peg leg with a gun in it wow look at this thing i have never seen anything like a peg leg with a flintlock in it ever this thing is insane so want me to tell you if i think this is real yeah i just can't see this being a viable option for somebody all right well here's what i know the lock got the crown gr for king george king george died in 1820 so that's period for sure but that cloth on there is yeah that's a machine stitch all the way across huh ah man this is tough so is it real well i don't think it's a movie prop i think it's much too sophisticated for it i mean it looks like it would function nice right nice sweet here's the thing this barrel is rifled so if i was gonna make a movie prop why would i bother putting a rifle barrel in it rifling is a twist that's grooved into the inside of the barrel and what it does is it takes a pistol ball and it spins it sort of like a football spins on a spiral and goes straighter so if you're gonna make a movie prop why use a rifle barrel just use an old piece of pipe what would happen is if this was a british officer's leg and he was injured in battle you're out to see for months maybe the ship's carpenter made this and they used recycled materials from products that they had on the ship wow these are um pipes for the ramrod in a brown bass musket it's kind of an ingenious design because you know if you had a pant on and the bottom of your pant came down to the ankle you have no idea that there was a pistol in there so if you're in the middle of a battle you need only bring up your leg that far and boom awesome right awesome boom you just pull this little lever and the pistol discharges so he wants 15 grand for it i can't answer that yet you know i got to research it and if it fires that'll help the value a lot can you meet us at the range in the morning sure all right i'll see you tomorrow guys see you tomorrow take care guys if alex wants to shoot it at the range i think that will do nothing but help the value go up i'm all for it so rather shooting range to see if it actually fires and if this thing is legit i really want to buy it what do we strap this to to shoot it his leg it's sort of like shooting like a handheld rocket it's kind of big and cumbersome but let's see if it works all right i chose some targets some cantaloupes because this is a close range weapon there's no way to aim this you just sort of point in the general direction and pull the lever and hope for the best blow it up the leg i'm being conservative with this gun because i don't want an accident to happen i'm using a little bit of powder and a smaller ball little pressure less of an accident lots of pressure big accidents so i'm going little all right here we go you ready all right yes went right through it it fires yes now i've done my job and it's between rick and the self does anyone else want to fire it sure i'll shoot it nice you don't want to shoot it no not at all why not a little some sweaty pirate leg was in there and i'm just not into it so i'll let you go ahead and do it all right rick all right all right ready here we go i got a flesh food i got a flesh it fires it's legit i want to get it for the right price i really want this thing it is really cool it's one of those things i put in the shop people want to take pictures next to it what do you think it's worth well there's no other peg-leg gun out there to compare it to but it really works and it has an ingenious design so what crazy collector out there wouldn't want this i would say probably somewhere in the [Music] 12 to 15 000 range awesome it's pretty amazing rick i've never seen something like this well thanks man i appreciate it welcome good luck dennis i appreciate it thank you very much so what would you take for it i'm looking at 15. no no no there's no money to be made come back at me eight grand ten we go nine this is a thing that looks great in the showcase i think i might might be able to find some crazy guy to give me a lot of money for it but it's going to sit around for a long time call it nine and a half split the difference 9 500 it's one of the coolest things i've ever wrote rick and corey were laughing when i first came in here i'm the one that's laughing now with a pocket full of money as i hop on my one leg out of here it's one of the weirdest things we ever bought well i know it's weird but that's why it's so great i mean i'm just telling you if you're 12 years old would you think that was the coolest thing in the world no a call just came in from a guy selling a boat it sounded cool but no one else was around so i just decided to go check it out myself uh plus you had a boat it is a boat does it float no it is a float i thought a boat floats this boat floats in parades i'm confused shiver me timbers call the guys down at the pawn shop today to check out my street legal pirate ship i own a company and we specialize in making these boats for bachelor parties parades and rallies i'd like to sell it today because we'd like to start our next bigger one i'm asking 250 000 once come on aboard all right what do you think it's pretty sweet can you show me all the features i'll show them to you we've got those black pipes they pump out all the fog you could ever want it's got the front stage you come down the stairs you got center stage we've got a wet bar here then we go to the top right up here we've got lasers that come out of there that paint the whole floor green and red we got a big screen tv on the back that films the entertainment whatever's happening in the boat so the people behind you can enjoy what's happening well that might be dangerous if i was on here partying very well might be dangerous i believe that is this legal to drive on the street absolutely it's got license registration inspected it'll go 60 miles an hour down the highway we took a one-ton gmc chassis from a chevy truck took the body off put a steel substructure underneath it and we covered the whole thing with 100 african mahogany it's got a 350 chevy carbureted motor pushing about 300 horsepower all right you think i can take a picture and send it to my boss absolutely [Music] a pirate ship you can actually drive 60 miles an hour on the highway this is awesome let's take it for a spin while i'm waiting for him to reply back you got it brother let's go chum's phone just keeps on going straight to voicemail i'm sure it's all right dude here i'll text him don't buy the float send there everything will be fine don't worry i'm sure he's not going to buy it he doesn't have any money on him but he's an idiot whoa i'm on a boat sup ladies i feel like captain of a ship right now it's a good look for you i can't wait to show this to everyone if i can make a deal rick will think i'm the man pretty awesome right on you like it i do uh what are you trying to get for it 250 thousand dollars 240. i'm thinking you can rent this boat out for a couple grand a night i mean it's a gold mine i'm pretty sure rick will want it i can give you a hundred thousand bucks man my bottom dollar's 190 190 000. that's giving it away 190 000 is giving it away giving it away [Music] um i don't think my boss would let me spin that much that's it yeah i'm sorry man i had a good time though it was fun well i'm glad you had a good time but i'm driving you all over this place and why don't you call your boss i could do that let's see well he might want to do it it looks like he texts me already do not buy the float that was rick my boss he said not to buy the float in a text message huh that's it yeah i'm gonna have to pass my last bull whatever oh sorry man i can't believe rick didn't want this pirate ship if it was up to me i would have bought it we've never had anything in the shop like it before so what do we got here well this is my antique chest you get it off the pirate ship or something i wish [Music] coming into pawn shop today to try to sell my antique chest i'm looking to sell this chest because we're redecorating and it doesn't match anything i paid two thousand dollars for it i'm hoping to at least get maybe double my money so do you know anything about it not really to me it looks like it came from a ship or a stagecoach i think this is what they call the bullion chess where they transported gold and silver they were extremely heavy so people couldn't run off with them and they were locked very well where people couldn't break into them okay i can tell it's old it's hand wrought iron it's uh hand-hammered rivets i mean and the rivets are wrought iron they're not steel the moment i saw this chest i started drooling i've never seen anything like it it is super unique was there anything inside it i haven't been able to open it have you had a locksmith look at it cause you got a key right here yeah i had a couple try to open it but nobody was successful did you try and shoot it open no comment because it's got a little hole here and a big hole in the back of it i'll be honest with you i'm intrigued i want to know what's inside that damn chest i mean i mean especially if you paid that much money you wouldn't want to put a crowbar on it no way i'd really like to know what's in it before i made you an offer to be honest i'd like to know what's in it before i sell it before we negotiate we have to know what's inside because if there's an important coin or document it could make it worth a lot more money i have one guy i think can get into this let's give him a call let's see if i can get him up here and we'll go from there we'll go from there that's all i can tell you sounds fine to me i've been in this business for many years but i don't think i've ever had anything come in here that could be as valuable as this chest but it depends on what's inside oh man this is the chest yeah this is it man i'm an expert in antique arms and armor and i've been collecting since i was 10 and i've been dealing professionally for over 20 years so what are your concerns um yeah i just need to get it open and you can tell me how old it is and what it's worth and maybe we can make a deal i just we're baffled we're in a fog right now normally when someone brings in an object we know what they have in this case we have no idea because we don't know what's inside the chest and none of us want to start throwing out numbers until we know it definitely predates the 20th century this is not even 18th century this would be early 17th century even late 16th century this was the typical form for the strong boxes because they didn't have a banking system back then this is a real treasure chest this ascussion plate on the front was to deter a would-be thief to try to break into this but this was false completely false just as a kind of a a fooling technique and i can also tell just by the patina that this wasn't a recent bullet hole okay it may not have been from the 17th century or the 16th century but it's definitely you know a musket ball hole not only is this thing real but the hole was made by a musket ball and that's the kind of thing collectors dream about um you know your mind kind of goes crazy wondering how that got there you know was there a guy that was trying to break into this thing did he pull out his flintlock pistol and shoot it out of frustration you know were they traveling with this treasure chest and maybe being chased by highwaymen i don't know but i mean the mystery is there so you think you can open it well now granted that this is a working key and i'm hoping that it is chances are i'm going to be able to get it open but there's only one way to find out sean thinks he can open this thing let's see if he's as good as he says this key is going to operate a very intricate mechanism that's contained within the lid of this chest i'm not going through the front this is the brilliant part and how they made this and came up with this idea back then is just mind-boggling this is actually where the key goes and this is a little hidden by a spring the key would go into the top okay now this may or may not work because you need a lot of strength to open these things okay lift up it's empty [Music] yeah no like pirate scrolls or anything well not what i was hoping for a little disappointing i know everybody was let down you know once we opened this thing and there was nothing in it but you know the chest itself still is very very valuable it's very rare and the fact that this is in wonderful condition hasn't been cleaned hasn't been restored it's still a very valuable item well if you can see the mechanics of this one key turns and moves all these locking bolts that lock it underneath this lip the technology in this box was so far ahead of its time the designer had one key motion to affect eight bolts i mean it's just it's mind-boggling watch your fingers [Music] so how much is this thing worth 50 60 bucks um there's not a lot of these out there you know how many still exist i don't know in an auction setting uh anywhere from say seven to twelve thousand is conservative and the fact that it's got a bullet hole in it you know that kind of adds to the flavor realistic street value i would say anywhere from five to seven thousand is realistic well thanks for coming in sean absolutely any time hell i'm tired of supposed to footing around with this chest it's time to negotiate okay what do you want for it i understand that could get as much as seven maybe five or six and we can negotiate that um i'd give you like four grand for it 4 000 cash go a long way my friend i don't disagree with that and i really don't want to bring that back home well if you don't want to bring it back home i'll give you three thousand i'll bring it back home for three i refuse to go higher than four thousand dollars the street value on this thing is five thousand dollars and that doesn't leave a lot of room for profit i like i said i just really wanted i just want to cut to the chase and that's what i can give you for it if 4 000 is a firm offer firm offer all right we have a deal all right let's go up here we're gonna do some paperwork honestly i'm really happy with the deal the chest is amazing and i got it for a really good price now i just gotta go put some gold in it you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,406,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars, Pawn Stars clips, Pawn Stars full episodes, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, TOP 5 PIRATE TREASURES, pirate, treasure, pirate ship, compilation
Id: jJFcLrBJ90g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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